Government Info Department

This department was updated

on February 6, 2025.

Brief Background Info

About ABC of Health

     ABC's of Health, Inc. is a South Carolina Corporation, doing business as ABC of HealthWe were established in April 1986 by Lonnie Willoughby, Jr., as founder and president.  (Lonnie Will-o-bee). 

     An introduction to our company was presented in the Home Department of this website Lonnie (Lon) has spent thousands of hours reviewing many natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational books, healthcare research information, with discovery of natural healthcare and wellness concepts, with extensive study and evaluation of natural healthcare and wellness concepts, and with development of vital advanced level natural healthcare and wellness concepts that can be taught to selected American adult natural-born citizens

     At this point in time, Lon is a skilled alternative health and complementary health natural healthcare concepts consultant, nutrition consultant, healthy lifestyle consultant, classroom healthcare concepts educator, and now a natural healthcare and wellness concepts educator on the Internet, using multiple websites that he personally developed for this very important educational objective.  

   This department will present vital education about government information that includes education about political issues that are very important for responsible patriotic-minded American adult citizens who qualify as "qualified visitors."   

Topic 1

Important Political Issues

Educational information about

Socialism and Communism 

     Is Socialism and/or Communism a serious threat to our American political systems today (in years 2022 - 2024)? 

     Many American voters would probably answer that question with a quick NO!!!  Most American voters likely believe that Socialist, Marxist, and Communist infiltrator political manipulator agents in America do not present a serious threat to our established "democratic" political systems because none of the major news media outlets have expressed any concern about these political issues.

     Many millions of American voters depend upon the major news media outlets to inform them about such political threats, and they have not heard any news about the Socialist and/or Marxist and/or Communist infiltrator political manipulator agents in America being a serious threat to our political systems, either at the national level (U.S. Congress, federal government departments, or federal government services, etc.) or becoming a dangerous threat in any state's political system.  

     Consequently, from the major news media coverage, it appears that the Socialist, Marxist, and Communist infiltrator political manipulator agents operating within American must not be a serious threat to our republic  "democratic" style political systems - at the federal level or at any of the state level political systems. 

     Is that how you feel about these political issues? 

     The BIG PROBLEM with that common opinion is the fact that most American voters have not been informed adequately about these very important political issues

     Most voters do not realize that the major news media outlets are not free to tell the American public the frightening truth about those important political issues

     The frightening truth about this situation is that the major news media outlets are tightly controlled by their super-wealthy "effective owners" about some very important issues, and Socialism and Marxist and Communism actions in America, and their political effects in America, and in many other industrialized countries, are tightly controlled "managed news subjects". 

     Pause and consider these issues responsibly and seriously for a few moments.  Have you heard or seen any news about these very important political issues during the past several years from any major news media outlet?  The answer to that question is an emphatic NO! 

     Does that mean that the Socialist, Marxist, and  Communist infiltrator activists in the United States of America are not a dangerous threat to our American political systems (national level systems and/or state level systems)? 

     Or does that "lack of news information situation" simply demonstrate and illustrate well how tightly those very important political subjects are controlled (Spiked news media issues are simply not published for public viewing in America and many other countries.)    

     Why is this true?  Because "very powerful economic and political forcesgained dominant control over the major news media outlets in America many years ago. 

     That news media outlet control is a very important strategy and tactic of Socialistic and Marxist and Communistic style "people controlthat has been active throughout America for more than 50+ years.

+ + +  IMPORTANT NOTICE  + + +

Most News Media is Controlled

      If you want to review some very important education about how the major news media outlet control works in Americago to the book department at www dot Amazon dot com and search for the DVD titled "Shadows of Liberty."

DVD - Shadows of Liberty

Major New Media Controls

     The regular format DVD sells for $9.99.  This DVD can be rented in the Kindle digital format for only $2.99. 

     The regular format DVD that Lon purchased contains two video programs - a 90 minutes program and a condensed 50 minutes program. 

     The 50 minutes program is suitable for use in most high school classrooms.  The longer 90 minutes program would be too long for use with high school students whose classroom time is only about 50 minutes per class.

     Both DVD movie programs show that about 90 percent of the major news media outlets in the USA are controlled by five big for-profit conglomerates.  

    That very serious situation enabled a news media monopoly where those five major news media outlets can be controlled tightly, regarding any selected news subject that they choose to manage and control.

    Does the major news media outlet's "control situation" surprise you?  Think back about the major news media outlet's news programs that you have personally seen during the past 1 to 20 years (or even more years). 

    Have you been informed (educated) about the very harmful and dangerous political changes that have been occurring in the United States of America as a result of the Socialist and Communist infiltrator political agent manipulators that have been working fanatically (relentlessly) to gain more political control in our American republic "democratic" political systems? 

    No, you have not been informed about those dangerous Socialist and Marxist and Communist political infiltrator activist actions by any major news media outlet (ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, Fox News, etc.) 

    They all likely know about those dangerous Socialist and Marxist and  Communist political infiltrator activist actions, but they are controlled by their super wealthy effective owners behind the scenes.  

    Consequently, American voters will not be informed responsibly by the major news media outlets about dangerous Socialist, Marxist, or Communist infiltrator political activist actions

     Lon and Janie Willoughby began learning about these news media control situations during the 1970's - after  they voluntarily joined a non-profit national educational organization that educates its members about very important government and political issues

     Lon will introduce some vital government and political issues in this Government Info Department that he believes responsible patriotic-minded American adults need to review.  However, remember that this private educational website is only authorized for review by "qualified visitors" - due to the very dangerous "competitive reasons" that have already been explained at this website.

J. Edgar Hoover

Director of the FBI

      J. Edgar Hoover, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for 40+ years, was the author of an exceptionally important book about Communist actions and their influence in American political systems (federal level influences and also state level influences)


     The book's title is MASTERS OF DECEIT, THE STORY OF COMMUNISM IN AMERICA AND HOW TO FIGHT IT (published/copyright January 1, 1958). 

     The book presents a lot of very important information about communist actions in America, since the Communist Party, USA was started in Chicago, Illinois in December 1919.  (Just two years after the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1917.) 

     Lon Willoughby believes this book should be read by every patriotic-minded American adult as soon as possible. The paperback book can still be purchased in the book department at www dot Amazon dot com.

     Unfortunately, many American adults think that the communist threat in America was a threat many years ago but believe it is not a serious political threat today. 

     Many American adults do not realize that the Socialist and Marxist and Communism political dangers and threats in America are much worse (much stronger) now than they have ever been before. 

     Lon Willoughby will provide references to some very important books and DVD education sources about these critically important subjects in this special department.  

Kindle Format eBook

 Masters of Deceit

     Lon purchased the Kindle format digital eBook version of Masters of Deceit by Pickle Partners Publishing, copyright 2015, because he wanted the important advantage of having a larger viewing screen with larger print size than the small print size that is usually presented in mass market type paperback books. 

     There are several other advantages for reading an eBook compared to reading a printed book.  You will need to experience these differences to understand the major advantages of reading an eBook compared to reading a printed book. 

     Lon also got the reduced price of $4.99 for the Kindle format digital eBook version when the paperback book print version was $15.99.  He also received the eBook immediately because it is an instant download.  There is no shipping time delay, and there is no shipping cost involved with an eBook delivery (an instant download).

Kindle Format Digital eBook Previews

     A visitor to the www dot Amazon dot com website can see if a free Kindle format digital eBook "preview" is available for any book title that a visitor selects to quickly look at in the book department.

     Many book titles do have a Kindle format digital eBook available, but not all books have this service.  Simply select the book title in the book department that you want to look at, and then see if a Kindle format digital eBook is available for the book title that you selected. 

     If a Kindle format digital eBook is available, then you may be able to review a free preview of the Kindle format digital eBook on a Kindle brand tablet

     However, if you do not have a Kindle brand tablet, you can review the free Kindle format digital eBook "preview" on a computer or smart phone or tablet that has downloaded and installed the Kindle app.  This very important app is free at www dot Amazon dot com.  

     IMPORTANT NOTE:  In order to download a free Kindle format eBook preview, you may need to select the option of "buying the eBook for yourself" rather than the automatic option of "buying the eBook for someone else." 

     In either situation, you do not need to actually buy the eBook selected to review the free Kindle format digital preview, but you may need to choose the option stated above to see if a free Kindle format digital eBook "preview" is available to you. 

     If the "preview" is available, select that action for downloading the free Kindle format "preview" to your viewing device (that you have previously prepared to review Kindle format digital eBooks by downloading and installing the free Kindle format app).

     You may see a convenient link for the free Kindle app, but if you do not find this link, you can do a word search for the Kindle app to get instructions about downloading and installing this free app on your personal viewing device (your computer, smart phone, or tablet).

     Amazon's book department has Kindle format digital eBook "previews" available for many books, but not all books have a Kindle digital book service

     This is a very important free educational service, and the free Kindle app makes this free "preview" service available on many different types of viewing devices (computers, smart phones, and tablets). 

     You can easily and quickly download and install the free Kindle app on any of these viewing devices by simply using the selected viewing device to view the www dot Amazon dot com website and then find and download the free app to the viewing device that you are using.

The Naked Communist

Author W. Cleon Skousen

     The Naked Communist book by author Willard Cleon Skousen was published in year 1958, the same year that Masters of Deceit was published.  This book, authored by a very patriotic and very intelligent FBI employee, also became a best seller and sold about two million copies. 

     Two million books is a lot of books, but two million is only a small part of the number of American voters who voted during the presidential election in year 2020. (About 158 million people voted in that year).

     If we very optimistically stated that four million voters were educated somewhat about the Socialist and Communist infiltrator activist in America (by reviewing Masters of Deceit and/or The Naked Communist), that would mean that less than 3% of American presidential voters in year 2020 had some responsible education about those Socialist and Communist enemy infiltrator political actions.  (158 million voters - see www dot USAfacts dot org - "The 13 Numbers that Defined 2020" - published in December 2020).  A similar "education situation" occurred for the December 2024 presidential election.  

     Lon believes that all American voters need to review the two books identified above about the very dangerous Socialist and Marxist and Communist infiltrator activities in America - those dangerous infiltrator actions are still occurring and growing in danger as each week goes by.

     After reviewing each of those two books, a "qualified visitor" needs to consider their "circle of influence" and then recommend that several voters within their "circle of influence" read each of these very important books.  

     That very important referral action, when taken by each person who reviews each book, can greatly increase the number of voters that responsibly review each of these very important "political education books"

     This is a very important referral political action that responsible American adults can easily take to help defend and protect America from the dangerous Socialist and Marxist and Communist infiltrator political activist actions that are occurring in many places throughout America daily as each week passes. 

     You can refer these very important books to any adults voters that you know, wherever they are located in the United States of America

     Your easy actions in this referral of these vital books (by email, by text, or by letter) to people within your circle of influence can truly help defend and protect America from the dangerous Socialist and Marxist and Communist political infiltrator activist actions that are currently taking place throughout America as each week passes. 

W. Cleon Skousen

who was he?

      In his 16 years of working with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Willard Cleon Skousen learned a lot about the very serious Communist threat in America.

      While working with the FBI, he also went to night school and got his law degree.  During his 16 years with the FBI, he became a very important employee.  

    His first published book titled The Naked Communist was highly regarded as an excellent book to study for understanding the objectives, schemes, and tactics being used by Communist agent infiltrators in American politics.          

     The Naked Communist book was used as an important text book in the FBI, the CIA, and some other American intelligence type government operations.

    The Naked Communist is still a very important book for patriotic-minded Americans to review as soon as possible.

    The www dot Amazon dot com book department still sells The Naked Communist book.  This is an excellent book to learn about the very serious Communist threat in America.  You can get a free preview of the book if you have a viewing device that is capable of viewing Amazon's Kindle video presentation (as explained previously).  

     Fortunately, Lon and Janie Willoughby had the good fortune to attend Mr. Skousen's educational seminar when he was in the Greenville, SC area many years ago. 

Tragedy & Hope

Author Dr. Carroll Quigley

    The Amazon book department also still sells the important educational book titled Tragedy & Hope, a large 1348 page book written by Dr. Carroll Quigley - published when he was a college professor at Georgetown University.  This very important book, written by a high level socialist insider, was first published in 1966. 

The Naked Capitalist

Author W. Cleon Skousen

     Amazon's book department also still sells the book titled The Naked Capitalist by author W. Cleon Skousen (published 1970).  This book is a review and very important commentary (a detailed critique) of Dr. Quigley's book.   

The Naked Socialist

Author Paul Skousen

     Years later, after Mr. Cleon Skousen's death, his son Paul Skousen completed the writing and publishing of the book titled The Naked Socialist (published August 2012).  

     This outstanding book is highly regarded as the book to read to gain a good understanding of the Socialist political objectives, schemes, and tactics that have been actively used in American politics - in state political systems and in the federal political systems.

