Home Department

Natural Healthcare Education

(Visitors should begin here)

This department was 

updated on September 25, 2024

Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education


ABC's of Health, Inc.

doing business as (dba)

ABC of Health

 Alternative & Complementary

Natural Healthcare Educational Services

on the Internet for select American citizens 

living within many upstate areas of South Carolina:

 Anderson, Clemson, Easley, Gaffney, Greenville, Greenwood, Greer, Pickens, Spartanburg, Woodruff, and many other upstate area towns and rural living areas.

     We introduce very important and very valuable Natural Health and Wellness Concepts Education on the Internet in our very helpful "free to review" educational format for select American adult citizens that live in many upstate areas, as shown above.    

     ABC of Health is leading the way for much better Natural Holistic Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Services for select American citizens living within upstate ZIP Codes 296 - - and 293 - - .

    Our company personnel have developed very important and very valuable natural holistic healthcare and wellness concepts educational services that can be very helpful to  thousands of very lucky selected American adult citizens who live within these special ZIP Code areas. 

    ABC of Health can also present very important and very valuable natural healthcare concepts educational services for assisted living facilities and nursing home facilities and also educational services for people who are receiving helpful assisted living services in their home

     Lonnie Willoughby, the founder and president of ABC of Health, has learned over many years of relevant education and healthcare experiences how to help many of those people have a better life with less pain and suffering and more enjoyment of life. 

     Lon will explain herein how selected "qualified visitors" can also learn how he can help them improve their health while they are developing a much better attitude and feelings about their current health conditions (by becoming a member of our private educational club).  

     Lon's wife, Janie, works with him to provide those very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services on the Internet.  She is a retired professional educator with 39 years of public school teaching experience - mostly high school students.

    Janie has a Bachelor's Degree (Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC) and a Master's Degree in Education  (Furman University, Greenville, SC).  You can see that Janie has very important college level education and many years of high school teaching experiences.  Her many years of teaching American History subjects and American Government subjects and other social study subjects was very helpful to Lon as he worked on developing this complex website.

     Janie's advanced level of college education and her many years of teaching experiences enabled her to help Lon develop very important and very valuable high quality educational services  for presentation on the Internet by ABC of Health.     

      Selected "qualified visitors" will also learn at this private website about Lon's extensive educational background and many years of relevant work experiences with Natural Holistic Healthcare and Wellness Concepts.

+  +  +  +  +

     Spend a few very interesting minutes at this private educational website to see if you can qualify as a selected "qualified visitor" who will be authorized to review this very important and very valuable private educational website at no cost.

     If you can qualify to review this private website, this will probably be the most important private educational website, focused primarily on natural healthcare and wellness concepts education, that you have ever had an opportunity to review. 

   The personal value to you can be enormous - thousands of dollars worth of natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational benefits - with other educational benefits that are also super important and very valuable.  

+  +  +  +  +

(Our address for shipments)

ABC of Health

201 B West Butler Rd., # 159

 Mauldin, SC 29662

+  +  +  +  +

(Our preferred mail address)

ABC of Health

P.O. Box 127

 Mauldin, SC 29662

+  +  +  +  +

E-mail address: 


PHN: 864-329-0004 

FAX: 864-329-0005

TXT: 864-735-2234

Office Hours for the

three numbers above: 

9:00 AM to 7:00 PM

Monday through Friday   

Topic 1

Introductory Information

       ABC's of Health, Inc. is primarily in the Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education Business Our South Carolina Corporation was established in April 1986The founder of ABC's of Health, Inc. and still president (since April 1986) is Lonnie Willoughby, Jr. (Lonnie Will o bee).  We do business as (dba) ABC of Health.   

     Our professional voicemail service is available to take your telephone call during our business hours when we do not answer the office phone.

      Lonnie's wife, Janie, works with him daily in this natural healthcare concepts educational business, and they are usually very busy people.  Consequently, they prefer to communicate with people by Fax or Text message, or by Email because these types of communications do not interrupt their daily work activities as much as telephone calls have done in the past.  

     Would you want your very important work activities interrupted 20 to 30+ times per day with telephone calls from strangers - usually wanting to sell you something that they think may be useful to your business - or have your work activities interrupted by telephone calls from people who have not responsibly reviewed the very important introductory educational information that we carefully present at this private Introductory Educational Website?  

     Lonnie (Lon) and Janie learned that if they answered all telephone calls, they would not be able to get their workload accomplished daily in a reasonable and responsible timely manner.  You can therefore see that Fax or Text messages, or Emails are much better ways for Lon and Janie to communicate with most people daily.   This Introductory Educational Website is designed to educate "qualified visitors" about everything they need to know initially about our educational services. 

      If Lon or Janie do need to talk with someone by telephone, that situation can be scheduled by Fax or Text message, or by Email communications and scheduled at an appropriate time of day for each individual situation involved. 

     Lon is the author of the private health-related autobiographical educational report presented at this website.  This is an exceptionally important report that can help improve life in important ways for thousands of "qualified visitors" in upstate South Carolina. 

Who are "qualified visitors?"

     "Qualified visitors" are natural-born American adult citizens who are Christian-oriented and who are responsibly patriotic towards the United States of America (the USA, America).  They can read and speak the English language, and they live in selected ZIP Code areas of upstate South Carolina - as explained below.  

     NOTE:  Christian-oriented means that they have had some significant education about the Holy Bible, and they understand that the Holy Bible provides their core value religious beliefs and ethical and moral standards.

     They recognize the importance and validity of the Ten Commandments and the ethical and moral teachings in the New Testament education about Jesus Christ.

     They believe that the ethical and moral teaching concepts of Jesus Christ are a major part of their core religious ethical standards.  Most of these people will likely be an active member of a local Christian-oriented church

     If a person's religious teachings and ethical and moral beliefs are not based on the Holy Bible and the Ten Commandments and the ethical and moral teachings of Jesus Christ, and they do not consider these ethical and moral standards as their core ethical and moral standards, they will not qualify as being Christian-oriented.  Consequently, they will not be a "qualified visitor" when they visit this private Introductory Educational Website.

Where do "qualified visitors" live?


     This private educational website introduces very important health-related concepts and natural healthcare and wellness educational concepts to "qualified visitors."  These visitors live in their primary permanent home or residence with an address ZIP Code of 296 - - or 293 - - 

     Lon estimates that 800,000+ people live in these upstate ZIP Code areas (men, women, teenagers, and younger children).  He also estimates that there may be 200,000+ potential "qualified visitors" living in these selected ZIP Code areas. 

     Consequently, ABC of Health has a lot of potential "qualified visitors" to try to find and communicate with - so we can begin helping them with our very important and valuable educational services (as explained herein).

     During these difficult economic times, and difficult and dangerous healthcare times (bacterial and viral infections), some "qualified visitors" may be living at their parent's home or residence for practical reasons. 

     Or they may share a permanent type home or residence with a trusted friend, but they do not live at a temporary address such as a boarding house, or a hotel or a motel, and they are not living temporarily with a friend. 

     This private introductory educational website was carefully developed to present very important educational concepts for "qualified visitors."

     However, some of those visitors may be denied access to our educational services for reasons explained in thLEGAL NOTICES presented in Topic 8 down below. 

Fortunate "Qualifiable Visitors

     Lon will explain herein why he and wife Janie  responsibly strive to help selected "qualified visitors" learn why they may have a fantastic remarkable opportunity to enjoy a much better lifestyle (healthier and safer and more enjoyable with more productivity and more success and personal satisfaction) than other American adult citizens are likely to learn how to achieve.

     The practical value of the private introductory educational concepts presented at this website can be enormous - more valuable than selected "qualified visitors" can even begin to comprehend at this early point in this autobiographical Introductory Educational Report. 

     Some selected "qualified visitors" may have already learned some natural healthcare and wellness concepts that help them protect their natural health, but this very special educational website will introduce a goldmine of vital health-related concepts that can enable selected "qualified visitors" to understand the conventional medical healthcare systems in America much better and more clearly and much more responsibly than they have ever understood these medical systems before. 

Lon's Natural Healthcare 

Products Sales Store Work

     You will learn herein that Lon managed a complex corporately owned natural healthcare products sales store for 15 years in Greenville County, South Carolina. 

     That health store work enabled Lon to increase his  very important and very valuable knowledge about many natural healthcare nutrition supplement products    

     The ABC of Health natural healthcare products sales store was closed permanently on April 24, 2014, but Lon and Janie chose to keep the ABC of Health Corporation in business as a natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational business.      

      After Lon and Janie got everything moved out of the 3,000 square feet floor space store facility and into rented storage facilities in the Mauldin area, they began developing this new Introductory Educational Website

     Lon and Janie both realized that thousands of American adult citizens, living in upstate South Carolina areas, could benefit greatly from the very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services that ABC of Health could make available to them using the Internet's amazing communications capabilities.

     They already had a large ABCofHealth.com website that Lon had gradually developed over a period of years, but Lon understood that ABC of Health now needed an additional Introductory Educational Website.  

     He saw the need to develop another website that would specifically introduce thousands of selected American adult citizens (living in the upstate area of South Carolina) to very important health concepts and natural healthcare and wellness concepts that could help educate them about the importance and complexity of developing a much healthier lifestyle.  

     At that time in May 2014, Lon and Janie had no way of knowing how much time or effort developing this kind of complex Introductory Education Website would take, but Lon anticipated that it could be a difficult and time consuming project.  

     However, Lon did not anticipate that it was going to take him many years to complete all of the complex research projects that gradually became involved in developing this website.  Reporting appropriately the essence of those research projects in this new educational website were very time consuming tasks.  Lon usually worked 70 to 80 hours per week throughout a ten-year period of time before he finally completed the development of this very complex educational project. 

Special Listings of Website Addresses

     Lon will use the word "dot" instead of a period in the website address in some website addresses that are listed herein.  He does this because Internet Search Engines penalize the presentation of a website address on the Internet if the website presents a website address using the period when the website address is not also enabled to be an active hyperlink (link) - a link that will actually transfer a viewer to that website.  

     You will see this "dot" technique used many times at this website - in situations where Lon wants to identify the website address, but he does not want the viewer to be distracted by actually detouring to that website address at that point in an  educational presentation.  

     The Internet Search Engines do not penalize the website's Internet address listing when the "dot"  technique is used instead of a period, because it is not actually a website address unless the period is used.

     Yes, it took Lon ten-years to complete Part One (this website) and Part Two (additions, changes, and major modifications to our existing website at www dot ABCofHealth dot com), and developing our Americans 4 Justice - SC website, and developing our A4J educational marketing program and Lon also developed  some additional supplementary supporting educational websites. 

     All of those individual tasks resulted in a very complex developmental project that took Lon many years to complete.

      Fortunately, Janie helped Lon in many ways that enabled him to spend a lot of work time developing those various tasks.  

      As Lon was working daily developing those tasks, the ideas kept flowing in his mind about important healthcare related concepts that responsible upstate "healthcare conscious adults" needed to be educated about.  

     Lon was particularly focused on identifying important natural holistic healthcare and wellness concepts that could help many upstate parents educate their children about vital natural  healthcare and wellness concepts.

     He was routinely working very long hours, six days per week, because he was trying to responsibly complete this vital educational project as soon as possible

     Lon understood that many American adult citizens were suffering from health problems that he knew how to help people cope with to manage and minimize their frustrating and painful suffering. 

     Lon and Janie also realized that many American adults were dying prematurely (before ages 80 to 90) because they did not have access to the vital healthcare and wellness concepts education that Lon and Janie were gradually developing, as a dedicated natural holistic healthcare and wellness concepts educational team, for presentations on the Internet.

    Later in this very important report, you will learn about a very important private educational club that Lon and Janie Willoughby carefully developed named Americans4Justice-SC.  

     You will also learn why this exclusive private educational club was needed by ABC of Health to enable much safer educational activities and promotional sales actions of the natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services that Lon and Janie were responsibly developing for ABC of Health to use in educational sales activities. 

     In time, you will probably understand why they named the private educational club Americans4Justice-SC.

Natural Healthcare Products Knowledge

    Lon's very important natural healthcare supplement products knowledge, acquired largely during 15 years of managing the ABC of Health natural healthcare products sales store, can now be used very beneficially for thousands of selected "qualified visitors" in remarkable ways - after those special website visitors voluntarily go forward and qualify "security-status wise" to become members of our Americans 4 Justice Private Education Club as explained in this Introductory Educational Website 

No Nutrition Products For Sale Here

     ABC of Health does not sell any nutrition supplement products at this new Introductory Educational Website Consequently, selected "qualified visitors" who want to purchase natural healthcare nutrition supplement type products will need to purchase those products from other suppliers - locally or on the Internet.

     Notice that you did not need to give your name and an email address before you began reviewing this Home DepartmentABC of Health authorizes selected natural-born American adult citizen visitors to review this website without having to provide any personal information, as independent business websites usually require of all new website visitors. 

     ABC of Health does not require any personal identification information about our website visitors anywhere in this Introductory Educational Website

     This is strictly an educational website (no nutrition products or educational services can be purchased here) so selected "qualified visitors" will not need to present their credit card information anywhere in this website.

     However, you will learn herein that only selected "qualified visitors" are authorized to review the advanced natural healthcare concepts that are introduced at this private educational website.      

     Topic 8 below is titled LEGAL NOTICES and it explains why some identified "qualified visitors" are strictly denied access to the very important and very valuable natural holistic healthcare and wellness concepts education that is introduced at this very special private educational website.

Topic 2

Colored Text Information    

       Before Lon Willoughby presents more information about this true autobiographical educational report and introduces some very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts that can help thousands of select "qualified visitors" daily for the rest of their life, Lon will take a few minutes to explain important helpful information about the colored text that he used throughout this Introductory Educational Website.

      A lot of colored text is used throughout this website to emphasize certain words or phrases and to also help improve clarity of meaning in some sentences. 

     Lon recommends that you review this website using a computer with a color monitor if available - to get the most convenient review of this lengthy website.  

     Using a computer color display can provide a larger and better viewing screen, and it can also be easier to control and manage than conducting a review of this  lengthy website oa handheld Smart Phone or Tablet.      

     NOTE:  If this subject is being presented in all black text, you do need to activate colored text viewing as suggested herein.  However, if you are seeing some  colored text, you are already in colored text viewing mode (you do not need to take the color text actions suggested in this topic).  However, Lon suggests that you should review the other helpful information presented herein.

     This website is also programmed to work well with Android type and iPhone type Smart Phones or Tablets but some of those display devices will likely not present colored text until they are specifically activated to present colored text viewing. 

     Selected "qualified visitors" can do that easily by quickly scrolling down to the bottom of this Home Department's lengthy presentation and find and select a three-word link command below the last line of type.

    This easy scrolling action can be done quickly (30 to 40 seconds), and it will enable one to find and select the three-word link command This action should activate colored text viewing for many mobile viewing devices.

    These same easy actions may also be used to activate colored text viewing on many mobile devices for other websites, but see the NOTES below before you begin this scrolling action for this Home Department. 

    NOTES:  An easier, quicker, and better way to get to the bottom of this Home Department with a computer display is to use the keyboard Ctrl F find function

     For Smart Phone or Tablet users, activate the Find Function or Find On Page function.  If you are using a Smart Phone or Tablet, and you are not familiar with this Find function, or Find On Page function, select the three vertical dot icon or the three horizontal line icon (whichever your viewing device uses) at the top right side of the viewing screen to begin using this special function.  

     ADDITIONAL NOTE:  Some newer model portable viewing devices may show this icon at the lower right corner of the viewing screen.  You may need to explore for a minute to determine how your portable viewing device works regarding this "Find Function" issue.

     Whichever viewing device you are using, you will need to search for this three word link command: View full site Finding this three-word link command at the bottom of this Home Department will quickly get you to the very bottom of this Home Department.  (Where you can see and then select this three-word link command.)

     Selecting this three-word link command can instantly activate color viewing mode for many portable viewing devices, and it will also automatically bring you back to the beginning of this Home Department.  You can then continue your review of this department with the colored  text in active mode.

     NOTE:  It can be helpful if you make a good written note about this three-word link command function, but  you may find it more helpful to simply print these detailed instructions.

     The Find Function will find the three-word link command shown in this explanatory information (how to get to the bottom of this Home Department) as the first find action.  Repeat this find action again until you get to the bottom of this Home Department - where you will see and then select the three-word link command.

     NOTE:  This find function feature should also work for websites that are presented by other companies so a printed copy of this helpful colored text activation procedure may be helpful to you in future situations.

     Select the three-word link command to instantly activate colored text viewing mode (for various brands and various models of portable text viewing devices).

     This special three-word link command will not be available (at the very bottom of this Home Department) if you are already operating in colored text viewing mode.    

     If these Find Function actions do not activate colored text viewing mode for your Smart Phone or your Tablet, Lon again recommends that you review this website on a computer because the colored text will always be available on a color type computer display. 

     Lon's use of a lot of colored text can be very helpful as you review this Introductory Educational Website. 

     Important Notice:  Lon and Janie realize that some South Carolina upstate citizens do not have a computer, or may not have a smart phone or a tablet, and/or they may not also have convenient access to the Internet.

     If you know an apparently "qualifiable visitor" that does not have a computer, smart phone, or tablet, or does not have convenient access to the Internet, please help them as explained below.

Public Libraries     

     Many public libraries in South Carolina have some computers for use by library members and also visitors

     Library personnel know how to quickly show people how to use one of those computers to get on the Internet and then review this website (or other websites).      

     It takes only a few minutes to learn how to get on the Internet; citizens who have learned how to change stations on a radio or change channels on a T.V., can easily learn how to get on the Internet. 

     If you know some adults who do not have access to the Internet, please help them understand that they can call or go to the local public library to inquire about using one of their "public use computers" (at no cost) to obtain easy access to this very important website on the Internet. 

     This Introductory Educational Website may help improve their life in very important ways, and we (ABC of Health) do not charge a fee for these very important and valuable introductory educational services

     Selected "qualified visitors" just need to give the website address shown below to the library employee, and they will quickly find this website on the Internet, and they can also show them how easy it is to find this very special educational website on the Internet.    



     NOTES:  The uppercase and lowercase letters shown in the website address above are used to make the separate words more noticeable.  The Internet service automatically converts all words to lowercase letters, so it is not necessary to use the uppercase letters shown above.  It just makes it much easier to see each individual word than if all letters were shown in lowercase.

Getting an E-Mail Account

      If a "qualified visitor" does not have an email account, they can easily set up a free email account using the library computer.  They will need to have the browser company internet address and have some understanding developed already about how to set up an email account.       Several browser companies offer free email accounts and they are all good choices.  Lon chose to personally use a Microsoft email account (name@outlook.com) due to its ease of use.

    Visitors can then go back to the library and use a "public use library computer" to begin using their new email account to send easy and free email communications to various people or to simply check their email account activity.  (They will need to start collecting and keeping a record of email addresses from their relatives and friends, etc.)

    Lon suggests choosing an email name that will be meaningful to other people.  Do not choose a name that is meaningful only to the owner, or a name that is difficult for people to use (a name containing a series of numbers or several letters in sequence that are not obviously logical).

     Those email names may not be meaningful to other people, and they may be difficult for other people to remember or use conveniently.

Topic 3

   Overview of Vital 

Natural Healthcare Concepts

     Let's take a quick look at some very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts that Lon Willoughby can help our Americans 4 Justice (A4J) private education club members strive to accomplish for improving their lifestyle using vital healthcare and wellness concepts.  

     A4J club members can also strive to utilize these vital natural healthcare concepts for their spouse and for any dependent children who live at home with their parents.

     Over the past 40+ years, Lon focused his natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational objectives on some major health problems in America

like cardiovascular problems (heart attacks and strokes), cancer conditions, dementia conditions (including Alzheimer's conditions), and also blood sugar control and management (diabetes and hypoglycemia). 

     Lon also focused some of his natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational objectives on very important natural healthcare improvements such as:

improving human nutrition by studying various nutrients found in a variety of food products.

Improving nutrition in the diet by using helpful nutrition supplements such as enzymes, herbs, quality minerals, probiotics, quality protein supplements, and quality vitamin supplements.

Using positive thought processes to improve mental attitudes and help improve vital hormone functions and help immune system functions.

     Lon's natural healthcare and wellness concepts research and studies and his natural healthcare work experiences helped him learn how to: 

     1.  take nutrition supplements - enzymes, herbs, quality minerals and protein products, probiotics, and various vitamins.  He learned what to take, how much to take, and when to take supplements for best results.

     2.  He also learned how to improve vital functions in the body's blood circulation system and also

     3.  improve operational conditions in the complex lymphatic system by studying Lymphology. 

     4.  Lon learned how to improve vital functions in the complex immune system.  He learned how to improve the activity of the immune system in protecting one from some sickness conditions that are fairly common in the United States of America (USA). 
     5.  He learned how to improve vital hormones production and distribution in the body, and 
     6.  he learned how to improve brain functions and emotional control on a daily basis - reducing anxiety, nervousness, irritation, frustration, and depression conditions (all without using any alcoholic beverages or any pharmaceutical drugs).
     7.  Lon also learned how to improve the quality of drinking water, cooking water, and bathing water in homes and residences.
     8.  He also learned practical ways to improve the air quality inside homes, residences, and small offices.  

     9.  He learned how to improve hydration (water) and oxygen distribution to 30+ trillions of body cells on a daily basis.
   10.  He also learned some very important natural health concepts about improving the digestion of food and beverage nutrients for the body.  Lon studied digestion processes and studied multiple enzymes that are  important in the digestion of various types of food. 

   11.  Studying the various processes involved with food digestion in the stomach and the intestinal system caused Lon to make a detailed study of pH considerations.  He learned how to simplify this complex subject so he could help our A4J club members learn what they need to understand about pH values for various body fluids. 

   12.  Lon also learned how to improve complex functions of the intestinal system, including improving bowel movement functions.  That included learning about using probiotic supplements (beneficial strains of intestinal bacteria) to improve bowel health and improve important bowel functions.
   13.  He also learned how to help our natural healthcare  consultation clients lose excess fat and weight sensibly while they were also improving their overall natural holistic healthcare and wellness actions

   14.  Lon learned how to perform important exercise activities easily at home - exercise that can be more beneficial than walking, running, or having a swimming pool at home.

   15.  He also learned how to help our natural healthcare consultation clients relax better, emotionally and physically, and sleep better, and also slow down somewhat the usual human aging process.

     As you can see from this quick overview of natural holistic healthcare actions listed above, Lon focused a lot of attention (many hundreds of hours over 40+ years) on learning how to help the human body maintain good health throughout the very complex body. 

     He gradually learned how to help the blood circulation system, and help the very complex immune system, and help the complex lymphatic system, and help the kidneys, and the liver, and the lungs minimize sickness conditions by natural means - wherever these improvements are feasible and practical. 

     Lon also learned that pH values (acidity/alkalinity) were very important considerations for many bodily actions and functions, and he learned how to help manage critically important pH values in the body.  

     Lon learned that many medical doctors have been taught that there is nothing practical that a person can do to improve the acidity/alkalinity status of the body, but he also learned that those medical concepts are wrong.  

     Fortunately, there are very important actions that one can take to improve some acidity/alkalinity conditions in the body.  Those vital healthcare actions can help the body in many ways, including helping maintain healthy bones and joints throughout the body.  Those actions can also help important chemical actions within the body. 

     Lon Willoughby also learned how to use certain vitamins in stronger doses to help people improve and strengthen their emotional status and develop a healthier lifestyle, and those actions can also help one develop a more positive and productive attitude about their life.

     If Lon Jr. had known all of this very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concept knowledge back in April 1986 (when he moved from Putnam County, Florida back to Greenville County, South Carolina), he could have helped both of his parents more by using selected vitamin supplements in much stronger doses than the commonly recommended RDA levels. 

     Unfortunately, like many American citizens of their age, they had been taught (erroneously) that people did not need to take any vitamin and mineral supplements.  

     They had been taught that one will get all the vitamins and minerals they need if they just eat a good diet (whatever that is when there is typically inadequate education about vital diet concepts).  Consequently, Lon's parents, like most American adults, had an inadequate understanding about a truly healthy lifestyle.

     Unfortunately for them, eldest son Lon Jr. had not learned all of his current natural healthcare and wellness concepts knowledge at that time.  He had learned a lot about natural healthcare actions, but it was not as much knowledge as he needed to help his parents a lot more.

     It took many additional years of educational natural holistic healthcare and wellness concepts study and also many years of natural holistic healthcare work experiences for Lon Jr. to acquire all of the tremendously important and valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts knowledge that he has today (April 15, 2024)

     Consequently, Lon was not able to share a lot of very important natural healthcare and wellness concept knowledge with his parents prior to April of 1986.

     More than 35 years later, Lon can now share his exceptionally important and valuable natural holistic health and wellness concept knowledge with members of our Americans 4 Justice Private Education Club.

     Lon does this educational sharing in very grateful memory of his intelligent hard working parents, whose very productive lives enabled him to have very important and valuable opportunities in life.  Those opportunities were also very helpful to his wife, Janie Willoughby.  

     Lon's parents' worked very productively for many years and they were financially successful in life to such an extent that they were able to help both of their adult sons, and also help all of the parents' five grandchildren in substantial financial ways.  That financial help enabled those seven family members to have much better opportunities to be financially successful in life.

Copyrighting Natural Healthcare Concepts

     During the past 20+ years, the financial help from his parents helped enable Lon Willoughby to develop and copyright more than 50 natural healthcare and wellness concepts and protocols to help him accomplish some of the natural healthcare concepts objectives listed above. 

     Lon didn't try to "invent the wheel" or "re-invent the wheel" except in some situations where that was clearly needed because those actions could be very helpful to some other people educationally. 

     He diligently searched for dietitians, and homeopathic practitioners, medical doctors and nurses, natural healthcare consultants, naturopathic physicians, nutritionist, and also natural healthcare concepts researchers who had made important contributions to improving human healthcare using natural actions, practices, protocols, and nutritional substances. 

     As stated earlier, Lon and Janie Willoughby then developed an exclusive private educational club named Americans 4 Justice (A4J club) that will be explained briefly in this website. 

Why Develop a Private Education Club?

     Due to his extensive natural holistic healthcare education and his many thousands of hours of litigation experiences, Lon realized that a private education club could help greatly in reducing serious litigation dangers for teaching natural healthcare and wellness concepts.  

     Lon had learned that this kind of natural healthcare and wellness concepts education could be strongly opposed by some medical profession elitist and also pharmaceutical industry personnel and some high level personnel within the Food and Drug Administration.

Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts

     In a later section of this educational website, Lon will present a listing of many natural holistic healthcare and wellness concepts that can be very important for selected "qualified visitors" to review and learn about.  (These natural healthcare and wellness concepts are listed in the Home Extension Department in Topic 14). 

     That detailed listing of natural healthcare and wellness concepts will show that Lon Willoughby has learned about many important natural holistic healthcare and wellness concepts.  Consequently, he knows how to educate A4J private education club members about some very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts that can help make huge improvements in a lifestyle and dramatically improve life for A4J club members

     Those healthcare improvements can have very important effects on health, energy, vitality, minimizing sickness, and the enjoyment of life daily - a life that will also likely have more activities that are accomplished more successfully with more life satisfaction.

     Lon and Janie know how to use remarkable Internet features to teach many natural healthcare and wellness concepts to our Americans 4 Justice private education club members.  However, it is important to understand that Lon cannot teach A4J club members all of the natural healthcare and wellness concepts that he has learned in the past 40+ years - for the reasons explained below.

Referring our A4J Club Members to 

Other Sources of Healthcare Information

     Lon understands how (and when) to refer our A4J club member natural healthcare education clients to some other important sources of healthcare and wellness concepts when that specific information can be helpful to  our A4J private education club members.  

     Natural holistic healthcare and wellness concepts education is very complex, and Lon understands that he does not know everything that some A4J club members may need to consider for improving some of their personal health problem conditions. 

     He will therefore refer A4J club member to medical profession doctor services when he believes those services may be helpful to some A4J club members

     He will also refer A4J club members to other natural healthcare concepts practitioners when their healthcare expertise can be helpful.  This is usually done by referring A4J club members to one of their healthcare education books or referring them to a practitioner's natural healthcare concepts educational services (information that may be helpful to A4J club members)   

     Lon Willoughby tries to be very responsible about observing copyright protection standards of special natural healthcare and wellness concepts that were developed and copyrighted by other healthcare practitioners.   

     Lon is very careful and respectful with other people's copyrighted healthcare and wellness concepts, practices, and protocols, and he carefully avoids violating their copyright protected educational concepts.  Lon also likes to give them proper copyright credit when credit is due. 

     Lon understands that he cannot teach natural healthcare and wellness concepts that were discovered, developed and copyrighted by other natural holistic healthcare and wellness concepts practitioners.  

     Those copyrighted natural healthcare and wellness concepts are protected concepts that belong to the practitioner that developed and copyrighted them

     However, Lon can refer A4J club members to information sources that contain some of those healthcare and wellness concepts (books, websites, newsletters), but it is illegal for him to teach natural healthcare and wellness concepts that were developed and copyrighted by other healthcare practitioners      

     Lon Willoughby has learned about many sources of vital natural holistic healthcare and wellness concepts, and many of these healthcare concepts were learned in book format, because Lon has spent many hundreds of hours during the past 40+ years conducting research and reviews in books about vital natural holistic healthcare and wellness concepts

     Selected "qualified visitors" will also learn herein that Lon Willoughby purchased hundreds of natural healthcare type books during the past 40+ years. 

     Consequently, he has acquired an exceptional important and valuable library of books for ABC of Health about natural healthcare and wellness concepts.

Topic 4

FDA Statement

     The very important and very valuable natural holistic healthcare and wellness concepts introduced at this private website are natural healthcare concepts education, and this education has not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

     It is very important for "qualified visitors" to understand that the natural holistic healthcare and wellness concepts presented in this private website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.   

     That is a very important statement because the FDA decided many years ago that only licensed medical doctors in America can diagnose and/or treat disease conditions for residents while within the USA

     Lon Willoughby understands that this is the prevailing controlling FDA healthcare standard for the United States of America at this time but he does not personally like and agree with some aspects of that FDA standard.

      Lon believes that FDA standard is too restrictive because he understands that some non-medical doctor holistic healthcare practitioners are capable of providing very important and very valuable healthcare and wellness concepts services for millions of USA citizens.  These are vital holistic healthcare services that American medical doctors and nurses are usually not able to provide competently for millions of American residents

     Lon realizes that most medical doctors and medical nurses in America have not been educated and trained adequately about many healthcare and wellness concepts that are related to nutrition issues and nutrition supplement products.

     For many years, the FDA has apparently routinely ignored this critically important healthcare deficiency situation in the American medical profession.

     Lon Willoughby realizes that many millions of Americans (adults, teenagers, and younger children) will likely suffer unnecessarily in many serious ways throughout their lifetimes due to this very serious FDA deficiency

     In essence, Lon realizes that FDA actions and policies over many years have effectively allowed and enabled American medical profession doctors to establish an extremely strong monopoly for healthcare services for American residents throughout the United States of America. 

     Lon realizes that this medical profession healthcare monopoly can be very harmful to millions of American citizens (men, women, and children) - as explained further in this private educational website's presentations.


     Any device or substance that claims to be able to cure or prevent any disease condition is considered to be a drug by the FDA, and all drugs used within the USA must be FDA approved drugs. 

     Consequently, it is generally illegal for American citizens to use any device or substance or protocol (practice) to cure or prevent any disease condition that has not been approved by the FDA as a drug for that purpose.

     Important Note:  It can cost millions of USA dollars, and hundreds of millions of USA dollars, to get a new drug approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). 

     Consequently, any natural healthcare and wellness educational concepts presented in this website that are related in any way to the cure or prevention of any disease condition must be considered as educational information only.  This natural healthcare educational information should not be considered as medical advice.

     Natural holistic healthcare and wellness concepts introduced in this private website's educational services can help selected "qualified visitors" understand that vital holistic healthcare and wellness improvements may be possible by consulting with a competent natural holistic healthcare practitioner.

     Due to Lon's thousands of hours of natural healthcare and wellness concepts education, and his many years of work experiences related to natural holistic healthcare actions and nutrition supplements, he realizes that there are many helpful natural healthcare actions that Americans4Justice private education club members can take to help reduce and minimize the potential for suffering with some serious health conditions that are quite common in the United States of America (America)

     Is it fair, reasonable, and sensible for the FDA to automatically classify some potentially preventive actions as illegal unauthorized drugs because the FDA and the American medical profession high level hierarchy are not necessarily involved when educated A4J club members take some sensible preventive and protective healthcare actions in a knowledgeable and responsible way? 

    (Actions such as good personal hygiene, washing hands carefully before handling food in the kitchen or at the table, cooking most food items before eating them to destroy pathogenic microbes, drinking filtered or purified water, or drinking water that has been previously boiled to destroy pathogenic microbes, taking nutrition supplement products to boost selected nutrition values in the diet, sanitizing faucet control handles and door knobs, and other helpful actions that will be explained herein.)

     Lon Willoughby understands that this is a very important subject for A4J private education club members to consider in their personal lifestyle natural holistic healthcare and wellness concepts actions.

Important Notes

     Some states in the USA have developed statutory laws that allow some types of healthcare practitioners (non-medical doctors) to provide valuable healthcare advisory services to residents within that state's geographic boundaries. 

     Oklahoma has developed statutory law standards that provide good healthcare freedom for adult residents living within that state.  

     Oklahoma may have some of the best healthcare freedom statutory laws of any state in the USA.

     Some other states in the USA have also developed reasonable healthcare freedom statutory laws.

     South Carolina is one of the most restricted healthcare freedom states in the USA, and Lon and Janie Willoughby are working on trying to get very important improvements made for those very unfair and unreasonable restrictions. 

     North Carolina, a neighboring state, has much better healthcare freedom for its adult citizens than South Carolina has for its adult citizens.

Topic 5

Overview of Topic 1 through Topic 8

       Topic 1 presents introductory information.  It explains that this is a private educational website that is not open for review by the general public because this special educational website is reviewable only by selected "qualifiable visitors."   

    This Topic defines which website visitors can become selected "qualifiable visitors" and this Topic also explains that this special private educational website is strictly off limits for review by all other visitors to this website. 

      Topic 2 provides helpful information about how to get various viewing devices into color text mode.  

      This topic also presents helpful information for people who do not have convenient access to the Internet at their home or residence - they can usually get these very important services free at a local library facility.  

      Topic 3 presents a brief review of some of Lon's natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational capabilitiesHe wants "qualified visitors" to get a quick overview of vital natural healthcare and wellness concepts that Lon knows how to teach to help our natural healthcare education clients improve their life a lot. (Our American 4 Justice private education club members.

      Topic 4 presents our FDA Statement and also presents other helpful information related to this topic

      Topic 5 (This topic) presents helpful overview of the first eight topics of this Home Department

      Topic 6 explains why most people in upstate South Carolina do not understand the great importance of Natural Healthcare Concepts Consultation Services

      Topic 6 also introduces very important education about the high rate of premature deaths in America (tens of thousands of deaths weekly before ages 80 to 90).

      Topic 7 explains why many thousands of adult citizens in upstate South Carolina need the special educational services that are presented by ABC of Health as "free to review" education services on the Internet - presented exclusively for education of 100+ thousands of potential selected "qualified visitors."

      Topic 7 also explains why many independent healthcare practitioners of several types should voluntarily provide a one-minute referral service to their apparently "qualifiable visitor" clients, customers, or patients about this very important educational website. 

     Those voluntary referrals to this very special educational website can help those referred people learn why they should sincerely appreciate the complex helpful work that healthcare practitioners can provide for them.

     Topic 7 also reports that our "free to review" educational services can help selected "qualified visitors" learn why they should strive to become healthier employees, and also strive to become more important and more valuable employees for their employer.

     Topic 7 also explains why employees should strive to become more patriotic toward America and become more loyal and responsible toward their American employers. 

     Topic 8 is titled LEGAL NOTICES This Topic explains why specific categories of identified "qualified visitors" are strictly denied access to the vital natural holistic healthcare and wellness concepts education that is introduced in this Introductory Education Website.    

Topic 6

Natural Healthcare

Consultation Services

     Prior to the closing of our natural healthcare products store, when Lon Willoughby was providing natural healthcare and wellness concepts consultation sessions with some of our health store clients, he observed that those clients were usually looking for a simple and easy "education" about important natural healthcare and wellness concepts. 

     They had a greatly over-simplified expectation about what natural holistic healthcare and wellness concepts they needed to learn about. 

     They did not understand that natural healthcare and wellness concepts education is complicated.  It involves learning about many different natural healthcare and wellness concepts that can help one understand how to take good care of a very complex body.

     Lon also observed that healthcare consultation clients were usually in too much of a hurry They mistakenly thought that they could learn how to take good care of their complex body in one or two hours of natural holistic healthcare consultation services

     They did not realize that it would take many hours of consultation time to learn about important and valuable natural holistic healthcare and wellness concepts that could help them take much better care of their precious natural health for the rest of their life

     Those situations illustrate how little the typical American adult already knows about natural holistic health and wellness concepts that are very important

     Those are very serious problems and they are BIG MISTAKES.  Practically everyone naively wants to believe that natural healthcare and wellness concepts education is easy and simple and should not take much time to learn.  That very naïve attitude is obviously wrong.

     If that healthcare education situation was true, it would not take four years of college level education to get a degree as a dietitian or get a degree as a nutritionist

     However, one or two hours of natural healthcare concepts consultation time can be very helpful to a consultation client, depending upon the healthcare consultant's level of knowledge and experience. 

     The natural holistic healthcare consultant may have enough natural healthcare concepts knowledge to provide an important overview of actions that one can take to substantially improve their lifestyle. 

     The healthcare consultant may also provide an overview of actions that one could take to avoid harmful actions that are common serious mistakes in many American lifestyles

     Those natural holistic healthcare consultation concepts could provide a good start toward learning how to take better care of one's natural health, but that would just be starting-level healthcare concepts education

     You will learn at this Introductory Educational Website that there is a lot more healthcare education and natural healthcare and wellness concepts education that needs to be learned if selected "qualified visitors" want to understand how to take good care of a very complex human body in a competent and responsible manner.  

Who Needs The Education Presented Herein?

     So, who needs to review this very important and very valuable Introductory Educational Website?     

Answers to that Very Important Question

     Selected "qualified visitors" who want to learn about how they can take much better care of their natural health and want to learn about how they can get educated to have more energy and more vitality and get educated about having better brain power and better emotional control daily with less anger, anxiety, less frustration and irritation, less disappointments in life, and also effectively eliminate emotional depression episodes.     

     Selected "qualified visitors" may benefit greatly from reviewing the very special advanced natural health and wellness concepts that are introduced at this Introductory Educational Website.     

    Selected "qualified visitors" may want to learn how they can get additional education about practical ways of reducing their potential for heart attack and stroke conditions.

     They can also learn how they can get additional education about reducing their potential for some cancer conditions.

     Selected "qualified visitors" can also learn herein how they can get additional education about taking natural healthcare and wellness concepts actions that may help them minimize their potential for some other serious health problems that are quite common in the USA.     

    Selected "qualified visitors" who are diabetic, or pre-diabetic or hypoglycemic or pre-hypoglycemic may benefit greatly from reviewing this very special introductory advanced natural health concepts educational website.

    Selected "qualified visitors" who are overweight may benefit from reviewing the information that we present  about diabetes and also glycemic index values.  That special information is presented at our main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Website.  

      That education can be very important to selected "qualified visitors" who have fat and weight management problems; they will be transferred to our main natural healthcare education website at the appropriate time.     

      Conscientious responsible patriotic minded selected "qualified visitors" may benefit a lot from reviewing this private Introductory Educational Website.  

     They will get educated herein about the great political dangers of Socialism that can easily lead uneducated voters into naively supporting Marxism, Communism, and Fascism political actions.  

     They will also get educated herein about the way five major news media outlets are tightly controlled regarding spiking (omitting) public news about those political actions within the USA and in many other countries, including African countries, Asian Countries, European countries, and some other countries.   

     It may surprise you to learn herein that this major news media outlet "control situation" has been active throughout the USA for more than 40 years.  

     This special educational website enables select "qualified visitors" to take responsible actions to help inform other apparently "qualifiable visitors" about the exceptionally important educational issues presented herein by easily referring them to this special website address and encouraging them to review this very important private website as soon as possible (ASAP). 

Most American Citizens Cannot 

Review This Private Educational Website

     There are many millions of American adult citizens and American adult residents who could benefit greatly from reviewing this Introductory Educational Website, but about 99.97% of those people will not be able to qualify to review this special educational website, for the multiple "competitive reasons" that are explained herein. 

     You will learn herein why those "competitive reasons" have effectively prevented ABC of Health from offering our vital educational services to 99.97% of American adults.

     Consequently, selected "qualified visitors" or selected "qualifiable visitors" are the only American adult citizens who are authorized to review this private educational website.   These are the 0.03% of American adult citizens who we can offer educational services to at this time.

     The qualification requirements for selected "qualified visitors" were explained in the beginning paragraphs of this Home Department

Premature Deaths are Common

     Lon will explain later in Part Two of this healthcare report (in some detail) what causes thousands of American residents to die prematurely on a weekly basis (die before getting to ages 80 to 90). 

     He understands that (in general terms) they die prematurely mainly because they had not been educated about how to take good care of their natural health.     

     Lon and Janie also understand that most American  adults have not had access to good education about how to responsibly take care of their natural health and their natural healthcare assets

     NOTE:  Natural healthcare assets are vital organ actions and hormone actions that routinely strive daily to help keep the body in good health, as much as they can under a person's current health conditions.

     Lon and Janie Willoughby understand that our ABC of Health special natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services are critically important for 100+ thousands of natural-born American adult citizens who likely live in selected areas of upstate South Carolina

Topic 7

Why Do Many People Need an

Education Company Like ABC of Health?

     As stated previously, the ABC's of Health Corporation purchased and began operating an established natural healthcare products store in Greenville County, South Carolina in January 1999.  The store was a natural healthcare products sales business. 

     The primary focus of the business was to help improve natural healthcare and wellness conditions for many adult residents in the major Greenville area.  

     As founder of the corporation, Lon Willoughby realized that many adult residents needed very important help in learning how to begin protecting their precious natural health more effectively.  

     When he began managing the health store in January 1999Lon understood that he had acquired very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts education that could be used to help many adults in the Greenville area learn how to protect their precious natural health much better.

     It is also very important for selected "qualified visitors" to understand that medical-expense related billings are a major cause of bankruptcies for a large number of American residents each year.  

     For those important reasons, Lon believed that good practical common sense would help many local adult residents realize that they should responsibly try to learn how to take better care of their precious natural health

     Lon realized that many American adults (living in the Greenville area) would likely need important help in obtaining access to good quality practical, responsible, and sensible education about natural healthcare and wellness concepts.  

     That kind of vital healthcare education was not readily available in the Greenville area, and Lon wanted to responsibly improve those healthcare educational conditions for thousands of local adult citizens.

     Lon had already learned that good quality natural healthcare and wellness concepts education was complicated.  

     He had spent thousands of hours, over a period of many years, with diligent responsible study in learning about vital natural healthcare and wellness concepts that are very important

     He was motivated to take those very important educational actions because he had personally suffered with a serious health problem that a series of medical doctors did not understand well enough to offer Lon any help for coping more effectively with his health problem.   Those very frustrating medical doctor situations occurred over an extended period of about 10 years. 

     Consequently, Lon has gradually spent thousands of hours learning how to improve his health status over a period of many years.  Fortunately, his determined and diligent self-education efforts were eventually successful.

     As a result of Lon's extensive natural healthcare and wellness concepts education, from reviewing many natural healthcare concepts books (while searching for help for his very serious health problem) he learned that hundreds of books had been written about very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts.  Lon has purchased and reviewed many of those books.

     Starting in May 2014, after permanently closing our corporately owned natural healthcare products retail sales store (in Mauldin, SC), Lon and Janie began developing this very special Introductory Educational Website about advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services

     With 15 years of experience managing and operating the ABC of Health natural healthcare products store in Greenville County, Lon Willoughby had good reasons to believe that many thousands of American adult citizens in the major Greenville upstate area did not know how to take good care of their precious natural health  

     Lon and Janie wanted to help as many of those people as possible learn about some very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts.  Their responsible teamwork education efforts could help adult individuals and married couples overcome some critical deficiencies about natural health and wellness concepts education

    Lon also realized that many people were suffering with various health condition problems, and they did not know how to get good help for some of those health problems.   

    The medical professions in America can help many people in many ways.  However, Lon also learned that they usually do not know how to competently help medical patients cope successfully with complex health problems that involve important nutrition issues

    You will learn herein that medical doctors and nurses educated in America are usually not educated adequately about important nutrition subjects.  Lon had learned that this critically important subject matter is usually outside their realm of college educated medical knowledge.  

    Consequently, one of the most important health concepts that ABC of Health can help selected "qualified visitors" learn is to understand that there are a lot of natural holistic health and wellness concepts that one can learn that are very important and very valuable. The BIG PROBLEM is to find a convenient and practical way to accomplish that educational objective. 

    That is the remarkable educational services that ABC of Health offers to selected "qualified visitors".