     This very important book explains why Socialist political systems have always failed, wherever they have been tried (and many countries have tried to use socialist political systems) However, socialist political systems always fails eventuallySocialism is clearly not a good political system.

     The books identified herein are still available for purchase at Amazon's book department (and other online bookstores) - because the political situations reported in these very important educational books are still progressing gradually in America as each week occurs.

     The socialist actions reported in the books identified above are becoming stronger politically and becoming more dangerous to America as each year passes. 

     Unfortunately, most American adult citizens are still not educated adequately about the dangers of Socialist and Marxist and Communist infiltrator influences in our American national republic "democratic style" political system

     Many American adults probably think that our very powerful military forces will protect us from the Socialist and Marxist and Communist infiltrator activist actions who are actively working within our political systems. 

     Those Americans mistakenly do not realize that there are two separate major actions taking place in defending America from the Socialist and Marxist and Communist activist actions

     One major action is definitely our powerful military defense forces, but the other major action is the political situations that are gradually making America weaker, year by year, grinding America down, and making the Socialist and Marxist and Communist infiltrator actions stronger as each month passes.

     The Socialist and Marxist and Communist-oriented government infiltrator political manipulators are determined to defeat the "careless, foolish, and ignorant Americans" who go about their lives daily as if the Socialist and Marxist and Communist infiltrator political activist manipulators are not a serious threat to America and its 330+ million citizens (men, women, and children). 

     However, Socialist and Marxist and Communist infiltrator political activist manipulator fanatics are routinely striving to weave their sinister political schemes into the political fabric of America so they can gradually convert America into a socialist type of political system.  They realize that is a preliminary accomplishment on the planned way to gradually converting America to a communist style controlled nation.

Foolish Political Fanatics

     Lon and Janie Willoughby have been educated adequately to understand that the Socialist and Marxist and Communist infiltrator political manipulator agents working in America are very foolish fanatical people who do not adequately understand relevant historical events since the Bolshevik revolution occurred in Russia during year 1917.      

     Lon and Janie Willoughby both understand that America is a remarkable miracle country.  Due to the tremendous amount of work and sacrifices of millions of Americans over hundreds of years (with many wars), natural-born American citizens today are currently blessed to have the best economic, political, and social conditions for ordinary citizens that has ever been developed in any major country on Planet Earth. 

     If any "qualified visitor" reading this very important report does not understand American history in this way, they need to carefully consider and understand that they have not been taught American history correctly. 

Teaching American History

 and American Government

     Lon's wife Janie Willoughby has taught American History courses and American Government courses many times to American high school students.  She has an excellent understanding of these two very important courses, and she has helped Lon a lot in developing this introductory educational website.

     Has America had near-perfect economic and political systems through the many years of the country's development?  No, it has not been near-perfect because like life itself, we learn from our mistakes, and we then try to do better the next time with similar situations. 

     America has made many mistakes and some of them have been very serious mistakes (slavery, the Civil War, etc.).  Fortunately, over time, some of those very serious problems were gradually corrected as much as reasonably possible with conflicting economic and political forces.  

    However, it was extremely difficult to correct some of the serious problems in America because some people are stubborn fanatics who will not learn from past mistakes.  Consequently, we still have some problems that have not been corrected as much as needed.

     There have been many foolish and fanatical people that have caused great harm to this nation. 

     America's Civil War in the 1860's is an illustration of the extreme damage and foolishness of some political leaders and some military generals. 

     That cataclysmic war caused tremendous damage for the young American nation -  financially, economically, and socially, and it severely damaged more than a million American resident families. 

     However, even with America's serious political and economic and social system flaws and mistakes and numerous foolish political leaders, America is currently the best economic, political, and social conditions system for ordinary citizens that has ever existed for any major industrialized country anywhere on Planet Earth. 

     Many millions of people recognize this self-evident situation, and that is why millions of people would like to migrate to America.

     With a lot of solid evidence about the incredibly good situations described above, the foolish fanatical Socialist and Marxist and Communist infiltrator political manipulator activist agents working in America still foolishly try to convert our remarkable economic, political, and social conditions into imaginary conditions that they fanatically "believe" will be much better than our current American economic, political, and social conditions. 

     It is very important to understand that "they" have never been able to produce those imaginary idealized conditions in any country that they have ever controlled or managed. 

     Look at Russia today.  Look at China today.  Look at North Korea today.  Look at Iran today.  Look at Syria today.  Also take a responsible look at numerous countries in central American and South America and in Africa today where the Socialist and Marxist and Communist infiltrator political manipulator activist agents have gained substantial political control of a country.  

     Look at any country on Planet Earth where the Socialist and Marxist and Communist activist agents have taken political control of a country, and you will find political and economic and social conditions that are much worse than those conditions are in the United States of America.

     In spite of their repeated tragic economic failures, and their many tragic political failures, and their many tragic social system failures, they still foolishly forge ahead with their fanatical political beliefs. 

     Unfortunately, for millions of patriotic-minded Americans, the Socialist and Marxist and Communist infiltrators activist have gradually been successful in accomplishing a lot of their political objectives in our democratic style American republic political systems.

     Why has that occurred?  Unfortunately, most American adult citizens are still not educated adequately about the very important Socialistic political advancement situations that are revealed in the book Tragedy & Hope.

     Most American adult citizens are still not educated adequately about the very important commentary and review of that book that is presented in The Naked Capitalist book

The Naked Capitalist

     Lon Willoughby recommends that you review The Naked Capitalist book as soon as possible to get Mr. Skousen's critical review and evaluation of the large "socialist insider" book Tragedy & Hope.

     Those socialist political issues were very important issues in the November 2020 presidential election and the November 2024 presidential election in America.

     You now understand that Tragedy & Hope (a "socialist insider's" book first published in 1966) still reveals very important "Socialist strategy information" today (50+ years later). 

     "Qualified visitors" to this website can obtain a free introduction to each of these book, as stated earlier, by selecting each book title at Amazon dot com's book department and then reviewing individually the free Kindle format digital preview of each book on a Kindle tablet, or on a computer or smart phone or tablet that has downloaded and installed the free Kindle app as explained previously.

     It is very important for your to understand that Amazon's book department has digital eBook previews available for many books.  This is a very important  educational service, and the free Kindle app makes this eBook preview service available for review on many different types of viewing devices (computers, smart phones, and tablets).

The Enemies Within

Author Trevor Loudon

     If you are not educated adequately about the very important political issues related above, and if you want to get educated very quickly, Lon Willoughby recommends that you go to the book department at www dot Amazon dot com and search for the book and the DVD video titled The Enemies Within - by Trevor Loudon (a New Zealand author and actor). 

    He has diligently made himself very knowledgeable about these critically important political subjects.  Consequently, he worked very hard to produce a book and a DVD type video with this same title about these critically important political subjects

     His book is available in convenient Kindle digital eBook format for only $2.99.  That is a give-away price for political education that is very important and very valuable to every patriotic-minded American adult.

    The regular format DVD type video is 88 minutes in length (and costs only $12.99 in HD video (High Definition).  This is a super bargain price for this exceptionally important political education - which can be shared with numerous people in your "circle of influence."

    The Kindle format DVD can be rented at Amazon dot com for only $3.99 in HD video.  This is a super bargain price for education about critically important political issues that every responsible patriotic-minded American adult needs to review as soon as possible (ASAP).

    Either way (his book or his DVD), this exceptionally important opportunity is a very inexpensive way to get educated quickly about very important political issues that are relevant to every American adult today.

    The vital education presented therein is also relevant to the next generation of competent and responsible patriotic-minded American adults.

    The DVD video profiles twenty (20) U.S. Senators and it also profiles more than eighty (80+) U.S Congressional Representatives who appear to have significant ties to some of these organizations:

the Communist Party USA,

the Muslim Brotherhood,

Democratic Socialists of America,

Workers World Party,

The Institute for Policy Studies,

Council for a Livable World,

and some other radical anti-American type organizations.

    Those critically important political issues were relevant in very important ways during the November 2020 presidential election and the November 2024 presidential elections that occurred throughout the USA.  Those critically important political issues will also be relevant political issues in future elections in the USA - for years to come.

    This DVD has more than 1200 reviews at Amazon dot com, and it is highly recommended by many reviewers. 

    The DVD is so important that you may want to purchase several copies (after you review it) so you can loan this DVD to some of your family members, some of your close relatives, and also some of your friends and business associates. 

     However, they will all have the option to watch the rented Kindle format DVD video in HD video (High Definition) for the bargain $3.99 rental fee on their Kindle tablet or on their free Kindle app equipped computer, tablet, or smart phone. 

     Even though the 2020 elections and 2024 elections are behind us, American adults still need to get educated about these critically important political issues.  "Qualified visitors" need to get educated and ready for the next elections.

     These political issues will be very important issues for many years to come. This department's vital education can help "qualified visitor" responsible patriotic-minded American adult citizens quickly learn about the Socialist and Marxist and Communist infiltrator activist dangers that are working daily in America's political systems nationwide

     IMPORTANT NOTICE:  The vital education presented in The Enemies Within - by Trevor Loudon is about very serious dangerous political activity that needs your most responsible patriotic-minded citizen's attention!!!

    The regular format DVD is a very convenient and easy way for responsible patriotic-minded American voters to get access to this incredibly important video

     However, if you have the capability of watching the Kindle format DVD on a Kindle tablet, or a computer or a smart phone or another brand of tablet (that has downloaded and installed the free Kindle app as explained previously), this is the easiest way, the quickest way, and the least expensive way to get very important patriotic-minded American citizen's education about the very important political information that is presented in this very interesting Kindle digital format DVD.

    When you search for this book or search for this DVD, it is important to include Trevor Loudon's name in your search terms because there are some other books and other DVD type videos with similar titles that may cause some confusion in your search

Example Search: 

The Enemies Within, Trevor Loudon

    You now have easy and effective ways to help educate several people about these vital political issues.  They can also choose to duplicate these actions to educate some of their family members, relatives, friends, church members, club members, and some business associates, etc. 

     If some of your contacts appear to be a "qualifiable visitor" (pursuit to our definition of a "qualified visitor") you can refer them to this introductory educational website where they can get this very helpful overview of these critically important political issues by reviewing the easy education presented in this special Government Info Department.

    The Enemies Within DVD is truly very important, and it was relevant to the 2020 elections and 2024 elections in very important ways.  You will likely be shocked and astounded by what you learn about vital political issues in American politics, and American security issues, with this educational DVD video - or with the very important book (with the same name).     

    If you want to qualify for Amazon's free shipping, you can order this educational DVD and also order The Naked Capitalist and/or The Naked Socialist (book) together to qualify for Amazon's free shipping on orders of $25.00 value or more (books and DVD purchases)   

   When you are completing your order process, be sure to carefully select the "free shipping" option to get free shipping for your order.

Other Sources of

Educational Information

    Fortunately, several other DVD type documentary films have been produced about very important political subjects involving Socialist and Communist political influence in American's politics.

Dinesh D'Souza

Political Analyst

    You can also search for DVD type documentaries produced by a very smart author and film producer named Dinesh D'Souza.  He is a very competent and politically knowledgeable immigrant from the country of India.  

    He has studied about relevant political turmoil in several countries, including America, and he seriously appreciates our remarkable American Republic form of government so much that he authored the hardback book titled "What's so Great about America.

    Lon learned that Dinesh D'Souza is highly regarded as a very competent political analyst; he has worked in the White House as a presidential political advisor to President Donald J. Trump.

    Dinesh D'Souza has also produced some DVD type video documentary films about very important political issues in America

    You can search for these regular format DVD titles:  "Obama's America 2016" and "Hillary's America" (The Secret History of the Democratic Party).


Curtis Bowers

Idaho legislator

     You can also search for two very important regular format DVD video titles produced by Idaho legislator Curtis Bowers:   Lon and Janie have purchased both of these educational videos. They are very good education and we recommend them highly.

"Agenda: Grinding America Down" and 

"Agenda 2: Masters of Deceit."

     Some DVDs at www dot Amazon dot com have a "Trailer" that you can watch free.  (A Trailer is a short introductory video). 

     Most Kindle format DVDs can be rented at very low cost - check it out because it is a very convenient way to get educated quickly if you can arrange to watch a Kindle format video on a Kindle tablet or on another video viewing device that has downloaded and installed the free Kindle app that is available at Amazon's book store (for a computer, for a smart phone, or for other brands of tablets as explained previously). 

Gloria Z. Greenfield

Video Producer

     Another very important DVD program is titled "The fight of our Lives - Defeating the Ideological War Against the West."

    This regular format DVD video was produced by Gloria Z. Greenfield - it sells for only $9.99 at www dot Amazon dot com.  However, you can rent the Kindle format movie for only $2.99.  This is a super bargain basement price for very important education.  (You can review this DVD on a Kindle tablet or another viewing device that has downloaded the free Kindle app - as explained previously).

     With Kindle format DVD rentals, you will have ten days to start watching the video after paying the rental fee, and you will then have two days to finish watching it (after you actually begin to watch the video). 

Other Sources of Vital Information

Book by Kevin D. Freeman - According to Plan (The Elites' Secret Plan to Sabotage America)

Book by Glenn Beck - The Great Reset (Explains how some multi-billionaire Elitist power brokers are striving to RESET the world political systems and economies for their personal financial benefits.)

Topic 2

Actions to Take to Get Started

     So what actions do Lon and Janie Willoughby recommend that you take to improve your practical working knowledge about the Socialist and Marxist and Communist political infiltrator activist challenges that are very important for every responsible American adult citizen to learn about as soon as possible (ASAP)? 

     Lon and Janie have presented herein very important information about several book publications and DVD productions that can be very helpful to you, but you need to get started somewhere, so where should you begin your education about these important political issues? 

     Lon Willoughby strongly suggests that you begin by making arrangements to review the Kindle format DVD titled The Enemies Within - with Trevor Loudon (author and actor from New Zealand). 

     This exceptionally important video will help you quickly understand the frightening amount of Socialistic and Marxist and Communistic political progress that foolish and ignorant fanatical infiltrator political manipulator activist agents have made in America's political systems.

     As stated previously, the DVD (HD video) cost $12.99, but it can be rented for only $3.99 (HD video - HD is High Definition.) 

     If you need to download and install the free Kindle format app into your viewing device, go to www dot Amazon dot com and do a word search for Kindle app

     You will quickly obtain easy instructions for downloading and installing the free Kindle app on your viewing device (a computer, a smart phone, or a tablet).  The free Kindle app will download and install quickly on the viewing device that you use for this word search.

     If you cannot make arrangements to watch the Kindle format rented video, you can purchase the regular format DVD and have it shipped to your address - if you can arrange for viewing a regular format DVD at your home or residence or at another location (a family member or a close friend perhaps). 

     If you cannot arrange to watch the regular format DVD, you can choose to purchase the book by the same title and have it shipped to your address. 

     Lon and Janie suggest that you also review the two books identified above, The Naked Capitalist and The Naked Socialist

     If you can arrange to review the free Kindle format digital preview of each book at Amazon's book department (www dot Amazon dot com), that will be an easy quick start of your education about these two very important books

     When you are purchasing books from Amazon's bookstore, it is strongly suggested that you also purchase the book Master's of Deceit by J. Edgar Hoover (he was the director of the FBI for many years).

     This very important book will help you understand the foolish ruthless fanatical nature of the Socialist and Communist activist who work relentlessly to help take more political control of America.  

     Also understand that other fanatical infiltrator political activist agents are likely working to take more control of other non-socialistic, non-communistic countries

     Lon and Janie understand that those Socialist and/or Communist infiltrator political activist agents are trying to convert America into a Socialistic-ally and Communistic-ally controlled country - like has already been done with numerous European countries (will be identified later in this department). 

     Lon and Janie purchased the digital Kindle version of the Master's of Deceit book.  It can be reviewed on a Kindle tablet, or on a computer, smart phone, or other brand of tablet that has the free Kindle app installed

     That very important app enables reviewing Amazon's Kindle format video presentations on many viewing devices (as explained previously).  

Stronger and More Dangerous

 Now Than Ever Before.

     It is very important to realize that the Socialist and Marxist and Communist political infiltrator activist are much stronger politically now than they have ever been in the past.

     However, the major news media outlet controls will not allow the mainstream news media to tell the American public about their current political status in America.  (You will learn more about those major news media outlet controls in the next topic - right below this topic.)

     However, the rented Kindle format DVD titled The Enemies Within - with Trevor Loudon - will do a very good job of bringing you up to date quickly about these very important political challenges

     You can then use the additional books and DVDs that are identified herein to further your education conveniently and inexpensively about these critically important political challenges

Additional Reason for Being Healthy

 Physically and Emotionally

     You now also know additional reasons why it is very important for you to learn how to better defend and protect your precious natural health and your natural healthcare assets.  

     You need to be healthy and strong physically and mentally (emotionally) so you can be more capable of helping other patriotic-minded Americans defend and protect America from the Socialist and Marxist and Communist political activist fanatics that are working relentlessly and ruthlessly to gain more political control of America

     IMPORTANT NOTICE:  If you are still feeling and thinking that these are not serious political challenges that are worthy of your most patriotic-minded attention and actions right away, you may need to realize that you are still feeling and thinking the way these dangerous infiltrator enemies of America want you to feel and react to this exceptionally important political education

     They want you to be neutralized emotionally and fail to take this vital political education seriously.  

     Their past political actions in other countries prove convincingly that they are foolish political fanatics who intend to kill all patriotic-minded Americans and also kill all Christian-oriented Americans (and also kill many other religiously-oriented people).  They do not believe in a Supreme Being, and they hate and want to destroy religious-minded people wherever they can.

     Those are the fanatical ruthless tactics that they have routinely used in other countries whenever they managed to take Socialistic and Marxist and Communistic political control of a country

You Can Help Other Selected People

     You also now know why it is very important for you to take responsible actions that can help other apparently "qualified visitor" family members, relatives, friends, church members, club members, and business associates learn about this very important introductory educational website. 

     Remember that "qualified visitors" live within the selected upstate Zip code areas that are identified and explained near the beginning of the Home Department's education for this introductory educational website.

Topic 3

Major News Media Coverage

Is Controlled and Limited


     Lon has already explained why you should not depend upon the major American news outlets to inform you about the very important Socialistic and Marxist and Communistic political activist actions that are striving constantly to gradually convert America into a more socialistic nation

     This Topic will provide more information about this very important subject.

     Converting the United States of America (America) into a more controllable country is a major political project that is very difficult to accomplish.  However, the very powerful elitist aristocratic despotic and tyrannical semi-secret political groups headquartered primarily in Europe apparently intend to do this so they will be able to control and manipulate America more effectively. 

     Yes, there are some very wealthy (multi-billionaires) natural-born American citizens who have helped a lot in this deceitful despotic political "socialization" process. 

     Fortunately, there are also some multi-billionaires in America who strive heroically to help strongly oppose those socializing political infiltrator manipulator agents in American politics

     All patriotic-minded American adult citizens need to learn about these well-organized "Socialistic political activist" that have been striving continuously for many years (since the 1920's) to help convert America into a more socialistic type of nation.      

     That political situation would make America a much more controllable nation than it is today (controllable by the super-wealthy elitist aristocratic despotic and tyrannical semi-secret allied groups that are headquartered primarily in Europe). 

     Unfortunately, for patriotic-minded Americans, they also have some super-wealthy (multi-billionaire) elitist aristocratic despotic and tyrannical members that live in America.

     Once you understand what has been happening in America during the past100+ years, you will realize that the Socialist and Marxist and Communist infiltrator political manipulator activistand their thousands of foolish fanatical "workers" have made a frightening amount of progress with their deceitful and devious political schemes and tactics in our American political systems (our federal political system and in some state political systems).

     Their long-term goal is to eventually convert the USA into a Communist controlled nation - using very gradual political actions effectively, like the Socialist and Marxist and Communist political manipulator activists have done with many other countries by working cooperatively together

The Enemies Within

     The DVD video titled The Enemies Within - with Trevor Loudon  (author and actor from New Zealand) will help you quickly understand the frightening amount of Socialistic and Communistic political progress that these political enemies have made in America's political systems.

     The DVD (HD video) cost $12.99 and can be rented for only $3.99 (HD video).  (HD is High Definition video.)

Important Religious Considerations

     It is very important to understand that Socialist and Marxist and Communist infiltrator political manipulator activists generally do not believe in God (a Supreme Being) so they have no moral or ethical religious beliefs that limit and restrict their deceitful dishonest unethical and ruthless political actions toward Americans (men, women, teenagers, and younger children).

    It is also very important to understand that their fanatical "political beliefs" effectively become their "religion."

     Understanding those vital issues helps rational and reasonable people understand their willingness to deceitfully, deceptively, and ruthlessly try to take control of America as a "free" nation and understand their intentions to destroy (kill) all Christian-oriented Americans (and kill many other religiously oriented people).

    Having an understanding of these vital concepts can help rational and sensible people begin to understand their steadfast fanatical determination to try to convert all countries on Planet Earth into "controllable" Communist countries

     It is very difficult for very wealthy European elitist aristocratic despotic groups to "control" effectively a country that has a lot of freedom - like America

     It is much easier for the very greedy multi-billionaire elitist aristocratic despotically and tyrannically allied groups in Europe to effectively "control" a Socialist country or a Communist country than they can control a "free country" like America.

     The allied elitist aristocratic despotic European groups work together cooperatively for their mutual financial and political benefits, and they have gained a lot of dominate control over the banking systems in Europe, Africa, and America. 

     They also have a lot of control over the money supply systems, and they have generously provided "large loans" to Socialist and/or Communist type leaders and their politically controlled governments.

     They have also gained a lot of control over the oil supply systems, the railroad systems, the electrical distribution systems, the major news media outlet systems, the major food distribution systems, and the worker's unions

     You need to clearly understand that these people are very smart and they are well educated, and they are very wealthy (billionaires) and they are extremely greedy.  They have demonstrated that they definitely want to have economic and political control of all countries on Planet Earth. 

     They want to have dominant political control over all mankind on Planet Earth, and they have already spent enormous amounts of money in their systematic efforts to bring about their ruthless greedy goals.

     You now understand why the super-wealthy allied elitist aristocratic despotic and tyrannical semi-secret groups prefer to work with Socialistic and Communistic political systems. They are much easier to "control" and manipulate effectively (manage) than a very free country like the United States of America. 

American Patriot Action Plan

The Naked Capitalist

     The incredibly important book, The Naked Capitalist, written by FBI agent W. Cleon Skousen (published in 1970) is an action plan about how patriotic-minded American citizens can effectively defend and protect America from the greedy elitist aristocratic despots headquartered in Europe. 

The Naked Socialist

     Patriotic-minded American adults need to strive to get responsible patriotic-minded American adult citizens to read and carefully study this very important book, along with the later Skousen book, The Naked Socialist.

     That book was completed and published by son Paul Skousen (published in 1912) after his father's death (year 2006 at age 92).  Mr. Willard Cleon Skousen died in Salt Lake City, Utah just 11 days before his 93rd birthday.

     The two Skousen authored books identified above can be used as very important instructional guides about patriotic actions that we can take to effectively defend and protect our very important freedoms as patriotic-minded Americans.

Topic 4

Encouraging and Supporting

Responsible American Politicians 


      It is very important for patriotic-minded American adults to understand that responsible and sensible voters need to actively encourage and support American politicians that are responsibly trying to protect and preserve our "free market capitalistic type economy."  It is a difficult and tough job that is very frustrating. 

     Show some gratitude for the work they are doing trying to keep our Republic from being ripped apart and destroyed by numerous harmful political actions and forces (and many voting citizens who act very selfishly and unreasonably).

       Many responsible politicians are also striving to prevent the very dangerous Socialistic and Communistic political activist manipulator agents from being more successful in their immediate goal to develop more socialism in America.  

     That goal is their intermediate political objective - to make America a "more controllable Socialistic nation" (controllable by super wealthy elitist aristocratic politically despotic and  tyrannical semi-secret groups that are headquartered in Europe). 

     Their long-range goal appears to be to gradually convert America into another Communist controlled country.   That situation would enable the super-wealthy elitist aristocratic despots headquartered in Europe to have much more political control over America and all American citizens.

     If you did not previously understand anything significant about those dedicated and fanatical very effective Socialistic political activist and their political objectives, understand that you were right where they wanted you to be politically.  

     By reviewing this easy-to-understand political education, you are closer to where patriotic-minded American citizens need to be. 

     You have already made very important progress with your educated understanding of these critically important political challenges for all citizens and residents in America. 

     You can see that this education is very important for American adults who want to help defend and protect their political freedoms from Socialistic and Communistic minded political fanatics

    Unfortunately, too many American adults are still largely uneducated, naive, and casually ignorant about the Socialist and Communist political activist infiltrators and manipulators and their deceitful devious political schemes and tactics.    

     It is very important to understand that millions of American voters got duped into helping the  socialist and communist political manipulators  during the 2016 elections in America and again in the 2020 elections in America.     

    Many American adult citizens do not understand what is going on politically in these very important respects, and they are therefore complacent and  inactive politically about responsibly helping the better informed patriotic-minded American citizens who are routinely working responsibly to help prevent the "socialization" of our "free market capitalistic economic system."    

    Our Americans 4 Justice private education club members have very important opportunities to get educated adequately about these very important political issues before they vote in future elections.