Lon's Unique Nutrition Concepts Education

     Janie realized that husband Lon had acquired a lot of very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts knowledge that could be very helpful to thousands of people in the upstate area if they (Lon and Janie) could develop a way to introduce many American adult citizens to vital natural healthcare and wellness concepts that they needed to learn about

     From Lon's past experiences in helping educate some health store customers about important natural health and wellness concepts, he realized that most people would need to slow down and take a reasonable amount of time to begin learning about the very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts that Lon introduces at this Introductory Educational Website.  

     Lon encourages selected "qualified visitors" to be patient with the health-related educational concepts that are introduced at this educational website.  They should pay close attention to these very important introductory natural healthcare and wellness concepts.

     These vital educational concepts can help selected "qualified visitors" begin to realize that vital natural healthcare and wellness concepts can help them improve their lifestyle in very important ways.

     These special South Carolina adult citizens (selected "qualified visitors") are encouraged to review this very important and very valuable "free to review" Introductory Educational Website as soon as possible (ASAP) because each successive day can be critically important for some selected "qualified visitors." 

     Lon and Janie realize that the educational concepts  introduced at this very special website may actually be a matter of "life or death" for some "qualified visitors." 

     Consequently, this Introductory Educational Website  can be critically important for some selected "qualified visitors" because timing can be very important for some people about certain healthcare problem issuesThey may need to review this advanced natural health concepts educational website as soon as possible (ASAP).  

     Remember that tens of thousands of American residents die prematurely each week that passes because they had not learned how to take good care of their natural health and their natural healthcare assets

        Lon and Janie Willoughby understand that this is a massive healthcare tragedy that is widespread throughout the United States of America.

    This private Introductory Educational Website introduces some very important health concepts and natural healthcare and wellness concepts - specific education for selected "qualified visitors" who would like to learn how they can take better care of their natural health and gradually become healthier American citizens.

     They may also want to learn how they can have better judgment and be smarter (learn how to use their normal brainpower much better - much more effectively).

     Selected "qualified visitors" may also want to learn how they can get educated better about becoming stronger American citizens, both physically and mentally strong (emotionally strong).  

     After reviewing the "free to review" educational concepts presented at this special Introductory Educational Website, they may choose to join together with other patriotic minded selected "qualified visitors" in their local community and begin helping other selected "qualified  visitors" develop a better America in their local community.

    The vital education introduced briefly herein can help selected "qualified visitors" learn about health concepts and natural healthcare and wellness concepts that can be very important and very valuable to these very fortunate selected "qualified visitors." 

    NOTE:  As stated previously, 99.97% of American adult residents will not be able to qualify to review this special educational website - they do not live in ZIP Codes 296 - - or 293 - - .  (They will not be qualified as selected "qualified visitors" if they somehow visit this website.)

    That means that only about 0.03% of natural-born American adult citizens will be able to obtain introductory healthcare educational benefits (at this time) from the very important and very valuable education that is introduced at this special educational website.  Consequently, that approximately 0.03% of American adult citizens are indeed very fortunate citizens.

    Those selected "qualified visitors" should review this introductory "free to review" health-related educational report responsibly, as if the quality of their life in future years can be improved a lot due to their introduction to the very important and valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts that are presented at this website.  

     Those special visitors will also learn that ABC of Health personnel can present much more natural healthcare and wellness concepts education in an exclusive private educational club that is introduced at this website named Americans 4 Justice - SC

    This special introductory education can help selected "qualified visitors" understand that Lon and Janie Willoughby have spent thousands of hours, over a period of many years, developing six remarkable home-study lessons about natural holistic healthcare and wellness concepts education for members of our Americans 4 Justice Private Education Club.   

     A lot of this home-study education is available on the Internet in security-code protected education departments that can educate A4J Private Education Club Members about lifestyle improvement actions that can be taken at home to help them protect their precious natural health and their natural healthcare assets in very important ways

     That special kind of educational teaching knowledge did not just fall out of the sky for Lon and Janie Willoughby.  They carefully and responsibly learned that special teaching knowledge over a period of many years of responsible teamwork educational actions.

     Lon and Janie also encourage selected "qualified visitor" employees to strive to become more patriotic toward America, and also become more loyal and responsible toward their American employers

     As long as they are getting a pay check, they should be as honest and responsible toward their employer as they are capable of being in their work environment. 

     They should strive to be the best employee that they are capable of being, each day that they work for their employer.  

Tragic News - Many Situations

      Many of the tragic news situations that we frequently hear about in the national news and/or local news would likely not have occurred if the people involved had been educated about natural healthcare and wellness concepts like our Americans 4 Justice Private Education Club Members get educated.  

     Those situations could include many of the tragic incidents such as thousands of vehicle accidents each year; many domestic abuse cases and family injury and murder situations; serious police abuse of suspected criminal actions; many road rage situations; many tragic suicides; many abuse of children situations, etc.  

     The people involved in those tragic situations likely were not educated adequately about how to eat and drink liquids properly daily to nourish their body and their brain in practical, reasonable, and sensible ways.  

     The junk foods and junk drinks that many people in America consume routinely can affect their body and their brain functions adversely, and the resultant mental effects may enable them to take important actions in the wrong way (ways that are dangerous and harmful - not  desirable actions). 

     Some of those situations can include police officers, politicians, attorneys, judges, and many other American adult citizens or adult residents.

     Instead of routinely getting nourished properly (with good quality food, good quality filtered or purified water, and important nutrition supplement products) they may be getting nourished with junk food products and junk drink products that can adversely affect their mental abilities (their mental attitudes, emotions, and thoughts), and also adversely affect their physical actions (performance).  

Lon Understands

     Lon Willoughby understands these critically important healthcare issues much better than most healthcare practitioners (medical doctors or nutrition consultants) because Lon has spent thousands of hours, over a period of 40+ years, learning about complex nutrition concepts that can affect brain abilities and brain activities that may have emotional effects that can adversely affect physical actions and performance.  

     Lon conducted extensive healthcare research studies in a complex process of trying to learn how to cope more effectively with his serious health problem condition (hypoglycemia - as explained at this website). 

      Consequently, Lon Willoughby now knows how to help many adults learn about the effects that foods and drinks can have on mental abilities (mental attitudes and mental thought processes). 

 Janie Willoughby Helped Lon a Lot

     Lon's wife Janie helped him a tremendous amount during those 40+ years.  They now work together as a dedicated educational team to develop and present special natural healthcare and wellness concepts education for select "qualifiable visitors" who go forward and qualify security-status-wise to join our Americans 4 Justice Private Educational Club.  

     This is a very special educational club that Lon and Janie Willoughby carefully developed for ABC of Health to greatly improve its educational objectives.  

     In addition to getting educated about remarkable natural healthcare and wellness concepts, A4J Private Educational Club Members also have opportunities to learn about five other very important life enhancing subjects.  

     Consequently, ABC of Health teaches very important and valuable educational concepts about six selected subjects for Americans 4 Justice Private Education Club Members.

     The educational services that are introduced at this very important Introductory Education Website can help thousands of selected "qualified visitors" understand that Lon and Janie have developed very important ways to educate selected "qualified visitors" who go forward and qualify "security-status wise" to join our exclusive  Americans 4 Justice Private Educational Club (Our A4J Club.)

     A4J club members receive special educational services that can help them learn how to live a much better life - a life that can be healthier, more comfortable, safer and more secure, and a life that can be much more enjoyable daily on a regular ongoing basis.

    An introduction to these A4J Private Educational Club Member Services is not available anywhere else in America in the very helpful "free to review" introductory educational format that is presented in this Website

     Reviewing this special Introductory Educational Website is a special "once in a lifetime" educational opportunity that can become a tremendous educational asset for thousands of selected "qualified visitors."

Other Healthcare Practitioners

Can Also Help "Qualified Visitors"

     Lon encourages nutrition consultants and other independent healthcare practitioners who are also "qualified visitors" to review this very important website and then responsibly begin referring some of their clients, or customers, or patients to this private educational website - referring people who appear to be "qualifiable visitors" (as defined in the beginning paragraphs of this website). 

     There are many types of healthcare practitioners in South Carolina - such as: acupuncturists, chiropractic physicians, dentist, dietitians, eye-care practitioners, massage therapist and also physical therapist, medical doctors, medical nurses, nutritionist, pharmacist, etc.  (Listed in practical alphabetical order.)

     Why should other independent healthcare practitioners take one easy minute to responsibly provide this very important educational referral service to apparently "qualifiable visitors" - by simply referring them to this introductory education website address? (Shown below.)


      Independent healthcare practitioners can and should responsibly provide this referral service voluntarily because this very special educational website presents exceptionally important and very helpful "free to review" education for apparently "qualifiable visitors" about a very important variety of healthcare services.  

     The vital healthcare and wellness concepts education introduced herein can enable selected "qualified visitors" to develop much more responsible appreciation for the complex healthcare services that can be provided by the variety of healthcare practitioners that are identified above.

     Consequently, healthcare practitioners (who are also  "qualified visitors" and who responsibly review this Home Department) will quickly see and understand that the very important introductory health concepts education that is presented in this Home Department can truly help thousands of selected "qualified visitors" become more responsible healthcare clients, or healthcare customers, or healthcare patients (with their selected healthcare practitioners)

     This vital education service can be especially helpful to independent healthcare practitioners who are chiropractic physicians, massage therapist and physical therapist, medical doctors and medical nurses, and nutrition consultants (dietitians and nutritionist). 

     Our very important introductoreducational services also encourage selected "qualified visitors" to strive to become more ethical and more responsible patriotic-minded American citizens because we also educate them about some very dangerous Socialist and Marxist and Communist "infiltrator political activist" that are working constantly (fanatically) to gain more political control of our traditional democratic republic political systems.

     Thousands of selected "qualified visitors" can get educated about those very important political issues in the Government Info Department at this website.

     The very important character attributes that we encourage can enable selected "qualified visitors" to become better employees and become more valuable employees, while they are also learning how to become healthier employees with better brain power, and also learning how to become more responsible citizens. 

     This "free to review" educational website introduces very important healthcare-related education that can help selected "qualified visitors" understand why it is very important for them to responsibly strive to become healthier American citizens.  

     This introductory educational website also enables "qualified visitors" to easily help some of their immediate family adult members learn how to become healthier and also become more competent and responsible American citizens - if those family members can qualify as "qualified visitors" for a "free to review" visit to this website. 

Topic 8



     This private educational website presents vital education for thousands of selected "qualified visitors" in upstate South Carolina.  This private website is not advertised or promoted as being open to the general public because it is not published for review by the general public, the way most websites are.    

     This private website was developed for education of natural-born American adult citizens who are Christian-oriented and who routinely live in their primary permanent home or residence that is located within ZIP Code areas 296 - - or 293 - -, as explained previously.  

     In order to be qualified for very important and valuable introductory education at this website, "qualified visitors" should also be responsibly patriotic toward the United States of America (the USA, America).  

     They should have an allegiance to the USA that is much stronger than any allegiance they may have for any other country on Planet Earth.  Reviewing this private educational website can help them become more responsibly patriotic citizens toward America.

     Lon and Janie Willoughby define those special South Carolina adult citizens herein as "qualified visitors" when they visit this private Introductory Educational Website and when they visit some of our other private educational websites that are identified herein.    

     "Qualified visitors" will generally live within one of the ZIP Code areas identified above; however, a natural-born American adult citizen who meets these personal characteristics, but does not currently live in one of these designated ZIP Code areas, can apply to ABC of Health by U.S. First Class Mail if they would like to be granted selected "qualified visitor" access status to our special private educational websites by Lonnie Willoughby, as president of ABC's of Health, Inc

     Upon receiving that mailed inquiry, Lon will respond by email explaining the personal information that he will need from the applicant to evaluate their request. 

Restricted Access Information 

     This private Introductory Educational Website is strictly off limits for any person who is not a natural-born American adult citizen.  

     This private educational website is also strictly off limits for any "qualified visitor" who has completed two years or more of education at any law school, or who is an attorney or lawyer, or who works with any attorney or lawyer, or who is closely associated with them in any way (parents, spouse, other immediate family members - son or daughter, etc., close relatives, close friends, romantic friend or partner, employees, contract associates, etc.). 

     This private educational website is also strictly off limits for any "qualified visitor" who works for or works with, or is associated closely with, any judicial department (city, county, state, federal, etc.).

     This private educational website is also strictly off limits for anyone who works for or works with, or is associated closely with any law enforcement agency or department in the United States of America (city, county, state, federal, etc.).   

     Lon realizes that there are many good American citizens who work in law enforcement, but Lon has also learned that the law enforcement systems in the United States of America are always controlled and dominated by attorneys (lawyers) who are involved with local law enforcement actions and also judges who are involved with local law enforcement actions - throughout the USA. 

     We do not educate law enforcement personnel, or any of their affiliate associated personnel, because they have usually been effectively required to be subservient to the controlling attorneys (lawyers) and also law court judges who get involved in local law enforcement actions in their geographic area.  

     Lon Willoughby realizes that If ABC of Health personnel educate law enforcement officers, or their affiliate personnel, those individuals could easily be required to disclose some of our copyrighted natural healthcare and wellness concepts to their legal system masters.

    We do not allow any of our natural healthcare and wellness concepts trade secrets to be shared with members of the legal profession (attorneys, lawyers, and judges) under any circumstances.         

     The Litigation Info Department at this website presents a detailed report for selected "qualified visitors" about some of the extremely unfair, unethical, and outrageously corrupt judicial system actions that caused Lonnie Willoughby, Jr. to establish these stringent access restrictions.  This very important Litigation Info Department report shows why these special stringent access restrictions are fair, reasonable, and appropriate actions regarding these persons. 

     Lonnie Willoughby, Jr. has had many thousands of hours of his life involved with extremely unfair, unethical, and outrageously corrupt judicially controlled litigation system actions - over a period of 20+ years. 

     Consequently, Lon Willoughby Jr. has had to try to cope with a lot of those kinds of corrupt judicial actions.

     He reports some of those very frustrating, time consuming, very difficult and very expensive "judicial  experiences" in the Litigation Info Department.

     His report also shows "failed law enforcement actions" that indicate that law enforcement systems throughout the United States of America (including the FBI) have apparently been corrupted by various members of the legal profession within the United States of America

     This is a deplorable situation in America, and Lon's courageous personal reports about these situations (litigation situations and also law enforcement situations) show that these very important situations are much worse than most American adult citizens realize. 

     Lon has learned that it is therefore very risky to travel anywhere in America away from the county where your home is located.  The further you travel away from home, the more dangerous it becomes for you from a litigation situation standpoint or a law enforcement standpoint. 

     Traveling into other states in America can be very dangerous, as Lon learned the hard way.  He had about  nine thousand miles of automobile travel, back and forth to litigation actions in a distant state, over 20 years of extended related trial court litigation actions, and he filed 10 related appeal case actions. 

     Those continuing "related litigation actions" greatly interfered with Lon's business activities in South Carolina, and his family life over those 20+ years.  Those litigation actions cost Lon Willoughby more than $160,000 (as reported at this website) even though Lon quickly learned how to represent himself pro se in all later litigation actions. (pro se - acting as his own attorney).

     If Lon had retained attorney (lawyer) representation for all of his litigation actions within the distant courts, his litigation costs would have likely been many hundreds of thousands of dollars (which he could not have paid) due to the extremely unfair and unethical litigation schemes and tactics used against non-resident litigant Lonnie  Willoughby by attorneys and  judges in the distant state.

Limited Permission is Granted

     All access restricted "qualified visitors" are hereby granted limited permission to review this private Introductory Educational Website up to and including this "LEGAL NOTICES" Topic, and they can then review our Terms of Use Department.

     These two website limits are the boundary limits for all visitors to this website who are not "qualified visitors" as defined previously.  

     These same visitor boundary limits are applicable to "qualified visitors" who are excluded from participation herein as stated above (legal system members and affiliates, judicial system members and affiliates, and also all law enforcement system officers and affiliates). 

     The two red horizontal lines below identify the end of information in this Home Department that is available for review by excluded "qualified visitors" as explained above. 

     All visitors to this website should be responsible about reviewing this private Introductory Educational Website.  

     Our Terms of Use Department explains serious monetary penalties that may be involved for visitors to our private websites who violate our Terms of Use Conditions.

Cautionary Reminder Notice

      The educational information presented herein, below the two red lines above, is available for review only by "qualified visitors" who are not in an "excluded" category, as explained above. 

      Other visitors and also "qualified visitors" who are in an "excluded" category as explained above are hereby strictly prohibited from reading further in this Home Department

       Visitors who are in the "excluded" category are authorized to review our Terms of Use Department, but they are strictly prohibited from reviewing the rest of this Home Department, or other departments of this website.

Topic 9 

America and Americans have Lots of Enemies

     This very important educational Topic can help thousands of selected "qualified visitors" understand that  many employees in upstate South Carolina are in serious competition with other employees in the United States of America, and they can also be in competition with many employees in other countries. 

     Many of those countries are not our military allies or our political allies, and they are not our economic friends.

     This Topic 9 also introduces our educational services about the fanatical Socialist, Marxist, and Communist political infiltrator activist who are constantly working toward gaining more political control over our traditional democratic republic political systems throughout America, as they have already deceptively and corruptly done in many other countries. 

     This very important Topic explains that the five major news media outlet services in America are tightly controlled by their super wealthy multi-billionaire owner influencers (they can exert major control over T.V. news programs, and also control selected news issues in some popular magazines, and they can also exert control over selected news subjects in some major newspapers).

     Those five conglomerate news medial outlets have developed a tightly controlled monopoly on some news media subjects in America, and they also manage this news media control situation in many other countries. 

     Those major news media outlets are apparently not allowed to educate and inform Americans responsibly about the very harmful and dangerous Socialist, Marxist, and Communist political infiltrator activities in America. 

     It is very important to understand that similar political infiltrator activists are also working constantly (fanatically) in many other countries on Planet Earth. 

Do you Really Believe That?

     If that statement is difficult for you to accept and believe, think back for the past ten years, or twenty years, or even thirty to forty years and see if you can remember any time that any of the five major news media outlets presented important news information (in a T.V. news or educational program, or in their controlled magazines or in their controlled  newspapers) about the Socialist, Marxist, and Communist political infiltrator activist actions within the United States of America

     No, you can't think of any of those controlled news media educational programs because there have not been any of those controlled educational news media programs - as far as Lon Willoughby has been able to determine. 

     It is important to understand that the Communist Party in the USA was formed in Chicago in December of year 1920.  You can understand that there has been a lot of Socialist and Marxist and Communist activity in America since that starting date (more than 100 years ago). 

     You can read about some of those harmful and dangerous activities in the very important books that Lon Willoughby responsibly identifies in this website. 

     However, as stated previously, the five major news media outlets in America are tightly controlled about selected news subjects, and Socialist, and Marxist, and Communist activities in America are obviously some of the tightly controlled news media subjects. 

     Based on their well established historical record, tho five major news media outlets are obviously not allowed to responsibly report news to the American public about harmful and dangerous Socialist, Marxist, or Communist political infiltrator activist actions occurring anywhere in American politics

     You will learn more about these critically important subjects and learn about some very important books about these political subjects, in our Government Info Department at this website. 

     The super wealthy multi-billionaire elitist despot owner type influencers of the five major conglomerate news media outlets have been unable to control and manage the many book publishers and DVD producers in America.  Therefore, books and DVDs are usually your most reliable sources of vital information about these critically important political subjects.   

     As explained briefly above, responsible patriotic-minded American adults cannot depend upon the five major news media outlets to educate them about some of the critically important political news that they need to know about.

 + + + + +

     How did Lonnie Willoughby learn how to be an Internet educator for thousands of select "qualified visitors" about several very important educational subjects?    

     This Home Department presents important information about Lon's life that will explain how he and his wife Janie became competent special educators for thousands of selected "qualified visitors" in South Carolina.   

      This autobiographical report also presents some interesting information about Lon's early life while growing up on a farm in the southeastern corner of North Carolina.

     He also presents information about his early adult life,   after he completed high school in Tabor City, North Carolina and went off to college at Mars Hill College, in Mars Hill, North Carolina (near Asheville, North Carolina). 

        Lon then explains why he enlisted in the U.S. Air Force for a four-year tour of duty after his freshman year at Mars Hill College. 

     All of that personal information about Lon's life will help establish important credibility about how he acquired very important public speaking abilities and  teaching abilities and skills, while he worked as a classroom and field instructor in the U.S. Air Force. 

     Lon also explains herein how he acquired very important "critical thinking skills" - by learning about and working with very complex electronic systems in the Air Force.  He later gained an additional 17 years of electronic technician work experiences with complex electronics systems in the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).  

      Those critical thinking skills were very important in Lon's complex work in the FAA, and those special skills were also very important to Lon 20+ years later when he was studying complex multi-faceted natural healthcare and wellness concepts.  

     His critical thinking skills helped him a lot while he spent years learning complex natural healthcare and wellness concepts education.  He will explain some of that special educational process at this website.

    You will learn herein about several very important topics that every responsible American adult voting citizen needs to be educated about in some detail.  This is vital bonus education for selected "qualified visitors" that will probably surprise them in remarkable ways

 One Very Important Example

     We have explained that the five major news media outlets in America are "tightly controlled" about certain very important political issues (dangerous Socialist, Marxist, and Communist infiltrator activist actions and activities in the U.S. Congress in Washington D.C. and in many U.S. state government political operations).  

   Consequently, those five major news media outlets will not responsibly inform American voting citizens about those dangerous political infiltrator activist actions, and it has been this way in America for more than 40 years.  

    Most other news media outlets follow their dominant lead to avoid potential severe punishment actions if they violate the "controlled news media code" established by the five major news media outlets  

     You can now understand why responsible voters throughout American should not naively depend upon the five major news media outlets to responsible report those dangerous infiltrator political activist actions in America politics wherever they are occurring.   

   The five major news media outlets typically ignore those dangerous infiltrator political actions as if they did not exist.  But they do exist, and it is critically important for voters to learn about these infiltrator political actions. 

   Selected "qualified visitors" can learn about some of those situations at this website because Lonnie Willoughby has been educated about some of these critically important news media "reporting controls." 

   He has carefully presented very important introductory education about these vital news media issues in this educational Topic 9

     You will see herein that ABC of Health also has to be very careful and very restrictive as to who we educate about this "controlled news media" at this website.  We do not want to cause very serious lawsuit litigation with powerful and very wealthy opponents about these issues.

     As explained previously, the very important education presented at this website is only available for review by selected "qualified visitors."  For obvious reasons, that very special situation greatly reduces the potential for lawsuits and litigation about our vital education concepts.

A Super Important Situations is Described Below:

     Lon completed a detailed study on April 12, 2024 about very important complex natural healthcare scientific evaluations that were conducted by three brilliant natural healthcare scientist (one was a chemist, one was a medical doctor, and one was a pharmacist).  

     Working independently of each other on their own time schedule, they each reviewed and evaluated huge amounts of very good scientific evaluations data that had been completed in several different countries about nutrition supplement actions that might improve greatly some very important healthcare problem conditions.  

     Those three scientist working independently eventually came to similar scientific evaluation conclusions with their individual and independent scientific evaluations of huge amount of scientific research data about potential ways to improve human health with nutrition supplements.  

     Lon understands that each of them made exceptionally important natural healthcare nutritional supplement protocol discoveries - discoveries that were somewhat similar to the scientific conclusions developed by the other two research scientist.  

     They individually reported their independent discoveries in their professional copyrighted books and websites, and that is the very complex information that Lon reviewed (over a period of weeks) that was an astounding discovery for him about nutritional supplementation protocols that can improve natural human healthcare actions. 

     Each of the three scientist individually reviewed (and identified) many extensive healthcare research studies conducted in various countries that strongly support their remarkable professional opinion about how adults can substantially reduce their potential for having health  problems with - or even treating health problems with: 

     1. very common cardiovascular problems such as heart attacks and/or strokes, or 

     2. various types of cancer conditions,

     3. Diabetes Mellitus (Type I and Type II),

     4.  High Blood Pressure,

     5.  Kidney Disease,

     6.  Several Auto immune Diseases,

     7.  Body aches, pains, chronic fatigue Syndrome,

     8.  Osteoporosis and several other healthcare problems.  

     These three brilliant scientific researchers, working individually (separately from each other), found a very similar common exceptionally important nutritional deficiency that can contribute substantially to each of the healthcare problems listed above - and that probably also contribute to many more  health problem conditions.  (Serious health problems that affect millions of people in America and also affect millions of people in other countries.) 

     The natural healthcare nutritional supplement protocol solution that they individually recommend also presents an outstanding way, and an inexpensive way, to greatly reduce the very serious dangers that can be involved with the COVID-19 viral infections (various strains), and may also be involved with the now projected Bird Flu Infections that may become as dangerous or even more dangerous than the COVID -19 Pandemic.

     Lon's Willoughby's very detailed study about these three scientist was some of the most important and most valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts information that Lon has found in more than 40 years of ongoing natural healthcare and wellness concepts education (many thousands of hours of his educational research, studies, and complex evaluations).   

     Lon realizes that those three individual independent scientific discoveries and their independent nutritional protocol recommendations can probably help dramatically improve many of the health problems that severely affect humans.

    WOW!!!  What an amazing MAJOR BREAKTHROUGH in exceptionally important natural healthcare and wellness concepts knowledge for human beings.

ABC of Health

     As natural healthcare and wellness concepts educators, Lon and Janie Willoughby have developed multiple websites that are now being used for education of our "natural healthcare consultants" about very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts that can help them develop and enjoy a much better life.  

     Due to Lon's amazing research discovery described briefly above, ABC of Health can now introduce these three incredibly important natural healthcare researchers and their books and their websites -  that present their independent copyrighted professional opinions and nutritional supplement protocols about these exceptionally important natural healthcare and wellness improvement concepts.  

     These three scientist individually and independently discovered similar SUPER MAJOR BREAKTHROUGHS in natural healthcare and wellness concepts that can dramatically help many people in America and many people in other countries.   

     However, as explained later in this website (in some detail), natural healthcare and wellness concepts education can be very dangerous work for Lon and Janie Willoughby and for ABC of Health due to very serious "competition" in the healthcare marketplace in America (billions of dollars are involved annually in medical profession services and with the pharmaceutical drug producing companies).  

     Consequently, ABC of Health must be very careful with whom we share information about the exceptionally important natural healthcare and wellness nutritional protocol concepts that are described briefly above.  

     NOTE:  Medical profession elitist at various levels in America and pharmaceutical drug producing company elitist personnel anywhere on Planet Earth (America, Europe, China, etc.) will likely be very strongly opposed to people anywhere being educated about the MAJOR, MAJOR natural healthcare and wellness concepts potential that is described very briefly  in this situation.  

     That is one of the reasons why ABC of Health must be very careful about whom we try to educate, and the physical locations where we try to educate selected qualified people about important natural healthcare and wellness concepts.  

Americans Have Many Enemies

     The United States of America (America) has about 333 million residents (333,000,000).  There are now almost eight (8) billions people on Planet Earth (8,000,000,000). 

     More than a billion people (1,000,000,000) on this planet have been educated by their political leaders and/or religious leaders to believe that they should be enemies of America and enemies of millions of American citizens - and especially enemies of Christian-oriented individuals (wherever they are located on Planet Earth). 

     Those leaders apparently are strongly opposed to the bible-based Christian education that Christians receive.  

     Example:  An independent news report (in May 2023) stated that some people in North Korea have been sentenced to death, or sentenced to a lifetime of prison (men, women, and their children), when adults simply read in a Christian Bible, or attempted in any manner to participate in a Christian worship service within the country of North Korea.  That situation shows how extremely dangerous it can be to express any interest in Christianity in some countries on Planet Earth. 

America Needs Healthy Educated Christians

      Therefore, as a very important nation, America needs Christian-oriented Americans to be as healthy as possible, both physically healthy and mentally healthy (emotionally healthy), so they can help America compete more effectively in the very important "life or death" political competition struggle that is going on in the international political arena every day that passes

      Our political enemies are very serious with their plans to gradually gain control of our American "republic political systems" and gradually convert them as much as possible to become more socialistic.  

     Their long-range plan is to gradually convert America to a communist controlled nationThey plan to dominate and control Americans similar to the way dictatorial rulers control citizens and residents of China, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Russia, Syria, Vietnam, and other socialist or communist or fascist controlled governments.

     You can therefore see that it is very important for all patriotic-minded American adults to get some responsible education about these critically important political issues and also religious issues.  

     Many millions of children throughout America are totally dependent upon American adults being smart enough and responsible enough to carefully learn about these critically important political and religious issues

     You can see that responsible patriotic-minded American adult citizens need to actively be learning about how they can become more effective responsible patriotic-minded American citizens.

Neutralize the Opposition

    One of the very effective tactics used by the Socialist,  Marxist, and Communist infiltrators is to try to neutralize their political opponents from being active competitors in this very important major ongoing political struggle. 

     So, ask yourself - have I been effectively neutralized in this major political challenge?  Or am I simple not educated enough about these critically important political issues and religious issues?

     Selected "qualified visitors" will receive some very important and very valuable introductory education about some of these critically important political issues in the Government Info Department at this website.

     Lon and Janie Willoughby began their education about these very important political issues many years ago in the 1970's and they have responsibly acquired additional education about these vital subjects over a period of more than 45+ years

     That special political education helped them become strongly motivated to responsibly develop very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services for ABC of Health.  

     They both realized that many American adult citizens (in the upstate area of South Carolina) need to learn how to take good care of their natural health and their natural healthcare assets. 

     This special Introductory Educational Website was developed by Lon and Janie Willoughby to enable ABC of Health to use important Internet features to begin educating thousands of "qualified visitors" in selected upstate areas of South Carolina about some very important subjects, such as:

    1. the medical profession in America,

    2. the pharmaceutical industry in America,

    3. the Food and Drug Administration in America,

    4. the Judicial/Litigation Systems in America.  

    If you have not had thousands of hours of litigation experience in American courts (trial courts and appellate courts) like Lon Willoughby has, you will not be educated adequately about some of the deceitful extremely unfair, unethical, and outrageously corrupt self-serving litigation schemes and tactics that can be used by attorneys (lawyers) and trial court judges and also appellate court judges in judicial actions in American courts (litigation in state courts and also litigation in federal courts). 

     Those disgustingly unfair and unethical litigation schemes and tactics routinely enable members of the legal profession to maintain their status as the "ruling class" throughout American society.   

     Lon Willoughby courageously reports some of those unfair and unethical judicial situations in the Litigation Info Department at this website - education that is only available to selected "qualified citizens."

    5.  Lon explains in this website how the four entities identified above have helped create an extremely unfair and corrupt American marketplace that has made it very dangerous and very difficult for any individual or a small education company to present alternative health type natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services for American adult residents.

    6.  In addition to vital natural healthcare concepts, this website will also educate selected "qualified visitors" about some other very important issues - such as government issues and political issues that are very  important to responsible patriotic-minded American adult citizensThis website has a separate department for that education - it is in our Government Info Department.

       Selected "qualified visitors" can get educated about the very dangerous and very harmful influence that Socialist and Marxist and Communist infiltrator activist manipulators have been having in American politics - at the state political levels in various states and also in very important federal political actions in the U.S. Congress in Washington, D.C.  (District of Columbia)

     Those political infiltrator manipulator activist are fanatically striving daily, as each week goes by, to try to gain more and more political control of American politics. 

    They have already been very successful in deceitfully and deceptively gaining a lot of political control in numerous countries: in Europe, Asia, Africa, Cuba, Central America, and also South America. 

    The five major news media outlets have not responsibly educated and warned the American adult public about these very serious political dangers because the five major conglomerate news media outlets are tightly controlled by their super wealthy multi-billionaire elitist despot owner type influencers about these very important news issues

    Selected "qualified visitors" can learn vital information about that major news media control situation at this educational website.  

     Our Government Info Department will identify important books about these situations.  That Department also identifies a very important DVD (available at Amazon's bookstore) that presents a very good education about the very serious control capabilities of the major news media outlets in America.  

     That DVD movie also shows that any high-level news media employee that objects to this unfair and unethical news media control situation will be fired from their news media employment position. 

     This educational website will educate selected "qualified visitors" about the real world that exist today on Planet Earth.  It is not the imaginary world that most American adults live in daily - an imaginary world that has been created in large part by the five major news media outlets while their very wealthy multi-billionaire "robber baron" mentality owner influencers gradually gain more and more control over many American government institutions and many educational institutions (many colleges and major universities and almost all of the medical schools in America).  

     A substantial part of that increased government institutional control is through Socialist and/or Marxist infiltrator political activist manipulations at the congressional level in Washington, D.C.  

   Those ruthless political infiltrators are also likely working fanatically at the political level in all states in the United States of America.

   These are very important and very serious political issues that we educate selected "qualified visitors" about at this Introductory Educational Website.

   Fasten your seat belt for a very important and very valuable educational ride into the real world that affects your life and your family member's life daily - and will  continue affecting you and them in the years ahead. 

   Selected "qualified visitors" will learn herein about the very important and very valuable educational services that ABC of Health personnel have carefully and responsibly developed over a period of many years. 

   ABC of Health corporate officers responsibly strive to help educate selected "qualified visitors" about how they can choose to live a much better life, a healthier life, a safer life, and a life with more enjoyment and more satisfaction, and a life with more successful productivity and achievements on a routine basis.

   As ABC of Health corporate officers, Lon and Janie Willoughby also strive to educate selected "qualified visitors" about becoming more effective patriotic-minded citizens that can take very important actions to help ensure that vital American government services will strive to responsibly protect our very important freedoms in the challenging years that are ahead of us

    You can see that ABC of Health presents vital educational services for selected "qualified visitors" that are exciting opportunities about a better life in America - still the "home of the free and the home of the brave."

     ABC of Health corporate officers (Lonnie and Janie Willoughby) are dedicated and determined to help educate select patriotic-minded Americans ("qualified visitors") about how they can take effective political actions that can help keep America the "home of the free and the home of the brave" for many years to come - for the next generation of patriotic-minded adult Americans

Competent Education is Vital Education

    You can see that education is the vital activity that can enable this current generation of patriotic-minded American adult citizens to help protect our remarkable freedoms from the super wealthy (multi-billionaires) greedy elitist international power broker influencers (located mostly in Europe) who want to exercise more economic control and political control over all countries and all people living on Planet Earth.  

    They want that massive world-wide control for their own greedy financial benefits and the social benefits involved for themselves and their family members and their secret society members in perpetuity (forever).

   The European power-broker semi-secret elitist society influencer groups want to control all American citizens economically and politically and effectively make us into their economic slaves, as they have already done successively for millions of people in other countries.

   They are trying to gain more control over our family members, and our children, grandchildren, and our great grandchildren - as they have already accomplished for many millions of people in numerous other Socialist and/or Marxist and/or Communist controlled countries (as explained at this website).  

   7.  This website identifies very important educational actions that selected "qualified visitors" can take to learn how to become much more effective patriotic-minded American citizens.

   8. It is clear that America needs a lot more healthy patriotic-minded adult citizens; therefore, this website will introduce educational actions that selected "qualified visitors" can take to learn how to become healthier and stronger American citizens.  

     Those visitors will also see how ABC of Health presents vital opportunities to learn how to take better care of their natural health and the natural health of their immediate family members (spouse and dependent children that live at home with their parents).

   9.  Lon also uses this website to introduce you to a political educational organization that is represented by former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley.  This vital organization named Stand For America was formerly headquartered in Columbia, South Carolina but is now headquartered in Huston, Texas.  The website address is shown below but you should visit that website later.



    This very important educational organization provides leadership guidance about developing effective political opposition to the political socialism that is moving forward and advancing strongly in American politics (federal level political advancements and also state level political advancements that are very harmful to America).

    If you look back at presidential candidate politics in America since year 2000, you can see that this very dangerous socialistic political movement has been going forward progressively for many years.

    As U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley frequently faced off with, and had to compete politically with Socialist regimes, and also Marxist regimes and/or  Communist regimes - at the United Nations headquarters located in New York City. 

    Ambassador Haley acquired very important personal knowledge about some of those dangerous government entities.  She saw how they are working to manipulate our American political system and gradually move American citizens toward accepting more socialism in America and "wanting more socialism in America" (so called "free government services"). 

    Responsible and sensible voting citizens realize that there is no such thing as "free government services" because everything that cost money must be paid for somehow, and those cost are usually paid for by productive tax paying citizens (paid for by government collected tax money) and/or paid for primarily with government deficit spending. 

    NOTES:  Government deficit spending is when a government entity spends money that it does not have - by borrowing money from various sources that has to be paid back plus interest charges. 

    Deficit spending has bankrupted many government entities in mankind's history so these types of political deficit spending actions can be very dangerous for government entities. 

    Currently, the U.S. government has borrowed many trillions of dollars (30+ trillion) for funding major deficit spending projects such as those listed below:

    1.  trillions of dollars for military spending projects in Afghanistan, Iraq, Korea, Libya, Africa, Asia, Syria, several European countries, and other places and

    2.  millions of social services in the USA (Medicaid and Medicare, etc.) and a multitude of other very important government services at the federal level and also at the state level for various US states and

    3.  coronavirus spending projects for critically important vaccine development and many millions of free vaccine services.  More than one million American residents have already died from sickness with coronavirus infections

    Many of those citizens were productive workers providing important services in America and paying income taxes.  Their sicknesses and deaths reduced America's capacity to be strong politically and militarily


  Additional Political Education 

    This website presents additional relevant political education in the Government Info DepartmentLon and Janie will show how selected "qualified visitors" can help responsibly oppose Socialism, Marxism, and Communism in America in a more effective well-organized manner

    American adult citizens have very important advantages over the Socialist and Marxist and Communist political infiltrator activists that are working in America

    First of all, we can outnumber them thousands to one because properly educated patriotic-minded American adult citizens can operate responsibly in the public arena  in effective well-organized ways. 

    Those political infiltrator activist manipulators must continue to operate in deceitful and deceptive secret ways as they fanatically try to covertly manipulate important government political activities and institutional activities at various levels in many locations in America. 

Political Education is Very Important

    Effective political education about those dangerous harmful political objectives is critically important for defeating their objectives in American political actions.

    This website will identify some very important books and videos that provide very important education about these critically important political issues

    It is very important for responsible American adult citizens who are patriotic-minded toward America to learn about these very important sources of vital education

Their Master Plan

    Remember that the master plan of the Socialist, Marxist, and Communist infiltrator political activist is to deceitfully and deceptively gain more control gradually of our American political systems, the way they have already gained political control over numerous countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, Central America, and South America.

    It is very important to understand that people in those countries did not have all of the modern advantages that we American patriots have such as cell phones, text messages, emails, fax machines, websites, and many other American advantages.  They also did not have the very important vital advantages of an educational website like this one.

    It is therefore very important for American voters to get educated about the master plan of the Socialist, Marxist, and Communist infiltrator activist working in America. 

    American voters need to know how to help defeat their deceptive political schemes, strategies, and tactics at American ballot boxes

   As a nation, America must be very strong militarily, but  American voters must also learn how to be smart and knowledgeable and strong politically when they vote in various elections.

    Lon and Janie's very important political education about these very serious political situations enabled them to understand that the long-range plan of some Socialistic and Marxist and Communistic controlled governments is to gradually influence American voters to move toward more political socialism (so their Marxist and/or Communist-minded leaders can gradually and eventually develop more Marxist and/or Communistic political influence in our American political systems).  

    That is the master political strategy that Socialist and Marxist and Communists infiltrator political manipulator activist have used very successfully to gradually take effective control of numerous countries. 

    Those political changes occurred in numerous  countries so gradually that most adult citizens did not even notice what was taking place in their government operations until after the Socialist and Marxist and Communist "infiltrator political activist manipulators" (working together cooperatively) had gained substantial political control over very important government functions in those politically captured countries. 

    By that time, it was too late for responsible concerned citizens to develop an effective political defense against the Socialistic and Marxist and Communistic infiltrator activist manipulators.  They had effectively taken control of the political system, and it was too late to stop their progress.  You now understand that they have worked that type of gradual political strategy successfully to gain effective political control in numerous countries. 

    It is very important for American adult citizens to understand that those countries were taken control of politically (not militarily). 

    Military force actions were not needed for the infiltrator activist to gain control of many countries because the adult citizens in those countries had not been educated about those very dangerous Socialist, Marxist, and Communist Infiltrator activist political issues

    You can therefore see that it is very important for Lon and Janie Willoughby to responsibly educate tens of thousands of "qualified visitors" about these critically important political issues at this educational website. 

    Members of our Americans 4 Justice Private Education Club (A4J Club) will receive additional education about these critically important political issues.

Can that actually happen in America

    Yes, those harmful political actions can happen here, and they are already happening here. The Socialist and Marxist and Communist infiltrator political activist manipulators have already made a frightening amount of  progress in the United States Congress (in the House and in the Senate) and they have also made a frightening amount of progress in many other federal government agency functions. 

    They have also made substantial progress at state level government functions (both in the House and in the Senate), and they have also made a frighting amount of progress in many other state level political functions - throughout the various states in the USA.

    You will learn more about their dangerous political actions later at this website.

    You see, they have a master plan for taking control of America politically (not militarily), and they are fanatically working their plan very effectively. 

    They realize that trying to take control of America militarily would result in a disastrous situation for them and for us (not a desirable situation for them).  Taking more control of America politically in a gradual manner is a much better option for the Socialist and Marxist and Communist "infiltrator political activist manipulators."

    Many American adult citizens are oblivious to their deceptive and devious political plans, schemes, strategies, and tactics, and many millions of uninformed American voters make it very easy for them to move forward with their political activist manipulation schemes and tactics

    Millions of American voting citizens get suckered into voting for their socialistic political objectives - thinking they are going to get some "free government services."

    These are some of the reasons why it can be very important to become a responsible patriotic-minded  member of Nikki Haley's organization named Stand For America

website: www.StandForAmericaNow.com

Additional Educational Services

    This ABC of Health Introductory Educational Website  also introduces selected "qualified visitors" to additional educational services about some very important political situations

    This educational information is presented in political action topics in the Government Info Department at this website.  Lon will transfer you to that department later - at the appropriate time. 

    Very important books have been published in America about these critically important political issues.  Very important DVD movies have also been produced about some of these critically important political issues

    This website's political education in the Government Info Department will introduce selected "qualified visitors" to some of these very important sources of responsibly published educational information.

    Lon and Janie Willoughby understand that many responsible American adult voting citizens badly need  additional education about these very important political issues.   You can see why it is very important for selected "qualified visitors" to refer their apparently qualified local family members, friends, and business associates to this Introductory Educational Website.

    Lon and Janie are not playing political games here.  This is very important and very serious "life or death" political education for selected "qualified visitors" who are patriotically-minded and want to responsibly help defend and protect America from the Socialist and Marxist and the Communist political activist infiltrators who are working continuously in America, fanatically day and night, seven days per week, with their plan to gradually gain dominant political control of the U.S. Congress in Washington, D.C.  (District of Columbia) 

Sounds like a foolish impossible 
political objective, doesn't it?

     It's very important for patriotic-minded American adult citizens to remember that they have already succeeded  with a similar political objective in numerous other countries, as explained previously.

    They are also simultaneously working to take control of as many states government functions and agencies as possible throughout the United States of America

    This Introductory Educational Website shows that Lon and Janie have developed a very good way for thousands  of American patriotic-minded adult citizens to security-status qualify to voluntarily become a member of our Americans 4 Justice -SC Private Education Club.  (Our A4J Education Club.)      

     A4J Club Members will be educated about how they can responsibly join together and effectively work to help us (ABC of Health) educate more natural-born American adult citizens in the upstate area of South Carolina about these critically important political issues

Lon's Electronics RADAR Education and Training

     Selected "qualified visitors" will learn herein that Airman First Class Willoughby completed 33 weeks of complex electronic RADAR systems education in the U.S. Air Force at Keesler Air Force Base, in Biloxi, Mississippi during years 1957 and 1958. 

     Airman Willoughby then worked as an electronics technician at a complex RADAR and Air Traffic Control Facility at Moody Air Force Base, near Valdosta, Georgia.

     When his four-year military enlistment ended in September 1959, Lon got out of the Air Force and went back to college at Gaston Technical Institute (GTI) in Gastonia, North Carolina.  GTI was a technical college extension unit of North Carolina State College that is  located in Raleigh, North Carolina. 

     That additional technical college education helped Lon Willoughby qualify for employment with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in June 1960 as a GS-7 electronics technician (GS-7 is a federal pay grade level).  

     His starting annual salary pay level was higher than a first-year school teacher's annual salary in North Carolina (with a 4-year college education degree).

Enhanced Critical Thinking Skills

      Lon's "critical thinking skills" were enhanced a lot while he acquired 17 years of electronics technician work experiences on complex electronic systems that were used for air traffic control in the Southern Region of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) - commercial air traffic, military air traffic, and private civilian air traffic.

      In September 1977, Lon was competitively selected to fill a desired and requested FAA administrative supervisory position as a Performance Development and Evaluation Officer (PDEO).  

     That very special vacant position was located at the FAA Sector Office at the Greenville/Greer airport area of South Carolina.  There were only 13 of those special positions in the entire Southern Region of the FAA, and it was very rare for one of those positions to be vacant.