"Why We Whisper"

     The very important book "Why We Whisper" was published in 2008 by authors Jim DeMint and J. David Woodward, PhD. 

     You may recall that Jim DeMint is a former U.S. congressman and a former U.S. senator (from South Carolina).  He resigned his senate position during his second six-year senate term to become the president of the Heritage Foundation in January 2013. 

     On May 2, 2017, Jim DeMint resigned from that position and then became a senior advisor to Citizens for Self-Governance

     Mr. DeMint also became the founding chairman of the Conservative Partnership Institute

     It is clear to Lon Willoughby that Mr. Jim DeMint has been working responsibly for many years to help protect our American political systems from very dangerous Socialistic and Communistic influences in our American political systems.


     Mr. J. David Woodard, Ph.D. is a professor at Clemson University, Clemson, S.C. where he teaches political science courses.  He is the author or coauthor of several books, and he holds the Strom Thurmond Chair of Government at Clemson University

     He was the ideal person to work with Jim DeMint as coauthor of their very important book.

     "Why We Whisper" presents an excellent report and understanding of some major cultural changes that have taken place in America that are having dramatic effects on modern day politics nationwide. 

     The book explains how liberal news media policies and liberal government policies have influenced the way conservative Americans tend to speak about important political issues currently.  

     Americans seem to be much more cautious about expressing their "free speech" political opinions, and citizens tend to whisper those opinions quietly rather than expressing their opinions openly in a confident and courageous manner - as was commonly done many years ago throughout America.  

Socialist "People Control Strategies"

        Patriotic-minded Americans need to learn  that serious "people control strategies" have been used in America for many years, and they have also been used in many other countries. 

     These "people control strategies" will likely continue in the future because some multi-billionaire financiers in Europe and in America have been involved in funding these major political  "people control objectives" for many years.


     NOTE:  Their political objective appears to be to gain more control over various governments and countries for personal financial consolidation benefits for the elitist aristocratic despots.

      You can see that a basic education about these very important political issues is critically important for all patriotic-minded American citizen voters if we are going to have any realistic hope of remaining a relatively free people.

      What hope will our trusting children and grandchildren and great grandchildren have for living as free  Americans if American adults do not responsibly wake up and quickly begin learning about these very important  political issues

      Our Americans 4 Justice private education club  can help provide the competent knowledgeable leadership that is needed badly by many American adults at this time. 

    As you can quickly understand, this is exceptionally important political information that you have not learned about, and will not learn about, from the major network news companies.

     Why is that true?  Because "powerful economic and political forces" gained dominant control over the major news media outlets in America many years ago. 

     That news media outlet control is a very important strategy and tactic of "Socialistic and Communistic people controlthat has been active throughout America for many years.

     You have been introduced to very important education about the major news media outlets control in America, but additional important education and actual proof of this situation is available to you on a DVD program.  Go to the book department at www dot Amazon dot com and search for the DVD titled "Shadows of Liberty."

DVD - Shadows of Liberty

     The regular format DVD sells for $9.99 (50 minutes long).  This very important education can also be rented in a Kindle format DVD for only $2.99. 

     This program shows that about 90 percent of the news media in the USA is controlled by five big for-profit media conglomerates.  That situation enabled a news media monopoly where the major news media outlets can be controlled tightly, regarding any selected news issue.  

    Lon and Janie Willoughby began learning about these  very important news media control issues, and other very important political issues, in the early 1970's - more than 45 years ago. 

    They attended a public educational meeting in Panama City, Florida that introduced them to a national non-profit educational organization that was educating American adult citizens throughout America about effective responsible citizen actions that could be taken easily to help oppose Socialistic and Communistic political actions in America.   

     Lon and Janie Willoughby joined that national non-profit educational organization, and it enabled them to learn a lot about many very important political issues over the years that followed that introductory event. 

     While Lon was employed with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) from 6/1960 to 10/1979, he also voluntarily worked for a number of years (1973 - 1979) as a part-time educator for that national non-profit educational organization to help educate other responsible American adult citizens about some of the very important political issues that are introduced briefly in this department. 

    Lon conducted public educational meetings in Panama City, Florida from 1973 until 8/1977 - when he transferred with the FAA to the Greenville/Greer airport sector office in September 1977.

    He continued providing those volunteer educator services (public speaking education meetings) for that non-profit education company in the Greenville area for the next two years. 

    Lon was routinely helping educate people in the Greenville area about actions that they could take to help support and defend our American political systems, and our American police protection systems.

    He was educating people about the deceitful and deceptive political actions that were being taken in America by Socialist and Communist infiltrator political manipulator activists in their foolish and ignorant fanatical efforts to damage and weaken America by promoting more socialism in our political systems (state political systems and our national political system).

     In October 1979, Lon resigned from the FAA after 19 years of successful employment, as explained in Part One of Lon's autobiographical educational report (presented in this introductory educational website.)

     Lon then accepted a full-time job offer with that national non-profit educational organization, as the State Coordinator in South Carolina.  This was the same USA national non-profit educational organization that he had worked for voluntarily since 1973 as a part-time non-paid public speaking educator.

     In that State Coordinator position, Lon routinely traveled throughout the state five days per week to provide helpful leadership guidance to established patriotic-minded chapter member citizens in many towns and cities throughout South Carolina

     He spoke at monthly chapter meetings that he visited, and he also conducted public educational meetings that introduced people in various places in South Carolina to the non-profit educational organization that he was working for as their State Coordinator

     Lon also met privately with prominent business owners and community leaders to explain what the non-profit educational organization was doing to help educate American adult citizens about the Socialist and Communist threats in American politics.


Education Technology
Has Improved a Lot

       That State Coordinator employment opportunity in November 1979 occurred about nine years before Internet services first began during year 1989

    Lon and Janie Willoughby are now using some amazing Internet service capabilities and features to present most of the Americans 4 Justice private education club membership services for ABC of Health.

     Over a period of many years, Lon and Janie worked together diligently for thousands of hours in their teamwork efforts to complete the development of our Americans 4 Justice private educational club services.

    That complex work included the development of a very good "net-work marketing" home-based business opportunity for A4J club members who are patriotic enough to voluntarily help us advertise and promote our very important natural healthcare educational services.

     A4J club members have a very good way to voluntarily help ABC of Health begin our very important educational services with some of their local contacts (apparently "qualifiable visitors") by simply inviting those selected contacts to visit this introductory educational website

     That is very easy advertising work (sharing this website address) that takes very little time or effort to help some local people who are personal contacts.

     Those "qualifiable visitor" contacts can then visit this introductory educational website and begin to learn about the very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts education that is introduced at this website in our "free to review" educational format.

     The local citizen contacts who qualify as "qualified visitors" can also begin learning about the other educational subjects that we introduce at this website, such as the very important introductory political education presented in this department.

     Lon and Janie currently focus their combined teamwork educational efforts on promoting very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts education for our A4J private education club members, along with education actions about five other very important education subjects that can improve the quality of life for our A4J private education club members.

     Natural healthcare and wellness concepts education is our core education service for our A4J club membersLon and Janie understand that helping A4J club members learn how to take better care of their natural health is our priority number one education objective.

     However, Lon and Janie also recognized the great need to educate our A4J club members about five other very important subjects that can affect A4J club members in very important ways in future years. 

     You are learning why it was very important for Lon and Janie to include the political education that is presented in this Government Info Department as a part of this introductory educational website.

     Lon and Janie realized that this website needed to help inform selected patriotic-minded American voters ("qualified visitors") about these very important political issues as soon as possible (ASAP), and also inform them about very important political education books and DVD type videos that are available at Amazon dot com's book department (may also be available at some other book seller businesses).

     Lon and Janie wanted A4J club members to have an opportunity to get paid generous amounts of income for helping ABC of Health find and begin educating responsible natural-born American adult citizens who are Christian-oriented and patriotic-minded toward America and who live in selected Zip Code areas of upstate South Carolina (as explained at the beginning of the Home Department of this educational website). 

Topic 5

What is going on politically in America?

       Politically powerful and well-funded socialist and communist political activist operations have been working to take control of many countries since the communist actions in Russia in year 1917 (the Bolshevik Revolution). 

     Those political actions have been surprisingly successful with their devious unfair and unethical despotic political objectives in many countries. 

     NOTE:  The Communist Party, USA was started in Chicago, Illinois in December 1919 - about two years after the Bolshevik Revolution began in Russia. 

     Why have they been so successful in many countries?

     Responsible patriotic-minded citizens in those countries had not been educated adequately about the very clever devious dishonest political schemes and tactics that are used by the Socialist and Communist infiltrator activist.

     The very smart Socialist and Communist leaders know how to fool citizens (of various counties) into cooperating with their devious dishonest political schemes and tactics.  

     In addition, the Socialist and Communist leaders usually work together in a cooperative teamwork effort to help each other achieve their mutual self-serving political aims and objectives.  

    They have been actively working in America since year 1920 to politically gradually convert America into a Socialist type of country.  The long-range goal is to gradually convert America politically into another Communist controlled country, as they have successively done with many other countries. 

    They have made a lot of progress in America's political systems.  Unfortunately, most American voters are still not educated about their long-term objectives for America.

     Lon and Janie realize that most American voters do not understand their deceitful devious political schemes and tactics; consequently, most American voters do not understand their sinister long-term political objectives for the United States of America (America).  

     Many American adult citizens are not aware of the very important political changes that have been gradually occurring in America during the past 90+ years - political action changes that have helped the Socialist and Communist infiltrator political activist make substantial progress with their despotic devious long-term objectives for America

      If you think these statements are not reasonable and not realistic, pause for a few moments and consider that you may not be adequately informed about what has been happening in America politically during recent years.  

     Unfortunately, that is the political situation that most American adult citizens are probably currently in.  

     You may need to responsibly review the very important educational information that is presented below to help you get up to speed quickly.

       Politically powerful and well-funded socialist and communist political activist operations have been working to take control of many countries since the communist actions in Russia in year 1917 (the Bolshevik Revolution). 

     Those political actions have been surprisingly successful with their devious unfair and unethical despotic political objectives in many countries. 

     NOTE:  The Communist Party, USA was started in Chicago, Illinois in December 1919 - about two years after the Bolshevik Revolution began in Russia. 

     Why have they been so successful in many countries?

     Responsible patriotic-minded citizens in those countries had not been educated adequately about the very clever devious dishonest political schemes and tactics that are used by the Socialist and Communist infiltrator activist.

     The very smart Socialist and Communist leaders know how to fool citizens (of various counties) into cooperating with their devious dishonest political schemes and tactics.  

     In addition, the Socialist and Communist leaders usually work together in a cooperative teamwork effort to help each other achieve their mutual self-serving political aims and objectives.  

    They have been actively working in America since year 1920 to politically gradually convert America into a Socialist type of country.  The long-range goal is to gradually convert America politically into another Communist controlled country, as they have already done with many other countries. 

    They have made a lot of progress in America's political systems.  Unfortunately, most American voters are still not educated about their long-term objectives for America.

     Lon and Janie realize that most American voters do not understand their deceitful devious political schemes and tactics; consequently, most American voters do not understand their sinister long-term political objectives for the United States of America (America).  

     Many American adult citizens are not aware of the very important political changes that have been gradually occurring in America during the past 90+ years - political action changes that have helped the Socialist and Communist infiltrator political activist make substantial progress with their despotic devious long-term objectives for America. 

     If you think these statements are not reasonable and not realistic, pause for a few moments and consider that you may not be adequately informed about what has been happening in America politically during recent years.  

    Unfortunately, that is the political situation that most American adult citizens are probably currently in.  

    You may need to responsibly review the very important educational information that is presented below to help you get up to speed quickly.

Can these tragic political situations

  happen in America?

      Yes, they can happen here; they are already happening here.  The Socialist and Communist political infiltrator activist agents have already made a lot of progress toward achieving their long-range political goals in America's political systems (states and federal).

      Unfortunately, most American voters are not aware of these very dangerous political situations due to our "tightly controlled" major news media outlets. 

      You will learn herein (in the next Topic below) why the major news media outlets are tightly controlled throughout America - to the extent that major news media outlets are routinely not allowed to inform American citizens about some very "sensitive political subjects" (such as Socialist and Communist infiltrator political activist actions in America's political systems).

        Several very important books have been published

about these "sensitive political subjects" but most

American adult citizens have not read these very

important political educational books

      The book "None Dare Call it Treason" was

published in June 1964 by author John A. Stormer.  It

is a very important educational book about some of

these very important "sensitive political subjects."

      In January 1967, Gary Allen published his book titled

Say "No!" To the New World Order.   As a college student,

Gary Allen majored in history - the appropriate major to

write books about America's political history.

      Then in 1971, Gary Allen and Larry Abraham published

 their book titled "None Dare Call It Conspiracy" (more than

 five million copies were printed).