     After working in the PDEO position for two full years, Lon resigned from the FAA in October 1979 because he did not want to continue working for his supervisor (the Sector Manager), and he did not want to transfer with the FAA to a different location - for the very important reasons that will be explained later about those career change issues

     That resignation occurred after Lon had worked with the Federal Aviation Administration very successfully for a total of 19 years.

  Lon's Education in

Natural Healthcare Concepts

     Lon Willoughby subsequently acquired a lot of specialized education about natural healthcare and wellness concepts because he still had a serious health problem condition that he had been unable to get any help for by consulting with a series of medical doctors over an extensive period of about ten years. 

     He finally gave up on getting help for his hypoglycemia health problem from medical doctors.  He then began having consultations with a natural healthcare consultant in Mauldin, South Carolina during July 1980. (Mauldin is just eight miles from the center of the downtown area of nearby Greenville, South Carolina). 

    Lon gradually had six consultation sessions, at two-week intervals (during July, August, September 1980).  He quickly realized that those consultation sessions were very helpful to him in practical, responsible, and sensible ways so he continued with them.

     Those six consultation sessions were conducted in a very effective educational way, gradually using 15 small paperback books and booklets about natural healthcare and wellness concepts.  Those books were selected by the natural healthcare consultant for Lon to purchase, read and study, as he was progressing with those natural healthcare and wellness concepts consultation sessions.  

     Those 15 very good educational books enabled Lon to gradually increase his natural healthcare and wellness concepts knowledge a lot within three months.  

     That very effective educational process also caused Lon to change his future work focus objectives toward learning all that he could about natural healthcare and wellness concepts education.    

     Consequently, Lon diligently and responsibly acquired extensive specialized natural healthcare and wellness concepts education during the next two years. 

     As much as his work responsibilities would allow, he also continuing that healthcare and wellness concepts education as much as possible during the next 16 years (year 1982 through year 1998). 

     That extensive natural healthcare and wellness concepts education enabled Lon to begin work in January 1999 managing and operating a corporately owned ABC of Health natural healthcare products store in Greenville, South Carolina.  

     Lon and wife Janie Willoughby financially enabled ABC of Health to purchase that active natural healthcare products store, located beside a very busy major four-lane street in Greenville (Laurens Road).  The store was about one city block distance from the large Ford Automobile Dealership that faced the same 4-lane street. 

     That natural healthcare products retail store enabled Lon to work with hundreds of health store customers and visitors.  That special healthcare products work also enabled Lon to increase his knowledge about many    natural healthcare type nutrition supplement products.

     Lon's extensive natural healthcare and wellness concepts education, and his related natural healthcare  store work experiences during the next 15 years (1/4/1999 - 4/24/2014), enabled him to acquire a lot of important  natural healthcare and wellness concepts knowledge  

     Some of those natural healthcare and wellness concepts are presented herein as introductory natural healthcare and wellness concepts education.  This education can be helpful to thousands of "qualified visitors" living in selected ZIP Code areas of upstate South Carolina.  

Very Important Fantastic Opportunity

     This Home Department explains how selected "qualified visitors" are very fortunate American citizens who may have a fantastic opportunity for obtaining special educational services about vital  natural healthcare and wellness concepts.  

     They may also acquire related nutrition supplement products knowledge.  How?  By security-status qualifying to become an exclusive member of our Americans 4 Justice Private Education Club - a very special private education club that Lon and Janie carefully developed to help enable the educational objectives of ABC of Health 

     Lon and Janie Willoughby created and developed this exclusive private educational club for ABC of Health to present very important education for selected "qualified visitors" who voluntarily choose to go forward and get "security-status qualified" to join our Americans 4 Justice Private Educational Club.

    This very special introductory Advanced Natural Health Concepts website introduces very important and very valuable education subjects for selected "qualified visitors" in our special "free to review" educational format.  (There is no cost for selected "qualified visitors" to review some of our vital educational services).

     Lon and Janie both realize that this special introductory natural healthcare and wellness concepts education may be life-saving education for some selected "qualified visitors." 

     This special educational report is presented in Part One (this website) and in Part Two (at our main educational website - www.ABCofHealth.com).  

     All of the education presented in Part One and Part Two of this very important autobiographical educational report is in our "free to review" educational format (there is no cost for selected "qualified visitors" to review these very important healthcare educational concepts).



A Private Educational Club

     This special Introductory Educational Website also educates selected "qualified visitors" about how they can become more effective patriotic-minded citizens in supporting and defending our traditional American political systems and our "free enterprise" marketplace. 

     Lon and Janie Willoughby realize that it is very important for patriotic-minded selected "qualified visitors" to be educated about how they can improve their lifestyle and become healthier and stronger citizens, both physically and mentally strong (emotionally strong). 

     A4J club members have access to special natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services that can enable them to accomplish very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts improvement objectives in their personal lifestyle. 

     This improved natural healthcare lifestyle can help them become stronger physically and emotionally and become much more effective responsible patriotic-minded American citizens

     You can see that becoming a member of our Americans 4 Justice Private Education Club (our A4J Club) is a very special opportunity that can enable A4J club members to greatly improve their life in some very important ways while they are also learning how to become much more effective American citizens politically. 

     Lon presents introductory education about our very special Americans 4 Justice Private Education Club in various places at this website.

     Consequently, this ABC of Health Introductory Educational Website can educate thousands of selected "qualified visitors" about very important opportunities to help build a better and stronger America in their local community.

     They may choose to simply cooperate with and informally join with other patriotic-minded "qualified visitors" in their local community, following our suggested management guidance. 

     These practical, responsible, and sensible political opportunities can be very important for patriotic-minded "qualified visitors." 

     It is very important to understand that Americans 4 Justice club members will have additional guidance and opportunities to be very effective American patriots.

      Lon and Janie Willoughby have worked together responsibly for many years as a husband and wife education team of dedicated competent educators to develop special educational services that can be very important and very valuable for selected "qualified visitors" who choose to go forward and security-status qualify to become a member of our Americans 4 Justice Private Education Club.

     You can already see that these unique very practical, very responsible, and very sensible educational services can also be very good for America as a nation.

Communication with

ABC of Health

     Selected "qualified visitors" can communicate with ABC of Health in multiple ways: by Fax, or by Text message, by Email sent from their personal email system, or by USPS Mail, and by a telephone call to our office phone number (864) 329-0004 in Mauldin, South Carolina (just eight miles from the center of downtown Greenville). 

     This is as convenient as we can make it for selected "qualified visitors" in a practical modern-day business communications system.  

     Please understand that Lon and Janie Willoughby are very busy people so they request that selected "qualified visitors" complete a careful and responsible review of this Introductory Educational Website before attempting to communicate directly with them in any manner. 

     This website's detailed education will answer many questions that selected "qualified visitors" may have - so please review this educational website carefully and responsibly before trying to communicate with Lon or Janie Willoughby to ask questions about ABC of Health or ask questions about our educational services. 

Email Suggestions for

 "Qualified Visitors"

     We get a lot of Emails (80 - 100+ daily) so it is good practice to also call us by phone and leave us a voicemail message about your Email.  Please identify the main purpose of your Email and also tell us the date and time of day when you sent us your email (send to ABCofHealth@LIVE.com). 

     Your voicemail will enable us to quickly search for your Email among the large number of Emails that we usually receive daily.  Your message to us about your Email can help us quickly find and then respond to your Email.

Topic 11

Why does ABC of Health

diligently promote Natural Healthcare

Concepts Educational Services?

     The seriously deficient natural healthcare and wellness concepts education situation in American  is much worse than most American adult citizens realize.  The situation is really bad, to such an extent that very few natural-born American citizens enjoy good health into their golden years (ages 65 years and above).

      In fact, many of those citizens have serious health problems years before they get to age 65, and about half of all American men die before they get to age 78.  

    Many of the "survivors" (past age 78) have serious health problems that make their life very frustrating, uncomfortable, difficult, and often very expensive to manage.

     Many of those American "survivor citizens" are taking up to 12 doctor prescribed pharmaceutical drugs, and some of those "survivor citizens" are taking 13 to 20 prescription drugs.  Danger!!! 

     Many thousands of people in the USA have died as a result of trustingly taking pharmaceutical drugs that were prescribed by American medical doctors.  It is very important to learn about these tragic healthcare conditions, as reported below.

     Lon has listed some very important books below that can help selected "qualified visitors" read about some of these very important health-related issues

     Some of the books listed below report that some  pharmaceutical drug companies continued promoting the sale of a specific company drug after reliable and responsible evidence had shown that the drug was dangerous (was increasing the potential for death for the patients who were trustingly taking that drug). 

     Many medical doctors in America had been educated by pharmaceutical drug company representatives about those drugs when they were believed to be reasonably safe drugs.   

   Those doctors were not responsibly informed by those drug company representatives after the drug company had learned that one of their drugs was dangerous for patients to take (the drug should have been discontinued as a recommended drug).  

     Some prescription drugs actually caused thousands of patients to die a premature death, and those deaths continued for extended periods of time after the pharmaceutical drug company involved had learned that their drug could be dangerous for patients to take.  

     As reported in some of the books listed below, the pharmaceutical drug companies involved in those situations continued to promote the sale of a drugafter the drug was known to be dangerous (it was still profitable for the company to continue promoting sales of a known dangerous drug).

     The fact that thousands of patients were being killed by taking a dangerous drug did not seem to be of much concern for the pharmaceutical drug companies that were involved in those tragedies.

     In addition to those drug induced deathsmany thousands of American residents have been killed by highly additive opioid type pain relief drugs in recent years - believed to be about 500,000 deaths since year 1999.  That is an astounding number of deaths!!!!!

     Consequently, deaths caused by adverse reactions to taking some pharmaceutical drugs are reported as one of the leading causes of death in the United States of America

     Some reports say that the medical profession in  America is the number three cause of death, behind cardiovascular deaths (heart attacks and strokes) as the number one killer of Americans (750,000+ deaths annually) and cancer deaths - which are considered to be the number two cause of death for Americans (500,000+ deaths annually)

     However, other research has reported that medical profession services in America are actually the number one cause of death for Americans - surpassing the deaths caused by cardiovascular problems (750,000+ deaths annual average).

Digital Preview of Books for Sale

     The free digital preview of many books at Amazon's book department (www dot Amazon dot com) can enable Amazon customers and visitors to get a good introduction to each of the very important books that are listed below about healthcare services.   

     Lon has an Amazon Kindle Tablet that enables him to easily review any of the digital book reviews available at the www dot Amazon dot com book department.  He has used his Kindle Tablet a lot, and he likes it very much for that special application.  It is also useful for many other Tablet type applications.


      You can learn more information about this subject by reviewing the book titled "Death by Medicine" authored by Gary Null, an exceptional nutritionist, and three medical doctor co-authors of this very special educational book. 

     This is an incredibly important health book and it is published in two versions.  The first publication was a hardback book.  

     The later publication was a paperback book, published in 2011, and it comes with an excellent award-winning DVD movie about the subject of the book (very important visual education). 

     Lon Willoughby has purchased both books and he highly recommends purchasing the paperback book that comes with the DVD enclosed in the back of the book. The book cover shows a circular picture of a DVD at the upper left corner of the front book cover. 

     Important Notes: You can get a free digital preview of this book at www dot Amazon dot com in their book department - if you have a Smart Phone or a Tablet or a Computer that has the free Amazon app. installed that will enable digital previews of digital book presentations at www dot Amazon dot com.  

     Lon's Amazon Kindle tablet enables him to review any digital book reviews that are available at the Amazon bookstore (www dot Amazon dot com).

     Barnes and Noble book seller does not have similar digital book preview services for some books.  However, they do provide a written overview of some book selections (by clicking on the bottom right corner of the book's front cover picture). 

     If one has a one-year Barnes and Noble membership  ($25.00) and also has a Nook Tablet, one can purchase an eBook for download to that Nook Tablet account.  

     These are special services for obtaining additional information about a book before deciding to purchase a printed copy of a selected book, or before purchasing an eBook of that publication, if an eBook is available for that book selection at Amazon or at Barnes and Nobles.


     An exceptionally important book that can be previewed digitally at www dot Amazon dot com is titled "Fight for Your HealthExposing The FDA's Betrayal of America - authored by Byron J. Richards. 

     The book was published in year 2006, so it has been in print more than 15 years.   Publishing this book was an  extraordinary achievement that is incredibly important for all patriotic-minded American adults.

     The author is a board-certified nutritionist (a very important natural healthcare educational achievement), and he did a great public service for all American adults by developing this absolutely remarkable book.  The book educates readers about many very important subjects related to natural health and natural healthcare issues.

    Lon believes this very special book is even more important today than when it was first published.  It enables a reader to acquire an exceptionally important overview understanding of some major reasons why  American adults should unite as soon as possible to responsibly fight for their natural healthcare freedoms in an organized practical and sensible manner.       

     The book explains the powerful international political forces that work relentlessly to greatly reduce our  natural healthcare freedoms in America through the international operations of CODEX ALIMENTARIUS

     The author explains on page 195 that CODEX  ALIMENTARIUS is a United Nations group that has assigned itself the duty to establish standards for use of certain international controls regarding some food products and nutrition supplement products (herbs, minerals, protein supplements, vitamins, etc.).

     Those organized efforts can eventually greatly reduce  natural healthcare freedoms for all countries that are members of the World Trade Organization (WTO).  The book explains why it is very important for the USA to get out of the World Trade Organization.  

     That action would prevent the United Nations CODEX ALIMENTARIUS political project from having any political control over American citizens, and that would prevent the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS political project from having any control over our American food products and Americans' use of nutrition supplements.  

     Author Byron Richards understands, and Lon Willoughby understands, that American adult citizens  outnumber thousands to one the super wealthy, greedy and ruthless international elitist despots and tyrants who are promoting this CODEX ALIMENTARIUS scheme.  

     They apparently plan to gain more control over people internationally and gradually reduce natural healthcare freedoms for all people in America, and many millions of people in various European countries, and many millions of people in some other geographic areas. 

     The book author understands, and Lon Willoughby also understands, that the less natural healthcare freedoms  that people have, the less healthy they will likely become in the future. 

     That situation can enable more healthcare control and more income for the pharmaceutical drug companies and also more healthcare control and more income for the medical professions in the countries affected by "CODEX ALIMENTARIUS.

     It is very important for responsible patriotic-minded American adult citizens to work together in a responsible organized smart manner to help inform other American adult citizens about these very important endangered natural healthcare and nutrition supplement issues

     In this manner, each patriotic-minded American adult citizen will need to exert only a small amount of time and effort to help have substantial political effect in stopping the United Nations organized CODEX ALIMENTARIUS international elitist efforts to greatly reduce natural healthcare freedoms for all Americans in the USA. 

     Lon believes the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS project is a major threat to our healthcare freedoms in AmericaPatriotic American adults can exert political influence on members of the U.S. Congress and the U.S. president to get us out of the World Trade Organization in order to stop this complex elitist scheme that can greatly diminish  healthcare freedoms throughout America in the future.

     If the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS project was truly intended to be helpful to the people that it will affect, their "educational services" would be advisory services  - not mandatory educational services

     Lon's understanding of their educational services  about selected health foods, herbs, minerals, proteins, vitamins, etc. is that their educational services about those nutritional subjects are mandatory for countries  that are members of the World Trade Organization.  

     That mandatory criteria is clearly a BIG RED FLAG that the international wealthy elitist (billionaires) intend to control natural healthcare freedoms of many millions of people and to be able to prevent them from taking good care of their natural health.      

     Later in this website, Lon reports in some detail how the American Medical Profession failed badly during the past 60+ years at advising and informing American residents about some food consumption issues, some nutrition issues, and some nutrition supplement issues. 

     Lon understands that most American medical doctors  have four years of undergraduate college level education that supposedly helped prepare them to accomplish four years of medical school college education.  

     If the very large and politically powerful and well educated and well financed American Medical Profession personnel cannot get important nutrition  advisory services correct, over a period of many years, do we want a group of super wealthy self-serving greedy  ruthless financial internationalist elitist (billionaires), working collaboratively through a group of people at the United Nations, deciding what American citizens can do and what we cannot do regarding very important  nutrition food issues and herbs, minerals, protein, and vitamin supplement issues?


     Lon Willoughby is an expert level natural healthcare and wellness concepts consultant and educator, and he has no confidence that the people controlling and managing the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS project truly have expert level knowledge about the special health foods and nutrition supplement products that they intend to control and manage in a mandatory manner

How Can We Help Oppose


     This introductory "free to review" website shows that ABC of Health personnel have developed an easy and convenient and very effective way for selected "qualified visitors" to help accomplish this very important objective in a team-work manner for thousands of selected people in the upstate area of South Carolina. 

     In addition to directly contacting congressional representatives (state level and federal level house and senate representatives) and the U.S. president and informing them about this very serious CODEX ALIMENTARIUS healthcare danger and threat, selected "qualified visitorscan also invite other local apparently  "qualifiable visitors" that they personally know to visit and review this Introductory Educational Website.  

     Their team-work efforts regarding this website referral issue can be very important to their apparently "qualifiable visitor" contacts living in upstate areas.

    That very easy referral action will enable those voting American citizens to learn about this very important educational information in a competent manner that can be very helpful to them.  

Other Health-related Issues

+ + +  Fluoride  + + +

     The Fight For Your Life book also has an important chapter of education about "Fluoride, the Classic Example of Fraud."  (That chapter begins on page 133.) 

      Lon and Janie stopped using toothpaste containing fluoride in year 1981 (more than 40 years ago) because they had learned from a biochemist who was also a world-class expert about fluoride - that fluoride added to municipally processed drinking water and the fluoride added to some prominently marketed tooth paste products was a potentially toxic product.  

     They learned that the fluoride added to municipal drinking water systems in America is usually produced in the aluminum manufacturing process and/or produced in the phosphate fertilizer manufacturing process. 

     That fluoride is a toxic waste product that is very expensive to get rid of responsibly as a toxic chemical waste product. 

     Can you believe that "they" gradually developed a way to get rid of that toxic fluoride by "selling it at a profit" for addition to the drinking water systems of many municipalities throughout the United States of America? 

     This sounds absurd and ridiculous (and it is), but it has been happening in many America cities and towns since it began gradually in the mid 1940's.

     Lon has studied this fluoride issue responsibly in some depth, and he is convinced that one should avoid or responsibly minimize drinking water that has added fluoride, such as municipally processed water in many locations in South Carolina (including Greenville County municipally processed water).       

     All health-conscious American adults need to learn about the serious health problems that can be caused by consuming drinking water containing fluoride.      

     Several important books have been published about this dangerous toxic chemical.  You can search for books about fluoride in the book department at www dot Amazon dot com.  

     There is also very important education on the Internet  about the toxicity of fluoride.  The following website presents exceptionally important fluoride education:

www dot FluorideAlert dot org

     It is very important to understand that some natural water sources also contain fluoride, and that fluoride content can be very harmful to human health and the health of pets and various types of farm animals. 

     Standard water filters will not effectively reduce and minimize the fluoride in drinking water.  However, there are some special water filter elements that can reduce and help minimize the fluoride in drinking water. 

     Americans 4 Justice club members will be educated about these special fluoride reduction water filters and will be informed about where they can be purchased.

     Lon and Janie use a custom-designed counter-top type Reverse Osmosis water purifier for their cooking and drinking water because the Reverse Osmosis technology  is the best practical way for reliably removing 90 to 94 % of fluoride from that water - while also effectively removing many other types of potential chemical contaminants from drinking and cooking water.  

     A4J club members who request this special information can also receive instructions from Lon on how they can develop a customized counter-top type Reverse Osmosis water purifier that is easy to use for less than $300 in cost at this time.

Two Required Books

     Lon determined that the Fight For Your Health book,  and the Death by Medicine book (with DVD video) are so important that they are required reading for selected "qualified visitors" who go forward and qualify security-status-wise to join our Americans 4 Justice Private Education Club.  

     Fluoride danger is one of the topics that Lon and Janie specifically educate our Americans 4 Justice Private Education Club Members about. 

     Our unique A4J Private Education Club will be explained briefly herein as Lon goes forward with more education in this Home Department.  

Additional Books Are Listed Below

     The educational books listed below provide very important and very responsible reports about some of the big serious problems with government approved  healthcare services in the USA.

     Lon has reviewed numerous very important books that can help American adult citizens understand some very important healthcare issues.  He lists a few of those books below, and the book titles are listed in alphabetical order.  

     Lon uses the "dot" techniques for website addresses listed below because he does not want qualified visitors to be distracted in this presentation by actually visiting these websites at this time.  You can visit these websites at a later time.

     Check this out!!!  You can be an important part of the solution to these major healthcare and nutrition problems  after you become informed about these problems - that directly affect your future and your family member's future in very important ways.

     If you are taking any pharmaceutical prescription drugs, or if you are considering taking any of those drugs, Lon strongly recommends that you review some of the books listed in this topic. 

Recommended Books

     BAD PHARMA How Drug Companies mislead Doctors and Harm Patients - authored by Ben Goldacre.  Published in 2012.   Ben Goldacre is a British physician who was trained at Oxford and London.  He is also a best-selling author.  His first book, titled Bad Science has sold more than 500,000 copies and is published in 18 countries.  He has a website at www dot BadScience dot net

     Bad Pharma is an exceptionally important book. It presents very important education about the pharmaceutical drug industry and the medical profession. This is vital education that responsible American adult citizens need to review ASAP.  

     BUTCHERED BY "HEALTHCARE" by author Robert Yoho, MD - Copyright 2021. (How doctors and corporations try to kill you for the money and how to survive anyway).  (What to Do About Doctors, Big Pharma, and Corrupt Government Ruining Your Health and Medical Care)

     One of the FDA's scientist is quoted in the book.  He said "If the American people knew some of the things that went on at the FDA, they'd never take anything but Bayer aspirin." 

     Lon Willoughby's comment about the book:  Every competent, responsible, sensible American adult should read this book as soon as possible (ASAP).  It is incredibly important educational information about the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and "approved authorizedhealthcare services in America.     


     DEADLY MEDICINES AND ORGANIZED CRIME (How big pharma has corrupted healthcare.) Author Peter C Gotzsche.  Copyright 2013.  The author has a Master of Science Degree in Biology and Chemistry (1974).  He became a physician in 1984 and then became a specialist for Internal Medicine.  

    Lon Willoughby's comment about the book:  Every competent, responsible, sensible American adult should read this book as soon as possible (ASAP).  It is incredibly important educational information about corrupt healthcare services - nationally and internationally.  A must-read book!!!

     Lon suggests that you go to Amazon's book department and search for this book title.  Then read about this medical doctor author and some of his accomplishments.  The man is amazing with his diligent responsible actions in exposing serious problems and corruption in the medical profession. 


     PHARMA Greed, Lies, and the Poisoning of America - authored by Gerald Posner.  Published 2020.  Gerald Posner is an award-winning journalist and New York Times bestselling author.  He has written twelve books, and he has multiple books that are national bestsellers.

     Lon says this book is very important investigative journalism This book is about the pharmaceutical drug industries and their self-serving ways of acquiring dominating control over much of the way the medical professions operate throughout the United States of America.

      SELLING SICKNESS How the world's biggest Pharmaceutical Companies are Turning US ALL into Patients - authored by Ray Moynihan and Alan Cassels.  Published in 2005.  A very interesting book and a very important book about a critically important situation.

     SICKENING:  How Big Pharma Broke American Health Care and How We Can Repair It by John Abramson, M.D.   Recently published.

     This very important book reveals the inside story of how Big Pharma's relentless pursuit of ever-higher profits corrupts medical knowledge - misleading doctors, misdirecting American health care, and harming our health in dangerous ways. 

    John Abramson, M.D. is one of the foremost experts on the drug industry's deceptive tactics.  He served many years as an expert in national drug litigation to reveal the tangled web of financial interest at the heart of the very serious dysfunction in our healthcare systems in the USA.

     The Truth About the Drug Companies HOW THEY DECEIVE US AND WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT.  Published in 2004 in hard back format. 

     Author Marcia Angell, M.D. is the former editor in chief of the very highly regarded The New England Journal of Medicine

     A later paperback version of this book contains additional important content and is the better version to purchase.  Lon has purchased and reviewed both versions of this exceptionally important publication

     Doctor Marcia Angell was the editor in chief of this very important medical journal for several years.  Her husband, who is also a medical doctor (M.D.) was the editor in chief of this highly respected medical journal for several years before his wife became the editor in chief

     Lon believes they worked together to publish this  exceptionally important book, and he realizes that these two super responsible medical doctors put their medical profession careers in very serious danger by courageously publishing this exceptionally important expose' book


More Vital Info about the Medical Profession

     Regardless of which report about the medical profession one relies on, deaths caused by taking prescribed pharmaceutical drugs appear to be a substantial part of the very large number of deaths caused by medical system practices in America

     In addition to those major problems, about 80,000 people die annually from infections that they got while patients in hospitals across the nation.  This situation shows that there can be substantial health risks involved when one is confined in a hospital room.   

     A substantial number of people also die annually from  mistakes that are made in hospitals. 

     Consequently, it is clearly very important to try to stay healthy enough to stay out of a hospital (as much as possible).

     ABC of Health is in the very important business of educating selected American adult citizens in upstate South Carolina about some very important issues, with a primary focus on natural healthcare and wellness concepts issues.  

     Lon's personal experiences with his parents' health problem issues were very strong motivating factors for Lon's steadfast determination to greatly improve natural healthcare and wellness concepts education in the Greenville area of upstate South Carolina. 

Topic 12

Lon's Parent's Health Problem 

Situations During years 1982 - 1986

     Lon's parents, Lonnie Willoughby and Leona Stephens,  had both grown up on family farms in rural North Carolina. After they had married, they worked for many years in North Carolina. 

     However, in year 1982, they were living in Putnam County, Florida, in a small community named San Mateo that was about six miles south of the town of Palatka (the county seat), which is about 65 miles southwest of the large city of  Jacksonville, Florida.  

     The San Mateo community has its own U.S. Post Office facility, located right beside U.S. Highway 17, and the small community was about 50 miles north of DeLand, Florida.  

     Lon's parents had purchased partial ownership in a large apartment complex in DeLand that had four large two story buildings containing a total of 44 individual apartments.  

     Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Willoughby had purchased the apartment complex property from a local Deland bank.  The bank held a $600,000+ first mortgage on the apartment complex property.  

     Lon's parents had both qualified as licensed Florida real estate agents so they both understood what they were doing when they purchased that expensive apartment complex property.  

     After the apartment complex purchase, Lon's parents retained the elderly retired couple that were already the "live-in manager" for the apartment complex. 

     Mr. and Mrs. Willoughby would periodically drive the 50 miles to Deland, Florida and help the manager couple take some needed maintenance or repair actions at the apartment complex, and they would pay for any expenses involved with those maintenance or repair actions. 

     Unfortunately, during the spring of 1982Lon's father  had a very serious heart attack and a terrible stroke situation that caused Mr. Lonnie Willoughby Sr. to be paralyzed totally on the left side of his body.  

     He could not control muscles on the entire left side of his body, from his left shoulder, and his left arm and hand, to the toes on his left foot.  He was now a very serious invalid who needed a lot of help daily just to get through each new day and each night.  

     As soon as Lon Jr. could get his father out of the hospital in Jacksonville, Florida, he temporarily moved both parents to his home in Mauldin, South Carolina (about 450 miles from their home near Palatka, Florida). 

     They stayed with Lon and wife Janie for about six months because Lon Jr. was able to get his dad some very important medical services for paralyzed patients at the Greenville area Roger C. Peace Rehabilitation Center (outpatient services and inpatient services).  

     They had special trained physical therapist who helped Mr. Willoughby Sr. learn how to cope as much as possible with his serious paralyzed condition.  

     During the spring of year 1983, son Lon Willoughby, Jr. moved his parents back to their home near Palatka, Florida.  From their home, he then made a 50 miles trip to  DeLand, Florida to visit the Penn Oaks Apartment Complex (for the first time) and try to evaluate the management situation for the apartment complex.  

     Lon Jr. concluded that the apartment complex had many maintenance problems that needed urgent actions.  It was clear to him that the live-in retired couple was not capable of accomplishing the numerous maintenance actions, or supervising those maintenance actions, in a timely and responsible manner.  

     At age 47, Lon Jr. realized that his parents had a lifetime of successful work achievements involved in their large investment in that apartment complex.  Lon Jr. realized that his parents were now subject to lose a lot of money if the apartment complex had to be sold in its present badly deteriorated condition.  

      Due to his father's paralyzed condition, Lon and Janie chose to give up their individual careers and moved from their home in Mauldin, South Carolina to Deland, Florida in July 1983 so they could take over the operation, management, and maintenance of the 44-apartments at the Penn Oaks Apartment Complex.   

     They moved into the small two bedroom apartment that also served as the office for the apartment complex, and they agreed to be paid the same amount as the elderly couple that they replaced - $800.00 per month plus free rent and free utilities for the apartment. 

     That situation was a big decrease in monthly income for Lon and Janie and a big decrease in living conditions because they usually earned several thousand dollars per month, while living in their three bedroom, 2 and 1/2 bath ranch style home that was 1780 square feet of space.

     Due to his extensive electronics education, training, and experiences, and his mechanical abilities and skills, Lon Jr. realized that he was capable of personally doing most of the maintenance actions that were needed urgently at the apartment complex.  

     He would normally only need to hire outside help with some of the air conditioning system problems (44 individual air conditioning systems in the four-building apartment complex).

     Lon and Janie replaced the elderly live-in husband and wife manager of the apartment complex on July 15, 1983 because that management couple had been unable to properly manage and maintain the apartment complex for several years. 

     That situation had gotten much worse after Mr. Willoughby's stroke occurred because he was no longer able to help the elderly live-in couple somewhat with those management and maintenance situations.  Consequently, the apartment complex had numerous maintenance situations that had deteriorated seriously and needed urgent actions.  

Lon's Computer Knowledge

     In year 1984, Lon Willoughby Jr. had no knowledge about a personal computer, but he realized that he needed to begin learning about using a personal computer.  He purchased his first computer system in nearby Daytona Beach, Florida (in year 1984) while he was working at the apartment complex in DeLand, Florida.  (DeLand was just 20 miles inland from the Daytona Beach area).

      Lon Jr. was working about 80 to 90 hours per week at that time, managing the family owned 44-unit apartment complex in DeLand so he didn't have hardly any time available to learn how to use his first computer.  However, he knew that he needed to get started as soon as possible.  

    Lon and Janie continued working very hard as they improved the apartment complex in many important ways during 18 months of expeditious work projects.  

    Lon Jr. spent about $60,000 dollars of his parent's bank account funds in making those apartment complex improvements.  Those maintenance improvements greatly improved the operation of the apartment complex, and Lon also did a lot of work to improve the appearance of the apartment complex.  

     Within those 18 months of improvements, Lon had refurbished 14 apartments with new carpeting and other updated actions.  Those many work projects had improved the occupancy rate, and they usually had a 100% apartment occupancy status for the 44 apartments with a waiting list of applicants.

      Lon Jr. was then able to get a local real estate firm to find a buyer for the apartment complex sale, and the apartment complex was sold in January 1985 to a small group of real estate investors from Orlando, Florida.  They assumed the first mortgage note owned by the local bank, and Lon's parents took a second mortgage note for a lot of the purchase price of the property sale.

     Janie had moved back to Mauldin, SC in December 1984, anticipating the scheduled sale of the apartment complex in January 1985.  She fortunately was able to fill a teacher vacancy position at the Mauldin High School at that time due to a teacher pregnancy situation.   

     Janie resumed teaching at the Mauldin High School in January 1985, when students returned to classes from their Christmas Holiday Season break.  

     Janie was able to get hired for that vacant teaching position because she had previously worked with the female high school principal very successfully, and the principal was happy to have Janie Willoughby back on her teaching staff.

     After the Penn Oaks Apartment Complex was sold in January 1985Lon purchased a vacant modern 3 bedroom, 2 bath home in the San Mateo Florida area (about two miles from his parent's home) so he could be nearby to help his aging parents cope with the very difficult health condition for Lon's father (major paralysis due to a very bad stroke in the spring of 1982). 

      Lon Jr. realized that his mother (Leona Stephens Willoughby) was having to cope with an extremely stressful situation, 24 hours per day, seven days per week, trying to take care of her paralyzed husband, Lonnie Willoughby, Sr.  Lon wanted to help his mother as much as possible cope with her very stressful life.

     Consequently, at that time, Lon Jr. planned to live near his parents and help take care of his parents for an extended period of time (maybe for the rest of their lives).

     Lon did all that he knew how to do healthcare wise to help his parents. They were in their late 60's age wise, and they were very set in their family lifestyle ways.   

     Like most Americans their age, they had not had any formal education or training about developing a good healthy lifestyle, but they had actually learned some important natural healthcare concepts.  

     Unfortunately, Lon Jr's mother gradually became much more difficult for him to get along with.  She helped Lon's dad in many ways, but she also treated him like he was her invalid slave in a very dictatorial way that caused him a lot of serious emotional stress. 

     That situation got worse and worse during year 1985 and continued into the first three months of year 1986.  Those conditions caused Lon Jr. to have very serious conflicts with his mother about the way she was treating his father on a routine daily basis. 

     A major conflict issue:  She did not want Lon Jr. to continue using a professional type hand-held electric vibrator to help exercise his father's lymphatic glands to help stimulate lymphatic fluid flow.  Those actions would reliably remove severe cramps in his left arm, leg, and foot, and he always felt much better after those massage actions.  He always wanted Lon Jr. to use the massager unit any time he visited his parents (usually ever other day).   

     Lon had carefully studied Lymphology, and he understood that his helpful electric vibrator actions were critically important to keep the lymphatic fluids flowing to some extent in the paralyzed left side of his father's body.

     Lon Jr's mother was very stubborn and hard-headed about Lon Jr's frequent efforts to help his father feel much better by greatly reducing his muscle cramps.  Lon finally realized that he could not get along with his mother satisfactorily about this very important healthcare issue.  

     Lon Jr. had learned a lot about natural healthcare actions (years 1980 through year 1984), and he had helped both parents a lot, physically and emotionally during years 1982, 1983, 1984, and 1985.  

     However, he did not know how to help his parents overcome some of their rigid lifestyle attitudes and lifelong habits, and his mother had become intolerably stubborn and dictatorial in her efforts to stop Lon Jr. from using the special electric vibrator unit to massage his father each time he visited them (usually every other day).

     Lon Jr. finally concluded that he had done all that he knew how to do healthcare wise to help his parents, and it was now time for him to try to put his own life back together - his very important marriage with Janie and continue with their mutual individual career objectives.  

     He also wanted to move back to Mauldin, South Carolina (eight miles from Greenville) so he could reestablish his fatherly relationship with his two sons who were attending nearby colleges (Michael was at Furman University in Greenville and Robert was at Clemson University in nearby Clemson, South Carolina).

     In April 1986, Lon Jr. sold the home that he had purchased in January 1985 (about two miles from his parents' home).  He then rented the largest size moving van, and he personally loaded it completely and moved himself back to his home in Mauldin, South Carolina.  

     In April 1986, Lon and Janie were finally able to get back into their home in Mauldin that had been in a rental status since July 1983.  Fortunately the rental lease on their home had recently expired and had not been renewed by the renter family. 

     Also during April 1986, Lon established the corporation that is now ABC of Health, Inc.  Prior to Lon and Janie moving to Florida in July 1983he had become a licensed insurance salesman for life insurance and health insurance policy sales in the state of South Carolina.

    Lon resumed his licensed life insurance and health insurance policy sales work in the Greenville South Carolina area during year 1986, after he moved from Florida to South Carolina

      While living in DeLand, Florida, Lon had purchased a Pre-paid Legal Services membership in December 1984, and he had also qualified to become one of their sales agents in Florida. 

     After moving back to Greenville County South Carolina, Lon proceeded to qualify as a licensed sales agent for Pre-paid Legal Services membership sales in South Carolina.  They had several types of membership policies available for sale in South Carolina, and Lon qualified to sell all of their various types of Pre-paid Legal Membership Services.

     Pre-paid legal Services had just started operating in South Carolina, and Lon helped initially establish new sales operations for Pre-paid Legal Services in both the Greenville area and the Columbia area of South Carolina. 

     Lon was working on all of those sales objectives as the president of ABC's of Health, Inc., and those sales work actions continued for several years.

     Those sales agent experiences are now being used to help Lon Willoughby promote the sale of memberships in our exclusive  Americans4Justice Private Educational Club.

Internet Services Begin

     Internet Services initially began in year 1989.  The amazing  Internet concept was developed by a computer expert in England, and the Internet system gradually developed and began to accumulate a broad range of helpful information about many diverse subjects, eventually including some healthcare subjects.

      As Lon Willoughby began using some Internet services more than 30 years ago, he quickly realized that Internet websites could be used to present important educational services for many people about vital natural holistic healthcare and wellness educational concepts.  

      WOW!!!  Lon could see clearly, more than 30 years ago, that he needed to begin learning how to use the amazing Internet to help ABC of Health be able to educate many American adult citizens about some very important  natural holistic healthcare and wellness educational concepts that he had already learned.

     Consequently, as the founder and president of ABC's of Health, Inc.Lon resumed learning all that he could learn about natural holistic healthcare and wellness concepts.  He had decided that education about those very important  healthcare and wellness concepts was his main priority objective for his personal work future

     His priority one interest was about educating many people in the Greenville upstate area about natural healthcare and wellness educational concepts.   He had already experienced the devastating health effects that occurred with his parents, very severe mental emotional stress for both parents and the extremely difficult physical effects that had occurred for his severely paralyzed father (from his stroke in the spring of 1982).

       Lon realized that those tragic health effects occurred primarily due to his parent's serious lack of natural healthcare and wellness concepts education.  They were so set in their very limited lifetime healthcare management habits that Lon Jr. was very restricted in what he could accomplish healthcare-wise to help his aging parents. 

      Lon's parents did not know how to take good care of their  natural health, although they tried to do that as best they knew how.  They were like millions of American adults who are doing the best that they can do daily when they do not have adequate natural healthcare and wellness concepts education.

       By year end 1998, Lon Willoughby had acquired an extensive education in natural holistic healthcare and wellness educational concepts.  

    You will learn herein later about the many special educational actions that Lon took during the next 20+ years to increase his knowledge about many important natural holistic healthcare and wellness concepts

    He was strongly motivated to try to develop a practical, responsible, and sensible educational service to greatly  improve natural holistic healthcare and wellness concepts education for many people living within the major Greenville upstate area of South Carolina.    

    A challenging situation occurred in December 1998.  Lon and Janie Willoughby had an opportunity to financially enable the ABC's of Health Corporation to purchase a small existing natural healthcare products store in Greenville, South Carolina from the sole proprietary owner (that Lon had known for several years). 

    The natural health products store had a good business location on the four-lane Lauren's Road street near the Ford automobile dealership, but the health store facility was small - only 1250 square feet of floor space. 

    However, this was the best opportunity that Lon had found to purchase an operating healthcare products store business.  He believed that this retail store business opportunity could help him move forward with his objective of helping educate many local area people about very important natural holistic healthcare and wellness concepts

     Lon then opened the natural healthcare products store for business with a new corporate owner on January 4, 1999.  He purchased a new store sign and had it installed on the front of the store building because he changed the name of the store to ABC of Health.  

     Everything has to have a beginning and that was the beginning of ABC's of Health, Inc. as a seller of natural holistic healthcare and wellness products.

    Lon was very busy managing and operating the store, and he hired a lady that he already knew who had some important knowledge about natural healthcare and wellness concepts and natural healthcare nutrition supplement products.

    She was very helpful with product sales in ABC's health products store because she was very good with customer sales and also customer support services. 

       In their first three months of business, the two of them managed to triple the monthly store sales volume compared to the previous owner's average monthly product sales volume.

    During late 1999, Lon could see that the business was growing well and needed a larger product showroom. We also needed space for a classroom where Lon could begin teaching regular classes about natural holistic healthcare and wellness concepts.  Lon realized that we also needed to develop a website for the health store business.  

    Lon began looking for a larger store location to move ABC of Health to, but he had to cautiously wait for the Y2K economic crisis to develop that was forecast to occur in January of year 2000.  (You will learn more about the Y2K worldwide business forecast later at this website.)

     Lon  was working about 80 hours per week operating and managing the new ABC of Health natural health products store business, but he also starting learning about website building procedures and skills and learning about additional Internet features and services (as much as his very busy work schedule would allow for those additional work actions).  


Moving ABC of Health

to Store Location # 2

     After the Y2K business crisis period occurred and subsided in January 2000Lon moved the ABC of Health  health store operation on Laurens Road in Greenville (location #1) in February 2000 to a location that was about eight miles distance from store location #1.  

     The new store location was beside very busy four lane Wade Hampton Blvd. - three blocks south of Bob Jones University (also in the Greenville city limits).

     The new store location was more than three times the floor space size of our previous natural healthcare products store, so it had room for a good size classroom. 

     The store facility was in very poor condition so Lon had several concrete floor repairs made, and some painting was done at the store facility.  He had all of the very old carpet removed and new carpet was installed.  He also had an attractive new sign developed and installed over the doorway into the new store facility. 

     Lon also purchased 50 good quality cloth upholstered stack-able padded chairs for use in our new classroom. 

     Moving to the new store location caused Lon to spend several thousand dollars to get the store facility in good condition and also pay for all related moving expenses.

      As soon as possible, Lon also had our company's website developed with some very good professional help.  He had developed a lot of the website himself using complex HTML coding, but he needed professional help with some aspects of the website development. 

     The website advertised our new store's address and also advertised the availability of our free natural healthcare and wellness concepts education classes that Lon planned to conduct weekly in our new classroom. 

     During the next several years, Lon discovered that it was very difficult to get store customers to attend the free natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational classes that he scheduled weekly. 

     However, Lon continued adding natural healthcare concepts educational information to the website whenever he could find time to do that website work himself.  He continued working about 80 hours per week during that period of time (February 2000 to year 2007).


About Six Years Later


      Lon then moved our health store again (February 7, 2007) to location #3 (about 3 blocks south from location #2 - on the same four lane street).  Lon had spent many thousands of dollars improving that store facility, but the landlord had very stubbornly refused to have repairs made to several basketball size diameter holes in the asphalt driveway paving coming into our health store's parking lot - unless Lon signed a new three-year lease agreement for the store facility rental.  

     That very unreasonable situation caused some serious problems that resulted in Lon moving our health store to a nearby vacant store location on Wade Hampton Blvd.  

     The new store facility did not have enough floor space for us to have a classroom, and a lot of our store equipment had to be put into rented storage warehouse spaces that cost Lon about $600 per month.

     Not having a classroom did not present a serious business problem because Lon had learned that it was very difficult to get customers to come to our Free natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational classes

     Many customers apparently assumed that they already knew enough about natural healthcare and wellness concepts education because most customers were not willing to come to a Free natural healthcare and wellness concepts class to see what Lon Willoughby was teaching. 

About Two Years Later

      Lon moved our health store again in late December 2009 to a much better store location in Mauldin (store location # 4) which was eight miles distance from our Wade Hampton Blvd. store location (location #3)

     The Mauldin store facility was about 3,000 square feet of floor space, so we again had room for a good size classroom.  We began doing business in Mauldin during the first week in January 2010.  

     We continued our complex health store business at that location for four years, until our Mauldin health store facility was closed permanently on April 24, 2014.  

     We still had a lot of difficulty getting customers to come to our free natural healthcare and wellness concepts education classes at the Mauldin store location. People had such busy lives that they did not want to take time to come to one of Lon's healthcare education classes to see what he was teaching.

     This Introductory Educational Report will explain later why it was necessary for Lon Willoughby to make that  very important decision - to close our natural healthcare products health store permanently. 

Lon's Special Education 

Plus His Work Experiences

     Lon's special natural healthcare and wellness concepts education, and his related healthcare work experiences eventually enabled him to be capable of offering special natural healthcare and wellness concepts education services for thousands of "qualified visitors."

     Those visitors to our website now have very important opportunities for obtaining special education about vital  natural healthcare and wellness educational concepts  and related nutrition supplement products knowledge by qualifying security-status wise to become a member of our Americans 4 Justice Private Education Club        

    This very special introductory Advanced Natural Health Concepts website introduces briefly very important and very valuable lifestyle improving education for selected "qualified visitors" using our remarkable "free to review" educational format (introductory education at no cost for selected "qualified visitors").

     This very special natural healthcare and wellness concepts education may also be life saving information for some selected "qualified visitors." 

     All of the educational information presented in Part One and Part Two of this vital autobiographical report is in our "free to review" educational format

Health Store Closing Situation

     The health store closing situation on April 24, 2014 enabled Lon and Janie Willoughby to have some time available to begin developing an entirely new website - one that would be an introductory education website that could enable selected American adult citizens to get a good overview education about the very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services that ABC of Health can present on the Internet.  

       From his many years of experience with our natural healthcare products store business, Lon understood that most American adult citizens had very little practical understanding about the many natural healthcare and wellness concepts that can enable them to live a much healthier life and a much better life. 

     Lon realized that American adult citizens will need to be educated about the availability of these types of natural healthcare and wellness concepts.  Local area citizens do not realize that these special healthcare educational services are available from ABC of Health.