      On April 3, 1988, Larry Abraham published an update to

 that book titled "Call it Conspiracy" where he presents a

 lot of updated historical information about the basis of the

 first conspiracy book.  

      It is important to know that he has a PhD degree in

 history - the ideal highly advanced level of education

 needed to write a very important historical book like this.


     Authors Allen and Abraham both use the term "insiders"

 to identify men at the top of the various control 

 organizations that make up "the conspiracy to control the

 world."  Consequently, Lon and Janie will use the term

 "insiders" to help identify the top-level super-wealthy 

(multi billionaires) controlling despots and tyrants who are

striving to get financial and political control of all

 significantly important countries on Planet Earth.

     There are other important books that help expose'

 this very important political conspiracy (that has been

 going on since it was started in year 1776 by Adam

 Weishaupt, a Bavarian college professor.  

     You can research this very important and very

 interesting subject at by

 searching for the organization named Illuminati.  You can

 also find books about the Illuminati at Amazon dot com.

      Other very important books that help expose' how

 the "insiders" have worked to effectively dominate and

control America financially and politically - using Socialist

and Communist sponsored political actions - that were

active in America in the 1920's are identified below.


     "World Order" by Eustase Mullen (Copyright 1985).  This

 is a very complex detailed report about the very complex

financial networks that were systematically developed to

effectively take financial control and political control of

numerous major countries, including America .

     This exceptionally competent author has also written

four very important books about the Federal Reserve

System in America.  You can search for those books in the

Amazon dot com book department.

     "Who Controls America?" by Mark Mullen (Copyright

 2017)  This is a very important book - it explains very

clearly who actually controls America.

     "The Tyranny of the Federal Reserve" by Brian O' Brien

 (Copyright 2015 - published August 5, 2018)  A very good

book about the federal reserve system in the USA.

     "Creature from Jekyll Island" by G. Edward Griffith

 (5th Edition, Copyright September 2010)  A very important

book about the federal reserve system in America

that was secretly developed at Jekyll Island (a privately

owned island off the coast of Georgia).


      IMPORTANT NOTE:  There are several other helpful

books published about the federal reserve system in the

United States of America.  You can search for books about

the federal reserve system at www dot Amazon dot com. 

      Unfortunately, most American voters today likely

have not read any of these exceptionally important

books.  How can American voters understand this very

important complex political issue when they have not

been educated adequately about this major subject?

      These very special books are still available for

purchase at Amazon's online bookstore, and may also be

available at some other bookstores, because the very

important political situations that are reported therein

are still moving forward progressively in America.

      Those very undesirable "insider controlled" political

situations have grown much stronger, and they have

become much more dangerous in America over the years.

      Consequently, it is very important for responsible

American adult voters to become better educated about

these exceptionally important political issues

     You now understand why this is one of the six subject

areas that Lon and Janie selected to help educate our A4J

private education club members about.

      If you visit the Internet online Amazon book

department (www dot Amazon dot com) and search

for any of these books by name, the book selection

system will find that book for you, and it may also

identify other books that are available for sale in a

similar subject category. 


     Those additional books can also help educate 

American adult voters about the very serious political

dangers that are advancing progressively with the

objective of gradually getting rid of our Constitutional

Republic form of government and converting America into

a Socialist type of nation

     That intermediate objective can make America

a more politically controllable country that can then

be gradually converted over a period of years into a

Socialist and Communist controlled country.  

     Back in the 1940's, when a series of European

countries were being politically manipulated toward

Socialist and Communist control, usually less than ten

percent (10%) of the citizens were knowingly and

willingly helping Socialist and Communist infiltrator

political activist deceptively and deviously manipulate the

political system in their home country toward Socialist and

Communist control

     Think about that for a few moments.  Usually, more

than 90% of the citizens did not understand what was

happening politically in their country as major political

changes were being managed gradually, week after week,

and month after month, and then year after year.

     Adult citizens (voters) in those targeted European

countries were going about their life as usual.  They were

not aware of the very important political changes that

were gradually occurring in their government systems. 

     Those carefully managed political changes eventually

enabled the Socialist and Communist infiltrator political

activist to gain dominant control of the targeted country's

political systems. 

     Most citizens in those targeted countries did not realize

what was gradually happening until years later when the

Socialist and Communist infiltrator political

manipulator activist had managed to gradually take

political control of each of those targeted countries.


     Systematically, country after country, the targeted

countries were gradually taken over, like dominoes

falling one by one, the Socialist and Communist infiltrator

political manipulator activist took political control. 

European Countries

Taken Over by Communist

     Examples of some European countries that were taken

 control of by Socialist and Communist infiltrator political

 manipulator activists are listed below:

     Romania was taken over by the Communist infiltrator

activist in March 1945Less than 5% of the total

population were Communist party members.

     Yugoslavia was taken over by the Communist

infiltrator activist by August 1945.  Less than 1% of

the total population were Communist party members.

     Bulgaria was taken over by the Communist

infiltrator activist in September 1945Less than

0.3% of the total population were members of the

Communist party in Bulgaria

     Think about that for a few moments; not even one

half of one percent of the total population were

members of the Communist party in Bulgaria and

they still managed to take control of the government.  


     Albania was under control of the Communist

infiltrator political manipulator activist by December 1945.

Only about 1% of the total population were members of the

Communist party in Albania

     Hungary was controlled by the Communist

infiltrator political activist by August 1947Less than 8%

of the total population were Communist party members.


    Czechoslovakia fell to Communist infiltrator political

manipulator activist control in May 1948 Less than 11% of

the total population were members of the Communist

party in Czechoslovakia.

   Poland was taken over by the Communist infiltrator political manipulator activist in January 1949 Less than 4% of the total population were Communist party members.

   These example situations show that it takes a relatively small number of Socialist and Communist infiltrator political manipulator activist to take control of a political system.  Why?  Because most adults are busy with living their normal life, and they are not paying close attention to what is happening in their political systems.   

Voters Need to be Educated.

   If voters have not been educated to understand these very important political issues and situations, when they go to the voting polls and cast their ballots, they may in fact be voting in ways that actually help the Socialist and Communist infiltrator political activist take control of very important functions of their political systems.

    By the time that many adult citizens (of each targeted 

country) began realizing what had been happening

politically in their political systems, it was too late for

concerned adult citizens to effectively oppose those

extensive Socialist and Communist infiltrator

political actionsResponsible citizens were not able

to regain control of their country's political systems.

    The Socialist and Communist infiltrators (working

together cooperatively) had deceptively taken political

control very gradually in each of the targeted countries

that are listed above. 

    Those tragic political situations clearly show that

Socialist and Communist infiltrator political activist

can work together cooperatively to gradually take political

control of a targeted country because most adult citizens

are busy living their life.  They are not adequately aware of

what is happening politically in their country.

    As shown with the countries listed above, those tragic

political situations occurred to those targeted countries in

calculated systematic manner.

    Why were those political situations possible?

    Because most of the adult citizens of each of

those countries had not been educated about the

political schemes and tactics that were being used

jointly by the Socialist and Communist infiltrator political

manipulator activists to deceptively and deviously

gain control gradually of the targeted government's

political systems.

    Similar political schemes and tactics have been

used in America gradually for many years (since

they began in year 1920 - 100+ years ago).   

     You will learn later herein that there are some 

multi-billionaires in semi-secret organizations that are 

headquartered mainly in Europe who help fund these types

of political schemes and tactics because they want to

economically and politically control all countries on Planet


     Those "insiders" understand that it is much easier for

them to control Socialist countries and Communist

countries than to try to control a country that has a lot of

citizen freedoms (like the United States of America).

    Most American voters have had time to get educated

about the political schemes and tactics that are usually

used by Socialist and Communist infiltrator political

manipulator activist (by using the books and videos

identified herein).  However, most American voters today

are still not adequately educated about these critically

important political situations

    That is why Lon and Janie Willoughby decided to

present this very important political education in

this introductory educational website

    This website is authorized for review by many

thousands of potentially "qualified visitors" (living in

selected Zip Code areas of upstate South Carolina).

     THE BIG QUESTION IS THIS:  can ABC of Health find

responsible natural-born American adult citizens

who are Christian-oriented and who are patriotic-

minded enough to share this introductory education

website address with other similar American citizens

to help them get started with the exceptionally

important education that is presented herein? 


     Lon and Janie developed this introductory

education website to help educate thousands of

"qualified visitors" about some very important

healthcare-related issues and also educate them about

some very important politically-related issues

    Lon and Janie worked together diligently for several

 years to make it very easy for "qualified visitors" to take

those very helpful website referral actions with some of

their potentially "qualified visitor" local contacts. 

    It is clear that responsible natural-born American

adult citizens who are Christian-oriented and live in

selected ZIP Code areas of upstate South Carolina need to

be referred to this introductory educational website as

soon as possible (ASAP).

    America has had some adequately informed politicians

in the U.S. Congress, and we have also had many

thousands of politically educated patriotic-minded

American voters who actively opposed some of the

Socialist and Communist infiltrator political manipulator's

deceitful, devious, and despotic political actions with U.S.

Congressional representatives and U.S. senators.

    Brave and heroic patriotic opposing political

actions did slow those Socialist and Communist

political operation actions to some extent. 

    However, those patriotic type opposing political

actions did not stop the ongoing fanatical relentless

despotic Socialistic and Communistic political operation

actions from making substantial progress with their 

devious political schemes and tactics

     Unfortunately, America simply did not have

sufficient numbers of politically educated and

knowledgeable voters involved in those ongoing

political challenges to stop some of those very

harmful and damaging Socialistic and Communistic

political actions from taking place

     Lon and Janie Willoughby believe that after

current-day responsible American voters are

educated adequately about these very important

political challenges, they will be able to see and

understand that some of our current politicians are

knowledgeable about these Socialistic and

Communistic political objectives

     Some of those politicians are responsibly trying

to oppose the Socialist and Communist infiltrator political

manipulator activist and prevent them from making more

progress with political actions in the U.S. Congress.

     Those responsible politicians need strong

support from patriotic-minded American voters

Unfortunately, too many voters are still not educated

adequately about these very important political

challenges so they make no efforts to provide

strong support for the very responsible politicians.

    These ongoing political challenges are evident in

current-day political issues - such as the dramatic

changes in the political balance of power in the U.S.

House of Representatives, where the Democrats

were able to take control in year 2020. 

    That was due largely to the naive and gullible

American voters outnumbering the more politically

knowledgeable and more responsible voters. 

    However, those political changes were also likely

caused because we had a flawed Republican

president whose unreasonable actions caused many

responsible voters to vote for democratic political

candidates - because they apparently offered more

responsible and more sensible political actions for our

complex political challenges. 

     With the Democrats in control in the U.S.

House of Representatives in years 2020 and 2021, it

was easier for the Socialistic and Communistic

leaning politicians, that are already actively working

in the U.S. House of Representatives, and also

working in the U.S. Senate, to help bring about some

of the Socialist political changes that are actively

promoted by the fanatical Socialist and Communist

infiltrator political manipulator activist in America

     You will learn herein later why Lon and Janie

Willoughby believe that there are already more than

80 U.S. House of Representative politicians and

about 20 politicians working in the U.S. Senate who

are very cooperative with Socialist and Communist

infiltrator activist agents' promoted political actions

                          The Enemies Within

     Those situations are reported competently and

responsibly in the book and DVD that was produced by

Trevor Loudon titled The Enemies Within.

     It is clear to Lon and Janie Willoughby that the Socialist

and Communist infiltrator activist agents in America are

stronger politically now, and more dangerous now,

than they have ever been previously.

     Many American voters apparently think that the

Socialist and Communist threat to our political

systems is no longer a serious danger, but those

attitudes are wishful thinking that is not supported by the

responsible evidence that is presented herein.

     Several very important books have been

published about these political challenges, but most

American voters are still not educated adequately

about these very important political challenges.

     Millions of American voters have already been

fooled into actively "cooperating" with Socialistic

and Communistic political schemes and tactics -

especially many of our young American voters.

November 2016 Elections

     During the November 2016 elections in the USA,

many millions of voters were easily duped into

cooperating with and actively supporting political

candidates who presented Socialistic schemes and

tactics for voter considerations.

     The election results showed that millions of

American voters did not realize that they were doing

what the Socialist and Communist infiltrator political 

manipulators were deceptively "leading" them to do at the

voting booths in the USA.

     Some of the Socialistic and Communistic leaning

political candidates were actually elected by naive

and poorly informed American voters in local and state

elections.  Some of those candidates were elected to

important positions in the U.S. Congress. 

     Voters who were educated about these vital

political subjects knew what political schemes and

tactics to look for, and they could see and

understand the "Socialist liberal-minded schemes"

that were being promoted by some prominent

"democratic party" political candidates (and some

third party candidates).