+ + + + +

Developing a New Educational Website

       Lon and Janie Willoughby began working together as an educational team to begin developing an entirely new website - one that would be an introductory education website that could enable selected American adult citizens to get a good overview education about the very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts education services that ABC of Health can present on the Internet.  

       From his many years of experience with our natural healthcare products store business, Lon understood that most American adult citizens had very little practical understanding about the many natural healthcare and wellness educational concepts that can enable them to learn how to live a much healthier life and a much better and more successful life. 

     From past work experiences, Lon realized that most American adult citizens will need to be educated about the availability of these types of natural holistic healthcare and wellness concepts educational services.  Otherwise, they will not understand that those special natural healthcare and wellness concepts  educational services are available from ABC's of Health, Inc. (dba ABC of Health).

    Lon had also learned that the average high school graduate reads at about the eighth-grade level, so he knew that this new website, that he and Janie were carefully developing, would need to be developed in a way that would enable average high school graduates to read and comprehend well the natural healthcare and wellness educational concepts that would be presented herein.

    Due to their teaching experiences, Lon and Janie both realized how important repetition can be in the learning process.  Therefore, there is some deliberate repetition of vital educational concepts in this Introductory Educational Website.

Special Education Plus Work Experience

     Lon's special natural healthcare and wellness concepts education, and his related work experiences eventually enabled him to be capable of offering special natural healthcare and wellness concepts education services for thousands of "qualified visitors."

     They now have very important opportunities for obtaining special education about vital natural healthcare and wellness concepts and related nutrition supplement products - by qualifying to become a member of our Americans 4 Justice private education club        

    This very special introductory Advanced Natural Health Concepts website introduces briefly very important and very valuable lifestyle improving education for "qualified visitors" using our remarkable "free to review" educational format (education at no cost for selected "qualified visitors").

     This very special natural healthcare and wellness concepts education may also be life saving information for some selected "qualified visitors." 

     All of the educational information presented in Part One and Part Two of this autobiographical report is in our "free to review" educational format for selected "qualified visitors." 

Topic 13

Risky and Dangerous Education Work

     When selected "qualified visitors" review this educational website, they will learn why it is risky and dangerous for Lonnie and Janie Willoughby and ABC of Health to publish the very important and very valuable education that is presented at this private Introductory Educational Website

     That dangerous education situation is why Lon and Janie developed a Private Education Club named Americans 4 Justice-SC (our A4J-SC Club or simply A4J Club).

     Lon will present more helpful information about this very important Private Education Club as he goes forward with more education at this website.  

     He has developed a special website for providing detailed education about this Private Education Club.  It will be introduced to selected "qualified visitors" who express a serious interest in trying to qualify security-status wise to join our A4J Private Education Club.

     The very dangerous education marketplace situation is also why this Introductory Education Website is not open for the general public to review.  Lon understands that ABC of Health must be very careful about the people that we educate, and we must also be very careful with what information we educate them about.

     If ABC of Health actively promoted a review of this Introductory Educational Website in additional South Carolina ZIP Code areas, that are further away from the downtown area of Greenville, South Carolina (where the federal court is located), the marketing risks and dangers could become much greater for ABC of Health.  

     We therefore avoid trying to educate American natural-born adult citizens in locations outside the Greenville federal court's judicial jurisdiction. 

     That is one of the major reasons that Lon Willoughby, as president of ABC's of Health, Inc., restricted our education to ZIP Code areas of 296 - - and 293 - - .   

     He will present more information about those federal jurisdictional situations later in this very important educational report.  

     Whether or not Lon Willoughby will enlarge our education territory at some point in the future will depend to some extent on the amount of active responsible interest that is demonstrated by selected "qualified visitors" to this special Introductory Educational Website

     Competent and responsible selected "qualified visitors" will understand these very important federal jurisdictional issues much better when they complete their review of this private educational website. 

What Health Education

is Introduced Herein?

     In order to present a broad overview of the education subjects that are introduced herein, Lon Willoughby will first explain what he does not present herein

     He will not attempt to educate selected "qualified visitors" about many of the natural healthcare and wellness concepts that they need to learn about to protect their natural health in future years (many practical, responsible, and sensible healthy lifestyle actions that can be taken at home by properly educated persons). 

     Some of those important healthy lifestyle actions are a part of the natural healthcare education business that Lon and Janie developed for ABC of Health.   

     We charge a very reasonable discounted cost "first-year" A4J private education club membership dues fee for new club members.  These are selected "qualified visitors" who have gone forward and security-status qualified to join our exclusive Americans 4 Justice-SC Private Education Club.  

     They wanted the fantastic, remarkable, and super benefits that ABC of Health can provide for our A4J Private Education Club Members.

     They also understood why they needed to qualify security-status-wise before they paid their first-year A4J club membership dues fee.  They understood that at that time, they would begin to get access to our very important and very valuable six subjects educational services

     New A4J club members understand that they will receive access to our six-subjects educational services during their first-year of membership in our Americans 4 Justice Private Education Club.  

     That "first-year" of membership in our private education club is a very special educational opportunity that is not available anywhere else in the United States of America (the USA, America)

     Some of these vital A4J club member private educational services will be explained briefly during this introductory health-oriented report

     Lon Willoughby has developed an additional website that explains in some detail the six-subjects education services that we offer A4J private education club members.  

     That special website is identified only to selected "qualified visitors" who show a serious interest in learning more about our A4J club member services

     The private introductory education presented herein will introduce some very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts, and Lon will also encourage and help motivate selected "qualified visitors" to take a more responsible interest in taking good care of their precious natural health and their natural healthcare assets

     Some of the very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts introduced in this website can help selected "qualified visitors" realize why it is desirable to make very important healthcare and wellness concepts improvements in their lifestyle

A Brief Overview of

Our Six Educational Services

     ABC of Health enables Lon and Janie Willoughby to present education in six important subjects that can  improve the quality of life for new members of Americans 4 Justice during their first year of A4J Club Membership

     Lon and Janie also present six very important lessons in the Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education Subject

     The first lesson of those six lessons is presented for selected "qualified visitors" in Part One and Part Two of Lon's autobiographical report.  

     All of Lesson One is presented in our "free to review" educational format for selected "qualified visitors."  You are reviewing a part of lesson one at this time. 

     This is a very large lesson that covers a lot of important educational information.  Lesson one is much larger than the other five lessons about natural healthcare and wellness concepts that are available only to members of our Americans 4 Justice-SC private education club

     In essence, A4J club members pay a deeply discounted first-year membership dues fee for their exceptionally important natural healthcare and wellness concepts education

     This can be very beneficial life-changing education for all A4J club members, and it will likely be life-saving education for many club members.

     Lon and Janie will present very important education in five other subjects during a club member's first year of membership.  The other five education subjects are Extra Bonus Education for no additional club membership dues cost. 

     All of this combined six-subjects of education is a super bargain in vital education that is not available anywhere else on Planet Earth in this manner.

     More than 100 million American natural-born citizens could benefit greatly from this vital education, but it is not available to them for the multiple "competitive" reasons that are explained at this website.


Thousands die prematurely each week!!!

     Lon and Janie Willoughby understand that tens of thousands of American adult residents die prematurely each week that passes (die before age 85 - 90 years) - primarily because they did not have a good opportunity to get educated about the incredibly important healthcare concepts that are introduced in these very special private Introductory Educational Website presentations.

      Lon encourages selected "qualified visitors" to carefully review and accept the exciting opportunities that are offered by ABC of Health to help make their life in America a healthier life and a more successful life and a safer life as members of our Americans 4 Justice Private Education Club.  

     A4J club members have opportunities to learn how to enjoy a life that is more productive and more rewarding and more enjoyable than other American adult citizens will likely learn how to achieve.

Topic 14


     Lon Willoughby carefully developed this revealing healthcare-related private report in an autobiographical "storybook fashion" about his life for two main reasons

     The first reason was to present this vital health-related education in an interesting, informative, and entertaining manner.  In presenting this very important report, Lon used multiple short stories that will make it easier to remember the very important educational topics presented herein.

     The second reason was to inform selected "qualified visitors" about Lon's life experiences in sufficient detail that they can get to know him and develop confidence in his natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational abilities. 

The Ruling Class in America

     Lon learned that some members of the legal professions in America have unfairly and unethically and unconstitutionally set themselves up to be the ruling class in America, and they have effectively taken dominant control over all other citizens and residents in the United States of America.  

     Selected "qualified visitors" will learn herein that Lon has acquired very important practical knowledge about some American judicial systems. He can use that very valuable knowledge to help educate selected "qualified visitors" about extremely unfair and unethical litigation schemes and tactics and corrupt judicial actions that are self-serving for many members of the legal profession.  That situation can be very detrimental to millions of American adult citizens

     You will likely be shocked, appalled, and astounded by the extreme levels of unfair, unethical, and corrupt judicial actions that Lon Willoughby honestly reports and courageously exposes in the Litigation Info Department of this educational website

     Lon would like to report and expose extreme judicial corruption actions at a later time.  He recognizes the need for special education of our Americans 4 Justice club members and other selected American citizens (such as state level and federal level legislators, investigative reporters, and newspaper editors, etc.).  

     Lon realizes that these people also need to be informed about some of the extremely unfair, unethical, and corrupt litigation schemes and tactics that appear to be commonplace occurrences in some judicial systems in the United States of America.  (Perhaps most state and federal judicial systems in the USA.)


Formative Life Experiences

     As the author of this private autobiographical health-related true report, Lon reveals at this website some of his formative life experiences.  This information can help "qualified visitors" understand the person that he matured into as he aged over 85+ years

     Lon will report some of the challenging life experiences that gradually helped him become a competent natural healthcare consultant, nutrition consultant, and natural holistic healthcare and wellness concepts classroom educator (and now a healthcare educator using amazing Internet services). 

     Over a period of 40+ years, Lon learned how to educate American adult citizens about taking much better care of their precious natural health and their vital natural healthcare assets (natural functions in the human body that routinely strive daily to maintain good health - as much as possible with existing health conditions)

     Lon understands that many American adult citizens likely seriously impede these natural health protecting functions by frequently doing things that interfere with these vital natural healthcare protecting functions.

     These very important natural functions can work more effectively if adults learn how to avoid doing harmful things that interfere with those vital natural functions

     Lon Willoughby knows how to teach our A4J private education club members how to avoid interfering with these natural functions, and he also knows how to teach our carefully selected A4J club members about natural healthcare actions that they can take to enhance those very important natural healthcare protective functions. 

     These are copyrighted advanced level natural healthcare concepts trade secrets that are available only to our natural healthcare concepts education clients (our Americans 4 Justice-SC private education club members).  

     Our A4J-SC club membership opportunities will be explained in substantial detail at a special educational website developed for that purpose, and it will be identified appropriately to selected "qualified visitors" who demonstrate a responsible interest in trying to go forward and qualify security-status-wise to join our Americans4Justice-SC private education club.  

Confidence in Lon Willoughby

     Throughout this true health-related report, selected "qualified visitors" will need to be considering whether or not the author herein (Lon Willoughby) has believe-ability, credibility, and dependability about the very important health concepts and the natural healthcare and wellness concepts that he introduces in this private health-related educational report

     This private report can enable selected "qualified visitors" to develop confidence in Lon's honesty and integrity, and his sense of dedication to his sincere teamwork purpose with wife Janie of educating members of our A4J Private Education Club about very important health concepts and natural healthcare and wellness concepts, and also five other very important education subjects that can improve quality of life concepts. 

     Selected "qualified visitors" can get introduced herein to those special opportunities with no upfront cost because this unique website uses the "free to review" education services that Lon and Janie developed for ABC of Health

     This report can also enable selected "qualified visitors" to develop confidence about Lon's extensive knowledge about vital advanced level natural healthcare and wellness concepts that can help our A4J Private Education Club Members learn how to make very important improvements in their lifestyle and in their routine natural healthcare and wellness concepts actions

     Selected "qualified visitors" who develop confidence about Lon Willoughby in those areas can benefit from the   health concepts and the natural healthcare and wellness concepts that are introduced in this true autobiographical report.   That education can have super beneficial affects on their life - throughout the rest of their life

     However, if this autobiographical report does not enable some "qualified visitors" to confidently believe that these health concepts and natural healthcare and wellness  concepts are very important valid concepts that they need to know about, this may be an interesting and informative and entertaining health-related report, but some of those "qualified visitors" may not get a lot of long-term healthcare benefits from the vital health concepts and natural healthcare concepts that Lon introduces herein.

     Understanding those relevant issues, Lon has shared  enough personal information about his life experiences to enable "qualified visitors" to make those important decisions and judgments about him in a fair-minded, reasonable, and responsible manner. 

     Be patient with the author herein; relax, and enjoy this true private healthcare-related report because it will introduce some very important and valuable health concepts and also natural healthcare and wellness concepts that can be vital life-improving concepts for most "qualified visitors" - and maybe for you also.

    Some of this health concepts education may be life-saving information for some "qualified visitors" and this special education may also be life-saving information for you

    This Advanced Natural Health Concepts website will introduce "qualified visitors" to vital natural healthcare concepts that can help them learn about sensible and responsible healthy lifestyle actions that they can take to improve their life and better protect their natural health - probably on a daily basis for the rest of their life. 

     This is likely the most important health-oriented educational report that you have ever reviewed.  You can evaluate this very special educational report after you complete the two-part report presented by Lon Willoughby. 

     Part One of this autobiographical report is presented at this introductory Advanced Natural Health Concepts educational website.

     Part Two of this vital natural healthcare-related report is presented at our main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts educational website.  (www dot ABCofHealth dot com   

     Selected "qualified visitors" will be transferred to our main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education Website at the appropriate time with a convenient active transfer link. 

     The Two Parts of this lengthy report will introduce life-improving natural healthcare and wellness concepts that can be exceptionally important and valuable to selected "qualified visitors." 

     Please understand that Lon Willoughby will not attempt to educate selected "qualified visitors" herein about which nutrition supplement products they should take daily (herbs, minerals, proteins, vitamins, etc.) or how much of each nutrition supplement they should take in their lifestyle. 

    You understand that Lon does not have personalized health data (laboratory reports and other personal health information) for each selected "qualified visitor" that  reviews this private Introductory Educational Website.

    You also understand that Lon has not been informed about the various health condition problems of each selected qualified visitor, and he has not been informed about the prescription type pharmaceutical drugs that some selected "qualified visitors" may be taking pursuant to a medical doctor's healthcare advice.

     It should therefore be clear that Lon Willoughby cannot provide important and valuable nutrition supplement advice or recommendations for "qualified visitors" at this website in a practical and responsible manner. 

     It is clear that Lon does not have access to the personal health information about each "qualified visitor" that would be needed for Lon to provide those personalized natural healthcare and wellness concepts advisory services

    It is also very important for "qualified visitors" to understand that those kinds of personalized natural healthcare advisory services are some of the natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services that Lon and Janie developed for ABC of Health to market (sell) to our natural healthcare education clients (our Americans 4 Justice Private Education Club Members).  

     Those sales actions are necessary for us to be able to stay in business as a natural healthcare and wellness concepts educator.

Americans 4 Justice

Club Member's Dues Fee

     We charge a discounted "bargain-basement" give-away first-year club membership dues fee for our exceptionally important and valuable six subjects educational services

     Otherwise, our natural healthcare concepts education company could not afford to stay in business and continue providing the very important and very valuable "free to review" educational services that are introduced herein.  

    Our first-year A4J club membership dues fee will be discussed later in this report in our Marketing Info Department.  That important information is presented in more detail in a top security separate website that can be accessed only by a selected "qualified visitor" who has demonstrated a serious responsible interest in joining our Americans 4 Justice Private Education Club

Two Parts Education

    Lon Willoughby's Two Parts autobiographical report will introduce vital healthcare and wellness concepts that can be very important and valuable for thousands of selected "qualified visitors." 

     The health education concepts introduced herein can help improve the lives of selected "qualified visitors" in very important ways.   You have already learned that there is no upfront cost to them for this very valuable educational information due to our innovative "free to review" educational format.  

     Pause and consider responsibly that it took a tremendous amount of diligent research, study, and a lot of experimentation and evaluation work over a period of 40+ years, including Lon's 15+ years of complex natural healthcare and wellness concepts related health products store work, for Lon Willoughby to acquire the very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts knowledge that he used to develop this lengthy Introductory Educational Website - with a lot of help from wife Janie. 

     He and Janie and ABC of Health have invested more than 1.7 million dollars into this natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational project, counting their initial purchase of the small natural healthcare products retail store in Greenville, South Carolina in December 1998.

    The healthcare-related education presented in our "free to review" educational format for selected  "qualified visitors" is unique.  There is nothing like this vital healthcare concepts education anywhere else in America.

Historical Information

     As you review this private report, you will see that Lon has included some historical information that presents a review of some very important health-related education  that can help "qualified visitors" see how human life has improved tremendously since year 1862

     "Qualified visitors" can learn to appreciate how much life has improved for millions of Americans since French chemist Louis Pasteur developed major breakthrough healthcare educational improvements in medical science during year 1862 and in succeeding years.

     You will review herein some critically important healthcare education breakthroughs that were made by the French chemist that greatly improved life for many millions of people in various countries.

     "Qualified visitors" will also learn herein how the development of commercial electric power services greatly improved life and natural healthcare actions for many millions of Americans during years 1930 - 1956. 

Lon's Personal Life Information

     Initially, you may not understand why some of Lon's personal life information was included in this educational report but be patient with Lon's detailed report because all of this personal life information can be helpful to "qualified visitors" in acquiring a better understanding of the very important family relationship concepts and the various health and healthcare and wellness concepts that are introduced herein. 

     This very special private educational report can help some "qualified visitor families" who have children still living at home with their parents.

Topic 15


Education on the Internet  

     Lon had also learned that one of the remarkable advantages of conducting natural healthcare and wellness concepts education on the Internet is that various education subjects can be presented on a computer display screen, or a Smart Phone or a Tablet display, in the convenience and comfort of a person's home or residence. 

     Many years ago, Lon also learned that many adult citizens in the Greenville area were getting convenient access to Internet services using computers, Smart Phones, or Tablets

     It was clear to Lon that Internet-based education services could eliminate the need for scheduling classroom attendance, and this could also eliminate the travel time, travel expenses, and scheduling difficulties of classroom attendance.

     Lon could also see that Internet-based education services had the very important advantage of being scheduled by each individual, to accommodate their personal lifestyle schedule.  They could utilize Internet education services when the education time could be scheduled by each individual to fit into their busy lifestyle activities.

    This situation also enabled teenage members of a family to conveniently participate in these Internet-based education services. Furthermore, there would be no additional cost to parents for teenage family members to participate in this very important and valuable education at their very convenient home location.  

     The introductory educational services presented at our new website enabled individual "qualified visitors" and also married couple "qualified visitors" and also "qualified visitorparents to get a good overview understanding about the special educational services that Lon and Janie Willoughby can present at our ABC of Health websites for selected "qualified visitors."    

     This Introductory Educational Website was developed to present a good overview education about our Internet  educational capabilities in a "free to review" format.  

        Selected "Qualified visitors" who may be prospective members of our A4J Private Education Club can get a good education about whether or not they should seriously consider trying to qualify security-status wise to join our Americans 4 Justice Private Education Club.   

     This Introductory Educational Website also reports that Lon Willoughby had acquired additional Internet education, over a period of many years.  That education eventually enabled him, as president of ABC of Health, to be able to offer our vital natural healthcare and wellness concepts education services to thousands of "qualified visitors" in selected areas of upstate South Carolina. 

     Lon restricted these special natural healthcare and wellness concepts education services to natural-born American citizens who are also Christian-oriented and patriotic-minded toward the United States of America (the USA), and who live in selected ZIP Code areas of South Carolina (they have a primary permanent home or residence ZIP Code of 296 - - or 293 - -).  

     ZIP Codes 296 - - include the major Greenville area and many surrounding areas within about 60 miles of Greenville, and ZIP Codes 293 - - include the major Spartanburg area and many surrounding areas also within about 60 miles of Greenville.

     As explained previously, Lon calls those special citizens "qualified visitors" when they visit this private introductory Advanced Natural Health Concepts educational website.

     Lon explains herein why he restricted our initial Internet educational marketing territory to only those two major ZIP Code areas.  He will present additional information about these education area restrictions later at this website. 

     This vital introductory website education, and the very important books identified previously, show that unfair, unethical, greedy super-wealthy despots and tyrants (with robber baron mentalities) have ruthlessly prevented millions of American residents from having seriously needed access to important natural healthcare and wellness concepts education about how to take better care of their precious natural health

     Those unfair, unethical, and self-serving despicably corrupt self-serving actions have likely already caused millions of Americans (men, women, and many children) to suffer unnecessarily.  Those very greedy and selfish "business actions" have likely caused many Americans to die prematurely

Life and Death Issues 

     Please understand that the vital education presented at this website is dealing with "life and death issues" of great importance to responsible patriotic-minded selected "qualified visitors." 

      Our current Internet-based educational services enable our natural healthcare and wellness concepts education company to have the potential to improve the lives of thousands of selected "qualified visitors" in two major upstate ZIP Code areas of South Carolina. 

     ABC of Health must be very careful about how we present our critically important educational conceptsWe want to avoid getting involved in very dangerous and very expensive litigation with some of the super wealthy ruthless self-serving despots and tyrants that are identified herein.  

     That is why it was absolutely necessary for us to develop our Americans 4 Justice Private Education Club (our A4J Club).  This private education club enables us to carefully evaluate and select "qualified visitors" who can "qualify" to join this exclusive private education club.

     We have to carefully select the natural-born American adult citizens, living in selected ZIP Code areas, that we believe we can trust to become "loyal members" of our very important A4J Private Education Club.      

     Fortunately, selected "qualified visitors" have a special opportunity to learn about our Advanced Natural Health Concepts Educational Services at no cost due in our "free to review" educational format.  

     They will learn that Lon and Janie Willoughby know how to educate A4J club members about protecting and defending and improving their natural health and also likely extending their natural healthy lifespan potential

Two Very Important Questions

     Question One:  Why should "qualified visitors" take time to carefully consider what Lon and Janie Willoughby present at this website that might help "qualified visitors" protect and improve their natural health status?      

     Question Two: How did Lon Willoughby acquire very important education and life experiences that enabled him to become a very important educator for thousands of "qualified visitors" about vital healthcare issues and natural healthcare and wellness concepts and also critically important litigation issues and relevant judicial issues in American courts?

Answers To Those Questions

     The very important education presented in this autobiographical report can help selected  "qualified visitors" answer those two important questions

     It is important for selected "qualified visitors" to learn that Lon Willoughby has not had a cold viral infection, or a flu viral infection, or a bacterial microbial infection since April 1986.  

     He got a serious flu viral infection at that time (35+  years ago) from a business associate who came to Lon's home and talked with him outside for a while in a standing position.  

     Lon had just arrived from Florida driving a fully loaded U-Haul 26 feet long size moving van (the largest size rental van), and he was busy unloading household furniture from that van at his vacant home in Mauldin, South Carolina.

     Lon did not realize that this individual had recently been sick with the flu - Lon did not notice any indication that the man had been sick.  However, Lon caught a very bad case of the flu virus from that individual during that casual outdoor meeting.  Lon's flu sickness lasted several weeks, and his throat was very painful during most of that time.

     That individual routinely had a bad habit of getting too close to people when he talked with them.  He would stand about two feet away when talking face to face.  If he had stayed four feet away from Lon as they talked, Lon may not have caught that very bad flu virus from him. 

     Lon has learned how to protect himself from microbial infections much better than he knew how to do back in April 1986.  He tries to routinely maintain a distance of four feet or more when talking with individuals face to face.

Topic 16

Coronavirus Information     

     Reasonable social distancing is very important when talking with anyone face to face, and most American adults have been educated recently (since January 2020) that reasonable social distancing is six feet or more.  

     Wearing a good quality face mask and social distancing are both very important actions to take when trying to avoid getting infected, or causing an infection for other people with the coronavirus. 

     That dangerous virus is currently active in many people who do not know yet that they have the virus.  The virus is also active in many places where infected people (known and unknown infections) have been breathing and exhaling contaminated air.

     It is also important to understand that one can get the coronavirus when another person is not present at the moment by simply breathing some air that an infected person recently exhaled.  The virus can float around in the air at that location for a while and still be dangerous.

     People in the USA have died by the tens of thousands because they did not follow the well-published advice of leading reputable healthcare experts about the two easy protective actions stated above (good quality face mask and a minimum of six feet social distancing from each other). 

     Those easy actions can greatly improve one's potential for avoiding contact with the coronavirus - or spreading the virus - and the more dangerous delta variant of that virus.

     Are there still some serious technical doubts and issues about the COVID-19 virus vaccines that have been made available for millions of American residents by the U.S. government?  Yes, there are legitimate responsible reasons to have concerns and doubts about the unknown long term effects of these new vaccines.

     Lon has carefully reviewed and studied some of those technical concerns, but he is responsibly convinced that taking the single vaccine shot (Johnson & Johnson) or the two shots dosage (other company brands) is a reasonably sensible action to take at this time. 

     Lon and Janie both took their timed two-shot vaccine doses - as soon as they could get scheduled for each of those timed free vaccine doses. 

     They both got their free booster vaccine shot on November 3, 2021.   They got their second booster vaccine shot in July 2022

     Neither of them have had any noticeable adverse health effects yet from taking those vaccines, other than mild soreness at the arm shot location for a few days. 

     They are both glad they took the vaccines as soon as possible.  At their advanced ages, getting sick with COVID- 19 could be a very serious viral infection that could result in very painful suffering for days or weeks and end in death - as has already happened for hundreds of thousands of American residents throughout the United States of America who failed to get the free vaccines doses offered. 

     Getting all of those vaccine shots does not guarantee that one will not get infected with the COVID-19 virus, but it does reduce that potential substantially, and it also reduces the seriousness of a COVID-19 viral infection if that does occur. 

     It is still very important to try to be healthy and take good care of one's natural health with a very good diet, good quality filtered or purified water to drink, breathing clean air as much as possible, good hand washing practices, moderate daily exercise, and good sleep practices.  

     It is also very important to routinely maintain a positive attitude about life and your personal circumstances in life because a positive attitude can help greatly in keeping the body's hormone producing systems and the immune system working properly to help you prevent health problems.

Lon and the Medical Profession

     Lon realizes that medical doctors and nurses in the USA provide a lot of beneficial medical services for millions of healthcare patients each year. 

     Some of their work is done in heroic ways that is truly remarkable - using sophisticated diagnostic tests such as CAT scans, MIR tests, an Echo-cardiogram test (amazingly checks heart valve operational functions visually), and they can even do robotic surgeries (and some of those surgeries can be done remotely - that is amazing). 

     Some of the medical system actions have become more noticeable to the general public during the current coronavirus pandemic that is causing tremendous health problems, and more than 826,000 COVID-19 deaths in the USA.  (approximate total USA deaths as of 12/13/2021)

Updated data for USA effective 9/29/2022:

Total number of COVID-19 cases = 98,203,894

Number of deaths reported = 1,084,630 

     This tragic pandemic has also caused very serious economic problems for millions of Americans, and COVID-19 has also caused very serious challenges and difficulties for school students of various age groups, including college students. 

     Many American adults realize now, more than ever before, how important front-line medical doctors and nurses, and many of their support personnel are - to citizens and other residents of the United States of America.

More Information about Lon's Life

     Lon's personal life information herein can help a lot of "qualified visitors" and the relevance of this information will be understood better by "qualified visitors" when they complete their review of the very important healthcare educational report presented at this private introductory education website (Part One of Lon's two-part healthcare concepts related report).

     As the founder and president of ABC's of Health, Inc., Lonnie Willoughby, Jr. (Lon Will-o-bee) worked diligently and responsibly for many years to enable and ensure that he could capably educate our natural healthcare education clients about how they could improve and protect their precious natural health in practical, responsible, and sensible ways that were cost-effective healthcare actions.  

     Lon has learned a lot of very important natural health concepts and healthcare and wellness concepts since year 1970, when he first began to focus some attention to learning about natural healthcare concepts

     He responsibly learned additional natural healthcare and wellness concepts as each year passed - since he started that natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational process more than fifty years ago. 

     Fortunately, during year 1980and later years, Lon discovered more opportunities to increase his very important natural healthcare concepts self-education actions.  During the past 40+ years, he learned many important and valuable health concepts and natural healthcare and wellness concepts.

     One of Lon's primary objectives for many years has been to enable our ABC of Health healthcare education consultation clients to substantially improve their potential for healthy longevity (live longer in good health). 

Topic 17

Premature Deaths in the USA 

     This very important health-related education report presents Lon's research finding of data at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website (www dot CDC dot GOV) about the death rates in the entire USA.     

      Reviewing this death rate data can help "qualified visitors" understand what medical profession healthcare actions in the USA have accomplished for healthy longevity for people in the USA during the past 30 years.

     Lon has reviewed and evaluated CDC death rate statistics for some relevant past years.  "Qualified visitors" can likely benefit a lot by reviewing the vital educational information presented in this very important healthcare education report.

      Lon found that CDC death rate data show that many people die prematurely on an annual basis in the USA (die before age 85 - 90).  He reports that annual data by months and also by weeks to make that data more useful for this very important and very valuable healthcare oriented educational report.

      Lon's work in the natural healthcare education field for more than 30 years found that many people want to believe that they already know enough about helpful natural healthcare and wellness concepts actions to develop a healthy lifestyle. 

       However, Lon's many years of natural healthcare work experience found that this was usually wishful thinking for almost everyone.  He found that most people do not know nearly enough about developing a truly healthy practical, responsible,  and sensible lifestyle. 

      Lon confirmed that opinion when his research at the CDC data base found that on average, more than 40,000 premature deaths occur weekly in the USA (deaths before age 85 - 90)  That amounts to more than 160,000 premature deaths monthly, and it amounts to more than 1,920,000 premature deaths per year. 

     If most American adult residents know how to develop a good healthy lifestyle, why are so many American residents dying at early premature ages

      Lon's research also found that the total deaths per year average in the USA was about 2,600,000 - for all causes of death (prior to years 2020 and 2021 - when many thousands of additional deaths were caused by coronavirus infections). 

      From the death rate statistics presented above, Lon learned that most deaths in the USA occur before people get to age 85 - 90.  You will learn herein later that the average male in the USA will likely die before reaching age 79

      That means that about half of all American males will die before getting to age 79, and half of American males will live longer than age 78

     Very few males will live to age 85 - 90American females typically live two to three years longer than American males.

      Unfortunately, not many Americans are healthy enough to celebrate their 85th - 90th birthday.  Of the few American citizens who live to that birthday, how many of them are in good enough health to actually enjoy celebrating that birthday? 

      Lon has good reasons for believing that very few American citizens (females or males) are in good enough health to actually enjoy celebrating their 90th birthday.

      You will probably agree with Lon that the CDC data presented above enables him to report that a very high number of estimated premature deaths occur in the USA on an annual basis. 

      From Lon's healthcare research and his natural healthcare and wellness concepts work during the past 30+ years, he learned the main reasons why most natural-born American citizens will likely die prematurely (before they get to age 85 - 90)

Do most American Adults Know Enough

About Vital Natural Healthcare Concepts?

     If American adults were as knowledgeable about important natural healthcare and wellness concepts as they typically want to believe they are, we would not have so many sickness and disease conditions in the USA, with a lot of pain and suffering, and with a lot of medical expenses, as we currently have in many locations in America

     Visit any large hospital and the parking lot area will usually contain a lot of cars.  Even though the parking lot complex is large, with hundreds of parking spaces, it may be difficult to find a convenient vacant parking space. 

     Some hospitals are so busy that they may not have a private room available for a new heart attack patient or a new stroke patient. 

     The patient may be put on a portable bed (with wheels) that is parked in a hallway near a nursing station where nursing staff members are usually working at a desk area. 

     Those medical staff members can then monitor the new patient - who is waiting for a patient room to become available.  

     The new patient may have to stay in this hallway area for several hours until a vacant patient room becomes available.  In other words, the hospital is very busy with hundreds of sick patients and vacant rooms are not always quickly available.

     These many busy hospital situations, across the United States of America, confirm that the USA has a large number of people who get sick and need hospital type medical care. 

     Lon Willoughby realizes that many of those people did not know how to take good care of their natural health and their natural healthcare assets and now they have serious health problems

     Lon also realizes that almost all adult residents  living in the USA have not had a good opportunity to get educated to learn how to take good care of their natural health and their natural healthcare assets

     That seriously deficient education situation is what motivated Lonnie Willoughby to establish our natural healthcare concepts educational corporation in South Carolina in year 1986.

     You will learn herein that there are 24 modern industrialized countries that have healthier people than people in the USA.  Consequently, most of the adults in the USA clearly need some vital natural healthcare and wellness concepts education.  

Two Very Important Questions


     1.  How are American residents going to learn that they need some good education about natural healthcare concepts actions that they can take at home to greatly improve their ability to take good care of their natural health and their natural healthcare assets?  

     2.  How are American residents going to obtain access to these badly needed natural healthcare concepts education services?     

     American adult citizens first need to quickly learn that they should stop naively believing and thinking that medical doctors and nurses will likely provide the healthcare education services that they need. 

     Lon reports herein that medical doctors and nurses are not educated and trained to provide natural healthcare and wellness concepts education services to medical patients. 

     It is very important for adults in the United States of America to understand that natural healthcare education is not what medical doctors and nurses are educated and trained to do for their healthcare patients.  Generally speaking, natural healthcare education services are outside their area of professional expertise. 

     As reported herein, American adults need to learn that they should consult with local dietitians and/or local nutrition consultants to obtain some of those badly needed natural healthcare education services

     Some of the healthcare education that is needed can be acquired from natural healthcare concepts type books, but there are more than a thousand of those type books in the marketplace.  Which books do American adults need to read first to get their natural healthcare and wellness concepts education started? 

     "Qualified visitors" will need some good help from a dietitian, or a nutrition consultant, or a natural healthcare consultant (like Lon Willoughby) to narrow that BIG EDUCATION PROBLEM down to just a few books - maybe five or six very important natural healthcare education books

     Lon Willoughby, at ABC of Health, knows how to provide those kinds of very important natural healthcare concepts education services for thousands of "qualified visitors" living in the upstate area of South Carolina. 

     Lon can help those "qualified visitors" a lot - after they get security qualified to join our Americans 4 Justice-SC Club.  As an A4J club member, they will get access to our remarkable six-lessons natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services.

     The unique outstanding natural healthcare and wellness concepts education services that can be provided by Lon and Janie Willoughby at ABC of Health are available only to natural-born American adult citizens who are Christian-oriented and also patriotic-minded about the USA and also live in their primary permanent home or residence in selected ZIP Code areas of upstate South Carolina (296 - - or 293 - -).

Transfer to Another Website

     At the end of this website's introductory Advanced Natural Health Concepts report, selected "qualified visitors" will be detoured to our main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts education website (www dot ABCofHealth dot com).   They will continue their education with Part Two of Lon's very important and very valuable healthcare-related educational report.  

    The healthcare education services that are presented at our main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts educational website will present additional education about the five major causes of premature deaths in the USA This special education is also presented for selected "qualified visitorsin our "free to review" educational format

     Our main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts educational website will also identify and explain some natural healthcare and wellness concepts actions that selected "qualified visitors" may be able to take to help them improve their lifestyle actions - practically, responsibly, and sensibly

     Unfortunately, thousand of American residents die prematurely each week in the USA - mainly because they had not been educated about the vital copyrighted natural holistic healthcare and wellness concepts that Lon and Janie Willoughby teach Americans 4 Justice Private Educational Club Members.

Improving Premature Death Rates

     Lon Willoughby has learned how to greatly improve those annual CDC death rate statistics (over a period of years) but trying to educate millions of American adult citizens about practical and sensible ways to improve their personal lifestyle would be a gigantic task. 

     This website's very revealing healthcare-related report will also help selected "qualified visitors" understand why this would also be a very risky and dangerous educational task for Lon and Janie and our natural healthcare and wellness concepts education company

     You will likely be surprised and literally shocked when you learn herein about the very serious healthcare education problem conditions in the USA

     You will learn that trying to provide very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts education anywhere in the USA can be very dangerous work.  It has often had tragic consequences for natural healthcare and wellness concepts educators

     You will learn herein that there are financially and politically powerful forces operating within the USA that take in billions of dollars each year by providing conventional medical services and pharmaceutical drugs for inadequately educated medical system patients. 

     It is financially advantageous for those powerful forces to try to prevent adult residents in the United States from getting educated about very important alternative health type natural holistic healthcare and wellness concepts - like some of the vital education concepts presented at this special website.

     This healthcare-related report can help selected "qualified visitors" learn about the plan of progressive actions that Lon and Janie developed to help make some very important progress in this very difficult and risky and potentially very dangerous natural holistic healthcare and wellness concepts education challenge for selected "qualified visitors."

     This introductory education report shows that Lon and Janie have developed natural holistic healthcare and wellness concepts educational services that can enable many "qualified visitors" to likely live a healthier and longer life with more achievements and more enjoyment and more satisfaction in their life (after they qualify for membership and become a member of our Americans 4 Justice private educational club)

     Lon and Janie believe that millions of American adult citizens can be taught how to live to age 90 and beyond with a lot less sickness and disease, and a lot less pain and suffering, and a lot less medical expenses than is common for millions of citizens in America today. 

     Lon and Janie have good reasons to believe that millions of American adult citizens can be taught how to improve their lifestyle and their natural healthcare and wellness concepts actions so they can still be reasonably healthy at age 90 and may live to celebrate their 100th birthday, or even years older if they get started as early as possible for them. 

     Very important legal issues are relevant here, and Lon has studied some of those legal issues.  He is confident that American adult citizens have a constitutionally protected right to access vital natural healthcare and wellness concepts education wherever it is available in the USA for adult citizens

     Historical records show that financially powerful and politically powerful organized forces have unfairly and unethically prevented millions of American citizens from having good access to natural holistic healthcare and wellness concepts educational services

     Those powerful and well-financed political forces have ruthlessly deprived millions of American citizens from having very important access to those kinds of natural holistic healthcare and wellness concepts educational services.

     Lon and Janie work responsibly to make vital "free to review" natural holistic healthcare and wellness concepts educational services available to thousands of natural-born American adult citizens (selected "qualified visitors") who live in selected ZIP Code areas of upstate South Carolina (as explained previously).

     ABC of Health selected ZIP Code areas 296 - - and 293 - - as our initial education territory because our Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education Company is located in Greenville County (ZIP Codes 296 - - ). 

     Lon determined that any natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services that we present in ZIP Codes 293 - - will also be subject to federal litigation in the federal court located in Greenville, South Carolina.  (Litigation actions may be caused by malicious and ruthless "robber baron mentality" healthcare competitors, as explained herein). 

     VERY IMPORTANT NOTE:  They can maliciously and ruthlessly cause very expensive litigation in any geographic area in the USA where we advertise and/or sell our A4J type natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services

     If we sold our Americans 4 Justice educational services in California, or Oregon, or Texas or Utah, etc., we could be sued in those states. 

      The litigation costs for trying to defend ABC of Health (and our healthcare concepts educational actions) in some of those distant states could amount to millions of dollars, and those abusive harassment litigation actions could also completely and totally disrupt the educational office operations of ABC of Health (Lon and Janie Willoughby), operating in Mauldin, SC.

     Consequently, you can see that it is very important for ABC of Health to responsibly try to avoid potential law suits in distant locations.  We do that by only advertising and only selling our Americans 4 Justice private educational club membership services in ZIP Codes 296 - - or 293 - - .

     That restricted A4J sales operation helps us ensure that any federal court litigation that may occur against our educational actions will be conducted in the federal court located in downtown Greenville, South Carolina.

     Some other upstate ZIP Code areas would be subject to litigation in the federal court located in Columbia, South Carolina so we will not advertise and strive to sell our A4J private education club membership services in those more distant ZIP Code areas. 

     Obviously, we will also avoid advertising and striving to sell our A4J club member natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services in ZIP Code areas that would be subject to litigation in the Charleston, South Carolina federal court jurisdiction.

    Consequently, any unfair and unreasonable abusive harassment or oppressive punishment litigation actions against our natural healthcare and wellness concepts education services company that might be caused by high level medical hierarchy personnel, or caused by pharmaceutical drug production companies, or caused by federal government authorities (FDA, FTC, etc.) regarding any Americans 4 Justice educational services that we sell in these two selected ZIP Code areas (296 - - or 293 - - ) will likely be conducted in the federal court located in downtown Greenville, South Carolina. 

     This explanation shows how much the marketplace has been "controlled" by the entities identified herein to give the medical profession top level hierarchy personnel and the pharmaceutical drug production companies a near total monopoly of "healthcare services" in America. 

     This also helps explain why America is one of the most unhealthy modern industrialized countries on the planet.

   Those "controlling" conditions are very important for our natural healthcare and wellness concepts education company because Greenville County is our home area. 

   The Greenville federal court is the most convenient federal court for Lonnie Willoughby to have to defend our natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational work in a federal court litigation action (that may be caused by some malicious and ruthless "robber baron mentality" healthcare competitors - as identified herein).

    Consequently, Lon Willoughby has tried to ensure that he will not have to make numerous round trips to the federal court in Columbia (about 180 miles each trip) during a potential federal litigation action in that court. 

    He has also tried to ensure that he will not have to make numerous round trips to the federal court in Charleston (about 400 miles for each trip) during a potential federal litigation action in that court.   

    If there is going to be any litigation actions against ABC of Health by malicious and ruthless well-funded competitors, Lon wants that litigation to be conducted in the federal court located in downtown Greenville, South Carolina. 

    Litigation in that federal court will be much less cumbersome, frustrating, time consuming, and much less expensive for our company (ABC of Health) than if the litigation was conducted in other federal court locations in South Carolina or elsewhere.

Lon's Personal Experiences

With Medical Doctors

     Lon Willoughby will explain herein three different health conditions that caused him to consult with medical doctors many years ago.  In those three situations, the medical doctors were unable to provide any significant help to Lon, and he eventually had to seek help in other ways. 

    Those three health problems will be explained in some detail later in this website's autobiographical health-related report.  Those three health problems will clearly show that it is naive and foolish to believe that American medical doctors are the only healthcare practitioners that Americans should  consult for their health problems.   

Lon Learned How to 

Correct His Health Problems

     Fortunately, over a period of many years, Lon Willoughby's determined and diligent self-education natural healthcare actions enabled him to gradually learn how to cope successfully with his chronic health problems.

    He eventually recovered from his serious health problems - without getting any significant help from the several medical doctors that he had consulted over a period of many years. 

    Lon was very disappointed in the series of medical doctors that he had consulted.  It seemed like they had very little education or practical useful knowledge about nutrition-related healthcare problems.

     Lon struggled for many years to get better control of his serious health problems, and he learned a lot of important natural healthcare and wellness concepts during the 1980's and early 1990's.  By year end in 1994, Lon realized that his accumulated natural healthcare and wellness concepts knowledge could be very helpful to many American adult citizens in the Greenville area.

Computers and the Internet

     However, Lon also realized that he did not have a good way of communicating with those adult citizens.  Internet services began in year 1989 and years went by while Lon was learning about using a computer and learning about building websites. 

     Lon bought his first computer system in year 1984 (at age 48), and he gradually began learning about some computer functions and services.  However, Lon was working about 80 to 90 hours per week managing a 44-unit apartment complex in Deland, Florida for his parents from July 15, 1983 to January 1985 - when the apartment complex was sold.  Consequently, Lon had very little time to learn about computer system functions during that period of time. 

     After the apartment complex was sold in January 1985, Lon Jr. moved to Putnam County Florida so he could be near his parents to help them with his father's paralyzed health condition from a serious heart attack and severe stroke.  He purchased a 3 bedroom, two bath home about two miles from their home because he intended to take care of them for an extended period of time (maybe for the rest of their lives).  

     However, his mother caused such serious emotional problems for son Lon Jr. about his very helpful healthcare actions for his father that Lon sold his home in April 1986.  He then rented a U-Haul van and moved himself back to his now vacant home in Mauldin, SC that same month.  

     Lon established the ABC's of Health Corporation in April 1986 as the founder and president, and he gradually began developing that business operation. 

     Unfortunately, his father (living in Putnam County Florida) suffered a fatal heart attack in November 1986

Purchasing a Health Store

     In December 1998, Lon and Janie financially enabled the ABC's of Health Corporation to purchase a small natural health products retail store located on four-lane Laurens Road within the Greenville city area, near the large Ford auto sales dealership and service center.  


Litigation in Florida

     Lonnie Willoughby, Jr. was sued as a co-trustee of his parent's Florida Inter Vivos Trust Agreements in March 1989, and he had to participate in civil "Equity Court" litigation in Putnam County, Florida (city of Palatka - County Seat) as a defendant co-trustee while he was living in Greenville County South Carolina (city of Mauldin). 

     The civil litigation process was conducted in an extremely unfair, unethical, and corrupt manner, and co-trustee Lonnie Willoughby, Jr. was improperly removed as a co-trustee of his parent's inter vivos trust agreement estates (the Marital Trust Agreement and the Family Trust Agreement). 

     Lon Jr. had been betrayed badly during the litigation process by his trial defense attorney so he could not use that attorney to file an appeal case for that extremely unfair and unethical trial court case.  

     Lon had to quickly educate himself and learn how to file a Notice of Appeal properly, and he timely filed that document in his pro se capacity (litigating without an attorney) regarding the unfair and unethical and improper trial court litigation Final Judgment decision

     Lon was then surprised and dismayed that the appeal case litigation was also conducted in an extremely unfair, unethical, and corrupt manner because appellant Lonnie Willoughby's Jr's appeal case attorney actively cooperated with the appellee's attorney to deliberately cause appellant Lonnie Jr. to lose that appeal case.  

     Many months laterLon learned that it should have been easy for his appeal case attorney to win that appeal case if the attorney had written appellant Lonnie Willoughby's Initial Appeal Brief argument issues responsibly.  

      Lon eventually learned through his own legal research that the Florida Supreme Court had previously issued a landmark decision that strictly prohibited surprise complaint issues during a trial unless the litigation parties had agreed to litigate the additional complaint issues.  

     During co-trustee Lonnie Willoughby, Jr's one-day trial in September 1989, the plaintiff's attorney (for plaintiff Leona Willoughby) introduced five "serious surprise complaints about estate planning issues" against co-trustee Lonnie Willoughby, Jr. that had not been presented in the plaintiff's filed pleadings (for the case) and those five surprise complaint issues had not been raised an any time during the pre-trial "discovery process" that had occurred. 

     During the one-day trial process, co-trustee Lon Jr's defense attorney objected four separate times to the introduction of those "surprise complaint issues."  It was therefore clear to the trial court judge (circuit court judge) that the opposing parties had not agreed to litigate about those "five surprise complaint issues."  

     Lon learned months later (after his appeal case) that his defense attorney's four objections were "weak objections" that made it easier for the trial judge to overrule his objections.  That situation occurred with a very prominent Florida trial court attorney with more than 20 years experience in the Florida trial courts.

     The defense attorney also did not try to call attention to the Florida Supreme Court's landmark case decision that specifically prohibited the introduction of those "surprise complaint issues" during the trial. 

     When Lonnie Willoughby Jr. learned about that Florida Supreme Court landmark case law decision months after his appeal case had started, he realized that the two opposing trial court attorneys and the circuit court trial court judge surely knew about that landmark case law decision.  However, the trial transcript record of the trial showed that they all conveniently ignored the mandatory nature of that landmark case ruling, as if it did not exist. 
     A similar attorney situation occurred during Appellant Lonnie Willoughby, Jr. subsequent timely appeal case.  His appeal case attorney had a copy of the trial court transcript that showed that co-trustee Lonnie Willoughby, Jr. had been ambushed during trial with the introduction of the five "surprise complaint issues."  
     The trial transcript record also showed that co-trustee Lon's defense attorney had objected four times to the introduction of the surprise complaint issues - as they were being introduced during the trial process.   Therefore, it was clear to Lon's appeal case attorney that the opposing litigation parties had not agreed to litigate those five surprise complaint issues during the trial.
     The three appellate court judges assigned to that appeal case also had a copy of the trial transcript record (that had cost Lon Jr. about $1,350 to obtain) as part of the "record on appeal."  
     Those three appellate judges could also see clearly in the beginning pages of the trial transcript record that defendant co-trustee Lonnie Willoughby, Jr. had been improperly ambushed during the trial with "surprise complaint issues" (that had not been agreed upon for litigation during the one-day non-jury equity court trial).

First Florida Appeal Case

     This was Lon's first appeal case and he knew nothing about Florida appeal case procedures.  He was unable to prevent his appeal case attorney from betraying him badly in the appeal case, causing Lon to lose the appeal case.

     You can now understand why Lon believes that the trial court litigation process was a farce and a fraud with two opposing trial court attorneys and the trial court judge knowingly and willfully participating cooperatively in an extremely unfair, unethical, and corrupt litigation process.
     The subsequent appeal case process was also a farce and a fraud with two opposing appeal case attorneys knowingly and willfully participating cooperatively with each other in an extremely unfair, unethical, and corrupt appeal litigation process.
     The three appeal case judges assigned to the appeal also demonstrated that they would not conduct the appeal case in a competent professional ethical manner.  
     They obviously did not responsibly review the trial transcript court record.  If they had, they would have seen clearly that defendant co-trustee Lonnie Willoughby, Jr. had been improperly ambushed during the trial with five "surprise complaint issues" that caused him to lose the trial court litigation case.  The Final Judgment Order improperly ruled against defendant co-trustee Lonnie Willoughby, Jr. on three of those five ambush complaint issues
      In all of these improper litigation situations, members of the Florida legal profession as "officers of the court" had conducted litigation actions consistently without any professional ethics, without any professional honesty, and without any professional integrity.   
      Consequently, Lon saw that the Florida litigation system was operating essentially as a form of organized crime that provided multiple benefits to members of the Florida legal profession.

    That was shown clearly when extremely unfair and corrupt harassment litigation actions continued after that appeal case, year after year, for more than twenty years.  Lon explains those situations in some detail in the  Litigation Info Department in this website

     Those litigation actions caused Lon to spend a lot of time doing legal research at the Law Library in downtown Greenville (about eight miles from his home in Mauldin).  

   The law library did not have most of the law books that Lon needed to research published Florida appeal litigation case law decisions so Lon eventually purchased those law books from the publisher at a cost of $50 dollars each.  He spent more than a thousand dollars to acquire many of the books that he needed for his Florida research.

      Lon continued learning as much as possible about natural healthcare and wellness concepts during the 20+ years period of time that he was actively involved with related trial court and appellate court litigation actions in the state of Florida. 


The Internet Service Began Operating In Year 1989

     Lon eventually began learning about the Internet services and the potential the Internet services could have for communicating with many American adult citizens in the Greenville upstate area by using some of the Internet's amazing communications service features.

     By year end in 1994, Lon had learned a lot of additional natural healthcare and wellness concepts.  He   began working responsibly to develop the special knowledge and skills that would be needed for him to eventually develop the first website for ABC of Health using complex HTML coding (the only website building program available to Lon at that time).  

    During February 2000, Lon moved the natural health products store (located on 4-lane Laurens Road) to a much larger store facility - located on 4-lane Wade Hampton Blvd.   The new store location was just three blocks south of the main entrance to Bob Jones University.  

     Lon was very busy at that time, getting the new store location set up and operating, and working frequently with the ongoing Florida litigation actions, but he managed to get our first corporate ABC of Health website initially developed during that year. 

     Over a period of many more years of learning about website building skills and Internet features, Lon gradually learned how to use four different website  building programs (by four separate website building service companies).  

     Lon was gradually learning how to develop additional  natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational websites for use by ABC of Health

     Those educational websites eventually enabled our company (ABC of Health) to offer vital natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services to selected American adult citizens living in selected ZIP Code areas of upstate South Carolina (natural-born American citizens that are "qualified visitors" - as explained previously).  

     Over a period of 18 years (year 1980 into year 1999), while diligently learning about natural healthcare and wellness concepts actions, concepts, and protocols, Lon gradually learned how to become a very knowledgeable natural healthcare concepts consultant and a nutrition consultant and a natural healthcare and wellness concepts classroom educator

     From March 1989 into year 2010, Lon was frequently involved in litigation actions in the distant state of Florida (trial court actions and also appeal cases).  He gradually filed ten appeal cases in his pro se status (litigating without an attorney representative). 

     During those 20+ years, Lon spent about 17,000 hours of his life participating in the ongoing very frustrating and expensive Florida harassment litigation (unfair, unethical, and corrupt litigation schemes and tactics by his Florida litigation opponents - trial court attorneys and trial court judges and appeal case attorneys and appellate judges).

     Consequently, you can see that Lon Willoughby is now well educated and capable of educating our Americans 4 Justice private education club members about very important litigation information that exposes extremely unfair, unethical, and disgustingly corrupt judicial actions in state courts and appellate courts and also in federal trial courts and federal appellate courts. 

     Lon Willoughby, Jr. has good reasons to believe that these kinds of unfair, unethical, and corrupt judicial actions can likely occur in state courts and/or federal courts anywhere in the United States of America

     This brief review of the litigation actions reported above illustrate that Lon Jr. had a very busy and very stressful life from March 1989 into year 2010 (20+ years) due to the extremely unfair and unethical and corrupt litigation actions in Florida that he was forced into. 

 Back to Healthcare Issues 

     This very important Introductory Educational Website presents information for selected "qualified visitors" about some very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts that Lon discovered and copyrighted for ABC of Health during his many years of natural healthcare and wellness concepts education actions.      

     Lon has continued that ongoing natural healthcare and wellness concepts investigative education up to the current time in March 2024

     At age 85+, Lon Willoughby is living and walking proof that his extensive natural healthcare and wellness concepts education and experiences can be very important and very valuable for thousands of selected "qualified visitors."

    Lon is still enjoying good health at age 85+ because he learned how to overcome three serious health challenges, and also cope with an extremely stressful life for 20+ years, as explained in this website.  

       Two of those chronic health problems caused very difficult health condition problems in Lon's life for more than 25 years because he was unable to get any significant help from any medical doctors that he consulted with over a period of about ten years.

     Lon's special education about natural healthcare and wellness concepts since year 1970, and his many years of natural healthcare work experiences are being used in this Introductory Educational Website to help thousands of selected "qualified visitors" learn that they now have a fantastic remarkable opportunity to learn how to live a much better life and healthier life by security-status qualifying to join our Americans 4 Justice Private Education Club.  (Our A4J Club.)


Topic 18

Lon's Early Life on the Farm

     Lonnie Jr. was generally a healthy person while growing up on a farm in North Carolina.  He feels really fortunate to have grown up in that rural farming environment because he learned many very important life concepts about living a natural life - similar in many respects to the farm families who were busy growing food for Americans in the early 1900's

    Lon's father and mother were both intelligent responsible farming people who had grown up on their own family's farm. They both grew up in large families with multiple brothers and sisters.

     Lon's parents were responsible smart farmers with a strong desire to be productive, progressive, and succeed in life.  They helped first-born son Lonnie Jr. learn how to plant, nourish, grow and harvest many food products for sale and also as food for the Willoughby family. 

     Those important farming experiences enabled Lonnie Jr. (Lon) to understand how several food products are planted, and how they are nourished with fertilizer nutrients, cared for carefully during their growing season, and then harvested properly for marketing.  That special farming knowledge has helped Lon carefully select farm produced food substances to eat since that time. 

Plant Fertilizer

     A ton of plant fertilizer is equal to 2,000 pounds of nutrients for plants, supplied at that time in 200 pound bags.  As a high school student, Lon weighed 133 pounds (5 feet, 8 1/2 inches tall), but he learned how to manhandle those large 200 pound bags of fertilizer pretty well. 

     For several years, while he was growing up on the farm, young Lon Jr. distributed a lot of plant fertilizer (thousands of pounds) to various types of plants (in large fields - many acres in each field). 

     He also drove a Farmall Cub four-wheel tractor in plowing fields and also cultivating fields of different types of plants. 

     Lon Jr. was able to help his parents a lot, for several years, with very important essential farming tasks.

    His parents also helped Lon Jr. learn how to raise animals such as chickens, a milk cow, and about 20 White Faced Hereford beef cows, and several hogs.  Those animals could be sold to local people and some animals would provide essential food for the Willoughby family.

     Over the years, Lon milked a series of milk cows, milking one milk cow each morning, seven days per week.  That task continued until he was graduated from high school and went off to college, leaving that daily chore for his younger brother (his only sibling - who was about 20 months younger). 

    The Willoughby family had fresh cow's milk to drink daily (not pasteurized).  They made their own natural butter from some of that milk. 

     They also had an abundance of chicken eggs, and plenty of chicken, beef, and pork to eat and to also sell to other local people.

    Each year, they had a large garden where they grew an assortment of special vegetables for additional food.  Lon's mother also canned some of those vegetables for food during later months (canned food for the fall and winter seasons and early spring season).

     His mother also baked white refined "enriched" flour as loaf bread and as biscuits for the family to eat with meals.  She was a very good cook who knew how to prepare very good meals.

    Lon always had one friendly happy dog and several cats as pets. 

    It was a very good life for a young farm boy with lots of interesting and challenging things to do and to learn as he was growing up.    

Electric Services

    Lon remembers that he was twelve years old when the local electric company made electric service available to the farms located beside the narrow two-lane dirt road where he lived (about two miles from the nearest town - Tabor City, North Carolina).  The small town was near the South Carolina state border - about forty-five road miles from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. 

    Prior to that time (in year 1948), the Willoughby's did not have hot and cold running water at their kitchen sink - there was no electricity to operate an electric pump to get their well water into their home. 

    Without electric service, they could not have electric lights, or an electric refrigerator, or an electric water heater.  Consequently, they could not have a conventional bathroom because they did not have cold and hot running water in their home. 

     Bathing (washing) was done from a "foot-tub" - a larger than normal bucket (galvanized steel) that contained water from the well - warm water was produced by mixing regular well water with water that had been heated on the kitchen stove (gas fired with bottled gas).

     Until the Willoughby family got electricity in their home in 1948, they had a typical outdoor toilet (outhouse) instead of a commode. 

     They did not have toilet paper - just pages torn from last year's Sears and Roebuck Catalog or last year's Almanac.  When those pages were all gone, they used corn cobs from ears of corn that had been run through the manually operated hand-turned corn shelling machine.      

     There was no convenient and practical way to wash one's hands after using the outdoor outhouse as a urinal or for a bowel movement.    

     From this important explanation, "qualified visitors" can understand that many rural Americans (men, women, and children) probably got sick from microbial infections because they usually knew very little (if anything) about dangerous tiny microbes that were too small to be seen with human eyes. 

     They did not have convenient and practical ways to wash their hands carefully several times daily with soap and warm water, the way that most modern-day American residents can do easily. 

      Selected "Qualified visitors" should realize that this is the way that most people in America had lived during the past 300 years - prior to the time that electrical services became available to many people living in America during the 1945 to 1955 time period

     Was it much different for American city dwellers during those same years?  Lon doesn't know, but he believes that many people living in Tabor City, North Carolina did have electricity and did have indoor bathrooms with cold and hot water before the late 1940's to early 1950's - when rural area Americans began getting electrical power service to their rural farm homes.

Serious Sanitation Problems

     Small towns and larger towns and cities throughout America had previously had major sanitation problems for hundreds of years. 

     Our founding fathers and mothers and their adult sons and daughters had serious problems with disposing of human bowel movement waste and urination waste. 

     That common situation continued for many generations of Americans - until electrical power service was available to various towns and cities in America (late 1800's to 1930's and later years).

     Without electricity and electric pumps, effective practical sewage systems were not normally available for small size, medium size, and larger towns and cities throughout America

     Those serious sanitation problems were also common problems for rural area Americans.

     That was also a common major sanitation problem throughout Europe, Africa, Asia, and other continents, as it had been for thousands of years, throughout mankind's history. 

     Those sanitation problems probably enabled a lot of microbial infections, and a lot of serious sickness, and a lot of early life premature deaths

     Medical doctors, medical nurses, and ordinary people had not been educated about pathogenic microbes until after year 1862 and later years, and people had no practical viable defenses against the tiny unseen  microbes that may cause those dangerous infections.

Topic 19

Tiny Microbes Were Discovered

     Lon did research to learn when tiny microbes (bacteria) were first discovered.  He learned that microbes were first discovered by a self-taught Dutch scientist named Antonie van Leeuwenhoek.  He was born October 24,1632 in Delft, Netherlands and he lived to be age 90 at a time when very few people lived that long. 

     He made his living as a cloth merchant, and he was familiar with using a magnifying glass to carefully inspect the weave and threads per inch of various fine cloths. 

     Using that magnifying glass probably gave him the idea for wanting a magnifying device that was much more powerful than a magnifying glass for inspecting cloth weaves (may have had a magnification factor of 5). 

     Antonie van Leeuwenhoek laboriously taught himself how to become a competent microscopist.  He even taught himself how to build his own microscopes for various scientific evaluation projects.  Amazingly, he even learned how to grind the lenses for his innovative microscopes

     His unique microscopes did not look like a modern-day microscope (with a tubular body and lens at the top and bottom of the tube).  His microscopes were flat devices similar to a special hand-held magnifying glass. 

     Antonie van Leeuwenhoek was the first known person to observe bacteria and protozoa, and he did that in year 1676.  He first discovered tiny microbes by observing water closely with his hand-held microscope and finding tiny active organisms (bacteria) within the water. 

     He reported some of his scientific microscopic discoveries to the Royal Society in London by letter, and he was elected a member of the society in year 1680.  He maintained that very important scientific association by correspondence for the rest of his life.     

     He made his own microscopes using a secret process which he personally developed and would not disclose to other people. 

     His microscopes had magnifications of about 50 up to about 150 - with a maximum of 300.  A review of his work as a microscopist found that he had gradually made about 500 microscopes during his many scientific evaluation projects.     

     Unfortunately, his very important scientific discoveries were not widely known by the European scientific community of his day. 

     First of all, we need to understand that there were not many scientist at that time, and it was very difficult for them to make a living as a scientist. 

     They usually had to have some other regular occupation to sustain them financially while pursuing their scientific investigations and evaluations

     Antonie van Leeuwenhoek was a technically minded person who was a successful cloth merchant while he pursued his many self-educated and self-taught scientific evaluations in a serious dedicated manner.   

     During the 1680's, scientist who were not local with each other did not have good means of communicating with each other.  It was not practical to learn about each other's scientific experiments and achievements during those times when the scientist were located many miles from each other. 

     Scientist also had to be very careful when they reported their scientific work because other scientist might try to claim ownership of some of their scientific discoveries. 

     Most scientist of Leeuwenhoek's day probably knew nothing about his very important scientific microscopic discoveries.

     Some other members of the Royal Society did learn about some of his unique microscopic discoveries because some controversy occurred with some Royal Society members about his reported discoveries. 

     However, scientist at that time did not know how to use Leeuwenhoek's very important microscope discoveries to make badly needed healthcare improvements in medical science that might have helped save the lives of millions of people who were getting sick and dying at young ages from unknown causes (dangerous microbial infections).  

     The scientific community did not know how to develop practical advancements in medical science using his critically important microscopic discoveries.

     No one understood that the tiny microbes that  Leeuwenhoek had discovered could cause very serious infections that could result in tragic sickness - sickness that was distressful and painful and could cause death for many people. 

     Some of those microbes were especially dangerous for young children because their immune systems had not developed some immunity "resistance" to some of those microbes - like some adult immune systems had done to a limited extent for commonly encountered pathogenic (harmful) microbes.

     People throughout Europe, Asia, Africa, and other continents had been dying at young ages in large numbers for a long time, and those high deaths rates continued for many more years, as reported below.   

     No one knew what was causing so much sickness, suffering, and early life death.  People had no effective defenses for those very serious sickness conditions (likely caused by dangerous bacterial infections by microbe contaminated food and/or microbe contaminated liquids - milk, beer, wine, drinking water, etc.). 

     Many children died before they were five years old.  Children were the most likely group of humans to die from microbe infections because they had not developed immune system "resistance" to some microbial infections - like some adults had fortunately developed to a helpful extent. 

     As shown below, the scientific community on this planet had to wait about 186 years for chemist and scientist Louis Pasteur to make major advancements in human healthcare actions regarding tiny microbes that had been discovered first in year 1676 by Antonie van Leeuwenhoek.

Bacteria were "Rediscovered"   

     Bacteria were "rediscovered" during year 1862 by French chemist Louis Pasteur (working in France).  Some French wine makers had commissioned him to try to discover what was causing a lot of their good wine to turn into bad wine at their winery's.  

     Using his scientific knowledge and skills and his microscope, Louis Pasteur discovered that some of the wine was apparently being contaminated and ruined by tiny microbes (bacteria) that he carefully discovered in the bad wine - microbes too small to be seen by human eyes without a microscope. 

     It is very important to understand that the tiny microbes are able to duplicate themselves and multiply in numbers very quickly, causing much more contamination to the wine over a few days' time

     One microbe can divide and become two microbes.  Ten microbes can divide and become twenty microbes.  A thousand microbes can divide and become two thousand microbes quickly and so on.  They can continue to divide and duplicate themselves many times. 

     After evaluating those contaminated wine conditions, Louis Pasteur discovered that he could deactivate (kill) the microbes by heating the wine to a high temperature (close to boiling temperature) for a short period of time.

     He then developed a practical process for heating new wine to deactivate (kill) any tiny microbes that may be in the wine before the microbes had time to greatly multiply and contaminate (damage) the wine severely. 

     That very important easy heating process became known as pasteurization, and it was then used widely to help protect beer, milk, wine and other liquids from serious microbial contamination (bacteria multiplying rapidly in numbers).

     Now you know how, why, and when tiny microbes were "rediscovered" by Louis Pasteur in France (during year 1862).


Microbial Infections

     Ordinary people (anywhere on Planet Earth) did not begin to learn about dangerous microbial type infections until year 1862 and in later years. 

     Year 1862 is when very important natural healthcare education actions were started by the remarkable chemist Louis Pasteur. 

     Prior to that very important year, millions upon millions of people had gotten sick and millions of them had suffered with and died from dangerous microbial infections (throughout mankind's history). 

     No one understood what was causing so much sickness, pain and suffering, and so much death until French chemist and scientist Louis Pasteur began investigating and evaluating some of those microbial infection situations.      

     Fortunately, Louis Pasteur had sufficient scientific knowledge and the special scientific mental abilities needed to evaluate and understand the great importance and significance of tiny microorganisms (in year 1862).  

     He had the remarkable technical ability to understand that tiny microorganisms (bacteria) had apparently been causing a lot of serious infections that produced a lot of pain and suffering and caused a lot of early life tragic deaths for many people, but especially for young children. 

     Louis Pasteur learned that some tiny microbes could cause serious damage to foods and liquids (beer, milk, wine, drinking water, etc.), and he gradually learned that some of those tiny microbes could also be very dangerous for humans (and also dangerous for many animal species)

    Louis Pasteur's advanced level of scientific knowledge enabled him to understand the great importance of some tiny pathogenic (harmful) microorganisms (bacteria). 

    Fortunately, Louis Pasteur had completed a lot of college level education: he was a college professor, and he knew how to explain complex issues clearly to other people. 

    His scientific education and experiences enabled him to know how to educate other scientist and medical doctors about tiny microbes (bacteria) that could cause very serious infections for humans. 

    Louis Pasteur had the special scientific knowledge and abilities that were needed to appreciate the importance of the tiny micro-organism discoveries of Antonie van Leeuwenhoek.  However, Lon Willoughby did not find any record evidence that Louis Pasteur ever learned about the early microscopic scientific discoveries of Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

    Leeuwenhoek was truly a remarkable self-taught scientist who made many very important scientific discoveries with his special hand-crafted microscopes.  His many scientific microscopic discoveries helped start the sciences of bacteriology and protozoology. 

    Unfortunately, for about 186 years thereafter, the European scientific community did not understand that some tiny microorganisms (bacteria) could cause very serious infections that could kill many humans.    

Education Actions

by Chemist Louis Pasteur

      As a result of very important education started by Louis Pasteur in year 1862, public newspaper articles were published that began to educate people about tiny microbes that could be very harmful to people. 

     Medical doctors and nurses in France began to learn about dangerous microbial infections during the 1862 - 1863 time period

     Louis Pasteur's very important work with developing vaccines for some major diseases also helped save the lives of many people.  Amazingly, he developed vaccines for anthrax, cholera, small pox, and tuberculosis.   

     His scientific work made major advances in natural healthcare actions for people.  His remarkable scientific work helped save the lives of millions of people in the 1800's and in the 1900's, and the very important natural healthcare work that he developed in the 1800's is still helping save the lives of millions of people world-wide each year.

     Prior to Louis Pasteur's microbial education actions in 1862, medical doctors and nurses (everywhere) did not know about the great importance of carefully washing their hands between patients - even when they were delivering babies in hospitals several times per day. 

     It is very important to remember that electric services had not been developed at that time; there were no electric lights and there was no hot and cold running water at convenient sinks.  Washing one's hands carefully with soap and warm water was much more difficult in those days than it is today for most people in America

     Lon Willoughby realizes that hundreds of millions of humans had likely died early life premature deaths, especially young children, from pathogenic bacterial infections for thousands of years prior to year 1862

     As explained above, that's when chemist and scientist Louis Pasteur began to make major advancements in helping people in France understand how to protect themselves more effectively from tiny microorganisms that could be very harmful to humans, especially young children.

Hospital Maternity Ward Death Rates

     In some major European hospitals, it was common for women to die from infections that occurred during their childbirth actions - at the rate of about 10% to 20% of childbirth cases in some major hospitals. 

     The women who were choosing to give birth in a major hospital (rather than using a midwife to assist with birth in a private home) did not know that they might have a 10% to 20% chance of dying with that hospital birth choice. 

     Whereas, using a midwife assisted birth situation in a private home had a typical death potential that was close to 0%.  But birthing women did not have ready access to that very important information so they did not know about the greater danger of giving birth in a local hospital.

     Many years went by before the cause of those very high hospital infection rates were understood. 

     After Pasteur's very important education actions began in 1862 about pathogenic microbes (bacteria), evaluations were made regarding the high rate of infections and deaths in hospital maternity wards in various European hospital locations because it was understood that midwife assisted births were much safer. 

     Those evaluations found that hospital medical doctors assigned to provide maternity ward birth assistance services had frequently worked in the hospital morgue between the birth assistance cases occurring in the maternity ward on a given day.  (The medical doctors worked with deceased hospital patient bodies in the hospital morgue, trying to learn something about the cause of a hospital patient's death.)

     When a runner came to the morgue and informed the on-duty medical doctor (working in the morgue) that the next birth assistance case in the maternity ward appeared to be getting close to delivering a baby, the medical doctor would stop his work with a corpse in the morgue and quickly walk to the maternity ward to provide his assistance with that birthing situation - without taking time to wash his hands carefully with soap and warm water. 

     Medical doctors had not been educated about the discovery of tiny microbes that had been observed in 1673 by Dutch scientist Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek using his special hand-crafted microscope

     Consequently, well-educated medical doctors did not realize that there were very small microbes that could not be seen by human eyes. Those tiny microbes were simply ignored from 1673 to 1862 because no one knew that some of those microbes could cause very dangerous infections for humans and various animal species. 

     Medical doctors therefore had no practical known reason to bother with washing their hands carefully before assisting with a childbirth in the hospital's maternity ward.

     Some of those medical doctors apparently transferred dangerous pathogenic microbes from a corpse in their morgue work to female patients who were giving birth. 

     Some of those patients became infected, and got very sick, and many of them died from those microbial infections.  A 10% to 20% death rate was common for maternity ward cases in some major hospitals in Europe. 

     Think for a moment about the babies that were also infected, got very sick, and then died.  Now consider the babies that survived those situations but their mother had died.  They had no natural mother to breast feed them and take care of them through their childhood years. 

     Hundreds of those situations happened in hospital maternity wards in Europe and may have also happened in maternity wards in Africa, Asia, and other continents.

     Hundreds of hospital maternity ward infections were tragic events that caused a lot of pain and suffering and deaths - because medical doctors had not yet learned about microbial infection dangers. 

     There were many children in large cities who had no adults to take care of them, house them and educate them, and help them mature into young adulthood. 

     Many orphaned children lived in the streets as beggars.  Those children knew nothing about the importance of washing their hands and fingers before eating food with their fingers. 

     As poor beggar children, they did not have good access to restrooms and bathing facilities for bathing or washing their hands and fingers.  Many of those children likely got sick from dangerous microbial infections and likely died tragic painful early childhood deaths from various types of microbial infections. 

     Those tragic birthing infection situations occurred frequently in hospital maternity wards in large cities in Europe for many years before year 1862 - because medical doctors had not been educated about tiny microbes that were much too small to see with human eyes. 

     Prior to year 1862, European medical doctors and nurses did not understand that tiny microbes could cause very dangerous infections that could be fatal. 

     Consequently, medical doctors did not understand the great importance of washing their hands and fingers carefully before assisting with birthing situations in hospital maternity wards.

     Fortunately, throughout those many years, dangerous microbial infection rates were a lot lower for childbirths at people's private homes with midwife assisted births.

     Those very dangerous infection situations did not happen nearly as often with midwife assisted birthing situations because the midwives did not routinely work with dead bodies in a hospital morgue just before assisting in childbirth cases in private homes, as some hospital medical doctors routinely did in some European hospitals.

Before Bacteria Were "Rediscovered"

     Prior to year 1862, medical doctors in all locations had not been educated about very dangerous tiny microbes that could not be seen with human eyes.  They also did not understand that medical tools and utensils needed to be carefully washed and "sanitized" after every use. 

     If those medical tools and utensils were casually wiped off and appeared to be reasonably "clean" - that was good enough - they routinely thought.  Doctors and nurses did not realize that very dangerous microbes were much too small to see with human eyes. 

     Very serious microbial infections had been passed from medical doctor hands to patients in major hospitals throughout mankind's history without doctors realizing those critically important microbial transmission problems could occur with unwashed hands and fingers.

     Due to education actions initiated in 1862 by chemist and scientist Louis Pasteur, medical doctors and nurses in France began to learn to wash their hands and wash medical tools and utensils carefully between patients some time in 1862 or afterwards.

     Education efforts about dangerous tiny microbes gradually spread to medical doctors and nurses in other locations in Europe.

     It was many years after year 1862 before a lot of adults in Europe, Asia, Africa, America and other continents had been educated to understand that human hands needed to be carefully washed, even when they looked like they were clean, before eating food with their fingers, as many people routinely ate some of their food.

Topic 20 

The Civil War in America     

     Lon researched the American Civil War and confirmed that it began on April 12, 1861and continued for four long years.  Lon learned that many thousands of injured soldiers on both sides of the conflict suffered terribly from tragic microbial infections.  

     American medical doctors and nurses and other Americans had not been educated about microbial infections at the time the civil was going on. 

     Before the tragic war was over, hundreds of thousands of soldiers were suffering with tragic microbial type infections.  Many soldiers suffered for days, weeks, or months of very painful microbial infections before death finally took them out of their terrible misery

     The war was a horrendous tragedy for the young nation, and it wrecked the lives of more than one million American residents, leaving the country in a state of financial and social ruin that was devastating.  The American Civil War was much more harmful and damaging to the nation than the Revolutionary War with England had been in earlier years.   

     Lon's research found that throughout the four years civil war period, American residents had not yet learned the great importance of washing their hands carefully before eating their food with their hands. 

     Millions of American residents probably suffered with microbial infections due to eating food that had been contaminated with their contaminated fingers.  Heat during the cooking process would usually kill harmful microbes in the food, but that cooked food could be easily re-contaminated with unwashed contaminated fingers.

     American residents did not know that dangerous tiny microbes could be on their hands, fingers, and fingertips (and under their fingernails).

     Medical doctors and nurses had not yet learned that fingers and fingertips could likely contaminate the food that people were eating with their unwashed fingers. 

Tragic Sickness in President

Abraham Lincoln's Family in Year 1862

    Lon's historical research found that president Lincoln and wife Mary Todd Lincoln had four children, all sons. 

     During the first year of the American Civil War, the third son, named William Wallace Lincoln got very sick, and he died on February 20,1862 at age 11, apparently caused by a microbial infection that no one understood at that time

     He had been called "Willie" and his older brother Tad also got very sick (the second born son), apparently from the same cause.  Fortunately, he survived his dangerous and difficult sickness. 

     Mrs. Mary Todd Lincoln was so distraught about son Willie's sickness, and then his death, that she was in bed for three weeks and could not attend Willie's funeral or help with sick son Tad.

     Both sickness conditions were thought to be by the same cause, and it was believed to be typhoid fever (which we now know is a bacterial disease)

     We now know that typhoid fever is typically caused by eating food or drinking a liquid that is contaminated by a type of Salmonella bacteria (a genus of rod-shaped bacteria that are parasites of animals and humans and can cause serious health  conditions that can be fatal).  However, at the time of the American Civil War, no one in American understood that microbial infection situation.

     Some historical reports about Willie's sickness explain that he had been riding his pony during damp weather.

      Having grown up on a farm with lots of animals, Lon Willoughby realized that the pony may have previously laid down on the ground and contaminated part of it's body with bowel movement pony manure that contained dangerous live bacteria. 

     Young Willie may have gotten some of those dangerous bacteria from his pony's body, and Willie may have somehow contaminated his older brother Tad with those microbes.  

     Those sickness conditions occurred for Willie and Tad before people in America had been educated about the tiny bacterial microbes that were discovered by Louis Pasteur during that same year in France - with his very important discovery of the cause of contaminated wine at some French winery's.  

     Consequently, at the time that Willie and Tad Lincoln were sick in February 1862, medical doctors in America had not been educated about tiny microbes (bacteria) that could cause serious sickness that could also be fatal. There was no known medical defense for those mysterious infections.  

     Medical doctors and nurses in America gradually began to learn about microbial infections (years after 1862), and they likely began trying to learn how to treat those very serious mysterious infections sometime before the civil war ended on May 26, 1865.

     Medical doctors had learned to try to keep wounds clean, but they had very limited ways to accomplish those actions for hundreds of thousands of injured civil war soldiers (from both sides of the conflict).

     After medical doctors finally learned about the procedure for pasteurization, they began to understand the importance of boiling water to kill tiny microbes that might be in the water that soldiers were drinking and water that was being used to clean many injuries.  However, there was no known effective way to treat mysterious microbial infections in America at the time the Civil War ended in May 1865.

     Antibiotics, as we know them today, did not begin to be developed until after year 1920 - more than 50 years after the end of the American Civil War.  Therefore, even after medical doctors in American began to learn about microbial infections (years after 1862), they did not have any antibiotic type medicine for treating those very serious mysterious microbial infections

     Hundreds of thousands of American Civil War injured veterans (both sides of the conflict) gradually died from tragic microbial infections because no antimicrobial type medicine had been developed to help treat those mysterious microbial infections. 

     Many American non-military residents also died due to tragic microbial infections - primarily because they had not been educated about the importance of washing their hands and fingers carefully before touching food with their hands in the kitchen or before eating food with their fingers - a common practice for many people in America.


Topic 21

Modern Day Americans  

     Fast forward 150+ years (from the Civil War period) to year 2020 and we find that very important electric power services had been invented that improved life in many ways for millions of people in America in their homes, and for millions of businesses, and for many manufactures of various products. Electric power services had been developed and made available to some cities and towns by the early 1900's and that improved many city functions, including especially sewage control and sewage disposal actions.

    Automobiles and airplanes had been invented in the early 1900's, and they had been improved in many ways over the years (by year 2020) to enable them to be used for transportation of millions of people in America. 

    Radio and television equipment and facilities were developed and were being widely used for advertising to millions of people, for entertainment of people, and for also helping educate millions of people in America.

    We also had very important and very helpful public school education systems develop in many places in America - millions of students were being educated more effectively than in past years. 

     Unfortunately, with all of those modern-day inventions and many improvements in very important communications capabilities and many improvements in education for millions of Americans, many adults and teenagers and younger children still did not have adequate education about microbial infection dangers and sensible, practical sanitary practices for minimizing the very serious dangers of various types of microbial infections. 

     Medical doctors and nurses had learned that there are many kinds of tiny microbes such as bacteria and viruses.  Some microbe infections could be very harmful and even deadly for humans.  Some doctors and nurses had also learned that most viruses are much smaller than most common types of harmful (pathogenic) bacteria.

     Unfortunately, with all of those education efforts about microbes over many years, millions of American residents apparently still do not wash their hands carefully before touching food with their fingers, in the kitchen during food preparation actions, or when they are eating food. 

Public Restroom Research

     In fact, Lon learned that important research has been conducted about very important restroom hygiene issues.  The public female restroom research and the public male restroom research found that many adult females and many adult men using public restroom facilities do not even attempt to wash their hands after using the restroom facility. 

     Surprisingly, that is actually a practical and sensible hygiene practice whenever public type restrooms contain faucets that have attractive round style control knobs that require one to grasp the knobs tightly with fingertips to operate that type of restroom faucet. 

     Unless one takes time to carefully wash those round faucet control knobs with warm water and soap, it is practical and sensible to avoid touching those likely very badly contaminated round style faucet control knobs. 

     Lon understands that the people who design bathroom faucet handles for an attractive appearance have likely not had good access to education about common microbial infection dangers with restroom faucet control handles and/or kitchen faucet control handles. 

     Many restroom faucet control handles require one to grasp the round control knob tightly with the fingertips (which are usually the most contaminated part of the hands). 

     Lon also understands that home builders and commercial store facility builders have likely not been educated about microbial infection dangers with faucet control knobs. 

     When those builders are making their buying selection of faucets for restroom sinks or kitchen sinks, it is common practice for them to choose to purchase and have installed faucets that have attractive round type control knobs. 

     The faucet control knob designers and the home and public restroom builders and the kitchen builders have likely not had good access to the healthcare and wellness concepts education presented in this website.  Therefore, they likely do not understand that attractive round style faucet control knobs are not the best types of faucet control knobs. 

      Why?  Because they must be grasped tightly with fingers tips in order to operate the faucets.  (As stated previously, the fingertips are usually the most microbial contaminated part of the human hand.)

     Unfortunately, in many restroom situations and/or kitchen sink situations, attractive round faucet control knobs gradually become badly contaminated with harmful microbes  due to their attractive round knob design that requires fingertip contact to operate the faucet's round control knobs. 

     Those control knobs are also somewhat difficult to clean and sanitize compared to the simple lever type controls that are also available for faucets.  

     The round faucet control knobs are also much more difficult to operate for small children with small hands and fingers.  The lever type faucet control handles are very easy for everyone to use, including small children.

Restroom Exit Doorknob

     Another serious microbial problem is the doorknob used to get out of a restroom in most restaurant or commercial stores.  Many restroom doorknobs are likely contaminated badly with pathogenic (harmful) microbes by people who used the restroom but did not wash their hands responsibly before leaving the restroom.

How Can One Minimize Those Microbial Problems?

     Lon recommends that one should use a folded paper towel to grasp the doorknob as needed to get out of the restroom.  That folded paper towel should be discarded in the nearest trash can - without touching the portion of the paper towel that contacted the restroom doorknob.

     Some modern large commercial store restrooms have eliminated the door to the restroom in order to eliminate the very serious doorknob contamination problem.

     Sam's Club in Greenville, SC (Woodruff Road location) uses a privacy type walkway to get into and out of the restroom area - it has no door in the privacy walkway.  Eliminating the restroom doorknob contamination problem is a major improvement in public restroom hygiene practices.

Homes and Apartments

     Bathroom doorknobs in homes and apartments are also a contamination problem area that needs to be considered responsibly.  This situation is even more important if children are using those doorknobs. 

     Liquid hand sanitizer solutions are now available that can be used to help sanitize those doorknobs and sanitizer wipes can also be used for this purpose. 

     It is also smart to sanitize the home or apartment entry doorknobs and other doorknobs regularly.  These can be important safety actions, especially when some people are having colds and flu virus problems.

Improved Faucet Design

     Fortunately, we now have better designed faucet control handles in some public restrooms, with lever style control handles rather than the earlier style attractive round knob controls, as discussed herein.  

     Lever style faucet control handles can be operated without grasping the handle with the fingertips.  One can even use the back of their fingers to push the lever controls on and off - which is a lot more sanitary than faucets that have the round knobs that require fingertip contact. 

Washing Hands - Practices

     Over many years, Lon has observed that a lot of American adult men do not attempt to wash their hands in public use restrooms - or they usually do not do this in an adequate manner, as explained down below. 

     Do those people wash their hands more carefully and responsibly after using the bathroom commode at their home or residence?  Lon does not know about those situations, but he surmises that most people use the same hand washing actions and practices at home as they do in public-use restrooms. 

How Should We Wash Our Hands?      

     Lon learned that for hand washing to be reasonably effective, the hands should be wet with warm water (preferably) and then soap should be applied, and the hands and fingers should be massaged together briskly for a minimum of 20 seconds, creating as many soap bubbles as possible. (Count to 20 or 30 slowly.) The soap bubbles are important in this hand washing activity. 

     The activated soap needs to stay on the hands long enough to dissolve well the oily coating that microbes have on the outside of their body to protect them.  Then carefully rinse the soap off the hands and fingers and carefully dry the hands in a sanitary manner.

     Lon Willoughby's personal research observations in public men's restrooms during the past 20+ years found that many American men do not even attempt to wash their hands after using the restroom.  Lon's research also found that many men who do attempt to wash their hands - quickly wash the soap off their hands in 10 seconds or less.

     Those men have not learned how to wash their hands in a competent and responsible adult manner.  What's the big hurry for?  One should always take 30 to 40 seconds minimum to wash the hands and fingertips carefully. These very important hand hygiene tactics are what parents should teach their children about hand washing actions. (Children can be taught to sing the "happy birthday song" twice while washing their hand - happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear - name -, happy birthday to you.  Then repeat the song again.) 

     Lon has observed employees working in fast food restaurants handle money at the cash register (likely dirty microbe contaminated money) and then turn around and make a hamburger or other type sandwich for a customer using those likely contaminated fingers.

     He saw a female employee working late at night at a fast-food restaurant mopping the floor in the food preparation area. She stopped that activity, without washing her hands, and made a hamburger with her bare hands for a customer at the drive-through window area.

     Several times, Lon has observed male restaurant employees use the urinal in the restroom and then quickly go back to work in the kitchen without taking time to wash their hands (not even a casual and careless attempt to wash their hands and fingers). 

     Each time that Lon saw this occur, he promptly reported this situation to the on-duty restaurant manager, and they quickly took appropriate action to talk with that employee.  Some of those employees apparently got fired because they quickly left the restaurant.

     Lon has observed men use the restroom in major department stores, and then go though the motions of washing their hands by wetting their hands, putting soap on their hands, and then washing the soap off their hands in less than ten seconds. Those men have obviously not learned how to wash their hands in a responsible manner.

     Lon has also observed men use the urinal in restrooms in department stores and then leave the restroom without making any attempt to wash their fingers. Those men did not understand that their likely microbe contaminated fingers may now contaminate things that they touch within the store (and also contaminate the steering wheel of their automobile when they leave to drive their car).

     Consequently, Lon has concluded that very few American men know how to wash their hands in a responsible competent manner in a public restroom situation.

     As explained herein, research in female public restrooms has shown that the situation is about the same for female adults.

     Have the children of those men or women learned how to wash their hands responsibly after using the restroom at home or in a public type restroom - or anywhere else? Not likely.

 Social Handshake Practices

     From the information presented above, it is clear to Lon that shaking hands with people is an antiquated social practice that should be terminated immediately.  

     As a result of Lon's personal observations about these very important hand hygiene issues over many years, he tries to avoid shaking hands with anyone.  He routinely tries to use the much better practice that is explained below

Hand Washing Hygiene in Year 2023

     Yes, some people in the United States of America (USA) have learned how to improve their hand washing practices, but it is very clear that many people still do not understand how to wash their hands properly after using a restroom.     

     Research has shown that approximately 80,000 people die in the USA annually from microbial infections that they got while they were patients in a hospital

     If that many people die from microbial infections while patients in hospitals, where nurses and medical doctors are usually close by, and a laboratory is close by for quick analysis of the cause of the sickness, and modern-day antibiotic pharmaceutical drugs are readily available for use by the medical staff personnel, and where everyone is encouraged to use good hand washing hygiene tactics, we can only guesstimate about how many hospital patients get sick with microbial infections but survive those dangerous infections

     That number may be four or five or six or even ten times the number of hospital patients who die from their microbial infection.

     Lon Willoughby believes that a dangerous infection situation, similar to hospital environments but likely worse, is probably quite common for people who live in assisted living homes or nursing homes

     Some people working in those facilities may be more casual and more careless than patient nursing staff workers in hospitals, and the visitors in those facilities may also be more casual and careless than hospital visitors

     What we do know is that there are still many microbial infections in the United States of America due to many casual and careless people who are not adequately educated about the dangers of serious microbial infections.

Millions of People In the USA Still Get Sick

     Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC.gov) data show that millions of food-borne microbial infections occur in the USA each year.  It is therefore clear that millions of people in the USA are still getting sick from microbial infections on an annual basis

     Lon realizes that it is likely that many people die from some of those serious infections. These situations could be food-borne bacterial infections, or they could be bacterial infections caused by drinking microbe contaminated liquids. 

     Or, they could be bacterial infections that were caused by consuming safely cooked food but then re-contaminating the food by using fingers that were contaminated with dangerous harmful microbes (touching the food before it was eaten or while it was being eaten).      

     It is very important to understand that these kinds of microbial infection data are incomplete and inconclusive because the data depends upon reports that come from hundreds of thousands of medical doctors throughout the United States of America.     

     Lon Willoughby realizes that many microbial infections that occur in the USA each year do not get reported to medical doctors.  Also, all microbe infections that are observed by hundreds of thousands of medical doctors do not get reported into the CDC data base (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - CDC.gov).

       From multiple sources of data that Lon reviewed at CDC data base reports, he estimates that several hundred thousand people in the USA likely die each year from pathogenic microbial infections. 

     Lon realizes that millions of microbial infections likely occur each year in the USA, and many of them likely do not get reported into the CDC data base statistics. 

     Consequently, Lon realizes that dangerous microbial infections are still a huge healthcare problem in the USA (likely cause hundreds of thousands of deaths annually).