2019 - 2020 Presidential Debates

     Those same Socialistic schemes and tactics were

also actively promoted by some candidates during

the 2019 - 2020 democratic presidential debates. 

     Some democratic candidates, and some third

party candidates, actively promoted Socialistic

style "free government services" that would

obviously cost a lot of money (billions of dollars that

would require a lot of additional deficit spending).

November 2020 Voting

     Well-informed voters rejected those Socialistic

proposals in November 2020 voting because they

realized that the U.S. Government is already badly

bankrupted with very serious deficit spending

conditions that have accumulated in recent years.

      How can America possibly afford to fund those

new "free" U.S. government services for millions of

American citizens? 

     Well-informed voters realized that the U.S.

Government cannot afford those grandiose

Socialistic spending projects - no matter how good

they may have sounded to the general public.


     Such Socialistic economic schemes and tactics have

caused serious economic problems for countries and

have driven them into tragic economic bankruptcy.   

     Those predictable economic situations typically

make it much easier for the Socialist and Communist

infiltrator political manipulator activist agents to gain

more control of the political systems in those unfortunate


False Political Promises

      Why will they gain more political control?  Because the

Socialist and Communist supported political candidates

will make irresponsible political promises to help the

voters by falsely claiming that they will provide

government services that will "save the country" and "save

 the people" from the terrible inflationary problems that are

wrecking the economy of the targeted country.  (There are

too many naïve and gullible poorly informed voters who get

suckered into believing those "good sounding" false

political promises.)

     Those very serious inflationary problems were caused

in part by the Socialist and Communist infiltrator political

manipulator agents.  They then used those terrible

inflationary problems (that they helped cause) as a reason

to vote for their sponsored political candidates.


     They used those terrible inflationary problems (that

they deliberately helped cause) as a reason for the voters

to vote for "their candidates" because their candidates

made false promises that they would provide government

actions to correct the terrible inflationary problems. 

     They falsely claim that they have the political solutions

that are needed to help the country overcome its terrible

inflationary economic problems.

    Those Socialist and Communist infiltrator activist agents

understood that many voters were naive and gullible poorly

informed voters and they could easily get duped into voting

in ways that would help the Socialist and Communist 

infiltrator political activist agents gain more political

control over the targeted country involved in those political


    During the past 30+ years, Lon and Janie Willoughby

learned about those types of political challenges that were

taking place in several South American countries. 

    Lon and Janie had been competently educated to

understand the dangerous harmful political schemes and

tactics that were commonly used by the deceptive and

deceitful fanatical Socialist and Communist infiltrator

political manipulatror activist agents.


    In some of the South American countries that were

involved in those political challenges, thousands of people

were killed (by competing political forces). 

     The economy of several of those countries were

damaged severely due to Socialist and Communist

infiltrator political activist agent actions that were

deceitfully, deceptively, and deviously used in their efforts

to gain more political control of each targeted South

American country that had opposed capitalistic type

democratic political actions.

Can these very complex political

challenges happen in America?


     Yes, they are already happening in America because the

fanatical Socialist and Communist political infiltrator

manipulator activist agents realize that many America

voters can easily get duped into voting for political

candidates that propose Socialistic schemes and tactics.

     Those Socialistic schemes are promoted as "free

government services" for "the common people" that

allegedly will be paid for by "tax increases" for very

wealthy citizens.

     That is a common political scheme and tactic that 

Socialist and Communist infiltrator political manipulator 

activist agents have promoted in numerous countries to get

naive, gullible, and poorly informed voters to vote for their

"supported and promoted" political candidates

     Those commonly used political schemes and tactics

have been used in American politics, and they are still

being used in American politics to help the Socialist and

Communist infiltrator political activist agents gain more

political control in state and federal government political

functions and offices across America. 

     The Socialist and Communist infiltrator political

manipulator activist agents use those same deceitful

deceptive dishonest and unethical political schemes

and tactics to help them gain more political control in

some national government political functions and offices in

Washington, D.C. (District of Columbia). 

     American voters who are politically educated and

informed adequately about these political issues and

situations can frequently see Socialistic schemes

and tactics being proposed and promoted by some

democratic party candidates - and also some third

party political candidates. 

     It is very important for voters to understand that

republican party candidates do not usually use such

deceptive dishonest political schemes and tactics to

help them win in the voting booths across America.


    The American National Republican Party is

strongly opposed to republican political candidates

using deceitful and deceptive Socialist type schemes

and tactics to impress gullible American voters.

     This Government Info Department shows that Lon

and Janie Willoughby responsibly strive to provide 

very important education for our Americans 4

Justice private education club members about very

important issues, including critically important

political issues that responsible patriotic-minded

voters need to know about.

Topic 6

Let's Look Back at Some

Very Important History   


Traumatic Human Events !9!4 - 1918

      Let's look back in history and consider some of the very important actions that took place during the years from 1914 through year 1918.    

      World War I was a global conflict that began officially on July 28, 1914, and it continued until it officially ended on November 11, 1918 (4 years, 3 months, and 2 weeks).  It was one of the deadliest conflicts in mankind's history. 

     Those were turbulent years for many millions of people in many countries.  Many millions were killed as a result of military actions (both military personnel and civilians). 

     An estimated 9 million military soldiers died as a result of the war (injuries, hunger and sickness and diseases).  About 5 million civilians died from military actions, hunger and starvation, and a lot of human disease conditions. 

     Actions in the country of Germany did not start World War I, but Germany had a lot to do with the terrible human conditions caused by that war. 

     World War I began due to actions taken by one very foolish Serbian fanatical militant.  A Bosnian Serb named Gavrilo Princip killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie (Duchess of Hohenberg) on June 28, 1914 by pistol shot assassination as they were traveling slowly in their open car (no top) on a city street in the Bosnia capital city of Sarajevo. 

     They were on an official visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina from their home in Graz, Austria.

     Archduke Franz Ferdinand was the Austria-Hungarian heir and Austria-Hungary blamed Serbia for the ruthless pistol shot assassination. 

     An attempt was made to avoid a major conflict through diplomacy but that action failed, and Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia a month later, on July 28, 1914

     Russia had an official alliance with Serbia and that brought Russia into the war to defend Serbia.

     By August 4, 1914, other entangling alliances had pulled Germany, France, and Britain into the war along with some of Britain's colonies.

     In November 1914, the Ottoman Empire, Germany, and Austria-Hungary formed the Central Powers.  Bulgaria joined them in year 1915, and there were some others involved in that group.

    On April 26, 1915, Italy joined Britain, France, Russia, and Serbia as the Allies of World War I

     The Central Powers were united to fight against the Allies of World War I (the allies eventually involving 23 countries).

     President Woodrow Wilson tried to keep America from getting involved in that escalating devastating war, but various events occurred that practically forced him to get America involved in that war on April 6, 1917 in support of the Allies of World War I.

     While the war was going on, additional millions died as a result of the 1918 influenza pandemic, which killed many people in various countries. 

     A lot of people also died from genocides that occurred within the very large Ottoman Empire (Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, Egypt, Hungary, Macedonia, Romania, Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, parts of Arabia, and large parts of the coastal strip in North Africa). 


The Russian Revolution

      Let's focus some attention on what happened to the Russia people when Socialist and Communist political activist agents worked together to gradually gain more and more control of the impoverished (poor) Russian people during the Russian revolution (the Bolshevik Revolution) that officially occurred in October 1917

     In the beginning phases of that revolution, the Socialist and Communist political propaganda sounded good to the common people - it sounded like they planned to help ordinary poor Russian citizens have more opportunities for a better life.   

     The Czar's military police had acted brutally and ruthlessly with the ordinary Russian citizens who had tried to peacefully assemble in mass to protest against the way they had been treated by the Czar's military police forces. 

     The police were riding horses among the assembly of common working class Russian people (on foot) and their brutal and ruthless police military type actions against the assembled protesting people gave the Socialist and Communist political activist the opportune opening that they needed to gain the attention of the badly mistreated ordinary working poor Russian people.   

     As the Socialist and Communist activators collusively gained more political influence and military power during the revolution, they advanced their political strategy into brutal and ruthless armed aggression against the oppressed Russian people. 

     The Socialist and Communist agents consolidated their joint political and military control over the naive gullible trusting working class Russian people. 

     That was truly a tragic situation, where the ruling Russian Czar (Tsar) was overthrown militarily, and he and his immediate family members were captured and ruthlessly murdered. (The Czar, his wife, and all children)

     Those ruthless military actions were a critical part of the Bolshevik Revolution that was occurring in Russia in October 1917.

     Those conflicting political situations illustrate how important it could have been for ordinary Russian citizens to have had access to a competent and knowledgeable educational organization similar to Americans for Justice (i.e. Russians for Justice) during years 1916 - 1917

     That situation could have helped ordinary working class Russian citizens understand what was actually happening politically in their country -  before the Socialist and Communist activist agents gained sufficient political control and military power to ruthlessly terminate such a helpful educational service for ordinary Russian citizens. 

     During year 1917, and for years afterwards, millions of Russians were trying to cope as best they could with the drastic economic effects of the Bolshevik Revolution.

     The revolution wrecked Russia in various ways, with Lenin's and Trotsky's communist directed military actions - which enabled them to ruthlessly consolidate their political and military control over all of Russia

Russian Empire Dissolved

     The dissolution of the Russian Empire occurred in year 1917.  Russia then took political actions that removed itself from World War I in March 1918

     That situation freed up a lot of German military troops to fight in other war areas (military personnel and military resources that had been used for fighting the Russians).

     The dissolution of the German Empire occurred in year 1918.

Additional Dissolution Actions

     The dissolution of the Austria-Hungarian Empire occurred in year 1920.

     The dissolution of the Ottoman Empire occurred in year 1922.

    The very serious political instabilities and economic instabilities that occurred from those major events enabled many uprisings to occur, and new independent states were established, including Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia. 

     Those major political instabilities and economic instabilities helped set the stage for World War II, which began about 21 years later. 

     It is very important to understand that World War II would not have occurred if World War I had not occurred. 

     Consequently, the ruthless murders of the Archduke and his wife in the Bosnian capital city of Sarajevo effectively caused World War I to begin, and those actions also helped cause World War II (21 years later). 

     You can see why years 1914 through 1918 were tragic years for millions of people in various ways in many countries.

     Many civilians were homeless with no reliable sources of electricity, food, clean drinking water, wintertime heat, sewage control and management, and a severe lack of toilet facilities, and a routine  inability to wash their hands before eating. 

     Many children were homeless, having lost one or both parents due to the war.  Many adults and children were without electrical services, adequate food, clean drinking water, toilet facilities, and they routinely were unable to wash their hands before eating.  There was also a severe lack of wintertime heat to cope with the cold winter weather.

     Without electrical services, adequate food, clean drinking water, adequate wintertime heat, and without adequate reliable sewage management and toilet facilities, and the inability to wash hands before eating, bacterial infections and viral infections were common, and serious sickness and diseases developed for many adults and children.

     You can see that years 1914 through 1918 was a time of terrible economic and political disruption and chaos for many millions of people in many countries.  

     NOTES:  Some of the details in this brief overview report about World War I were taken from a very good report that is published at Wikipedia dot org about World War I with maps and pictures.

     The Communist Party, USA was formed in Chicago, Illinois, in December 1919 by a group of Socialistic and Communistic political fanatics.  They quickly began trying to severely damage the established political systems in America.

World War II

     Let's review briefly actions that occurred in Germany during the 1930's under Adolf Hitler's increasingly dominant political control and then military control over the German people in the late 1930's.  Those actions helped cause World War II to begin.

     Those political situations were tragic for many millions of people because Germany, Japan, and Italy joined together in political alliance actions that eventually caused World War II to begin in September 1939 

     NOTES:  www dot Wikipedia dot org presents a very good report about World War II.  The war started in 1939 and ended in 1945.  The second World War was the most devastating conflict in human history. 

     It is estimated that the war caused 70+ million deaths. It is estimated that about 24 million military deaths occurred, and it is estimated that more than 45+ million civilian deaths occurred. . 

     In addition to those death casualties, many millions of civilians and military personnel suffered with injuries from the war.

    Wikipedia dot org presents a detailed report about Gavrilo Princip, the young man who assassinated the Archduke and his wife.  He was arrested, prosecuted, convicted, and imprisoned. 

    It is interesting to read about what happened to him and his parents and family as a result of his assassination actions.  You can find that Wikipedia report by searching for the name Gavrilo Princip.

Chinese Political Actions

     Pause for a few moments and also consider the extremely brutal and ruthless tactics used by the Chinese government forces of Communist chairman Mao Tse-Tung to control many millions of Chinese people during a similar time period.