     Pause and think about that situation for a few moments.  Millions of American residents get sick each year from microbial infections.   Hundreds of thousands of those people likely die from some of those tragic dangerous microbial infections.

     Lon also realizes that many of those deaths are likely young children, who have immature immune systems that have not developed immune system "resistance" to some of the more common pathogenic bacteria.  Fortunately, many adults likely do develop some helpful immunity - to a limited extent.

     There are also some not very common pathogenic bacteria that people have not developed any immune system resistance for.  Many people will likely develop very serious sickness infections from those bacteria and they can be killer microbes

    You can see why millions of people living in the USA may get sick from microbial infections each year - so it is reasonable for Lon to estimate that hundreds of thousands of those people may die from  dangerous microbial infections (adults, teenagers, and many younger children). 

     Those serious microbial dangers are occurring in America every day that goes by so it is very important to be aware of these dangers and be careful and responsibly vigilant daily. 

     Remember that about 80,000 people die from microbial infections annually while patients in hospitals - with good medical care nearby in the same building (medical doctors and nurses on staff) - with a sophisticated laboratory for quick analysis of the infections and modern-day antibiotic drugs for quick treatment - and still an average of about 80,000+ deaths occur from those microbial infections annually in the USA. 

     It is very important to consider that many residents in the USA who get sick from microbial infections each year are not in a hospital facility with medical doctors and nurses close by. 

     Those sick people do not have those ideal medical conditions readily available to them (medical personnel, laboratory facilities, and antibiotic drugs) so they are much more likely to get very sick and also die from their infection.

     Consequently, it is very important for "qualified visitors" to take time to learn how to protect themselves, and learn how to protect their dependent children, from dangerous microbial type infections. 

     The CDC microbial infection data shows that this is still a very serious healthcare problem in the USA.  

     The very important healthcare related report at this website provides a very important and badly needed "wake-up call notice" for "qualified visitors" about these potentially dangerous microbial infection situations.

Modern-day Parent's Responsibilities

     It is very important for modern-day parents to educate their young children about tiny microbes ("very tiny bugs" that are too small to be seen without a good microscope).

     Children should be carefully taught (multiple times) about the importance of carefully washing their hands before putting anything in their mouth with their fingers.  (Especially after they have used a restroom commode).  

     Adults, teenagers, and younger children should be taught to not use their fingers to touch food if they can use utensils (forks and spoons, etc.) to get food into their mouth. 

     People should not touch food with their fingers if it is reasonably possible to avoid that condition while eating (at all times).

     Adults, teenagers, and younger children should also be taught to not rub their eyes with unwashed fingers (especially when they wake up in the morning with "sleepy substance" in the corners of their eyes). 

     That is a common way for dangerous microbes to go from fingertips into the eyes, and then contaminate the eyes, and then possibly contaminate other parts of the body.  (Think of "pink eyes" as a reminder of eye contamination problems - where the whites of the eyes turn pink due to eye contamination.)

      Adults should always use very good sanitary actions before using their fingers to touch food in the kitchen during food preparation for family members, or to put food into the adult's mouth or in a small child's mouth.  This is very important when raw meat will be touched in the kitchen area.

Nitrile Exam Gloves

      Wearing inexpensive disposable Nitrile Exam Gloves in the kitchen when preparing food for family members can be a very important sensible sanitary practice.  Those safety gloves are needed badly when one will be touching any kind of raw meat. 

     Most disposable Nitrile Exam Gloves can be used several times before they need to be discarded - if they are washed carefully after each use.  When used for touching raw meats, Lon recommends washing the gloves carefully and then discarding the gloves if one can afford to do so.

     The gloves are usually available in Small, Medium, and Large sizes in some local stores (grocery and pharmacy stores) and they can be purchased in economy quantities at Costco and Sam's Club (200 gloves per box) or they can be ordered on the Internet (Amazon, etc.).

     After each use, simply wash the gloved hands carefully (using the soap technique reported above) and then allow the gloves to air dry in the kitchen. 

     The disposable nitrile gloves do not have pores in them, like hand skin does, so they are much easier to sanitize well with warm water and soap than bare hands.

Washing Hands - Reminder Info

     Remember to not get in a hurry when washing hands - create lots of soap bubbles by briskly rubbing the hands and fingers together while counting to 20 or 30 slowly (20 to 30 seconds).  Those are very important points about responsible hand washing practice.

     Parents can occasionally use daily eating situations as opportunities to remind their young children about using good judgment when washing their fingers carefully before using the fingers to put food in the mouth.  (Use food utensils whenever possible - at all times).

Get children involved

     Parents should ask the children to explain how hand washing should be done, and then patiently let them explain how it should be done.  Get the children involved in thinking about proper hand washing tactics.  Multiple children in a family can take turns giving these explanations at different family meals.

     We do not want young children to become paranoid about these hand and finger washing practices, but we do want them to learn to use reasonable good judgment routinely about avoiding using their fingers to touch their food or to put food, or anything else, in their mouth.

Cleaning fingernails

     It is very important to clean adult fingernails and children's fingernails often.  One can use a soft bristled brush that can wash up under the fingernails with warm soapy water that is left on the fingernails and cuticle areas for at least 20 seconds. 

     Adults can also use a pointed fingernail file to help clean under their fingernails with warm soapy water. 

     A new or "used" toothbrush can be used for these brushing actions, but please understand that this finger toothbrush, and regular toothbrushes, need to be sanitized frequently because they become contaminated with microbes from the mouth area.  

    Several hundred strains of microbes routinely live in the human mouth, and some of them are harmful bacteria.  That is why the dentist always has a patient use a high quality mouthwash before doing dental work. 

     Lon has learned that some people drink from the same water bottle day after day without washing that bottle.  They do not realize that some of the bacteria living within their mouth will get into their drinking water bottle and begin contaminating this water over a period of several hours.   

     Remember that microbes can divide and multiply their numbers rather quickly, so the number of microbes in a drinking water bottle can increase a lot within a few hours.

     Be cautious about drinking from the same water bottle daily without carefully washing the bottle before refilling the bottle for use during the next day.  

Faucet Design Features    

     Modern day faucet handles have improved a lot in that faucets can be purchased for bathroom sinks and kitchen sinks that have a lever handle rather than a round type handle that must be grasped by the fingertips to operate the faucet.

     The round style faucet handles were a very bad design because they got contaminated badly with microbes from multiple fingertip uses by different people.

     If a person has these round faucet handles, it is very important to carefully clean these handles frequently with a sanitizing liquid. A faucet with lever handles can be turned on and off using the back of the fingers, without the fingertips touching the faucet handle.

     This is a much safer way to turn the faucet on and off, in home bathrooms, and at home kitchen sinks, and also in public restrooms in restaurants and commercial stores. Some large commercial stores have modern restroom faucets that do not need to be touched to operate - they have a photoelectric sensor within the faucet that detects the presence of hands at the faucet.

     This modern feature enables the water to turn on and off automatically without anyone needing to touch the faucet. The temperature of the water is also set to be warm water and the water flow rate is also set automatically. These special modern faucets are very important major improvements in hand sanitation in some large commercial facility restrooms - such as a Sam's Club restroom.

Hand Soap and Bathing Soaps

     What kind of hand soap are you using at your home? The old-style bar of soap can be replaced with a plastic bottle liquid soap dispenser that one pushes down on to release a blob of liquid soap with each push. This is a much better way to obtain hand soap at the bathroom sink or at the kitchen sink. The old-style bar of soap was usually contaminated badly from previous use by multiple people. It is very important to understand that most soaps do not kill pathogenic (harmful) bacteria or viruses unless they have a chemical added to the soap for that specific purpose.

    The typical soap simply makes it much easier to wash most of the microbes off the hands, fingers, fingers tips, and under the fingernails (if brushing soap under the nails carefully is done for that purpose). Consequently, an old style bar of soap can be badly contaminated with various pathogenic microbes from multiple uses by people. It is usually much better to replace the bar of soap with a plastic bottle type liquid soap dispenser that does not require the use of fingertips to operate the soap dispenser.

     (Remember: Fingertips may be contaminated badly with many harmful microbes.) Using a plastic bottle type liquid soap dispenser is also a better way to obtain soap for taking a bath in a shower or a bathtub.

     This plastic bottle type soap dispenser typically has a top that can be opened and closed without using the fingertips (potentially contaminated). These easy improvements can be very important, especially for a young child whose immune system has not fully developed to be somewhat resistant to some common harmful strains of bacteria - like an adult immune system may gradually becomes somewhat resistant to serious infections from some commonly occurring strains of harmful bacteria.

Helpful Bacteria Information

     Some strains of bacteria or viruses are much more dangerous than other strains of bacteria or viruses - they do not all have the same amount of infection danger. In fact, some strains of bacteria that commonly live within the intestinal systems of humans and various animals are actually beneficial in very important ways.

     If those beneficial bacteria are killed off (by taking too much antibiotics or by regularly drinking municipally processed water that has ammonia and chlorine disinfectant chemicals added to kill off most harmful microbes in the water), adults and children can likely become sicker, and they may in fact die if they develop a severe deficiency of those beneficial bacteria. (That is one very good reason to drink only filtered or purified water - that has removed most of those disinfectant chemicals from municipally processed drinking water.)

     It is very important to understand that some microbial bacteria can be very harmful to humans and various animals (including pets), but some strains of bacteria can be very beneficial and are necessary for good human health (or pet health).

     It is very important for adults to learn about the beneficial strains of intestinal bacteria that can be very beneficial to human health. You can purchase nutrition supplements at a health products store to improve and increase the types and numbers of beneficial microbes that live within the intestinal system.

     These very important products are called "probiotics" and they can be purchased in various strains of microbes. Probiotic type nutrition supplements usually contain several strains of known beneficial bacteria that can provide "colony forming units" (CFU) in the intestines. The most common type of beneficial bacteria is called acidophilus, but there are several other types of bacteria that can be very beneficial in a human intestinal tract.

     The probiotic product that Lon and Janie routinely use comes in a bottle of 100 capsules and each capsule can provide a blend of 10 strains of known beneficial bacteria that can provide 25,000,000,000 beneficial bacterial colony forming units of helpful bacteria (25 billion CFU's).

      Most of these probiotic type health products are considered to be shelf stable, meaning that they do not require refrigeration in the health store to keep the "freeze dried" microbes alive and vital for extended periods of time (many months).

     However, Lon Willoughby's health store products education and training taught him that refrigeration is always the best way to store probiotic supplements, even though they are considered "shelf stable" if stored in the health store without refrigeration.

     Our ABC of Health store always stored probiotic products in a refrigerated area for best storage results. 

     After the bottle has been opened, it is best to keep the bottle in the home refrigerator.

     When to take one or two capsules is usually suggested on the bottle label. How often to take the capsules is discretionary, but the more often, the better - is the general rule. Lon says take them as often as your budget will allow for this type of beneficial healthcare supplement. They can help the body in several very important ways.

     Pepsin digestive enzyme and hydrochloric acid are produced in the stomach to help digest protein type foods.  The hydrochloric acid is typically so acidic that it can kill many live probiotic bacteria.  Consequently, a probiotic supplement should be taken at a time when the hydrochloric acid level in the stomach is minimized (about four hours or more after eating or during the late night hours - several hours after the evening meal).

     Lon and Janie developed an Americans 4 Justice Private Education Club (A4J Club) for educating club members about many very important and valuable natural holistic healthcare and Wellness Concepts A4J Club members are taught many special healthcare and wellness improvement concepts and techniques that can be used to enable them to improve and help optimize their health for the rest of their lives.

Topic 22

Water Faucets and Water Filters

     Lon has acquired considerable knowledge about water filters and water purifiers - over a period of 38+ years of serious interest in drinking water, cooking water, and bathing water quality. 

     If a person is considering purchasing a new kitchen sink faucet, Lon strongly encourages them to purchase a conventional two lever faucet with a standard type faucet water dispenser, rather than purchasing a "designer faucet" or even a single lever type water control faucet. 

     Lon believes that every homeowner or renter should responsibly consider purchasing some type of very good quality counter-top water filter or water purifier unit.  The quality of one's drinking water is very important because the water molecules are used by all body cells, including  brain cells, eye cells, and heart cells.

     Modern day refrigerators often have water filters that are built-in, but it is important to understand that they usually contain a basic water filter element.  They do not usually contain a sophisticated high quality water filter element.  However, more sophisticated higher quality filter elements may be available as replacement filter elements. 

     There are many types of water filters and water purifiers in the marketplace - with two major types being common.


Water Processing Systems

     One type of water filter or water purifier is mounted underneath the kitchen sink Lon Willoughby strongly encourages homeowners and renters to avoid purchasing under-the-counter water filters or water purifiers because of the inherent potential for water leaks that can quickly cause thousands of dollars' worth of water damage that is very difficult to repair and correct properly due to mold and mildew problems that can occur. 

     Those under-the-counter units usually have full water pressure applied to them at all times (24 hours per day) so if they leak anywhere within the water processing system, water damage can be very serious while a person is sleeping or gone from home for hours at a time.

     "Out of sight, out of mind" can easily cause people to casually ignore the under-the-counter mounted water processing equipment, and they will likely not see a small water leak when it begins. 

     The small 1/4th inch diameter plastic water tubing used for a refrigerator ice maker and water filter can develop a pin hole size leak that then gradually ruptures and causes serious water damage.  (Thousands of dollars of water damages - it is very difficult to repair that water damage completely due to serious mold problems). 

     It is much better and a lot smarter to simply avoid providing an opportunity for serious water leak damage.

Countertop Water

 Processing Systems

     The other type of water processing equipment is the countertop water filter or water purifier.  It will be attached to the kitchen faucet with exposed tubing connecting the countertop water processing equipment unit to the faucet water outlet location using a diverter valve that is added to the faucet where the faucet aerator was attached.

     Some people do not like having the exposed tubing for a countertop water filter or purifier, but they should seriously consider that water leak safety is an exceptionally important issue regarding this decision.

     The countertop water processing unit usually has no water pressure applied to the water processing unit except when a person is standing at the kitchen sink and turns the water filter or water processor on for a few minutes. 

     If a water leak should ever occur, it will be quickly seen or heard by the person operating the water processing equipment, and the water will be turned off quickly.  There will likely not be any water damage (just a little water on the kitchen counter).  This situation is a very important advantage in water leak safety for using a water filter or a water purifier.  

     In addition, one will see the counter-top water filter or water purifier daily so they will not likely forget about it, the way an under-the-counter water filter or water purifier system will be forgotten about and routinely ignored. 

     Keep in mind that modern-day refrigerators that have ice maker capability and water filter capability do not require that those features be connected and used.  Not connecting a water line to the refrigerator will totally eliminate the potential for them to cause water leak damage. 

     The refrigerator water filter capability is a very convenient idea, but the refrigerator water filter produces cold water.  Right?  Is routinely drinking cold water a good idea?  Lon will discuss this debatable issue a little later.

Refrigerator without

an Ice Maker

     Also keep in mind that it is still possible to purchase a modern-day refrigerator that does not have an ice maker or water filter capability.  Fortunately, the Whirlpool brand still makes these available. 

     That is what Lon chose to buy in April 1986 when he purchased a new refrigerator (22 cubic feet size side-by-side doors). That is also what he chose to buy 30+ years later when he replaced that old refrigerator with a new Whirlpool brand side-by-side doors refrigerator.

     Why did he deliberately purchase a high quality refrigerator without an ice maker or cold water dispenser - twice?  This is one of Lon's important copyrighted natural healthcare concepts that is usually taught only to our A4J private education club members

       However, Lon will share a brief explanation herein about this very important natural healthcare and wellness concept - which he developed and copyrighted many years ago. 

Designer Type Kitchen Sink Faucets

     It is very important to understand that a "designer faucet" cannot be used for a countertop type connection to a water filter or water purifier processor. 

Laundry Room Sink

     If a home has a laundry room that contains a separate sink, the faucet at that sink may be used as an alternate location for a countertop water filter or water purifier unit.  A suitable faucet adapter can usually be purchased to adapt that faucet for a diverter valve attachment.

     You will learn herein later that Lon has provided additional helpful information about water filters and water purifiers at another website for education of our Americans 4 Justice private education club members.

     "Qualified visitors" are not authorized to teach any of our special copyrighted natural healthcare and wellness concepts trade secrets to other people.

     If a "qualified visitor" wants to share some of our vital copyrighted natural healthcare and wellness concepts trade secrets with other people, they can do that legally by simply referring apparently "qualified visitors" to this very helpful "free to review" private educational website.  

www dot AdvancedNaturalHealthConcepts dot com

Why do Lon and Janie avoid iced drinks?

     Recall that the ideal normal body temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (F).  What is the human body supposed to do with cold water from a refrigerator water filter that is about 36 to 40 degrees F?  Think about this for a few moments

    Then think about what the body has to do to try to digest ice cream at 0 degrees F temperature (normal freezer temperature).   

        Eating ice cream or some other frozen food is a really bad practice, as Lon explains below.

    Also consider how the body digests cold food that just came out of the refrigerator (at a temperature of about 36 to 40 degrees F). 

     Prior to year 1983, Lon determined that those temperatures were important considerations, and he decided that it was better for natural health to avoid consuming cold drinks or cold foods.  The fact that he made that decision 38+ years ago clearly indicates that Lon has been seriously health conscious for many years.

     Lon and Janie Willoughby do not normally use ice cubes in their drinking water, at home or in a restaurant.  Routinely, they do not drink any cold beverages.  Therefore, they do not need an ice maker or a cold drinking water dispenser in the freezer compartment of their refrigerator. 

     They understood many years ago that the human body would much prefer drinking water at a temperature of about 98.6 degrees F or reasonably above that temperature (up to about 115 degrees F). 

     NOTE:  Fortunately, having a specially ordered side-by-side doors type refrigerator without an ice maker or cold drinking water dispenser on the freezer door also gave them about 30% more freezer space in their freezer compartment.

     They routinely use a custom design high quality counter-top style Reverse Osmosis (RO) water purifier system that Lon developed many years ago for their drinking and cooking water.

     They use some of that purified water in a normally heated coffee maker carafe to mix heated water with room temperature purified water to provide drinking water with a temperature of 100 to 115 degrees F

     Drinking water at higher temperatures can damage the digestive enzymes in the stomach when food is being digested.  Lon learned that water at a temperature of 120 degrees F can severely damage digestive enzymes over time (see Dr. Edward Howell's book "Enzyme Nutrition" - copyrighted in 1985). 

     Lon read that book in year 2012 and learned that it is an exceptionally important educational natural healthcare concepts book!!! 

     Dr. Howell's extensive research data about digestion processes for humans and also many types of animals, and his very important education concepts about digestive enzymes and human stomach digestion actions confirmed that Lon's early belief about avoiding cold drinks and cold foods was a very good natural holistic healthcare and wellness concept.

     Yes, Lon realizes that it may take a little practice for some American adults to emotionally and mentally adapt to this very important change about drinking water temperature, but it is really quite easy to do and it may be very important to do so - as Lon explains below

     Temperature affects the way digestive enzymes work in the stomach.  Warm drinking water speeds up enzyme activity (better digestion) and cold water slows digestive enzyme activity, making it more difficult to digest foods properly while in the stomach (Dr. Edward Howell again). 

     Lon Willoughby believes that drinking cold water with meals, occurring again and again, thousands of times during a lifetime, can contribute to the high rates of cardiovascular health problems (blood clots - heart attacks and strokes) and cancer type problems, and also other serious health problems that are common health problems throughout the United States of America (USA)

     Lon understands that when food is not digested adequately in the stomach, the additional digestion actions that occur in the intestinal system may not be adequate for complete food digestion.  

     When these situations occur at meals frequently throughout a lifetime, many vital nutrients may not be assimilated properly (fully) into the blood system for distribution to 30+ trillion body cells (30,000,000,000,000). 

     When inadequate digestion situations occur repeatedly, thousands of times over the years, many kinds of inadequate and deficient nutrients may occur (very important minerals, proteins, vitamins, etc.). 

     Serious nutrient deficiency health problems may gradually develop in the aging body.  Consequently, avoiding consumption of cold beverages and cold foods can be a very important consideration for helping one enjoy a longer healthy lifetime.

     If one still wants to have an iced drink occasionally, and has a refrigerator without a working ice-maker, one can have two or three standard plastic ice cube trays that can be filled manually with purified drinking water to make high quality ice cubes for use occasionally. 

     One can usually buy high quality purified drinking water at the local grocery store.  Lon recommends purchasing Reverse Osmosis (RO) processed water as a first choice and purchasing Distilled Water as a second choiceHe has expert level knowledge about these water quality issues.

     Lon strongly recommends that people avoid drinking cold water with meals (such as water processed through a refrigerator water filter or water served with ice cubes).  Lon routinely avoids drinking or eating anything that is cold - to easily help improve the digestion process in the stomach. 

     If Lon needs to eat some cold food from the refrigerator, he usually puts the cold food in heated purified water to warm it up.  He can also put that mixture in his handy food blender to make a soup mixture that can be eaten or drunk as a warm beverage. 

     The blender chews the food up much better that teeth can chew food.  This easy practice can be very important for older people who have had some of their chewing teeth removed over the years. 

     Without adequate chewing teeth, it is very difficult to chew food well enough for good digestion, and some older folks have choking problems because they cannot chew their food adequately to avoid getting choked sometimes while eating, even very soft foods like scrambled eggs. 

     Some people get choked while eating even though they still have all of their chewing teeth.  They just need to eat slower, taking small bites and concentrate on chewing their food very well before swallowing any food.  

     This is a very important food concepts that applies to many adults, and also applies to teenagers and younger children.  TAKE SMALL BITES AND CHEW FOOD VERY WELL BEFORE SWALLOWING ANY FOOD.  Do not attempt to wash poorly chewed food into the stomach by drinking water to "wash it down." 

     If one wants to consume some ice cream or other frozen dessert occasionally, Lon suggests this easy action to reduce the cold temperature problem.  Simply drink a very warm beverage as you consume the ice cream or other frozen dessert.  (Water or coffee or tea at a temperature of about 110 to 115 degrees Fahrenheit.) 

     As shown above, it is very easy to quickly warm cold beverages and cold food in the stomach by using heated purified water (about 115 degrees F) along with consuming a cold beverage and/or cold food from the refrigerator. 

     Lon personally routinely avoids consuming cold food or cold beverages.  He prefers to mix the cold food with hot water to warm it up into a soup mixture and then put it into a blender for excellent "chewing" of the food.

     However, if your air conditioning system stops working during the heat of summertime, this would be the time to drink some cold water occasionally to help you avoid "heat exhaustion" (which can be deadly) until the air conditioning system is repaired and working properly. 

     If a central air conditioning system is not working properly, the central fan system may still work to circulate air within your home to help cool the home somewhat.  (Turn the fan switch on at the home thermostat.) 

     Opening some windows on the shady side of the home may also help cool the home during hot daylight hours when the central fan system is also manually operating as noted above.    

     Selected "qualified visitors" should responsibly give these natural healthcare and wellness concepts some serious thought, realizing that Lon Willoughby has carefully considered and evaluated some of these vital natural holistic healthcare and wellness concepts during the past 38+ years.

Topic 23

Lon's Personal Health Situation

       Over a period of many years, Lon gradually learned how to develop a healthy diet and also developed a healthy lifestyle.  He also learned how to take some quality formulations of herbs, minerals, protein supplements, and vitamin supplements. 

     Those gradual nutrition products education actions enabled Lon to learn how he could help keep his body cells healthy in his vital organs and in other body components.

     Lon's healthcare actions worked very well for him.  It was a lot safer than taking several pharmaceutical drugs, and it was also a lot less expensive

     People do not die in the USA from taking vitamins, minerals, and helpful herbs in a reasonable, responsible, and sensible manner, and people are not routinely bankrupted by such natural healthcare actions.

     Lon has been doing this for 40+ years (since year 1980), and he is in surprisingly good health at age 85+.  He survived and overcame two very frustrating health problems after 25+ years of difficult and harmful health conditions.  

     He accomplished this complex objective (without any significant help from a series of several medical doctors) by slowly and gradually learning how to use natural holistic healthcare and wellness concepts to take much better care of his natural health.  

     Lon learned how to accomplish those very important natural healthcare improvements over a period of 40+ years (years 1970 to year 2023) and then continuing those practical and sensible actions routinely.  

     At age 85+, Lon takes only one prescription pharmaceutical drug - a blood thinner named Eliquis (2.5 mg at 12 hour intervals)At age 85.5, Lon developed a condition that is common for many people at his age named Atrial Fibrillation (A-fib). 

     Wikipedia explains that A-fib is an abnormal heart rhythm (arrhythmia) that can be caused by a rapid or irregular beating of the atrial chambers of the heart.  

     Lon has learned that hereditary factors and severe stress for extended periods may also be involved.  Like his father, Lon has always had a low pulse rate (average of 60) and low blood pressure (115/75 - average). 

     His father had an A-fib problem and had a pacemaker surgically installed in his chest to help regulate his heart beat rhythm at the early age of 60. 

     Lon had a pacemaker surgically installed at age 85.5, and the medical doctors and nurses who did that clearly saved his life.  He would have surely died if they had not quickly helped him overcome his failing heart beat rhythm two days before Thanksgiving Day in November 2021

     Lon is very grateful for that complex medical profession intervention action that was conducted in a very competent helpful manner.  He had a lot to be thankful for on Thanksgiving Day in November 2021

     He was in the local Greenville Memorial hospital for about 30 hours, and Janie brought Lon home in the afternoon before Thanksgiving day

     Some close friends then brought Lon and Janie some very good Thanksgiving day food (turkey, dressing, vegetables, and dessert, etc.) and Lon and Janie enjoyed Thanksgiving Day together at their home in Mauldin, SC. 

     Lon's new pacemaker kept his heart beating reliably at about 60 beats per minute - which was his usual heart beat rhythm prior to developing his A-fib problem.

Severe Stress Factors

       Lon is confident that the 20+ years of extreme emotional stress caused by his Florida litigation (explained in the Litigation Info Department herein) was an important causal factor in him eventually developing his A-fib heart arrhythmia condition.   

     Thanks to the extremely unfair, unethical, and outrageously corrupt attorneys and judges in Florida who knowingly and willfully wrecked Lon's life for 20+ years, he had tremendous emotional stress conditions during those 20+ years. 

     Why did they do that to Lon Willoughby when they knew that he lived in South Carolina? 

     Selected "qualified visitors" can read about those Florida judicial issues in the Litigation Info Department at this website. 

      In summary, they maliciously and ruthlessly punished Lonnie Willoughby, Jr. during 20 years of continuing related litigation actions because Lonnie Jr. had helped his aging parents in Putnam County, Florida establish a very good Inter Vivos Trust type estate plan that minimized federal estate taxes on their jointly owned estate value (legally and properly avoiding about $125,000+ in federal estate taxes).

     The estate plan also minimized potential Florida probate expenses to less than $2,000 - which could have been in excess of $90,000 (8.00% of $1,200,000 estate value). 

     A very foolish family member trust income distribution dispute by a trust estate beneficiary living in Putnam County, Florida caused Lon Jr. to be sued in his co-trustee capacity in Putnam County (where the trust agreement estate plan was registered and effective - in the local circuit court records system). 

     The equity court litigation (no jury) was then conducted in an extremely unfair and corrupt manner against non-resident co-trustee Lon Jr. in a one-day trial in September 1989 by the two opposing local attorneys and a very unfair and corrupt circuit court trial judge.

      Those three people knew each other very well, and they collusively (corruptly) cooperated with each other to punish Lonnie Jr. severely for having helped his aging parents establish a very good Inter Vivos Trust estate plan that had avoided almost all probate litigation costs. 

     They apparently wanted to severely punish son Lonnie Jr because his trust estate planning actions had (legally)  minimized potential Florida probate expenses for his parents jointly owned estate value of 1.2 million dollars.

      Non-resident litigant co-trustee Lonnie Willoughby, Jr. (Lon Jr.) was maliciously and ruthlessly subjected to extremely unfair, unethical, and corrupt judicial actions that took place against him in circuit court litigation actions in Putnam County Florida, starting in year 1989. 

     Extremely unfair, unethical, and corrupt litigation actions continued against non-resident litigant Lonnie Willoughby, Jr. through related litigation actions until year 2010 (20+ years) - when Lonnie Willoughby, Jr. finally stopped competently filing responsible litigation documents in their extremely unfair, unethical, and outrageously corrupt trial courts.

    Florida attorneys and judges had proven to litigant Lonnie Willoughby, Jr., numerous times during twenty years of ongoing related litigation actions, that there will be malicious and ruthlessly severe litigation abuse and punishment for any litigant who responsibly objects to and exposes their unfair, unethical, and corrupt judicial actions in appeal case litigation briefs (that appellant Willoughby prepared and filed in his pro se capacity).     

      Selected "qualified visitors" can read about some very interesting and very important litigation actions in the Litigation Info Department at this website.

Topic 24

Back to the Willoughby Farm

    Before years 1950 to the early 1950's, when rural area farming families in North Carolina began getting electric service to their farms, most farm families used wood burning stoves to cook their food. 

      However, Lon's smart modernized parents were using bottled propane gas to fuel their much better gas fired kitchen stove. 

     They also purchased and installed two propane gas heaters to help the wood burning fireplace (in the living room) heat their home during cold winter weather. 

    Lon remembers that the two bedrooms would get really cold during the winter because there was no heat source in each bedroom and no way to practically circulate heat from the living room fireplace, or the two propane gas heaters into the two bedrooms. 

     One propane gas heater was in the short hallway going to the bedrooms, and it did help heat the two bedrooms somewhat.  However, without electricity, they could not have electric fans blow heated air into the two bedrooms - so very little heated air got into the bedrooms. 

Food Safety Considerations

    Lon's parents had learned some helpful information in their public high schooling about dangerous bacteria, and they had purchased a big white appliance that was cooled internally by a big block of ice (it needed to be replaced when the block of ice melted over a period of days).  Remember that they had no electricity to their farm home at that time. 

    That ice box appliance was used to keep food cool to reduce the potential for bacterial food contamination. It looked very much like a conventional large white electric refrigerator.  When electric service was not available in a home for an electric refrigerator, this ice box food keeper was the best appliance available to help protect food.

    Periodically, the ice man would reliably come by their farm home to sell them a replacement big block of ice.  He knew approximately how often he needed to come by with another big block of ice for their ice box type food keeper appliance.

Getting Electricity to the

Willoughby Farm Home

      Life improved a tremendous amount for the Lonnie Willoughby, Sr. family when they got electric power service to their farm home in year 1948

     It was just a matter of connecting the high voltage electrical transmission power lines beside the two-lane dirt road through a power company pole-mounted large transformer to the installed protective electrical fused power panel in the home.  

     The pole-mounted large transformer converted the transmission lines high voltage to the low voltage (120 volt AC electricity) that was needed for the home's standard electric wiring circuits, the wall electrical outlets, the wall switches, and the electrical ceiling lights that were already installed throughout the home.

     Mr. Willoughby had those electrical circuits and components installed when the home was built, anticipating that rural electrical services would be available for the farm home at some time in the future. 

     The farm home had been built a few years before year 1948 and Lon's smart father had also installed kitchen sink water pipes and water pipes for the small vacant room that would later become the bathroom - whenever electric pump well water became available for those installed water pipes.

     After the major electrical line connections had been made to the home in year 1948, Lon's father installed an electric water pump for their drilled well water plumbing pipe.  They had previously used a slow hand operated pump that had to be manually primed the first time it was used each day.

     Mr. Willoughby also had an electric water heater installed.  The new electric water pump now enabled the home to have adequate water pressure for both cold and hot water at the kitchen sink.

     Lon's parents also purchased an electric refrigerator to replace their "ice box" food keeper appliance. 

     As soon as conveniently possible, Lon's father proceeded to install bathroom plumbing fixtures, including a lavatory sink, a white metal enclosure shower stall, and a commode. 

     With their new electric water pump and their electric water heater, they got hot and cold running water connected to the kitchen sink and also connected to the bathroom sink and the shower. 

     Each family member could finally take a shower bath conveniently on a frequent basis - for the first time in their rural farm life.

     They also had cold water pressure for operation of the commode - which used a typical septic tank for bowel movement waste and urine waste residue.

      WOW!!!  Getting electricity to their home enabled all of those major improvements for their two bedroom home that Lon's father had built a few years before 1948, anticipating that at some time in the future, they would likely get electric service installed for their farm home. 

Telephone and T.V. Service

    Several years later, when Lon was in high school, they got telephone line service out to their home, and it was really convenient to be able to easily receive and send telephone communications. 

     They also got a black and white picture T.V. set.  The only usable T.V. transmitting station was about 65 road miles away in Wilmington, North Carolina.  Lon's father installed a tall metal telescoping T.V. antenna pole with a large T.V. antenna at the top. 

    That antenna received enough T.V. signal to provide a fair quality T.V. picture; it was much better than having no T.V. service.  Prior to that time, their only daily contact with the outside world (news media, music, etc.) was with their radio.

Information for City Dwellers

and Modern-day Young Adults

    Lon remembers those important improvements, and he reports these situations in some detail for "qualified visitors" who may have been city dwellers all of their life and may have no practical understanding of these difficult rural area living conditions without electricity.

     He also reports these situations for younger modern day "qualified visitors" who do not know anything about those earlier times that had much more difficult living conditions - living without electricity. 

     That meant living without electric lights and electrical wall outlets and electric fans, living without cold and hot water at the kitchen sink, living without an indoor toilet, and living without a convenient bathroom, living without convenient heat distribution to each room in the home during the winter time.  And of course, without electricity, there was no air conditioning to help with the summer time heat. 

     The Willoughby farm home had been built before it was common practice to install important fiberglass insulation in the home walls to make the home much more efficient in the winter time for keeping heat inside each room in the home. 

     Without that important fiberglass insulation, the winter cold temperature weather outside the home came through the home walls easily and made it very difficult to heat the inside of the home. 

     Home buildings and commercial buildings without any practical insulation in the walls had been common practice for all buildings, for all previous times, before fiberglass insulation was invented in year 1938. 

     This type of practical insulation material was made available gradually in the American building supplies marketplace in later years, as people were gradually being educated about the benefits and advantages of installing fiberglass insulation in the walls of new buildings.

    The information present herein can help "qualified visitors" get a better understanding of how early Americans lived during the past 300+ years, and also understand how rural farming families lived throughout America prior to the late 1940's to the early 1950's when electrical power service began to be available in some rural areas.

     Electric power services began to be installed in many rural areas in America during that time period due to some very important U.S. Government financial assistance programs

    Unlike city residential areas, where homes are fairly close together, rural farming families lived much further apart.  Consequently, electric power companies would not invest the money needed to install many miles of high voltage electric power distribution lines in rural areas. 

     There were not enough potential customers per mile for power companies to justify spending the large amount of money needed to pay for installing many miles of high voltage electric distribution lines to acquire a small number of additional paying customers.  It simply wasn't financially feasible to do so.

    Without the federal government financial assistance funded programs such as the Rural Electric Authority (REA), or the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), those high voltage electric power distribution lines would not have been installed to provide electric power for rural farm families in some southern states (including rural North Carolina, where Lon Willoughby's family lived). 

    Those federal government financial assistance programs were part of the New Deal under President Franklin Delano Roosevelt that helped Americans recover from the very serious economic depression of the early 1930's - that actually began with the major stock market crash in October 1929.

    If rural area farmers were fortunate enough to get electric power service to their home, their life could improve a lot, as shown above for the very fortunate and happy Lonnie Willoughby Sr. family. 

Flash Back In Time

     It is important to pause here briefly and think back and remember that early Americans (in the 1600's, 1700's, 1800's, and for many Americans into the 1930's to early 1950's) - they did not have electric power services

     They did not have electric lights, or electric stoves, or electric refrigerators, or electric water heaters, or electric water pumps for their well water, or indoor hot and cold running water at their kitchen sink, or any other types of electrical services.

     Consequently, early Americans did not have convenient indoor toilets and bathrooms, like many very fortunate American residents have today. 

    Until the 1940's to 1950's, many Americans did not have a convenient and practical way to wash their hands several times each day, which we now know is very important hand hygiene that can help minimize dangerous infections by invisible tiny microbes (bacteria). 

     Those early Americans did not have inexpensive Nitrile Exam Hand Gloves for use in the kitchen when they were preparing raw meat for cooking.

     Consequently, their potential for getting some type of dangerous microbial infection was much greater during those earlier years than it is now for most American adults in year 2020 - if they will use those safety gloves. 

Heating Homes In the Winter

     Trying to heat homes adequately in the wintertime in earlier times was a major responsibility, and that was usually done by using wood burning fireplaces or wood burning heaters or stoves of various types. 

     For the first eleven years of his life, without having electricity at their home, Lon's family members lived very much like farming families in America dating back into the early 1900's and earlier 1800's and 1700's time periods. 

Getting Electric Power Service

     Getting electric power service to their home in year 1948 enabled the Willoughby family to improve their lifestyle a lot in very important ways.

     Many other rural area families in America were enabled to achieve similar improvements at their home through President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal government assistance services.      

    Those very helpful government financial assistance programs continued for many years after the great depression years in the 1930's, and those very important government financial assistance programs gradually helped millions of American rural area citizens a lot, as reported herein for the Willoughby family.

     Very important government assistance funded services gradually spread to many rural areas in America, and they helped millions of Americans become much more productive citizens, and that enabled them to be much more effective in helping build a better America.

Topic 25

Lon's Education and Training

     Lon attended 12 years of public schooling in the Tabor City school system.  He rode on a big yellow school bus for the two mile trip to school daily, and that school bus would take him home each afternoon after school was out.

     After Lon was old enough to milk their milk cow each morning, that morning chore would sometimes cause him be late in getting out to the dirt road driveway into their farm home to wait for the school bus that would take him to school.  If he was a few minutes late, the school bus may have already passed by the time Lon got out to the road.

      When that occurred infrequently, young Lon would then have to walk the two miles on the narrow two lane dirt road to get to school in Tabor City.  Both of his parents had their own self-employed businesses in Tabor City, and they had already gone to work (driving the family car).

     Lon's problems with those situations were two-fold:

     1)  He was going to be late getting to class at school, and

     2)  the fact that two farms along the two mile walk had big mean dogs that would threaten to attack and bite anyone walking on the road by those farmhouses.  Lon generally got along well with most dogs, but those two big dogs were really aggressive and really mean. 

     When Lon had to walk the dirt road by those two separate farm homes, he always wore a big wide leather belt with a big metal buckle around his waist.  When each of those dogs ran out to the roadside and threatened to attack and bite Lon, he would release that big wide belt and fold it in half with the metal belt buckle extending downward by his side. 

     He would then swing that belt buckle out toward each dog when they ran out to attack him, and each dog would retreat quickly because each dog realized that they were likely going to get hurt.

     In later years, when Lon was in high school, he played baseball and football.  He was the first-string left-handed pitcher for the Tabor City High School baseball team during his 11th and 12th grades.   

     Lon was not big enough to play defensive football (133 pounds), but he was a good runner, and he played as the second-string offensive end position because he was pretty good at catching passes. 

     On the days that they had baseball practice or football practice, Lon did not ride the school bus home because he would stay after school for those athletic practice sessions. 

     After the practice session was completed, Lon would walk the two miles on the dirt road to get home, and he would usually have to cope with each of those big mean dogs on the way home.  

     Those bad dog situations happened many times during Lon's high school years, but he did not get bitten by either mean dog because he always had his big wide leather belt with the big metal buckle around his waist as protection.

Graduation from High School

     Lon was graduated from the Tabor City High School in June 1954.  There were fifty students in his graduating class.

     He began his freshman year of college in the fall of 1954, at Mars Hill College, in Mars Hill, North Carolina (about 20 miles west of Asheville, NC).  This was a Southern Baptist affiliated college, located about 300 miles from Tabor City, North Carolina. 

     The college had a very good well-respected academic reputation, and the college was well-known by some adults that attended the Tabor City Baptist Church - that Lon's family had attended for many years.  That is how Lon's parents learned about Mars Hill College, and they decided to send him to that very good college.   

      Lon's small high school did not have a guidance counselor to help senior students try to determine what kind of career work they wanted to learn how to do when they were graduated from the Tabor City High School. 

      Lon understood farming work, but he did not know what kind of work he would like to do after his college education was completed.  Consequently, he did not know which college study curriculum would be the best curriculum for him to choose as a freshman student. 

     He knew that he was technically oriented and mechanically inclined so he chose to get educated in the pre-engineering study curriculum (chemistry, physics, mathematics courses, and English). 

     A point of interest here - electronic calculators had not been invented at that time so engineering type students used "slide rules" for several types of math calculations.

     After completing the freshman year of college, Lon considered joining one of the U.S. military services. 

     He realized that his parents had complex work duties and they were doing the best that they could with their self-employed full-time jobs in Tabor City, and also their very complicated daily duties and responsibilities on the farm.  They were doing all of those duties responsibly while also raising two sons. 

     Lon's mother owned and operated a beauty hair salon where she worked daily, six days a week, fixing women's hair, and she usually had two female employees.

     Lon's father owned and operated a sophisticated clothes laundry and dry cleaning service, where he had one employee helping him conduct and operate that business six days per week.  Both parents had very complicated lives with a lot of complex duties and responsibilities. 

Farm Duties and responsibilities

     In addition to their complex individual business responsibilities, the Willoughby parent's had very complicated farm duties and responsibilities that involved a lot of animals that lived on their farm. 

     Lon's family had many farm animals that had to be fed and watered daily (7 days per week).  They had one work mule to feed and water daily, and they had a milk cow to be fed and watered daily, and that cow had to be milked each morning, 7 days per week.  

    They had many chickens to be fed and watered daily (and eggs to be gathered daily), and they had about twenty beef type cows (white face Herefords) and several hogs that needed to be fed and watered daily.

     Notes:  In order to water those animals (without electric service being available at the farm), all of the water had to be hand pumped out of the drilled well and then carried in buckets to where the animals were located.  The chickens were about 80 feet away from the well and the other animals were watered about 150 feet away from the well (the mule, the cows, and the hogs).

     Let's pause here for a few moments to remember and consider that similar situations were occurring daily for many thousands of farm families throughout America.

     After electric power service was installed in year 1948 at the Willoughby farm home, an electric pump was installed for the drilled well water, and that helped a lot in getting water out of the drilled well.  however, the well water still had to be hand-carried in buckets each day to the nearby animal locations.

     In addition to all of those routine responsibilities with feeding and watering many animals each day, Lon's parents also had many other farm duties, and that varied somewhat with the season of the year.  

     For many months each year, Lon's parents actually had two full-time jobs - one with their individual self-employed business work duties and the other job was with their very complex mixture of farm work-duties. 

     Lon's father was a very smart technically minded person, and he studied agriculture in a serious minded way.  He learned which formula of fertilizer was best for each crop that he planned to raise.  (Different crops need specific formula types of fertilizer.)

     Lon's father (Mr. Lonnie Willoughby, Sr.) studied the Farmer's Almanac, and he learned the best times of the year to start each new crop.  He also talked with the local county agriculture agent in Tabor City about the best times to take certain crop actions. 

     Mr. Willoughby also talked with the local veterinarian about getting immunization shots appropriately for his white-faced Hereford beef cows and other livestock. 

     Lon's father was a successful farmer because he learned how to take the right actions at the right times of the year for each crop that he planted and raised.  He was very careful and meticulous with each farming project.

     Lon's parents worked hard trying to make additional income from their farming operations.  At the appropriate times of the year, they raised many acres of corn, soybeans, oats, and wheat that could be sold for additional income and could also help feed some of their animals. 

    Lon's parents also raised many acres of cotton and about nine acres of tobacco as their main money-making crops.  The number of acres of tobacco that could be raised was controlled by government allotment standards, and Lon's dad was authorized to raise only nine acres of tobacco. 

    Also, at the right times of the year, they raised a few acres of strawberries and a few acres of watermelons.

     The Willoughby's also raised several acres of Irish potatoes and several acres of sweet potatoes. 

     Different crops were raised at different times of the year, so the same acres might be used twice each year for raising different crops that fit into that time schedule.

     You can see from the above listing of various crops that farming can be a complicated business, and Lon's parents were very busy hard-working farmers, in addition to operating their individual self-employed complex businesses in nearby Tabor City (two miles from the farm).

College Expenses for Lon Jr.

     Lon completed his freshman year at Mars Hill College by the end of May in year 1955.  He realized that it was a difficult financial hardship for his hard working parents to pay for his college expenses, in addition to their business expenses and their many farm operating expenses.

     Throughout the summer months of year 1955, Lon pondered about what he was going to do next.  Was he going to continue college or was joining one of the U.S. military services a better option for him at this point in his life?

     He understood that a decision to join one of the military services would likely eliminate additional college expenses for his parents. 

    Lon finally decided that joining the U.S. Air Force was his best military option.  He had taken their academic intelligence evaluation test and learned that he was intellectually qualified to get educated in any one of their hundreds of career field education programs for enlisted personnel.

     He believed that his Air Force education and work experiences would probably help him make important career decisions that would affect his working career in the future. 

     Lon finally chose to join the U.S. Air Force in September 1955.  His thoughts about joining the Air Force were a good logical and rational projection of what actually happened during his four year  enlistment in the U.S. Air Force

      Lon's decision to join the Air Force turned out to be a very good decision for the Air Force, and it also turned out to be a very good decision for Lon with regard to his future career work options. 

     Airman Willoughby received some very good education and training that helped him a lot in developing a career path forward after he completed his four year enlistment in the USAF.

     Looking back at those events, joining the U.S. Air Force was probably the best decision that Lon could have made about his future career work. 

     Some very important military events occurred for Airman Willoughby that influenced substantially his current abilities and skills as a unique natural healthcare consultant and as a natural healthcare concepts classroom educator

     Let's review how Lon's military decision worked for the U.S. Air Force and for Airman Willoughby.

U.S. Air Force Basic Training

     During the first two days of basic training in September 1955 at Lackland Air Force Base (AFB), located near San Antonio, Texas, the two instructors in charge of the flight of 60 airmen recruits selected Airman Recruit Lon Willoughby to be the "flight leader" for that flight of basic trainees.    

     There were 30 training flights of new recruits in the squadron, and each flight had two instructors that worked together to train their assigned flight of about 60 airmen basic trainees. 

     There was a weekly competition among the 30 training flights to see which flight could achieve the highest weekly rating for the way they made their bunk beds and other housekeeping duties. 

     Lon was apparently a good "flight leader" because that flight of basic trainees won every award that was available for a flight of basic trainees to win while going through basic training. 

     Lon's basic trainee flight competed with 29 other flights of trainees weekly, and they won first place in the squadron for seven weeks in a row.  That was a remarkable achievement that may not have ever been accomplished before.

     One of the perks received for being in first place was having a T.V. in the flight's barracks.  They were the "outstanding flight" of basic trainees for the entire 30 flight squadron several times. 

    Airman Willoughby learned later - that at the time the basic training program was almost completed for his flight  - the two instructors for his flight of basic trainees had recommended to the squadron commander (an Air Force Major) that Airman Willoughby should be assigned to the Instructor Training School

     That eight weeks education and training course was also located at Lackland Air Force Base. 

     Airman Lon Willoughby did not have any choice in that decision.  He was immediately transferred directly to the Instructor Training School as soon as he completed the basic training program. 

     He learned that he was going to be educated and trained to become an Instructor for Air Force basic trainee recruits, like the two instructors that had taught him throughout his basic training. 

Instructor Training School

     The Instructor Training School was a complete education system; they had their own barracks for instructor trainees; they had their own chow hall (also used by the nearby Officer Candidate Training School Program); they had the classrooms, overhead projectors, microphone sound systems, and other equipment that was needed for that special instructor education and training program.

     It was an excellent instructor training program; the students were taught public speaking skills and classroom education and training skills.

     Students were also taught to develop very strong voices that could command 60 marching troops, marching in the commonly present Texas wind, and all 60 troops needed to hear every marching command clearly and distinctly.  

     Having grown up on a small farm, and having gone to a small high school, Airman Lon Willoughby had not learned any of those special skills so he had a lot to learn during those eight weeks. 

     If he was going to be an Air Force Instructor, he wanted to be a very good instructor, so he applied himself well and progressed well in the instructor education and training program

     After eight weeks of special education and training, Airman Lonnie Willoughby was graduated near the top of the class of 60 students in the USAF Instructor Training School in the fall of year 1955.

     He had gained some weight while in the Air Force, and he now weighed 140 pounds. 

Instructor Work

     For the next 18 months, he was an "academic instructor" and a "drill instructor."  He taught education classes in a classroom about various military subjects to flights of basic trainees at Lackland Air Force Base.  He also taught all of the "drill" (marching) and the "exercise" activities for airman recruits.  Consequently, he routinely stayed in very good physical condition. 

     Airman Willoughby lived in the barracks with each new flight of basic trainees (60 men) that were assigned to him and one other instructor. 

     Each instructor had a private room, and the basic trainees had double bunk beds (upper and lower level beds) in an open bay area in the two story barracks that housed sixty new Air Force airmen recruits

     In the summer of 1956, Airman Willoughby had an opportunity to fly to North Carolina on a military transport aircraft, and he chose that opportunity to travel back to Tabor City, North Carolina and marry his high school girlfriend (Margaret). 

     She had recently been graduated from the four years of college that she had attended in North Carolina.  (Margaret was two years ahead of Lon in her education.)

     Lon's father purchased a basic lower cost new Ford automobile for him as a wedding present.  He and Margaret traveled back to San Antonio, Texas in that car (with a V-8 engine). 

     They moved into a small furnished apartment in San Antonio that was about ten miles from the Air Force Base.  Airman Willoughby then drove his Ford automobile to commute for his instructor work at the Air Force Base five days each week (Monday through Friday). 

    He taught several academic subjects, and he had a professionally developed lesson plan for each subject that he taught. 

    The lesson plan for each class subject helped ensure that the instructor would teach all of the important topic points in optimum sequential order in a competent professional manner. 

     One of the subjects that Lon taught to each new class of basic trainees was about Brain-washing - How to Recognize Brain-washing and How to Overcome It (if a captured U.S. Airman was being subjected to brain-washing actions and techniques by enemy military personnel).

Lon's Brain-washing Education

     That special brain-washing education was very helpful to Lon Willoughby many years later as he considered how medical doctors and medical nurses get seriously "brain-washed" when they go through their complex medical education and training.   

Brain-washing about the Medical Profession   

     You will learn in this revealing report that Lon's special education about "brain-washing" was very important to him in his later evaluation about how American adult citizens get "brain-washed" badly about the medical profession in America.

Brain-washing about America's Judicial Systems

     You will also learn herein that American adult citizens are usually "brain-washed" badly about the judicial systems in America.

     This true autobiographical report will explain in some detail that Lon has had a substantial amount of personal litigation experiences. 

     Those very important litigation experiences enabled him to be qualified to educate "qualified visitors" about the surprising and disgusting and frustrating level of deceit, fraud, and self-serving judicial corruption that is apparently common practice in many American courts (State Courts and Federal Courts).

     This is very important "special education" that can help "qualified visitors" learn why they should minimize their travel anywhere in the USA, and always try to cautiously avoid becoming a victim of judicial litigation that can be disgustingly corrupt and very expensive

     Lon realizes that many American citizens spend thousands of dollars, and lots of time and very frustrating and stressful efforts involved in litigation actions that they later wish they had avoided getting into. 

     But you see, they had not been educated to understand the very serious potential dangers involved with litigation actions in many American courts (State Courts and Federal Courts). 

     Most adults in America have been brain-washed to believe that American courts are some of the best and most ethical courts on Planet Earth.  However, from his extensive personal litigation experiences, over a period of 20+ years, Lon Willoughby knows that those brain-washed beliefs are frequently terribly wrong

     He has more than 18,000 hours of litigation experiences in American courts, at various levels of litigation in State Courts and Federal Courts, from the bottom level courts to the top level court (U.S. Supreme Court). 

    Lon's personal litigation experiences taught him that American courts can be, and frequently are, outrageously unfair, unethical, and disgustingly corrupt

     He learned that members of the legal profession get away with their self-serving unfair, unethical, deceitful, and fraudulent litigation actions, schemes, and tactics - again and again, year after year, causing a lot of unfair and unethical litigation and judicial corruption that is apparently common routine practice in many American courts

     Why are members of the legal profession able to continue doing those unfair and unethical self-serving actions routinely, year after year?

     Lon's extensive litigation experiences, over a 20+ years period of time, convinced him that many judicial systems are routinely corrupted in self-serving ways that benefit various members of the legal profession (attorneys/lawyers, and also trial court judges and appellate court judges). 

     Lon's extensive litigation experiences taught him that outrageously unfair, unethical, and corrupt self-serving litigation and judicial actions have apparently been going on routinely in American courts for many years (probably for 100+ years)

     Fortunately, "qualified visitors" can learn very important education about litigation in American courts in this revealing true autobiographical report. 

Long Term Value of Lon's

Brain-washing Education 


     Lon's special military education in the subject of "brain-washing" enabled him to be uniquely qualified to understand why he should teach very important special education about brain-washing to many American adult citizens using our innovative education breakthrough "free to review" education process. 

       Lon will come back to this brain-washing subject later and explain how that special education was very important to him many years later when he was learning about natural healthcare concepts.

     This introductory Advanced Natural Health Concepts educational website presents some very important "education concepts" that can improve the lives of "qualified visitors" in important ways.

     At age 85+, Lon knows how to help "qualified visitors" become more knowledgeable and smarter about some very important subjects that can help them a lot. 

     "Qualified visitors" should review all of this very important and valuable "free to review" introductory education because this special education can be very helpful to "qualified visitors" in many ways - and it does this for "qualified visitors" with no upfront cost.

Topic 26

Change of Military Career Field

     During the summer of year 1957, Airman First Class Willoughby had an opportunity to change military career fields, from being a USAF instructor of basic trainees (an "academic instructor" and a "drill instructor") to become a USAF electronics technician

     He was enabled to do that by completing 33 weeks of RADAR education and training at Keesler Air Force Base, Biloxi, Mississippi (summer 1957 to early 1958).  

     As a reward for being a successful instructor for about 18 months, Airman Willoughby was offered a special opportunity to choose any one Air Force school he wanted to attend out of about 400 education schools that were available to him.

      His USAF mental aptitude tests had shown that he had a good balance of aptitudes that qualified him to attend any education and training schools that were available in the USAF for enlisted airmen.

     Lon was technically minded, and he was very interested in learning about electricity and electronics.  He chose to attend the long-range RADAR school because it was the longest electronics school available to him (33 weeks of electronics education and training).

     Airman Willoughby quickly moved his wife from their apartment in San Antonio, Texas to her parent's home in Tabor City, North Carolina for the 33 weeks period that he would be in training at Keesler Air Force Base in the summer of 1957 to early 1958. (Located in Biloxi, Mississippi - right beside the Gulf of Mexico gulf coast area.)

    During the third week of the RADAR technical education and training program, Airman Willoughby had an opportunity to voluntarily compete in a selection process that would choose a successor Squadron Student Leader for the training squadron of about 300 airmen electronics technician trainees.

     The current Squadron Student Leader was about to be graduated in his electronics training program, and he conducted a competitive selection process to choose a student airman to succeed him as the Squadron Student Leader.  

     He responsibly interviewed and evaluated each of the several airmen that were voluntarily competing in that selection process.

     After due consideration of all of the voluntary applicants for that leadership position, he selected Airman First Class Lonnie Willoughby to be the successor Squadron Student Leader

The White Rope

      Airman Willoughby had observed that the Squadron Student Leader wore a "white epaulet" right shoulder decoration daily that distinctly identified his leadership and management position in the squadron of student airmen trainees. 

     The "white epaulet" was commonly called "the White Rope" because it was an attractive woven small white rope style decorative device.  For easy convenience, the Squadron Student Leader was called "the White Rope."

     In managing the squadron's 300 student airmen, the Squadron Student Leader was assisted with five Squad Leaders (wore a yellow shoulder epaulet) and fourteen Barracks Chiefs (wore a red shoulder epaulet).  The barracks were two story buildings with military beds on both floors.

      As the new Squadron Student Leader, Airman Willoughby worked under the general direction of the Squadron's Master Sergeant and the Squadron Commander, a Captain in the Air Force.  They talked with Airman Willoughby briefly about the duties of the Squadron Student Leader.  

     Airman Willoughby explained that he had almost three weeks of practical "education" about the primary duties of the Squadron Student Leader because he had been observing how the Squadron Student Leader had performed his daily duties - seven days each week. 

     Consequently, Airman First Class Willoughby had already observed and learned what duties needed to be accomplished daily and weekly by the Squadron Student Leader.

     The Squadron Commander and the Master Sergeant quickly realized that Airman Lonnie Willoughby appeared to be knowledgeable about his new day-to-day duties and management responsibilities for the squadron's 300 student airmen electronics technician trainees. 

     The Master Sergeant and the Squadron Commander quickly understood that they did not need to give Airman Willoughby detailed instructions about what they expected him to do on a day-to-day basis as the successor Squadron Student Leader.

     They allowed Airman Willoughby to have management freedom to do whatever he thought needed to be done routinely each day to manage the Squadron Student Leader's duties and responsibilities. 

     As the new Squadron Student Leader, Airman Willoughby understood that he was responsible for maintaining good military order in the squadron at all times (24 hours per day, 7 days per week). 

     He also understood that he was responsible for evaluating and executing all disciplinary actions with the 300 student airmen.   

     Airman Willoughby quickly adapted to those new management and leadership responsibilities, and he conducted them easily without difficulty. 

     His previous work experiences as an Academic Instructor and Drill Instructor for 18 months had prepared him well for those leadership and management duties and responsibilities. 

     Airman Willoughby led the marching of the squadron of students (about 300 men) to the training buildings area on the base each morning, five days per week (Monday through Friday), as the former Squadron Student Leader had done.

     At the end of each day's education and training sessions, the 300 student airmen were free to get back to their  squadron location in any way they chose. 

     They knew where the chow hall was located, near their squadron, and they could easily walk to that location for their late afternoon dinner (supper) meal.  The squadron barracks where they lived were just a few blocks away from the chow hall.

Managing the Squadron

     Airman Lonnie Willoughby talked with the five squad leaders and the fourteen barracks chiefs about the performance standards that he wanted them to help maintain for the squadron.

     He also inspected each of the fourteen barracks periodically to see how well the five squad leaders and the fourteen barrack's chief were doing their jobs.  When he found some minor deficiencies in their management performance, he diplomatically explained how he wanted their management performance improved and they quickly responded.

     Airman Willoughby was still a regular student airman in the RADAR education and training program, and he went to classes just like other students, but he now had several additional management and supervisory duties daily as the successor Squadron Student Leader.    

      He must have done a pretty good job for several months as the "Squadron Student Leader" because the Squadron Commander recommended Airman First Class Lonnie Willoughby for the special award that was given each month to one student airman on the base as the Base Airman of the Month

     There were many student airmen in various training programs at Keesler Air Force Base, but the student airmen that were most likely to receive special recognition were the student airmen that were also serving in leadership positions. 

      Airman Willoughby was subsequently awarded that special honor as the Base Airman of the Month, and he received a $25.00 Savings Bond plus some other special perks for one full month. 

     He continued working in the Squadron Student Leader position throughout the remaining weeks of the 33 weeks RADAR electronics education and training program that he was attending. 

     The squadron of 300 airmen electronics technician trainees ran smoothly and well, day after day, and week after week during those seven months.  There were only two discipline problems, with two individual airmen, and Airman Willoughby managed those minor disciplinary actions promptly in a reasonable manner. 

     When Airman Willoughby was graduated from the RADAR training program at Keesler AFB (Biloxi, Mississippi), he was assigned to work at the USAF RADAR facility located at Moody Air Force Base (AFB), near Valdosta, Georgia. 

     Lon drove from Biloxi, Mississippi to Tabor City, North Carolina to get wife Margaret, and they quickly moved into a furnished apartment in Valdosta, Georgia that was on the side of town near the Air Force Base. 

     Airman first class Lonnie Willoughby drove his automobile to work daily at the RADAR facility at Moody Air Force Base (about eight miles distance from their apartment).   

     Throughout his military assignment in Georgia, Airman Willoughby worked at a complex RADAR facility that had two types of RADAR systems.  It also contained the Air Route Traffic Control Center where military air traffic controllers used RADAR displays and electronic radio receivers and transmitters to direct all military air traffic into and out of the Moody Air Force Base Airport - for more than 150 miles radius range in that part of Georgia.

     Airman Willoughby worked on both of the RADAR systems and also the RADAR display scopes and other electronic equipment in the air traffic control facility.  He was able to get some good electronics technician work experience at that complex military electronics facility. 

     Part of the mission of the Air Force Base was to train Air Force jet aircraft fighter pilots, and that training was done during daylight hours using the local RADAR equipment and the local Air Route Traffic Control Center to direct their flight training exercises.  

     Margaret Willoughby gave birth to their first child (son) at the Moody Air Force Base Hospital on May 4, 1959, about four months before Lon's four years Air Force enlistment ended. 

     Michael was a healthy baby, and he enjoyed his warm water baths at the kitchen sink in the furnished apartment in Valdosta, Georgia. 

     Airman Willoughby worked in that very interesting and challenging RADAR systems work assignment until his four years military enlistment ended in September 1959.  

     The local Air Force management personnel intended for Airman First Class Lonnie Willoughby to re-enlist for another four-year term, but he had other plans for his family's future.

Topic 27

Getting Out of the Air Force

And Going Back to College

     When the Air Force administrative management personnel finally accepted the fact that Airman Lonnie Willoughby was definitely not going to re-enlist for another four-year tour of duty, they approved his timely request to complete his four-years enlistment in the USAF several days early (on September 7, 1959) so he would have time to quickly enroll in the fall semester at Gaston Technical Institute (GTI), located in Gastonia, North Carolina.

     GTI was an extension division of the engineering school of North Carolina State College.  Lonnie (Lon) Willoughby had already determined that their pre-engineering curriculum was his most feasible option for obtaining an associate degree in pre-engineering education (in North Carolina) - before he applied for a job as an electronics technician with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).     

     Lon was somewhat familiar with the FAA from his Air Force work at the Moody Air Force Base RADAR facility in Georgia.  He was hopeful of getting a job with the FAA after being graduated from Gaston Technical Institute with an Associate Degree in Science, majoring in pre-engineering. 

     Lon moved Margaret and four months old son Michael to her parent's home in Tabor City, NC before Lon began his education at GTI in Gastonia, NC (about 190 miles away from Tabor City, NC). 

     A few weeks before completing the second semester of education at GTI, Lon very fortunately saw an advertisement flyer on the student bulletin board that stated that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) was planning to hire some GS-7 (federal pay grade) electronics technicians. 

     At that point in time, Lon's wife Margaret and eleven months old son Michael were still living with her parents in Tabor City, North Carolina, and Lon planned to complete one more year of education at GTI (two more semesters) and earn an Associate Degree in Science (majoring in pre-engineering)

     Lon was a technically oriented person who now had almost two years of pre-engineering education with good grades (Mars Hill College and GTI). 

     He did well as a GTI student by maintaining a straight A average in all courses for the first two semesters of a four semester education program. 

     Lon had previously completed 33 weeks of RADAR training in the U.S. Air Force, and he had worked as an electronics technician at the Air Force RADAR facility and military Air Traffic Control Center at Moody Air Force Base (near Valdosta, GA). 

     He believed that his two years of college education in the pre-engineering curriculum, and his Air Force RADAR training and RADAR work experience might qualify him for one of those GS-7 electronics technician positions with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

     Lon decided that he should apply for a job with the FAA right away, while they appeared to be in a hiring phase for some GS-7 (pay grade) electronics technicians. 

     He considered that the FAA might not be hiring 12 months later when he would be graduating from his two-year Associate Degree in Science Program at Gaston Technical Institute (GTI). 

     Lon quickly applied for a GS-7 FAA electronics technician position - following carefully the instructions contained in the FAA flyer on the students bulletin board.

     Lon got a mailed response from the FAA promptly.  They had scheduled a job interview for him at the FAA Sector Field Office located at the Charlotte Airport - which was about 40 miles from Gastonia, North Carolina - where Gaston Technical Institiute was located.

     He then participated in the job interview as scheduled.  Shortly thereafter, Lon received a mailed response stating that his application for a GS-7 electronics technician position had been approved, and he would be hired as soon as he completed the current semester of education at Gaston Technical Institute.  

Lon Goes to work with the FAA

     Lon finished his last day of class for the second semester at GTI on a Friday, and he reported for work with the FAA in Raleigh, North Carolina on the following Monday morning.

     He began working with the FAA as a GS-7 (pay grade) electronics technician in early June 1960.  That was a good entry level electronics technician position that paid more money per year than first year school teachers were usually being paid in North Carolina.

     After renting a conveniently located furnished apartment in Raleigh, North Carolina, Lon subsequently drove his Ford automobile to Tabor City, North Carolina to get Margaret and 13 months old son Michael and move them into that apartment in Raleigh, North Carolina.

     About six months later, Lon voluntarily bid on (applied for) an advertised vacant GS-9 electronics technician position at an FAA staffed RADAR facility located on the Charleston Air Force Base in North Charleston, South Carolina.

    Lon's previous military RADAR training and RADAR system work experience helped him qualify for that higher paying GS-9 electronics technician position, and he was competitively selected to fill that electronics technician vacancy.  

     Lon and Margaret and young son Michael then moved from their furnished rental apartment in Raleigh, North Carolina into a furnished rental apartment in the North Charleston area. 

     In February, 1961, Lon moved Margaret and son Michael about 150 miles - back to Tabor City, NC to live with her parents again - during the final month of her pregnancy with their second child. 

     Lon and Margaret planned that move because it should enable her to give birth to their second child at the hospital in Loris, South Carolina - just seven miles from Margaret's parent's home in Tabor City, North Carolina. 

     In late March 1961, Lon had driven about 150 miles (from Charleston, South Carolina to Tabor City, North Carolina) when it was about time for Margaret to give birth to their second child. 

     He was with her in Tabor City when it was time for him to take her to the hospital in Loris, South Carolina, and he was with Margaret during the birthing experience at the Loris hospital.  She gave birth to their second son on March 28, 1961, and they named him Robert (with the nickname of Bob)

     Margaret continued living with her parents in Tabor City, North Carolina for about a month as she was recovering from the birthing of son Robert. 

     Robert was a healthy baby and he enjoyed his warm water baths in the kitchen sink at his grandparent's home in Tabor City, North Carolina.

     Margaret's mother and father enjoyed that very special time with their youngest daughter and their two young Willoughby grandsons.

      Lon drove back to North Charleston, SC a few days after son Robert was born to resume his work with the FAA at the RADAR facility on the Charleston Air Force Base. 

     About a month later, Lon drove back to Tabor City, NC and moved Margaret and two young sons (Michael and Robert) to the furnished rental apartment in North Charleston, South Carolina - where Lon was still residing. 

     After working for one year at the GS-9 pay grade electronics technician position, Lon was promoted to a GS-11 pay grade electronics technician position.   He appreciated the higher level of pay that was needed for taking good care of his family.   

Topic 28

Lon's Health Problems

     Several years before his teenage years began, Lon recalls having difficulties frequently with nasal and sinus congestion problems that were a serious nuisance - usually on an ongoing daily basis.

     He recalls that in later years, as a young man in his 20's, those nasal and sinus congestion problems were worse. 

     His nasal and sinus congestion problems had become more difficult to cope with.  He was having frequent headaches that were a serious nuisance for many days (apparently caused by his sinus congestion).

     Some of those serious nuisance headaches would turn into very painful migraine headaches that would persist for several days.

     Lon observed that the migraine headaches only occurred when he had seriously impacted nasal and sinus congestion (he could not breath at all through his nose). 

     Lon was 27 years of age in year 1963 when he consulted with an Eye, Nose, and Throat Specialist Medical Doctor in Charleston about his serious recurring nasal and sinus congestion problems.

     At that time, Lon was still working with the FAA as a GS-11 electronics technician at the long-range RADAR facility (170+ miles radius range) located on the large Charleston Air Force Base in North Charleston, South Carolina. 

     The medical doctor did not ask Lon any questions about his diet (none at all), but after inspection of Lon's nose, he recommended nasal surgery to help with those very frustrating recurring nasal congestion problems. 

     Lon was ignorant about nutrition concepts at that time.  He did not realize that certain foods in his diet could be causing his frustrating and irritating nasal and sinus congestion problems. 

     He trusted the medical doctor to know what actions were needed to help with those serious congestion problems - so Lon agreed to have that surgery.  He was in the hospital for five days as a result of the nasal surgery performed by that medical doctor. 

     There was some potential for dangerous nasal bleeding so Lon was kept in the hospital for five days to help ensure that medical help could be provided quickly if that bleeding occurred.  Fortunately, it did not occur.

     Lon was so ignorant about nutrition concepts at that time that he did not even consider having a consultation with a nutrition consultant (a dietitian or a nutritionist) about his reoccurring nasal congestion problems (before he had that surgery). 

     He had never heard of a nutrition consultant (a dietitian or a nutritionist), and Lon was not aware of their professional existence in year 1963.

     Lon believed that an Eye, Nose, and Throat Specialist Medical Doctor would be the healthcare practitioner who would most likely be knowledgeable about the causes of nasal and sinus congestion problems.

     Over a period of weeks after the surgery in the summer of 1963, the same congestion problems continued for Lon Willoughby.  It was gradually very clear that the surgery had not made any noticeable difference in his serious nasal and sinus congestion problems.

     It is very important to note here that Lon did not change his diet at all because the medical doctor had not recommended any diet changes.

     Lon continued suffering with those very serious frustrating and irritating nasal and sinus congestion problems routinely thereafter for years

     Those serious nasal and sinus congestion problems occurred many hundreds of times, days and nights, during the years after that useless surgery

Topic 29

Additional FAA Training For Lon

     While Lon was working with the FAA at the RADAR station in North Charleston, he was selected to attend special education and training programs with two separate RADAR system manufacturers.  Both of those business operations were in different small towns near Baltimore, Maryland. 

Education Program # 1

     The first education program was a major upgrade to the RADAR system that FAA technicians operated and maintained at the Charleston, SC Air Force Base location for joint operations by the US Air Force (their local air traffic control center and the military's Air Route Traffic Control Center located in Virginia) and the FAA's Air Route Traffic Control Center located in Hilliard, Florida (about 35 miles north of Jacksonville, Florida). 

     Lon Willoughby was later selected to travel from Charleston, SC to Jacksonville, Florida and teach the new RADAR system upgrade to the FAA electronics technicians employed at an identical RADAR system located at the Naval Air Station on the south side of Jacksonville, Florida. 

     Lon quickly developed an education course for that objective, and he resided in a motel near the Naval Air Station for three weeks while he taught that RADAR system upgrade to the FAA electronics technicians that operated and maintained that RADAR system - for joint use by the Naval Air Station's local air traffic control center and the FAA's air traffic control center. 

     Having electronics technician Lon Willoughby go to Jacksonville, Florida and teach that RADAR system upgrade during three weeks saved the FAA thousands of dollars in expenses and it provided other very important benefits for that RADAR facility. 

     That situation enabled the FAA to avoid the training course fees for five FAA electronics technicians at the RADAR manufacturer's facility near Baltimore, Maryland, and FAA also avoided the Per Diem costs and the travel expenses for each of those five electronics technicians. 

     Each FAA electronics technician would have needed to make a two-weeks trip to the Baltimore area - at different times individually because they would have also had to maintain adequate staffing at the naval RADAR facility 24 hours per day, seven days per week, while each electronics technician was absent for that training near Baltimore, Md.  

     Lon's ability to teach this impromptu electronics type course at the RADAR facility made it much easier to maintain adequate electronics technician staffing at the RADAR facility during the three  weeks time period that was needed for Lon to train the five local FAA electronics technicians. 

     The RADAR facility had to be staffed by qualified electronics technicians daily, 24 hours per day, 365 days per year, and the on-site training program prevented the need for each of the five electronics technicians to travel to the Baltimore area for a two weeks training program with the manufacturer.

     Due to Lon's previous instructor education and training and experience as an instructor in the U.S. Air Force, he understood how to develop and teach that technical electronics circuity upgrade course in a competent teaching manner. 

     His own training at the factory near Baltimore, Maryland enabled him to be technically qualified to teach that RADAR system electronics circuitry upgrade in the training program that he developed. 

     His three weeks FAA training program at the RADAR facility on the Naval Air Station in Jacksonville, Florida enabled the five electronics technicians to continue living at their homes while they were getting educated at the RADAR facility about the new electronics upgrade circuitry.

     All five electronics technicians were able to attend and complete that training program within a three weeks time period.  Without that local training, their training near Baltimore, MD would   have gradually extended for several months to complete that training for the five electronics technicians. 

     They would have had to maintain adequate staffing at the RADAR facility while one of the technicians was involved in training near Baltimore, Maryland. 

     Lon's technical education program was very successful.  It worked well for those FAA electronics technicians and they were able to live at home while they were being training by Lon at the local RADAR facility (at the Naval Air Station). 

     During the three weeks that Lon lived in a motel near the Naval Air Station, he had his wife and two sons with him.  That gave him an opportunity to teach both sons how to swim, using the motel swimming pool on a daily basis.  The boys really enjoyed that swimming pool.

     Later that same year, Lon had a modest three bedroom home built in nearby Summerville, SC, and the family moved into their new home as soon as it was completed.  Lon then had an easy 18 miles commute daily to get to work at the RADAR facility on the Charleston Air Force Base. 

Education Program # 2

     Many months later, the second technical training program occurred in another small town near Baltimore - for a new modernized RADAR system that would replace the old RADAR system on the Air Force base in North Charleston, SC. 

     In that situation, the costs involved for training the FAA electronics technicians that would operate and maintain the new RADAR system (at the Air Force Base in North Charleston, SC) was included in the contract cost of the new RADAR system.

Shift Work Schedule

     All of Lon's work at the RADAR station had been shift work, where he would work a week (five days) on a day shift schedule (8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.), and then work a week on the evening shift (4:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m.) and then work a week on the midnight shift (12:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.).  He had two days off duty between each shift change.

     The evening shift and the midnight shift had only one technician on duty and they could not leave the RADAR facility to eat or otherwise.  There was no place for them to purchase a meal conveniently so all three shifts required brown bag meals from home that were eaten during shift duty hours. 

     That work schedule would repeat every three weeks indefinitely into the future. 

     Lon gradually realized that the shift-work schedule was difficult for him to cope with.  He had some serious difficulty staying alert for eight hours throughout the midnight shift.

     When Lon was driving the 18 miles commute to his home in Summerville, SC in the morning after completing a mid-night shift at the RADAR station, he was frequently very sleepy and that caused some dangerous driving conditions for him

     He also had serious difficulty sleeping soundly enough in the daytime - after getting home from working the midnight shift and trying to prepare to go back to work for the next midnight shift.  His nasal congestion and sinus congestion problems made those conditions more difficult to cope with. 

     NOTE:  That work assignment was Lon's first experience with shift work - his RADAR work in the U.S. Air Force had all been day shift work only. 

     Lon wanted to change his duty assignment to a steady day shift position, but that was not possible at that Charleston Air Force Base RADAR facility. 

 Getting A Day Shift Position

     In the summer of 1964, Lon Willoughby had an opportunity to bid on (apply for) an FAA electronics technician vacancy in Montgomery, Alabama that offered a better work assignment. 

     He promptly bid on that vacancy, and he was selected competitively to fill that FAA electronics technician position. 

     That electronics technician position would get him off of the regular shift work schedule, and it also offered some other electronics technician work experience opportunities that Lon did not have at the RADAR facility in North Charleston, South Carolina.

     Lon quickly sold their home in Summerville, SC and moved his family (wife and two sons) to Montgomery, Alabama where they rented a nice three bedroom, two bath home. 

     Because of his previous RADAR work experience, he usually worked at two different RADAR facilities in the Montgomery area, but he generally worked only on the day shift schedule.   That was a big improvement in his work schedule because there was no shift work.

Topic 30

 A Challenging Job Opportunity 

     About six months after Lon transferred to the Montgomery Sector area, the FAA's Sector Manager for the large Montgomery Sector jurisdiction offered Lon Willoughby a challenging opportunity to become the station chief of the FAA electronic facilities that were headquartered at the FAA Flight Service Station located at the airport in Northport, Alabama. 

     Lon quickly learned that the Northport Airport was across the river from Tuscaloosa, Alabama - where the University of Alabama is located. 

     He accepted that challenging position offer and moved his family to Tuscaloosa, AL into a nice three bedroom, two bath home that Lon rented.

     He commuted daily about five miles to his office at the FAA Flight Service Station at the local area airport across the river in Northport, Alabama.

     Within a year, Lon had a custom-built three bedroom, two bath home constructed in Northport, Alabama.  The new home was about two miles from the airport where the FAA Flight Service Station and Lon's office were located.

     About two years later, Lon had an opportunity to bid on (apply for) a vacant FAA electronics technician position at the FAA Air Route Traffic Control Center in Hilliard, Florida.  (About 35 miles north of downtown Jacksonville, Florida). 

     That electronics technician position offered Lon an opportunity to gain some important work experience that should be helpful to his future career advancement opportunities with the FAA

     He was selected competitively for that position, and Lon promptly sold the custom-built home in Northport, Alabama to one of the airplane pilots that worked at the airport where Lon had worked.

     NOTES:  Throughout the time that Lon worked in Montgomery and Northport Alabama, he was having to cope with his nasal and sinus congestion problems, usually on a daily and nightly basis. 

     He had no idea what was causing those very serious congestion problems.  He had already done all that he knew how to do about those irritating and frustrating problems.  (The medical doctor in Charleston, SC and his surgery for Lon).

     Lon then moved his family (Margaret and two sons) into a home that he rented on the north side of Jacksonville, Florida - in a large home subdivision where several of his FAA electronics technician co-workers lived. 

     He was then able to car-pool with several co-workers for the 30 mile trip daily to the Air Route Traffic Control Center in Hilliard, Florida.  Lon generally needed to drive his personal car for that FAA car-pool just one day per week.

     About 14 months later, Lon had an opportunity to bid on (apply for) an FAA electronics technician vacancy located at the Jacksonville International Airport (on the north side of Jacksonville, Florida).

     Lon was selected competitively to fill that vacant electronics technician position.  He did not need to move his family because the large international airport was only eight miles from the home subdivision where Lon and his family were living on the north side of Jacksonville, Florida.   

Topic 31

Lon's Marital Problems     

       Lon had patiently tolerated some marital problems with wife Margaret for several years, and they became more difficult to cope with as the two sons were getting older.  Those marital problems had become more troublesome while he was working at the Air Route Traffic Control Center in Hilliard, Florida. 

     Those same marital problems continued after Lon transferred to the FAA Sector Field Office located at the Jacksonville International Airport

Family Background 


     Margaret and Lon had gone to the same small school system in Tabor City, North Carolina through high school, but Margaret was two years ahead of Lon in the school grades, and they did not know each other at that time.

      Lon and Margaret began to date after she had been graduated from high school.  They first met each other at a local weekend party that they attended in Tabor City. 

     Fortunately, a couple of very nice local homes had facilities adaptable for such youth parties, and those parents each had a teenage son that would attend such parties.  Each family would alternately make their home "party facility" available on some Saturday evenings for local teenage parties involving their son and his friends. 

     Margaret had grown up as a city girl in a small town (Tabor City, NC), and her family was a prominent family within the community. 

     This was a farming area, and Margaret's parents owned a local Feed and Seed Store and some farm land properties.  In addition to operating his Feed and Seed Store, Margaret's father was the local magistrate judge. 

     Margaret was a skilled pianist and organist at the local Tabor City Baptist Church, that her family and Lon's family attended regularly.  Margaret had a real talent for playing the piano and also the organ.

     Margaret's grandfather, on her mother's side of the family, was the local banker, in charge of the only bank in Tabor City. 

     When Margaret went off to college in North Carolina, she majored in music and planned to be a music teacher - hopefully in the local public school system in Tabor City.

     Lon's family, his parents and his grandparents - on both sides of his family, were well-respected hard-working farmers, but they were not wealthy farmers.   Both families had been farmers for several generations, and they were reasonably successful with their very complex farming duties and responsibilities.

     As you can see from this brief explanation, Margaret and Lon grew up in very much different family circumstances.  Those very different family situations probably influenced their lack of compatibility during later years.  Their marital problems gradually showed up in a compounding manner as explained below.

     Lon and Margaret had moved several times with Lon's FAA technician position transfers.  Margaret enjoyed their travels and their moves to different locations.  She had always been a "stay at home mom" for the two sons because Lon wanted her to be at home full-time with the sons during their early formative growing up years. 

     Both boys were now attending the local grammar school that was near their rented home in the large subdivision on the north side of Jacksonville, Florida.  The school was close enough for the two sons to usually walk to the school each morning and walk home each afternoon (in good weather). 

     Margaret could have taken a music teaching position at some nearby school, but it was more convenient for her to just stay at home while the two sons were in school each day.

     Fortunately, Lon earned enough money as an FAA electronics technician that they could do that - without Margaret needing to teach music at a local school to supplement their family income. 

     Margaret was a skilled pianist and organist, and her four years of college education had majored in music so she could be well qualified as a music teacher in the public schools of North Carolina. 

     After they moved from Northport, Alabama to Jacksonville, Florida, Lon and Margaret purchased a good quality new piano so she could enjoy playing the piano at home anytime that she wanted to practice her music. 

     One of Lon's disappointments in the marriage was that Margaret was an accomplished piano teacher, but she had not attempted to teach either son how to play the piano by the time that they were at ages 11 (Mike) and 9 (Bob). 

     She had very good opportunities to do that, but for some reason, she did not try to teach the boys to play the piano.

     Lon and Margaret had grown apart during their 14 years of marriage with Lon's very busy complex FAA electronics technician work duties, their several FAA work location transfers, and Lon's numerous FAA education and training trips away from home for several weeks at the time.

A Major Marriage Problem

    One of their major marital problems was that they had developed serious conflicts about how the sons should be raised (as the sons got older).  Lon and Margaret had serious conflicting opinions about disciplinary actions for the two sons. 

    The older son (Michael/Mike) rarely needed any kind of disciplinary action, and he accepted disciplinary actions in a positive, responsible, and constructive learning manner. 

     However, the younger son (Robert/Bob) did need some disciplinary actions occasionally.  He was headstrong and stubborn, and he very stubbornly believed that he was right and he knew best when Lon had to discipline him at times.

     Robert did not accept constructive disciplinary actions well - because he usually believed that his improper actions had been proper actions.  He did not feel like he deserved any kind of disciplinary action.  

     Lon tried to be very fair-minded and very reasonable with disciplinary actions with each of the two sons (Mike and Bob). 

     Lon had always had very good control of his temper, and his disciplined military training and experiences had improved those self-control abilities.  Lon never raised his voice in an angry manner with the sons (or with Margaret). 

     He always avoided trying to discipline one of the sons if he was irritated with them.  He would wait until he was calm, cool, and collected and could talk calmly with the son who needed to be disciplined. 

     Discipline usually consisted of a talk and the withholding of some privilege such as watching a favorite TV program, or a temporary reduction in (or the withholding of) the son's weekly allowance of funds, or in requiring the son to do some chore such as cleaning up their bedroom. 

     Lon provided a reasonable weekly allowance of money to each son because he wanted them to learn how to manage their money responsibly and sensibly.  Lon realized that they needed some practical weekly management experience to accomplish that important financial objective. 

     Whenever disciplinary actions were necessary for a son, Lon thought it was very important to talk with the son and ask him why he had done something that he should have known not to do

     What was he thinking about at the time that he had done something that he should have known not to do.  Lon believed that each disciplinary situation should be used as a learning experience for the son being disciplined - to help him think responsibly and then try to avoid making the same mistake again. 

     The extent of Margaret's disciplinary actions with the two sons was to say: "I will tell your dad when he comes home."  That was it - nothing more.

     Margaret wanted Lon to be 100% responsible for all disciplinary actions with the sons, and she did not support him fairly and responsibly in his disciplinary actions with the younger son.

     Example:  If Lon had provided some disciplinary action with the younger son, Lon would sometimes observe Margaret and the younger son in the kitchen a short time later, and she was giving him some kind of treat (cookies and ice cream, piece of cake, etc.) - as if to say "your dad may have punished you, but I don't agree with that, and I love you, and I will take good care of you." 

     Those improper parenting actions clearly undermined Lon's disciplinary actions - that had been taken responsibly with the younger son. 

     Margaret was apparently oblivious to the very harmful emotional effects that her "rewarding actions" were having on the relationship between the younger son and his father. 

     Her improper "rewarding actions" made dad look like an unfair bad father to young Bob and those actions made Margaret (mother) look like the very good loving and supportive parent that he could always depend upon to understand his position in those situations.

     When Lon tried to discuss those disciplinary issues with Margaret the first time during the 14th year of their marriage, she explained that she wanted the two sons to love her, and she felt that if she got involved in any disciplinary actions, or supported Lon in his disciplinary actions, that might decrease the son's affection and love for her. 

     In her mind, It was alright for her to expect that Lon should be 100% responsible for all disciplinary actions with the two sons.  She was not concerned at all about how that might affect the sons' affection and love for their father. 

     Margaret apparently did not understand that her non-supportive parental actions could be very detrimental to a father and son relationship for young Bob. 

The Second Major Marriage Problem

     Lon had observed several times that Margaret was apparently very jealous of any affection that was shown by the sons for their dad.  She apparently believed that any affection that was shown by the sons for their father would likely diminish the affection that they would have for her.

     Example: Lon would frequently play with the two sons when he came home from work in the early evening.  After about ten minutes, Margaret would usually come into the living room and interrupt their playing together.

     She apparently could not tolerate, for more than ten to fifteen minutes, Lon and the two sons having a good time together.  She would interrupt their playful activities by saying sternly "you boys leave your dad alone, he's worked hard all day and he's tired.  He needs to rest!" 

     Those very jealous actions always abruptly ended their playful activities, and her very selfish actions also cast a strong negative feeling over their playful activities, as if the two sons had done something wrong by playing with their dad (at his invitation).

     Margaret did that several times, when Lon was playing with Mike and Bob after he got home from work in the late afternoon. 

     Lon tried to talk with Margaret privately about those playful action interruptions and their serious discipline conflicts on two different occasions (later during their 14th year of marriage)

     Margaret's verbal response to Lon was short, blunt, and definite.  Both times, several weeks apart, she responded to Lon's invitation to talk together privately by saying adamantly "we don't have any problems, and I don't want to talk about it!

     After that occurred the second time, Lon reluctantly accepted the clearly evident fact that Margaret did not care about him at all as a responsible loving father of the two sons. 

     It was clear to Lon that Margaret did not want the sons to have any noticeable love and affection for their father because she clearly wanted all of the love and affection from the sons for herself.

     Lon finally realized that to Margaret, he was simply the person who brought home the pay checks that enabled them to pay all of their bills and live comfortably. 

     She had a nice rented home, a very good family car, two smart and healthy sons that loved her, a very good piano, and a few thousand dollars in the bank, and she didn't need to have a job outside the home.  Their married life was apparently just fine - from her point of view.

     At that time, in their 14th year of marriage, Lon also realized that their marriage relationship was not likely to ever get any better. 

     He had waited patiently for years - hoping that Margaret would mature and become more balanced and fair-minded and reasonable with her feelings about expressions of affection by the sons for their father. 

     She had been very selfish about wanting the two sons to love her - but not wanting the sons to show any affection for their father.  Lon had hoped that in time Margaret would become more mature and more reasonable about those very important family relationships.

     Lon had gotten to the point of very serious disappointments, and he had a lot of marital frustrations due to Margaret's ongoing immature selfish parental actions.   It looked like she was not going to grow out of her very immature and selfish attitude toward Lon regarding any affection and love from the two sons.

     Before that 14th year of marriage, he had not considered divorce as a viable option to their marriage problems because he had a strong sense of responsibility toward the two sons. 

     Lon realized that both sons needed his fatherly love and affection, and the guidance that he could provide for each son.  However, Lon had gotten to the emotional point that he was now not willing to stay in their apparently hopeless marriage relationship any longer than was necessary. 

     It was clear that Margaret did not want the two sons to feel or express any love and affection for their father - because she clearly wanted all of the son's love and affection for herself.

     Lon thought that was an extremely unfair and unreasonable attitude for Margaret to have about the two sons, but it was clear that she really felt that way - after 14 years of what Lon had thought was a reasonably successful marriage except for the two serious problems explained above. 

     Lon had not considered divorce before because he was also concerned about the emotional effects that a divorce situation might have on the two sons. 

     He was also concerned about the effects on the two sons if he left the marriage relationship and could not help the sons further as a loving father with their daily growing up and maturing actions - particularly with their later teenage experiences. 

     However, Lon realized that the sons were likely old enough now that they could probably cope emotionally with a divorce situation reasonably well. 

     It was clear to Lon that Margaret's attitude about these children management issues was unacceptable, and it was now clear to Lon that their family situation was not likely to ever improve.

     Shortly thereafter, In the early spring of year 1970, Lon talked with a divorce attorney in Jacksonville and discussed divorce proceedings.

     Lon learned that he and Margaret would have to live separately for six months minimum before a divorce could be finalized on "marital incompatibility" grounds.

Topic 32

Lon Moves Out of the Family Home

     Lon promptly moved into a very large apartment complex that was about two miles away from the rental home that he left with Margaret and the two sons.  Lon selected an upstairs one bedroom furnished apartment because that was the least expensive furnished apartment available.

     Soon thereafter, Lon noticed that someone had apparently moved into the vacant apartment that was next door to his apartment.  He could hear a person, and sometimes a couple, walk past his apartment doorway to get to the upstairs apartment that was right next door.

    Two weeks later, at mid-morning on a Saturday, Lon went next door, and knocked on the apartment door with the intention of meeting the new neighbor(s). 

     A young lady opened the door, and Lon explained that he lived next door and wanted to be friendly and meet his new neighbor(s) - if this was a convenient time to do so.  She invited Lon in, and they talked casually for a while. 

     Lon learned that she was a school teacher, who was teaching eighth grade students.  He learned that Janie had grown up in the Chester, South Carolina area, and was a graduate of nearby Winthrop University, in Rock Hill, South Carolina.  