     Then in the 1960's, the Chinese government Communist military forces of chairman Mao Tse-Tung started the "cultural revolution" that brutally and ruthlessly tortured and killed millions of their own citizens to consolidate their fanatical dominant military and political control over many millions of Chinese citizens. 

     They systematically terrorized and ruthlessly tortured and killed millions of the best educated and most intelligent citizens to gain more political control and military control over the Chinese people. 

     You can review a detailed report about Mao Tse-Tung (Mao Zedong) at Wikipedia dot org.

North Korea vs. South Korea

    Now pause and think about the stark differences in the way people in South Korea live compared to the tragically bad and undesirable way that their neighbors in North Korea live under the extremely ruthless fanatical domineering despotic Communist government type controls that have made North Korea an extremely undesirable place for people to live.

Americans 4 Justice

     Americans 4 Justice helps our A4J club members develop a better understanding of these very important historical governmental concepts because Lon and Janie Willoughby understand that people who are not educated adequately about these very important political concepts (major human historical events) are very likely doomed to repeat the tragic mistakes of the past.

Communist Action Pattern

    The Communist political and military action pattern is clear - gradual domination, ruthless subjugation, and then effective political slavery through the slippery slopes of Socialism, Communism, and/or Fascism. 

    Consider Italy's political tragedies under the Fascist leadership of Benito Mussolini (life 1883-1945). 

    He was captured and shot by Italian partisans after his failed dictatorial fascist type rule of Italy during World War II.

Topic 7

Major Advantages of the

Modern Technological Age

     Today, many millions of American citizens have access to the remarkable Internet and fast and inexpensive email type communications and modern telephones and cell phones, Text messages,  and fax communications, and other very important modern-day advantages that the Russian people, and the German people, and the Chinese people did not have available to them when they needed those technological advantages.

     Americans 4 Justice also helps fill the great need for additional patriotic-minded leadership by providing essential education that can improve substantially the physical health and emotional health and emotional strength of our Americans 4  Justice private education club members.

     Our ABC of Health educational services can also help our club members learn how to develop healthier family members, both physical health and emotional health (spouse and dependent children living at home with their parents).

     ABC of Health can provide additional leadership and organizational skills that can enable our club members to be better managers of their own family members (charity begins at home). 

    Our A4J club members can then be more effective in helping ABC of Health build better teamwork in our growing A4J patriotic club membership

     Americans 4 Justice also works to develop more effective coordination guidance that can quickly help thousands of patriotic-minded American citizens living in upstate South Carolina join together to develop a politically powerful teamwork effort to intelligently work toward achievement of the very desirable goals that are our stated Americans 4 Justice objectives

     Striving together as effective team members, our A4J club members can help our organization progress toward the important objectives stated  below. 

     Those cumulative club member actions will enable our patriotic-minded club members to help build an even better America for our generation, and for our children's generation, and for their children's generation (our grandchildren). 

    These coordinated club member actions can improve life for future generations of Americans.  We realize that the education projects that we promote must be carried forward for each new generation of American adult citizens

    These vital educational issues are too complex and too confusing for each generation of Americans to casually and magically understand what they will need to know to maintain strong free American political systems. 

     Lon and Janie Willoughby understand that each new generation of American adult citizens in upstate South Carolina will need the kind of vital education that Americans 4 Justice can provide for them.

    At the appropriate time in the future, we would like to expand our educational services into other ZIP Code areas of South Carolina, but we must first focus our efforts in upstate South Carolina until we have developed a strong team of A4J patriotic-minded private education club members.

    Those possibilities are clearly in the future, and Lon and Janie Willoughby realize that they will not occur until  ABC of Health has developed a strong private educational club membership in selected upstate Zip Code areas of South Carolina.


    The direct quote below shows that Thomas Jefferson understood the imperative need to educate ordinary citizens about important political and governmental issues and functions, and he surely understood that this need for helpful education would continue into each new generation of American citizens.

     "I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education.  This is the true corrective of abuses of constitutional power."

     That remarkable statement, expressing the genius and wisdom of Jefferson's understanding of human nature, relevant to governmental authority, control, and power, is taken from a letter that Thomas Jefferson wrote to William Charles Jarvis on September 28, 1820.  Reference:  The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Memorial Edition, Lipscomb and Berg, eds., vol. 15 (page 278)

     Now consider these very important helpful words from the very intelligent, very competent, and very wise Ben Franklin: 

     "The good men may do separately is small compared with what they may do collectively."

     These two wise statements (about the necessity of education for people and the great benefits of teamwork) are two very important guiding principles of our Americans 4 Justice private education club objectives

     Lon and Janie Willoughby understand that thousands of patriotic-minded American adult citizens ("qualified visitors") working together in an organized united teamwork effort can potentially accomplish remarkable progress that will not likely be achieved if those same patriotic-minded citizens try to work as individuals rather than joining together into a well organized cohesive team of educated patriotic citizens - like our Americans 4 Justice club members can achieve.

     The next education subject below will show why it is very important for Americans 4 Justice club members to learn some very important information about the legal systems in America.

Topic 8

       Litigation Education

     This introductory health concepts educational website has a Litigation Info Department that provides very important education about the extremely unfair, unethical, and outrageously corrupt self-serving nature of some judicial systems in America.  

      Lon Willoughby has spent about 18,000 hours of his working life involved with litigation actions and issues.  That is equivalent to more than 8 years of full-time work, at 40 hours per week, working with those litigation actions and issues.

     He has litigated in state courts and in federal courts in his pro se capacity (litigating without assistance from attorneys or lawyers). 

     Lon learned that he could not trust trial court attorneys or appellate court attorneys to represent his litigation issues ethically, honestly, and responsibly.

     He found that litigation attorneys are obligated to and subjugated by their required professional allegiance to   judicial systems that frequently operate in unfair and unethical self-serving ways that can be outrageously corrupt for benefits to members of the legal system.

     Lon also found that he could not trust trial court judges or appellate court judges to be fair and ethical and be responsible impartial judges. 

     Lon also found that judges were also obligated to and subjugated by their professional allegiance to unfair, unethical, and corrupt self-serving judicial actions that would benefit the "legal system" wherever possible, as much as possible.

     During 20 years of related litigation actions in the Florida courts, Lon learned that the Florida legal system usually operates in a disgustingly unfair and unethical manner that is self-serving for benefits to members of the legal profession (the legal brotherhood). 

    After many years of litigation experiences, Lon has good reasons for believing that the judicial systems in the USA are so self-serving in unfair and unethical ways that they are generally a form of organized crime against American litigants that produce numerous benefits to members of the legal profession.

Judicial Corruption Exposed

     Americans 4 Justice club members can review our 

Judicial Corruption Exposed Department at our main educational website (www dot ABCofHealth dot com) whenever they want to learn additional information about Lon's very important education about extreme levels of judicial corruption in American courts

     That special education department has protected access that requires a User Name and Password for access (security codes for A4J club members only).

    We also have another website that includes a Justice Department that provide some additional education about Lon's extensive experiences with litigation actions in American courts (trial courts and appellate courts).  Lon went all the way up to the U.S. Supreme Court for two separate cases exposing extreme judicial corruption. 

That website is: www dot ABCofHealth dot biz

    The Justice Department of that website is available to "qualified visitors" as defined in the Home Department of  this website.  That department exposes very serious judicial system corruption problems in American courts

     That website also has several departments of information related to natural healthcare concepts education

     You may find it interesting that the word Justice is included in the attractive and meaningful logo for that website

      The numerous corrupt judicial situations reported by Lonnie Willoughby in the Litigation Info Department of this website, as president of ABC's of Health, Inc., explains why he will not allow anyone involved with, or associated closely with, the legal profession, in any capacity, to join Americans 4 Justice - not them or their spouse, or their parents, or their adult sons or daughters, or their employees, or their close relatives or their friends, or other close associates.

     None of those people will get access to our very important and very valuable A4J Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Home-study Educational Services.  

     The extremely unfair, unethical, and corrupt litigation and judicial situations that litigant Lonnie Willoughby, Jr. was subjected to during 20+ years of related litigation actions in Florida courts is one of the main reasons why ABC of Health is very careful and very selective about who can qualify to join our Americans 4 Justice private education club

     After reviewing Lon's judicial expose' information in the Litigation Info Department at this website, "qualified visitors" will understand why Lon carefully restricts the sales distribution of our Americans 4 Justice private education club memberships. 

     This security provision helps protect our very important and very valuable A4J natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services from access by various kinds of undesirable people. 

     ABC of Health sells first-year A4J private education club memberships in our Americans 4 Justice private education club to carefully selected "qualified visitors" who go forward and get security-status qualified to join our Americans 4 Justice private education club

Topic 9

Pre-paid Legal Services

      In December 1984, while he was living and working in DeLand, Florida (eighty miles north of Orlando, on US Hwy 17), Lon was invited to attend an introductory educational meeting in Orlando about Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc.

     The introductory information presented at that dinner meeting impressed Lon very favorably.  He liked what this innovative company in Ada, Oklahoma was doing to make expensive legal system attorney/lawyer advisory services

available to ordinary people at very reasonable monthly membership costs ($26.00 per month) for a broad variety of legal system issues.

     Lon could see that having easy access (800 toll free number) to many important legal advisory service subjects could be very helpful to most Americans adults and families.

     Lon Willoughby promptly purchased a Pre-paid Legal Services family membership policy (monthly fee of $26.00).  He subsequently qualified to become an Independent Representative of Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. within the state of Florida. 

     He complied with the state's requirements for independent sales agents to sell Pre-paid Legal Service policies to people living in Florida, and he registered with the company in Oklahoma to be an independent sales agent.   

     in April 1986, Lon moved back to his home in the town of Mauldin in Greenville County, South Carolina.  The home had been leased while he worked in Florida from July 1983 until March 1986. 

    He wanted to continue his membership status with Pre-Paid Legal Services, and he was able to do that because the company had recently qualified with the state of South Carolina to begin selling their legal services type memberships to people that lived within the state.

     Therefore, Lonnie Willoughby was able to transfer his Florida membership status to a South Carolina membership status. 

     Lon also wanted to continue his status as an Independent (sales) Representative of Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. within the state of South Carolina, but the state requirements to do that were more complex than the Florida sales requirements had been. 

     South Carolina required that Lon pass a state exam for selling life insurance and health insurance within the state to qualify to sell membership policies for Pre-paid Legal Services.  

     When Lon looked into that situation he learned that a special school course was conducted monthly in the Greenville area that could help him quickly learn how to qualify to sell life insurance and health insurance policies in South Carolina. 

    He promptly enrolled in the next available course class, and he paid the course fee, which also included the special text books fees involved. 

    Lon then attended the next three-day crash course class for that special education and training.  The course had excellent text books, and a lot of helpful information was covered in those three class days about life insurance and health insurance and policy sales in South Carolina.  It was a really good course that was very interesting.

    After completing that special course education and training and studying the course text books, Lon scheduled his opportunity to take the state exam for selling life insurance and health insurance policies. 

     He passed the state exam with a very good grade, and he then completed the registration process with Pre-paid Legal Services in Ada, Oklahoma - to become an independent (sales) representative for Pre-paid Legal Services memberships within the state of South Carolina.

     The state promptly issued Lonnie Willoughby a license that authorized him to sell life insurance policies, health insurance policies, and Pre-paid Legal Services membership policies anywhere within the state of South Carolina. 

     Lon then applied for and qualified to become an insurance sales agent with a major insurance company so that he could begin selling their life insurance and health insurance policies to people anywhere in South Carolina. 

     Pre-paid Legal Services has several membership policies for different situations such as an individual membership policy or a family membership policy, a membership policy for an individual (or a family) combined with a small business membership, a membership policy for a small business owner, a membership policy for a large business owner (more than 50 employees), and a membership policy for a commercial truck driver. 

     Because the Oklahoma company had just recently qualified with the state's requirements for the sale of their legal services policies, Lon Willoughby initially helped Pre-Paid Legal Services get established with sales of their legal services policies to people in the Greenville area and in the Columbia area. 

     He also helped with the recruitment of sales agents (independent representatives) in the  Greenville area and in the Columbia area.

     In essence, Lon Willoughby strategically helped Pre-paid Legal Services get started in those two major metropolitan areas.

     To accomplish both of those objectives, Lon began conducting public education meetings in both cities to introduce people to Pre-paid Legal Services (for the first time ever). 

     Lonnie Willoughby completed the annual license renewal process, year after year, for many years to maintain his license to market (sell) Pre-paid Legal Services memberships within South Carolina.

     His experiences in working with Pre-Paid Legal Services for many years can now be beneficial to ABC of Health and to members of our Americans 4 Justice private education club in several ways.


     This Government Info Department shows that Lonnie Willoughby has acquired some very important and very valuable education and work experiences that helped him enable ABC of Health to expand its educational services objectives (beyond natural healthcare and wellness concepts education) into several other very important areas of education. 

     Due to Lon's and Janie's combined extensive educations and work experiences, they were able to develop vital educational services that responsible American adult citizens need to be educated about - such as the very important education topics that are introduced in this special Government Info Department

     Our Americans 4 Justice private education club  membership services are unique vital educational  services that are not available as club member educational services anywhere else in America.

Topic 10

Overview Summary of Our
Natural Healthcare Services


      Important Note:  The introductory paragraphs below provide an overview summary of the very important and valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services that ABC of Health offers to "qualified visitors."

     This same summary is presented in some other departments because key words are contained herein that help Internet Search Engines work better with this website.

     After you have reviewed this helpful summarized information one time, you can simply scroll down past this overview summary when you review other departments that contain this same summarized information.   

    Natural Health Education Services: Two of our education websites contain special natural  health concepts that are "free to review" for "qualified visitors" as explained at the beginning of the Home Department of this website.

    Those "qualified visitors" can also help other apparently  "qualified visitors" learn about this special introductory educational website.

    This website can help other apparently  "qualified visitors" understand why it is very important to improve  their lifestyles (enjoy a more enjoyable and likely less expensive and longer  healthier life)

      However, in order to begin using some of our  copyrighted natural healthcare and wellness concepts, "qualified visitors" must agree to comply responsibly with the conditions stated in our Copyright Info Department and the conditions stated in our Terms of Use Department - both of those departments are  published at this introductory education website.

    ABC of Health also offers Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Consultation Services with Lon Willoughby by telephone for A4J club members (they live in the upstate area of South Carolina - within about a 60-mile radius of downtown Greenville)

    ABC of Health has a very reasonable fee structure for these Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Consultation Services.

    Lon can conduct convenient consultations by telephone that may be very helpful to A4J club member individuals, or married couples, or families (with children living at home with their parents).

    Lon suggests that all consultations be conducted with a landline type telephone connection if possible - to avoid cell phone type radiation into the very sensitive head area for an extended period of time.  That radiation can be damaging to brain, ear, and eye tissue.

     If there are teenagers in a family, and a landline telephone with speakerphone capability is available for use - it may be important to include teenagers in the family telephone consultation session

     Lon Willoughby can structure the telephone consultation to also be beneficial to teenagers, in addition to the consultation information that is provided for direct benefit to the parents (This situation depends upon the personal sensitivity of the healthcare information that will likely be involved in the consultation session).

     A telephone consultation session with Lon can quickly inform A4J club members about how he can help with  some very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts.

       Telephone consultation services offer the advantages of being a fast and convenient way for A4J club members to learn about some specific alternative health type  natural healthcare and wellness concepts that can be helpful for specific healthcare concerns and issues.

      These very convenient consultation opportunities can enable A4J club members to quickly obtain very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts information at very reasonable cost.

    The copyrighted Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts that Lon and Janie teach in our six-lessons A4J Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Services will educate our A4J club members about some very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts.

     Lon and Janie know how to teach these special  healthcare concepts in a manner that is easy for A4J club members to understand and easy to learn, and our  natural healthcare and wellness concepts will be easy to use in achieving very important improvements in the personal lifestyle of A4J club members.

     These remarkable natural healthcare and wellness concepts improvements can benefit A4J club members  in very important ways that can help them for a lifetime of family healthcare services.

     Our special copyrighted education can enable A4J club members to live more enjoyable lives that will likely have more productivity and more achievements and more success than they would have likely had with their previous diet and lifestyle.

     Our incredibly important and valuable six-lessons A4J Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Home-study Education Services are available only from our company (ABC of Health) because we own numerous  copyrighted natural healthcare and wellness concepts  that are presented in the healthcare education services that we teach for our A4J club members.

     We are the only company authorized to teach our  healthcare education services because we must carefully control the security-status evaluation of each applicant's qualifications for joining our  exclusive A4J Private Education Club.

     Our main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts  educational website educates our A4J club members  about very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts that are involved with a broad variety of healthcare subjects such as:

healthcare consultations, healthcare classes, healthcare concepts education programs, herbs, enzymes, minerals, nutraceuticals, probiotics, proteins, vitamins (food derived vitamins and manufactured vitamins).

     Lon Willoughby also presents education about:

air filters, air purifiers, water filters, bathing water filters, bathtub filters, shower filters, water purifiers, water alkalizers, water ionizers, CHI styled exercisers, quality-built rebounder exercisers, and far-infrared  (FIRportable saunas.

     The natural healthcare products and services listed above illustrate the broad range of important healthcare issues that our resident natural  healthcare consultant and nutrition consultant and healthy lifestyle consultant is knowledgeable about(Lon Willoughby)   

     Lon has acquired special advanced level natural healthcare and wellness concepts education and  experiences with many important health-promoting products and alternative health and "complementary health" type natural healthcare and wellness concepts and services.

Natural healthcare actions = healthcare actions

without using pharmaceutical type drugs.

Topic 11

Helpful Information For You

        This website is viewed best with Arial font - Medium Size (10)You may be able to select parameters on your browser by using View (set text size) and Tools (Internet Options - select Font and then select the Font Size)

     Our Contact ABC of Health Department provides a convenient Email Form that makes it easy to send a quick email communications to ABC of HealthPlease title your Subject line as suggested therein.

+  +  +  +  + 

     If you appreciate the very important and valuable copyrighted and proprietary natural healthcare and wellness concepts education services that are presented "free to review" at this website, it will be helpful to us if you will take a few minutes to send us an email that tells us how our "free to review" healthcare and wellness concepts education services have been helpful to you

     Lon wants to know how you feel about the very important healthcare and wellness concepts education that is introduced at this website.  He really does like to hear from "qualified visitors." 

    IMPORTANT E-MAIL INFO:  If you want to retain a copy of your email, just use your usual method of sending emails and send your email to: 

    You will then retain a copy of your email in your email Sent Folder; you can also send yourself a carbon copy (Cc) of your email. 

     If you prefer more convenience, you can visit our Contact ABC of Health Department and use our convenient Email Form to send your email, but you will not retain a personal copy of that email.  

     Your email to us can simply express how you feel about our dedicated efforts to help "qualified visitors" get introduced to some very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts

     This introductory educational website can help them become more responsible about taking better care of their precious natural health. They may benefit from these vital healthcare actions for the rest of their life.

     If you have been a customer or client in our  unique Health and Wellness Store or our Natural Healthcare Concepts Educational Business, it will be helpful to us if you will take a few minutes to express your feelings about the way ABC of Health has served your natural healthcare concerns and interests. 

    NOTE:  If you want to retain a copy of your email, please use the alternate email procedure that was explained above (use your usual email system)

    Your constructive comments about us can be very helpful to first-time "qualified visitors" who are trying to evaluate our credibility and trust-worthiness as a competent and responsible natural healthcare and wellness concepts education company.


Additional E-Mail Information

     When we respond to your email, our response may go into your "Junk email or Spam email file" until you direct your email system to recognize our email as a good email and then begin presenting our emails in your email Inbox.

      It is very important to always check your "E-mail Junk File and your E-mail Spam File" each time you check your email to help you avoid losing some good emails. 

     We check our E-mail Junk File and Spam File daily, and we frequently have some good emails that got sent to one of those files instead of being sent to our E-mail Inbox 

     We understand that emails that get stored in our E-mail Junk File or our E-mail Spam File will be deleted automatically after ten days of storage (if we have not taken actions to move any good emails into our E-mail Inbox before the 10-day period expires for each individual email)

     When we find important emails in our E-mail Junk File or Spam File, as we frequently do, we simple move them into our E-mail inbox.  

     We do that easily by selecting the three-dot icon (or three-line icon) at the top right of the display screen and then select the "move" function in the listing of actions that appear vertically.   We routinely move those good emails into our E-mail Inbox.

Detour to our Security Info Department

     Select the detour link down below to detour to the  Security Info Department.  Lon developed this department to present very important education about security issues that are critically important to our educational objectives with six very important subjects of education.

     After you carefully review this security info education, you will be ready to detour to our main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts educational website to begin your review of Part Two of Lon Willoughby's autobiographical natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational report. 

     Lon's report may enable you to begin making improvements in your lifestyle in some very important and valuable helpful ways, and all of this remarkable natural healthcare educational service is in our "free to review" educational format for "qualified visitors.

     NOTES:  Detouring to our main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts education website will introduce additional natural healthcare and wellness concepts that can potentially help many "qualified visitors" for the rest of their life.

     You can easily activate this website detour using the convenient www dot ABCofHealth dot com link that will be presented at the end of the Security Info Department.   

     IMPORTANT NOTE:  Lon has also developed an Index Registry for this Home Extension Department, and it is the last subject presented down below in this department. 

     You are about to transfer out of this department, but be aware that there is an Index Registry for this Government Info Department.

     If you should later want to review parts of this department, you may find it very helpful to use the convenient Index Registry that is down below. 

     It may be helpful to scroll down below for a few moments to get a quick look at the Index Registry before you take action to detour to our Security Info Department

   Use the link right below to detour to our Security Info Department.  You will be reviewing very important information that is critically important for "qualified visitors" to review and understand.

Security Info       


Index Registry

This Index Registry is partially completed.  It will be completed as soon as possible by Lon Wi8lloughby.

Background info about ABC of Health

Topic 1

Important Political Issues

Educational Information about

Socialism and Communism

BIG PROBLEM with that common opinion

The frightening truth about this situation

lack of news information situation

DVD - Shadows of Liberty

Major New Media Controls

                 ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, Fox News, etc.

J. Edgar Hoover

Director of the FBI


Digital eBook - Masters of Deceit

The Naked Communist

Author W. Cleon Skousen

Tragedy & Hope

Author Dr. Carroll Quigley

The Naked Capitalist

Author W. Cleon Skousen

The Naked Socialist

Author Paul Skousen

Political Fanatics

The Enemies Within

Author Trevor Loudon

Example Search: 

The Enemies Within, Trevor Loudon

Other Sources of

Educational Information

Dinesh D'Souza

Political Analyst

Curtis Bowers

Idaho legislator

"Agenda: Grinding America Down" and 

"Agenda 2: Masters of Deceit."

Gloria Z. Greenfield

Video Producer

Another very important DVD program

"The fight of our Lives - Defeating the

Ideological War Against the West."

Topic 2

Actions to take to get started

review the Kindle format DVD titled

The Enemies Within - with Trevor Loudon

The Naked Capitalist and The Naked Socialist 

digital Kindle version of the Master's of Deceit book

Master's of Deceit by J. Edgar Hoover

Stronger and More Dangerous Now

 Than Ever Before

Additional Reason for Being Healthy

 Physically and Emotionally

You Can Help Other Selected People

Topic 3

Major News Media Coverage

is Controlled and Limited

a more controllable country

The DVD video titled The Enemies Within

Important Religious Considerations

American Patriot Action Plan

The Naked Capitalist

the later Skousen book, The Naked Socialist

Topic 4

 Encouraging and Supporting

Responsible American Politicians

Topic 5

What is going on politically in America?

The Communist Party, USA was started in

Chicago, Illinois in December 1919

The book "None Dare Call it Treason"

Say "No" To the New World Order

"None Dare Call It Conspiracy"

European countries taken over by Communist

Back in the 1940's, when a series of European

countries were being politically manipulated

toward socialist and communist control

like dominoes falling

Why were those political situations possible?

Can these tragic political situations

  happen in America?

With the Democrats in control

The Enemies Within

DVD - Shadows of Liberty

State Coordinator in South Carolina

Topic 6

Let's Look Back at Some

Very Important History    

Traumatic Human Events !9!4 - 1919

World War I was a global conflict

July 28, 1914

November 11, 1918 (4 years, 3 months, and 2 weeks)

The Russian Revolution

Bolshevik Revolution

Russian Empire Dissolved

Additional Dissolution Actions

Communist Party, USA

December 1919

World War II

Chinese Political Actions

North Korea vs. South Korea

Americans 4 Justice helps our A4J club members

develop a better understanding

Communist Action Pattern

Topic 7

Major Advantages of the

Modern Technological Age

Today, many millions of American citizens have access to the remarkable Internet and fast and inexpensive email type communications and modern telephones and cell phones, Text messages,  and fax communications, and other very important modern-day advantages that the Russian people, and the German people, and the Chinese people did not have available to them when they needed those technological advantages.

The direct quote below shows that Thomas Jefferson understood the imperative need to educate ordinary citizens about important political and governmental issues and functions

Now consider these very important helpful words from the very intelligent, very competent, and very wise Ben Franklin: 

The next education subject below will show why it is very important for Americans 4 Justice club members to learn some very important information about the legal systems in America.

Topic 8

Litigation Education

Topic 9

Pre-paid Legal Services

Topic 10

Overview Summary of Our
Natural Healthcare Services

Topic 11

Helpful Information For You

Index Registry