     Lon explained that he had grown up in North Carolina and worked as an electronics technician with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) at the nearby Jacksonville International Airport.  Lon explained that he had worked with the FAA for almost ten years. 

     That is a brief review of how Lon and Janie met for the first time in the spring of year 1970

      Lon's apartment was at the top of the metal stairway coming from the parking lot down below.  He would occasionally hear sounds of a person or a couple at the top of the stairway outside his apartment door.  Those sounds indicated that Janie occasionally had a male visitor.

      After Lon and Janie became better friends, in a later conversation, she explained that the man that visited her was a young middle school principal, and they dated once or twice each week.  He would walk her up the stairs to her apartment to ensure that she got into her apartment safely before he left for the evening. 

     As Lon became more friendly with neighbor Janie, he was impressed with her as a very special person, and he realized that he wanted to get to know her better. 

     Lon had an opportunity to explain to Janie that he was involved in a divorce process from his wife of 14 years, and they had two sons, ages 11 and 9 who were still living with their mother about two miles away. 

     Janie met the two sons when the weather was warm enough for Lon to bring Mike and Bob to the apartment complex on some weekend days so they could enjoy the large swimming pool. 

     In time, Lon and Janie began to date - going out to dinner occasionally - or having dinner at Lon's apartment where they both cooked the meal. 

     Lon learned that Janie had grown up on a small farm about nine miles from Chester, South Carolina.  Her father was a police officer in the Chester Police Department. 

     Lon explained that he had also grown up on a small farm in North Carolina.  They had those farming experiences in common, both living in a rural area while they were growing up.  Lon was 6 and 1/2 years older than Janie, and he was well established in his very secure career with the FAA.

     They continued to have dinner together, usually once each week, and they gradually learned that they had a lot in common. 

     They had similar moral standards, and similar work ethics, and similar religious beliefs - Janie had grown up as a Methodist and Lon had grown up as a Baptist. 

     Her dating relationship with Lon was looking pretty good.  She liked their easy-going friendship relationship better than her relationship with the young middle school principal.  She gradually ended her dating relationship with him.

     Janie had taught "junior high school" students for several years in nearby Fernandina Beach, Florida - her first job after being graduated from Winthrop University in year 1964

     She was recently divorced, after five years of marriage to the young man that she had married in Fernandina Beach.  

Janie's Health Problem

     Janie had consulted with a local medical doctor in Fernandina Beach about some female health issues, and she had learned that she had a serious health problem condition with her female reproductive organs called "endometriosis."  She learned that her female organs condition would likely make it difficult and dangerous for her to try to have children.  

     When Janie looked ahead and considered her potential future relationship with Lon Willoughby, the fact that he had two sons, at ages 11 and 9, who were healthy and smart, was a very positive factor for their possible marital relationship.  

    Janie realized that she would likely be able to have two "in-formally adopted sons" at some point in their potential marital relationship.  

    That situation could likely enable Janie to have a motherly type of relationship with two healthy and smart "in-formally adopted sons."  Consequently, that seemed like a very good potential marital relationship situation. 

    Janie could see the potential for developing a very important motherly family relationship with those two boys at some point in the future.  

     Stay with Lon in this helpful autobiographical health-related report for additional natural healthcare concepts information and to see how that situation worked out for Janie and the two sons.


Topic 33

Major Turning Point

in Lon's Health

      A very fortunate situation occurred for Lon in the summer of year 1970, while he was working as an electronics technician at the FAA Sector Field Office located at the Jacksonville International Airport.  This situation occurred after Lon had moved into his apartment.

     Lon ate his brown bag lunch with an FAA electronics technician supervisor that worked in the same FAA technical department that Lon worked in, but he was not Lon's supervisor.  That was the first time they had ever eaten lunch together, and it was a providential situation.  

    Having casually observed Lon's lunch items, the supervisor asked if certain specific food items caused Lon any problems.  That started a conversation about certain food items that Lon routinely consumed as part of his usual daily diet

    The supervisor explained that certain identified foods in Lon's lunch cause some people health problems, such as nasal congestion and sinus congestion

     Lon routinely consumed some of those specific food items - usually daily.  The "suspect food items" were common foods that are a part of many American diets (perhaps most American diets). 

     After Lon carefully thought about that important conversation, he decided to avoid those foods for a few days and see if any changes occurred with his usual nasal and sinus congestion problems. 

     That very fortunate lunch situation occurred about seven years after Lon had gone through his useless nasal surgery (in the summer of year 1963), in Charleston, South Carolina, in a responsible effort to try to improve his very serious chronic nasal and sinus congestion health problems.    

     When Lon modified his diet in the summer of 1970, deleting the suspect foods from his diet temporarily, both of those congestion problems did improve noticeably within a few days.

     His nasal and sinus congestion problems gradually disappeared during a two weeks period, and Lon was pleasantly surprised with that  remarkable health improvement situation

     That was the first time that Lon could recall being totally free of nasal and sinus congestion problems in many years.  His nasal drip nuisance problem also went away.

     Those suspect food items were some of Lon's favorite foods, and he consumed them almost every day.  He clearly did not want to give them up totally.

     He decided to experiment with that situation by consuming the "suspect foods" in his diet for three days, and then alternately avoiding those foods totally for a week or more.   

     Like clock work, the nasal and sinus congestion problem symptoms would come and go with each change in his diet.  Lon's multiple experiments like that proved conclusively that the "suspect foods" were causing Lon's nasal and sinus congestion problems - there was no doubt about that.

     Consequently, in mid-year 1970, Lon eliminated those specific foods from his diet and his nasal and sinus congestion problems gradually disappeared. 

     Within a few weeks, Lon realized that those congestion problems had apparently disappeared permanently!!!  (Nasal congestion, sinus congestion, nasal drip, nuisance headaches, and the occasional very painful migraine headaches - they were all gone.)

     It was like a remarkable miracle had happened in his life.  His daily life was so much better than before he learned how to avoid those frustrating, irritating, and debilitating nasal/sinus mucus problems.

     That is how Lon Willoughby learned that some diet considerations can be much more important than he had ever considered before. 

     He also realized that there may be other natural healthcare issues that might be very important so he decided that he wanted to try to learn more about helpful healthcare issues whenever his very busy life presented additional opportunities for this type of natural healthcare education.  

     That remarkable healthcare learning experience eventually helped Lon change his life's work objectives dramatically over a period of many years.  Consequently, that vital natural healthcare improvement learning experience is a very important factor in  the progression of this autobiographical report.

     When Lon learned about that very important natural healthcare food consumption concept about his nasal and sinus congestion, he was still married, and his two sons were at ages 11 and 9. 

     He was 34 years old when that very important natural healthcare food concepts education enabled him to improve his daily health in remarkable ways   

     Starting in August 1970, Lon Willoughby was motivated to begin a challenging educational adventure to learn more about natural healthcare concepts.  However, he did not know how to begin that educational process, and his life was already very busy at that time. 

     As reported herein later, ten long years passed before Lon had a good opportunity to seriously pursue that very important natural healthcare concepts educational process

     That very important healthcare education process started in July 1980 when Lon began a series of nutrition consultations with a nutrition consultant in Mauldin, South Carolina (the town where Lon and Janie Willoughby purchased a home in November 1977).  Mauldin was about eight miles from the downtown area of Greenville. 

     That natural healthcare education process turned out to be so important for Lon and Janie that he continued his education about natural healthcare and wellness concepts for the next 40 years.  He was so interested in that natural healthcare education that it gradually became a challenging and exciting life-long healthcare educational pursuit. 

     That very complex educational process also enabled Lon Willoughby to gradually learn how to provide very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services for many American adult citizens and now selected "qualified visitors" in the upstate area

     The fact that Lon had been an instructor in the U.S. Air Force for 18 months was very important because he had learned how to teach other people about various subjects. 

     His instructor experiences also helped him see clearly the great healthcare value that could be provided for American adult citizens with very good natural healthcare and wellness concepts education.

     This introductory Advanced Natural Health Concepts educational website, with its innovative "free to review" healthcare education services, demonstrates that Lon Willoughby learned how to capably help educate "qualified visitors" about very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts.  

     These vital education services may be of great benefit to you.

Medical Doctor Debacle

    Lon remembered how the Eye, Nose, and Throat Specialist (medical doctor) in Charleston, SC had foolishly and irresponsibly performed surgery on his nasal system in 1963, when the cause of Lon's nasal congestion problems was some very common food items that he was consuming almost daily. 

    That medical doctor had not asked Lon any questions about his diet, and Lon had no idea that his routine daily diet might be involved in his nasal and sinus congestion problems.  That is how ignorant Lon was about important nutrition concepts in June of year 1963.

     By August of year 1970, Lon had acquired enough natural healthcare education to understand that it was extreme medical malpractice for the Eye, Nose, and Throat medical doctor to perform that surgery for the chronic nasal and sinus congestion problem symptoms that Lon had reported to the doctor. 

     That specialized medical doctor should have known about foods that can cause nasal and sinus congestion problems.  If a medical doctor with his eye, nose, and throat specialties education and training does not understand which food products can cause mucus, and serious nasal congestion and sinus congestion problems, who does know about that?

     If the specialized medical doctor had not learned about those mucus causing foods, he certainly should have recognized that Lon's very serious daily health problem symptoms were likely diet related.

     The doctor should have asked Lon some questions about his usual diet.  He should have also referred Lon to a nutrition consultant (who might have understood those special food technicalities).  However, the medical doctor did not do any of those practical, responsible, and sensible things.  He went after the money - surgery!!!

     Lon's health symptoms after the nasal surgery proved that the medical doctor was grossly incompetent to diagnose and evaluate Lon's nasal and sinus congestion problems.  However, the medical doctor had not acknowledged that lack of knowledge in any way. 

     He improperly performed an unnecessary nasal surgery that cost thousands of dollars for the surgery and the five days that Lon spent in the hospital in Charleston, South Carolina during the summer of 1963

    That unnecessary and useless surgery had interrupted Lon's very important work with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for about a week at the Air Force RADAR facility in North Charleston, SC.   Lon  was a key FAA employee at that military RADAR facility, and his total recovery time from that surgery was several weeks. 

     The surgery was a total waste of money and time (and Lon's health risks).  The medical doctor had not responsibly acknowledged that he did not know what was causing Lon to have nasal congestion, sinus congestion, nasal drip, phlegm in his throat, and nuance headaches, and also very painful migraine headaches (when his nasal and sinus congestion was severe).

     With all of his medical education and training and experience, the medical doctor should have realized that Lon's nasal congestion problems were probably caused by his body's reaction to certain mucus causing foods in his regular diet.  

     If the doctor knew which foods were likely causing Lon's mucus and congestion problems, he should have talked with Lon about those foods, but he did not talk with Lon about diet at all. 

     If the medical doctor truly did not understand which mucus causing foods were likely causing Lon's nasal and sinus congestion, he should have recommended that Lon consult a nutrition consultant (a dietitian or a nutritionist) about those serious nasal and sinus congestion problems. 

     The medical doctor surely knew that the surgery that he recommended and then performed in the summer of 1963 would not correct Lon's very serious nasal and sinus congestion problems. 

     After the summer of year 1970 (in Jacksonville, Florida), Lon finally understood that the surgery in year 1963 could not have corrected his serious nasal and sinus congestion problems because those mucus problems were caused by some mucus causing food products that Lon consumed almost daily. 

     Unfortunately, Lon did not know hardly anything about nutrition back in year 1963, and he did not understand that some food products can cause serious nasal and sinus congestion problems for some people.     

     The nasal surgery that the medical doctor performed on Lon was a classic case of medical malpractice where the doctor was deceitful, dishonest, and incompetent to an extreme degree.

     The medical doctor did all of that so he could claim a surgery fee for a surgery that he surely knew could not correct Lon Willoughby's very serious nasal and sinus congestion problems. 

     The medical doctor obviously had no competent professional concern for his patient's very serious chronic nasal congestion health condition.  After that surgery, Lon continued to suffer frequently (almost every day and night) with those nasal and sinus congestion problems. 

     Those very serious congestion problems continued, day and night, for another seven years, until the summer of 1970 as explained above.

      Due to Lon's very important natural healthcare concept education experience in year 1970, he was motivated to want to learn more about natural healthcare concepts.  However, his life was very busy, and he did not know how to begin such a natural healthcare concepts study in a convenient and reasonable cost-effective manner.  

     You will learn herein that many years of work with the FAA occurred before Lon had an opportunity to obtain some very helpful natural healthcare education.

Topic 34

The FAA Academy

     By June 1970, ten years after Lon began working with the FAA in Raleigh, North Carolina, he had completed several complex electronic systems training courses at the FAA Academy in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.  

     The FAA Academy is a very large school that educates and trains people from the entire USA and also some foreign countries - in many technical subjects that are involved with the aviation industry. 

     The school also provided special education and training for FAA airplane pilots (special planes that are used to check and evaluate the operation of some FAA navigational facilities - Instrument Landing Systems, VOR and TACAN systems, etc.). 

     One of the electronic courses that Lon attended at the FAA Academy had four students from Nigeria (in Africa).  They were obviously intelligent students who could speak and understand English well.  

     Lon made friends with them, and he used his automobile to take them into downtown Oklahoma City on a Saturday for a sightseeing trip (they were out of class for the weekend).  They enjoyed that sightseeing trip around Oklahoma City a lot.

Review of Lon's

First Ten Years With the FAA

     During the previous ten years of work with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Lon had also completed several electronic equipment training sessions locally at various work locations.

     By June 1970, Lon had acquired more than nine years of FAA work experience on several types of complex electronic systems that were used by the FAA for air traffic control in the FAA's Southern Region of America (all commercial air traffic, civilian non-commercial air traffic, and also military air traffic).  

    Lon had been very successful with the FAA by December 1970.  He had progressed from a GS-7 (pay grade) electronics technician to a GS-12 (pay grade) electronics technician (the highest pay grade available for FAA electronics technicians). To progress into higher GS pay grades, an electronics technician would need to become a manager of some FAA technical operations.

    Lon's career with the FAA had moved forward very well, and he was happy with his interesting and challenging technical work assignments at various FAA locations.

     At that point in time, Lon had worked with the FAA in Raleigh, NC; Charleston, SC; Montgomery, AL; Northport, AL (Tuscaloosa area); the Air Route Traffic Control Center in Hilliard, FL (35 miles north of downtown Jacksonville); and then his requested transfer to the FAA Sector Field Office located at the large Jacksonville International Airport (on the north side of the city of Jacksonville, Florida - about eight miles from where Lon and his family lived at that time).


Topic 35

Lon's Marital Divorce is Finalized

      Lon's divorce was finalized in the fall of 1970.  The two sons continued living with their mother in the rental home that they had lived in for several years.  The two sons continued going to the very good grammar school that was near the home subdivision where they lived (they could walk to and from school each day - during good weather).

     Things had progressed well for Lon and Janie as the months went by, and they had learned that they were very compatible.  They got along very well with each other. 

     Lon and Janie gradually realized that they seemed to be ideally suited for each other.  They were both very glad that a miraculous good fortune had enabled them to find each other easily in the big city of Jacksonville, Florida (distance of about ten miles across the city).

     They chose to get married in late December 1970, and they had a beautiful wedding at a small Methodist church that was close to their apartment complex location. 

     They both credit the apartment complex manager (Mr. Cowart) for playing cupid by moving Janie into the vacant apartment that was next door to Lon's upstairs apartment. 

     The apartment complex was large, with more than 200 apartments, and Mr. Cowart probably had several vacant furnished apartments that he could have chosen for Janie to move into.

     Mr. Cowart was selective as to whom he rented an apartment.  He responsibly learned about each person's background and employment before he rented an apartment to an applicant

     Consequently, he knew that Lon was in the process of a divorce when he moved into the apartment complex, and he knew that Janie was recently divorced. 

     Mr. Cowart apparently had a hunch that Lon and Janie might get along well with each other so he put Janie in a one bedroom furnished apartment that was right beside Lon's one bedroom furnished apartment.

     They lived in Lon's furnished apartment after they were married in December 1970.  Lon continued working with the FAA at the nearby Jacksonville Airport, and Janie continued teaching eighth grade students in a Florida public school.  

Topic 36

A New FAA Opportunity For Lon

     A few months later, in the spring of 1971, Lon had an opportunity to bid on (apply for) a vacant FAA electronics technician position at the FAA's Sector Field Office located in Panama City, Florida. 

     That FAA office was about 300 miles west of Jacksonville in the panhandle area of Florida, and it was a very good location to work with the FAA. 

     It was a beautiful seaside resort area that was a very popular tourist attraction throughout the long summer season.  Consequently, there were lots of interesting things to see and do at that location, including remarkable boating, fishing, and snorkeling swimming opportunities.

     Lon and Janie agreed to transfer to Panama City, Florida if he could get selected to fill the electronics technician vacancy at that location.

     That was a typical FAA competitive selection process where all of the FAA applicants' education and training resumes - from multiple FAA electronics technicians who had bid on (applied for) that technician vacancy - would be reviewed by the FAA Sector Field Office Chief at that location. 

     He would select the one technician that he felt was best qualified and most suitable for filling that vacant position out of the multiple FAA technicians who had bid on that one vacant technician position.

     Lon voluntarily bid on that FAA Sector Field Office electronics technician vacancy (that had occurred due to an older technician's retirement). 

     Fortunately, Lon was selected competitively by the FAA station chief to fill that vacancy, and Lon promptly moved to Panama City in late spring of year 1971.    

    Lon's wife, Janie, was under contract to continue teaching eighth grade students (in a Florida public school) until the summer school break. 

     Janie moved to Panama City when Florida public schools were closed for the summer month's break in June 1971

     She fortunately got a job teaching school in Panama City for the fall semester of year 1971.  Janie worked at an Adult Education Center where the students were a mixture of high school age students and adults who were striving to finish their high school education (after having dropped out of high school for various reasons).   

     Janie taught school there throughout the remaining six years that Lon worked with the FAA at the Sector Field Office located at the Panama City Airport.   

Lon Bought a Boat

     Lon bought a used, but just like new, 16 feet long outboard powered boat from one of the air traffic controllers that he worked with at the Panama City Air Traffic Control Tower. 

     He and Janie enjoyed many good times boating, fishing, and snorkeling in the beautiful salt water bays in several nearby areas. 

     Sharks were never a problem when they were snorkeling, and they got to see a lot of interesting salt water creatures including a mother sting ray with several very small sting ray babies.  They also saw large beautiful porpoises, a few barracuda fish, and many other kinds of interesting fish. 

     Lon and Janie also captured many scallops while they were snorkeling in the saltwater bays.  The scallops were cooked to make very good seafood dishes.

Margaret and The Two Sons

      Lon's former wife, Margaret, moved back to her hometown (Tabor City, North Carolina) with the two sons (Michael and Robert), and she was teaching music in the local public school system. 

     Lon and Janie traveled to Tabor City and helped Margaret purchase a "for sale" 3 bedroom home in Tabor City - so she would not have to continue paying rent for many more years.

     In the summer of 1975, after Michael had completed the 10th grade in Tabor City, NC, he accepted Lon's offer to come live with dad and Janie in the Panama City area of Florida. 

Michael Moves to Florida

     Lon and Janie drove their car to Tabor City, NC and moved Michael back to their home in the Panama City area.  Michael then completed the 11th and 12th grades at the nearby modern Mosley High School (a very good high school). 

     Michael was a very good student and maintained a straight A grade on all subjects.  He enjoyed being on the high school tennis team, and he also played on the baseball team. 

     Michael enjoyed the boating and snorkeling excursions that he had with dad and Janie during the summer of years 1975, 1976, and 1977.  

     Son Robert (Bob) did not want to come live with dad and Janie in Florida because Bob had become very resentful toward his father - apparently due to Margaret's previous improper non-supportive parental actions during several disciplinary situations with Lon (dad) - as described previously.

     The job transfers to Panama City worked out well for Lon and Janie, and they really enjoyed the six years that they lived in that beautiful Gulf of Mexico seaside resort area. 

     Due to Janie's teaching abilities and skills with many students, she was very helpful and supportive to Michael during the time that he lived with dad and Janie in Florida.  Janie treated Michael as her own son, and he benefited a lot from her very good motherly loving care.

     In year 1977, Lon had an opportunity to bid on a desired FAA vacant position in South Carolina, and he will report that situation later.


Topic 37

Reviewing Lon's Health 

Problem Experiences

      Many years after year 1971 (when Lon transferred to Panama City, Florida), he finally realized that he should have tried to consult with a nutrition consultant (a dietitian or a nutritionist) about his very serious nasal and sinus congestion problems prior to his nasal surgery in Charleston, South Carolina in the summer of year 1963

     That very important realization did not fully occur to Lon until early 1980.  That was 17 years after the summer of year 1963 - when he had consulted with the Eye, Nose, and Throat Specialist medical doctor in Charleston, South Carolina.

     Unfortunately, Lon did not know anything about a nutrition consultant in 1963.  He had not learned about that kind of special healthcare practitioner, and a nutrition consultant may not have been available in the Charleston area when Lon transferred to that area with the FAA in year 1961.

     Even if Lon had been able to consult with a nutrition consultant in year 1961, or later, like the medical doctor that Lon consulted in Charleston, they may not have known about the specific food products that can cause serious nasal and sinus congestion conditions for many people

     Do you know what those food items are?  If you do, very good!  You are way ahead of where Lon Willoughby was at prior to his teenage years to year 1963 and then on to year 1970 regarding those very serious nasal and sinus congestion conditions

Brown Bag Lunch Meeting

     Lon was very grateful in mid-year 1970 that he had very fortunately eaten his brown bag lunch with that FAA electronics technician supervisor.  He had been very helpful to Lon by identifying food in Lon's lunch that can cause serious nasal and sinus congestion problems for some people.

     Pause and think about that situation for a few moments.  Lon had suffered a terrible amount with those frustrating and very irritating nasal and sinus congestion conditions for 25+ years (since before his teenage years began). 

     His parents did not understand what caused those nasal congestion problems so they could not help Lon Jr. understand what to do about his serious nasal and sinus congestion problems

     The family did not have any medical insurance so Lon continued to suffer with those serious nasal and sinus congestion problems for years without any medical care for those very frustrating health conditions

     Many years later, in year 1963, the Eye, Nose, and Throat Specialist (medical doctor) apparently did not understand that certain food products can cause those nasal and sinus congestion problems. 

     However, seven years later in year 1970, the FAA electronics technician, who was smart enough to become a supervisor of other FAA electronics technicians, was knowledgeable about those very important nasal and sinus congestion issues

    Selected "qualified visitors" can see from this situation that one does not need to be a medical doctor (or a nutrition consultant) to understand these very important special food concepts about mucus causing foods

     It is important to understand that this situation was a matter of special food concepts knowledge that most American adults, and teenagers, and many younger children can easily understand when these very important mucus causing food concepts are explained to them by someone who is knowledgeable about these mucus conditions.

      Lon had suffered a lot for many years, days and nights, usually seven days per week, with those serious nasal and sinus congestion problems that had become a routine part of his life. 

     He was generally a healthy person, and he was very happy that he had finally learned how to avoid those very frustrating and irritating serious nasal and sinus congestion problems (by simply eliminating certain mucus causing food products from his routine diet). 

     Lon was very disappointed that the medical doctor specialist that he had consulted in the summer of year 1963 had not told him about mucus causing foods that can cause serious nasal and sinus congestion problems for many people in the United States of America.

     Over many years of continued self-education, Lon learned that many American adults, teenagers, and younger children suffer with somewhat similar nasal and sinus congestion problems

     These health problems apparently affect about 50% of the population in America, and these congestion problems also affect about 50% of the people living in many other countries.

     Unfortunately, like Lon Willoughby for 25+ years, those many millions of people likely do not understand what is causing those very frustrating and irritating nasal and sinus congestion problems

     Because of that specialist medical doctor's very deficient mucus-causing food knowledge, the medical doctor did not help Lon Willoughby learn about mucus causing food concepts

     Lon continued suffering with those very serious chronic nasal and sinus congestion problems during the next seven years (thousands of days and nights, from mid-year 1963 to mid-year 1970).

     NOTE:  Lon will not identify the specific foods that can cause those congestion problems because our company might get sued by the national USA representative of the large industry of people who are responsible for putting those mucus causing foods into the America marketplace

     It is very important to understand that about 50% of Americans do not normally have nasal and sinus congestion problems by consuming those mucous causing foods. 

     This specific health problem is apparently a genetics "gene based" situation that is applicable to some people, but not applicable to other people.  This variable health situation occurs with a lot of people in many countries.

     Example:  Lon's wife Janie does not have nasal and sinus congestion problems with the mucous causing food products that can cause Lon so much discomfort, frustration, and irritation with serious chronic nasal and sinus congestion problems

     Like many Americans, Janie is fond of those specific food products, and she consumes some of them frequently. 

     Those food products do not normally cause Janie nasal and sinus congestion problems.  When she rarely has some allergy or virus cold type congestion, those food items are then avoided temporarily because they will likely make those nasal congestion problems worse.

     50+ years after the summer of year 1970, Lon still avoids consuming any of those mucus causing food items as a routine matter.  If he eats any food product that contains a small amount of those specific mucus causing food items, he quickly has nasal congestion that is quite noticeable and frustrating, and it usually takes several days for him to get back to normal.

     It is important to understand that some of those mucus causing food products can be included in store-bought food products in small amounts and may not be listed prominently on the food label. 

     Lon is so sensitive to those mucus causing food products that even a small amount can quickly cause frustrating and irritating nasal and sinus congestion problems for him for several days.

Common Health Problems

     It is very important for American adults to learn about these nasal and sinus congestion type health problems because they affect many millions of Americans in serious ways (adults, teenagers, and younger children - approximate 50% of American residents - 150+ million people). 

     It is also very important for parents to learn about these very common congestion problems so they can educate their children and help them become aware of these nasal and sinus congestion problems that affect many people.

     Lon has learned that millions of American teenagers and younger children likely have nasal and sinus congestion problems, similar to the frustrating and irritating, and often debilitating nasal and sinus congestion problems that he suffered with for more than 25 years - before he learned that those health problems were caused by some mucus causing food products that he was usually consuming in his daily diet.

     It is very important for parents to learn about Lon's chronic nasal and sinus congestion health problems.  They can then educate their children about these common health problems and help them understand how to easily avoid these serious mucus caused congestion health problems that affect about 50% of people in America.

     Parents need to talk with their children about these very common nasal congestion problems.  In many situations, the parents are not aware of the serious nature of their children's congestion problems because the children may not talk with their parents about such healthcare problems. 

     Teenagers and younger children usually do not understand that their parents might know how to help them cope effectively with nasal and sinus congestion problems. 

     Parents can teach their children that nasal and sinus congestion problems are usually caused by consuming a few mucus causing food products. 

     If teenagers and younger children frequently have nasal and sinus congestion problems, they can likely avoid those congestion problems by simply avoiding consuming the few mucus causing foods that usually cause those frustrating and irritating nasal congestion problems.

     Using the amazing Internet capabilities for research, one can easily search for mucus causing food products that can cause nasal and sinus congestion conditions. 

     It is very important to understand that those same food products can also cause serious bowel problems for some adults, teenagers, and younger children.  (Constipation problems for some people or loose bowel problems for other people.)

     Hopefully, the education presented herein can help many "qualified visitors" realize that a few mucus causing food products can cause very serious nasal and sinus congestion problems for millions of Americans. 

     It is also very important to understand that some of those mucus causing foods may also cause dangerous bowel problems for millions of Americans (men, women, teenagers, and younger children).

     The Internet is an amazing source of information about many health conditions, and Lon has shown herein that nasal congestion and sinus congestion can be "gene based" health problems that can adversely affect millions of Americans of various ages. 

     Those healthcare problems can vary in complexity, difficulty, and seriousness from one person to the next person

      It is very important for each adult to learn which food products they need to avoid if they have some food sensitivities, or which food products their children need to avoid if they have some food sensitivities.

     It is also very important to understand that some "qualified visitors" should consult a nutrition consultant (a dietitian or nutritionist) to learn which foods may be causing their nasal and sinus congestion problemsThose harmful foods may also be causing frustrating, irritating, and serious bowel problems for many people

     Remember that colon cancer is one of the major cancer killers in America, so correcting food-related bowel problems early can be a life-saving action

     People can easily avoid consuming the few mucus causing food products that may be causing serious bowel problems - for millions of Americans (adults, teenagers, and also younger children). 

     Some people get constipated easily by consuming certain mucus causing food products, but other people may have loose bowel problems when consuming those same food items. 

     Those health problem conditions appear to be "gene related reactions" to certain mucus causing food products.  Those mucus causing problems can vary a lot from person to person, even within the same family - due to genetic differences.

     It is also important to understand that about 50% of Americans are usually not bothered significantly by consuming those same mucus causing food products.

Expensive Litigation Potential

     You may not understand the potential litigation dangers that can be involved here for our small company if we educate large numbers of people about the specific "unnamed" food items referenced above. 

     If you want to learn more about this risky situation, use the Internet to research the lawsuit where Oprah Winfrey was sued for 11 million dollars by beef industry plaintiffs (the Amarillo Texas Beef Trial) for some comments that were made about beef cattle in the USA during some of her TV programs back in year 1996.

     You can conduct a word search on the Internet for "the Amarillo Texas Beef Trial" if you want to review this interesting situation.  It is easy to find this very important litigation information.

     ABC of Health has to be careful what we say on this website that might affect other people or some food product companies in a negative economic way.  That is why Lon and Janie try to choose their words carefully and avoid those dangerous litigation situations.

Topic 38

Lon's Second Health Problem

     Before Lon learned about those very important mucus causing food considerations in the summer of year 1970, he had developed another very confusing and frustrating health problem that began in year 1964, when he was 28 years old.  Lon did not understand for many years that his second health problem was also a food-consumption problem.

     Lon consulted a series of medical doctors over a period of ten years about that very confusing and frustrating health problem.  He will provide more detailed information about that health problem later in this department.  For simplification, selected "qualified visitors" can learn about the summarized information that is presented below.

     Eventually, after many years of trying to get help from several medical doctors, Lon finally realized that medical doctors in general did not understand how to help him with his confusing diet-related health problem.

     Remember that during those early years, Lon had not yet learned about the great importance of consulting with a nutrition consultant (a dietitian or a nutritionist) about some healthcare issues

     Lon had not had any personal experience consulting with a nutrition consultant, and that type of special healthcare practitioner was likely not available in the small town where he lived in Florida from the spring of 1971 to September 1977

     That was when Lon was working with the FAA at the Sector Field Office located at the Panama City Airport. (Panama City, Florida - on the beautiful Gulf of Mexico coastal area.)

    In year 1972, Lon luckily learned that his health problem might be a health condition named hypoglycemia, but he had no practical way of learning more information about that health problem until 1975 - when he luckily discovered and purchased a paperback health book about hypoglycemia named "Low Blood Sugar and You."

    That book was very helpful to Lon in several very important respects It provided vital educational information about hypoglycemiaThe book also explained a medical profession laboratory type test that can help identify people that have a problem with hypoglycemia. (A five hours glucose tolerance test procedure.)

    Lon will explain that test situation later in the Home Extension Department of this website (to maintain better continuity in this health report and to also reduce the size of this Home Department)

    It is very important for "qualified visitors" to review that special testing information because it will help them understand how the human body routinely tries to normalize the glucose level in the blood system when the blood glucose level goes too high. (A common condition for millions of Americans - especially for diabetics.)

     This is a very common situation that affects many American adults, teenagers, and also younger children on a recurring basis.  Those people likely do not understand what is happening to them when those glucose-related health conditions occur. 

     This special report by Lon Willoughby about a glucose testing procedure can be of great benefit to selected "qualified visitors" (selected natural-born American adult citizens that live within a selected ZIP Code area of upstate South Carolina).

    Lon will provide a convenient transfer link later (at the appropriate time) that will transfer selected "qualified visitors" to our Home Extension Department (at this website) for that special Glucose Testing Report

     That additional educational department will also provide exceptionally important "free to review" natural healthcare and wellness concepts education for selected "qualified visitors."   

More Information about

Health Problem # 2 for Lon

    This is additional information about the second health problem that Lon Willoughby began to notice occasionally in year 1964 (at age 28). 

     He would sometimes have a problem with getting very sleepy after some evening dinner (supper) meals. The time of getting very sleepy varied but it frequently occurred about one hour to two and 1/2 hours after the evening meal. 

     However, Lon also had sleepy times occur about 30 minutes after an evening meal, or after he had a morning coffee break with a cup of coffee with two packets of sugar - and sometimes he also ate a sweet doughnut during the coffee break.

     As the years went by, those problems occurred more often, and they also became more difficult to cope with because the physical effects and the emotional and mental effects became more serious.  

     In June 1971, when Lon was working with the FAA in Panama City, Florida, he had no idea what was causing his intense "sleepy-time episodes" that would occasionally disable him totally for an hour or more after some of his evening meals - or infrequently after one of his coffee breaks.  (Fortunately, Lon rarely took a coffee break.)

     During those episodes, he would get so sleepy that he could not function at all.  It was like he had been drugged with a very strong sedative. 

     Lon would have to lay down and sleep through those episodes (for an hour or more).  As explained below, those situations became much more serious than simply getting intensely sleepy. 

     His mental abilities were also affected in very serious ways.  He temporarily had very groggy and muddled thinking, very poor memory and recall ability, and he had serious irritation and frustration, and a lack of empathy or patience with other people, etc. 

     It was like he had changed into a different personality.  Lon had no understanding of why those situations were happening - sometimes after he ate his evening meal - but not always happening after every evening meal. 

     It was very confusing to him, and he never knew when those debilitating situations would happen after an evening meal.

     Those problems would clear-up about an hour or more after one of those episodes.  Lon did not understand what was happening to him then, but he now understands that his blood glucose level had gone down too low (well below his usual fasting level of glucose).  

     Those recurring situations affected the way his brain functioned (because the brain is fueled by glucose in the blood circulating within the brain tissues).  His low glucose episodes (low blood sugar) caused his emotional condition to change in serious undesirable ways.  For many years, Lon had no understanding at all about those episodes of brain function changes.  He was confused and frustrated about those temporary conditions.

     Lon eventually learned (many years later) that when his blood glucose level came back up to near the normal "fasting level" (an hour or so after a sleepy-time episode), those mental and emotional problems would clear up, and he would quickly return to his normal emotional personality -with normal brain functions.    

     Those sleepy-time episodes (low blood sugar episodes) gradually got progressively worse and became much more serious for Lon's mental performance.

     Those recurring confusing and frustrating mental health conditions began to interfere with Lon's work with the Federal Aviation Administration

     Infrequently, he would also get very sleepy after his lunch meal, and those situations affected his mental abilities seriously for an hour or so.  He would have very groggy thinking ability with poor memory and very poor recall ability, and he needed to lay down and sleep for an hour or so. 

     Lon was confused and very frustrated because he had no idea what was causing those undesirable brain function change situations to occur. 

     Those infrequent lunch situations caused him to be even more concerned about trying to resolve those confusing and frustrating emotional situations because they began to interfere with his work-day responsibilities.

     Lon had no understanding at all about why those episodes were occurring, or when they might occur, and he had no understanding of what healthcare actions he could take to improve or minimize those very frustrating mental situations.

     Lon had always been basically healthy, and he had taken his natural health for granted (except for his nasal and sinus congestion problems for 25+ years - until the summer of year 1970, when he finally learned how to avoid those serious nasal and sinus congestion problems). 

     He knew so little about natural healthcare issues that he had no understanding of what he could do about his very frustrating "unnamed" sleepy-time health condition.  

    NOTE:  Later in this presentation, you will learn that millions of Americans have similar health problems to those experienced by Lon Willoughby.  And like Lon, those people usually have no idea of what is happening to them, and they cannot get any help from their local doctor.

     In the summer of 1972, Lon's wife, Janie, bought him a "health book" titled "Let's Get Well" - written by a prominent American nutritionist named Adelle Davis.

     Janie was a Florida public schoolteacher who was at home during the summer months school break, and she had very fortunately learned about the book titled "Let's Get Well" by watching the Dinah Shore TV program on the special day that featured Ms. Adelle Davis as the guest speaker.

    Janie heard Ms. Davis talk about a mysterious health condition called hypoglycemia, and Ms. Davis described some of the common symptoms for that health condition. 

     Janie quickly realized that those symptoms were very similar to the health problem symptoms that Lon had been experiencing occasionally. 

     Ms. Davis explained that her book "Let's Get Well" contained some information about the mysterious hypoglycemia health condition.

     It was like a miracle occurrence for Lon that Janie had made the decision to watch that particular TV program on that specific day. 

     For about seven years, Lon had not had a name for his very confusing and very frustrating health condition that had started in year 1964.

     Without a name for his health condition, he did  not know how to conduct any research about his mysterious emotional brain functions health problem. 

     Remember that this was in the summer of year 1972, and Internet services did not begin to be available until 17 years later in year 1989.  Consequently, Lon could not use the Internet for educational research until many years later than year 1972.

       Lon's intense sleepy time situations had started occurring in the 1960's, and they got progressively worse in the 1970's

     He had consulted with a series of medical doctors about that very confusing and very frustrating health condition, but those medical doctors offered him no help of any kind about what his health problem symptoms indicated. 

     Lon did not know what else he could do to learn more about his very frustrating mental health condition.  

      After watching that Dinah Shore T.V. program, Janie went to a local bookstore later that day and was able to purchase the book titled "Let's Get Well" (an inexpensive paperback book). 

     Janie gave the book to Lon as a "present" when he came home that evening from work with the FAA.  Janie explained what she had learned from Ms. Adelle Davis about hypoglycemia by watching that T.V. program. 

     As explained below, that special book "present" turned out to be incredibly important to Lon in his frustrating efforts to learn more information about his recurring temporary mental health problem.

     In the summer of year 1972, Lon knew almost nothing about nutrition or about a  "nutritionist."  That special health book enabled him to read some very interesting information about natural health concepts and nutrition supplement concepts (that were all new concepts for him).

     He was very interested in what he learned about some important relevant health issues and nutrition issues from that inexpensive paperback book. 

     Reviewing that natural healthcare education book was Lon's first encounter or experience with a professional "nutritionist" about a healthcare issue.

     The book contained only a small amount of information about hypoglycemia, but that small amount of relevant health information was very important to Lon at that point in his reoccurring mental health problem confusion. 

     That book enabled Lon to learn a little information about hypoglycemia - a mysterious confusing and very frustrating health problem that might be the health problem that he had been trying to cope with for about seven years (since year 1964).

     Lon's mental health problem symptoms were similar to the hypoglycemia symptoms described in the book.

     Did Lon really have hypoglycemiaHe did not know for sure, and he did not know how to determine whether or not he had that health problem. 

     Was there a test for that condition?  He did not know because the book did not explain anything about testing for that health problem. 

     Lon still didn't know much about his mysterious mental health condition, but that very special health book was the first information that he had obtained that might help him understand something about the very confusing and very frustrating situations that had been happening more frequently in his body -  during the past seven years (since it first became noticeable in year 1964). 

     Lon did not learn any more helpful information about hypoglycemia until about three years later in year 1975, when he luckily discovered a very important book about hypoglycemia titled "Low Blood Sugar and You." (Authors:  Dr. Carlton Frederick, Ph.D. Nutritionist and Herman Goodman, M.D.)  

     That book provided very important information about hypoglycemiaIt also enabled Lon to learn about a medical test that could be used to help evaluate whether or not one had a hypoglycemia problem.

     It is very important to understand that Lon would not have found the second book if he had not learned about the name hypoglycemia in the first book (that Janie had given him as a "present" three years earlier in the summer of year 1972). 

     Lon promptly consulted with a local physician (Osteopathic MD) to try to schedule that special medical test at a local diagnostic clinic in Panama City, Florida.  Lon explained that he had learned about the five-hour glucose tolerance test in the book that he had with him at the doctor's office.  

     The medical doctor did not want to look at the book, and he did not want to schedule that special test for Lon Willoughby.  The doctor was instantly confident that Lon did not have hypoglycemia. 

       Lon had not anticipated that kind of response from the medical doctor about that situation, but Lon realized that the doctor had no reasonable basis for his "firm hip-shooting opinion" about that special glucose tolerance test procedure.  

       The arrogant "know it all" medical doctor did not even ask Lon Willoughby why he thought he might be hypoglycemic.  He did not asked Lon to describe some of his reoccurring hypoglycemic symptoms.

     Lon quickly surmised that the doctor probably knew practically nothing about hypoglycemia, just as the book had reported was a very common situation with many American medical doctors

     Having reviewed the book "Low Blood Sugar and You" carefully, Lon had learned enough about the condition that he had good responsible reasons to believe that he was very likely hypoglycemic

     He definitely wanted to be tested for that health condition.  It was clear that Lon was going to pay for the test, but he still had to diplomatically firmly insist that the "five-hour glucose tolerance test" be scheduled for him as soon as possible (ASAP). 

     After the five-hour glucose tolerance test was conducted, the laboratory report was sent to the medical doctor's office.  His assistant called Lon by phone to report that the test result was negative (indicating that Lon was not hypoglycemic).      

     During the five-hours long glucose tolerance test, Lon had gone to sleep intensely about 2.5 hours into the testing sequence.  Lon realized that his sleep situation was a very strong indication that he did have a hypoglycemic health condition. 

        Consequently, Lon did not accept the doctor's evaluation of the test results as being correct.  Lon got a photocopy of that one-page line graph test report from the doctor's assistant the next day. 

     The book that Lon had reviewed carefully (Low Blood Sugar and You) had also taught him how to evaluate and interpret the laboratory line graph test report.  This very simple line graph chart showed how Lon's glucose level had gone up (from the fasting level) and then came downward to the fasting level, and then continued going downward to well below the fasting level of glucose.  The lowest glucose level occurred at the 2.5 hours time during the 5 hours long test - when Lon had gotten intensely sleepy (and went to sleep). 

     The laboratory report chart of Lon's five-hours glucose tolerance test blood samples (taken at half-hour intervals) therefore indicated that Lon did have a hypoglycemic health problem - because his glucose level had gone down well below his initial fasting glucose level. 

     The fact that Lon had gone into a deep sleep at that point during the testing sequence clearly indicated that Lon had a serious hypoglycemic reaction to the loading dose of glucose that Lon swallowed right after his fasting glucose level blood sample was taken. 

     The medical doctor did not make any effort to talk with Lon about his physical or mental reactions to the lengthy test procedure (a very important medical mistake). 

     The doctor apparently did not understand how to interpret the simple line graph chart test results correctly, and he misdiagnosed the test results line graph of Lon's glucose changes during the five-hour test period. 

     The test result line chart did not state any opinion about the results of the glucose tolerance test; it simply presented a line graph of the way Lon's glucose level had gone upward and then downward during the five hours of testing. 

     The very serious situation explained above illustrates the great importance of the "patient" learning all that they can about their own health problem. 

      If Lon had relied upon that medical doctor's improper evaluation of the test report's line graph it would have been really bad for Lon Willoughby.  He would still have been very confused and frustrated about his sleepy-time occurrences with no helpful medical information about what he should do next to cope more effectively with his temporary mental health conditions.

     Fortunately, Lon had done his homework competently and responsibly; he had become knowledgeable about the five-hour test procedure and how to evaluate the test results line graph chart of his glucose reactions to the loading dose of glucose (swallowed just after his fasting level glucose test tube blood sample was taken). 

     The test report line chart chart confirmed that Lon had a hypoglycemic reaction during the test procedure; his blood sugar level decreased well below his fasting level.  That situation indicated that he did have a hypoglycemic health condition. 

     Some medical doctors play foolish academic games with that situation by saying - yes, the blood glucose level decreased well below the fasting level, but it did not decrease enough to qualify as a hypoglycemic condition

     Instead of playing foolish academic games with the amount of decrease below the fasting level, medical doctors need to understand that the physical and mental effects on the patient of that decrease in blood glucose level is what is really important

     How did the patient react (emotionally and physically) to that decreased glucose level below their fasting level?

     The fact that Lon had become intensely sleepy and had gone into a deep sleep during the test procedure was a clear physical indication of a very serious hypoglycemic response to the loading dose of glucose that Lon had consumed right after his first blood test sample was taken (his fasting level of glucose - that first blood test tube sample started the test procedure). 

     Lon's intense deep sleep response to that decreased glucose level left no reasonable doubt that Lon was seriously hypoglycemic

    The arrogant and cocky "know it all" medical doctor missed (overlooked) all of the valid evidence that was readily available to him about Lon's serious hypoglycemic health condition

     The doctor did not even ask Lon what happened during the test procedure when his glucose level decreased well below his fasting level.  Lon concluded that the medical doctor apparently knew practically nothing about hypoglycemia

     He apparently had not researched that health condition in a responsible manner - after scheduling patient Lon Willoughby for that test procedure.

     Lon promptly had his medical file transferred to another local medical doctor, and Lon never saw the arrogant "know it all" medical doctor again. 

Hypoglycemic Considerations

    Hypoglycemia is a complex health condition, and there apparently was no pharmaceutical drug that could help control or manage that health problem. 

     Lon had learned from the second book, Low Blood Sugar and You, that there are dietary complexities involved with hypoglycemia that require careful food selection considerations for each meal or each food snack. 

     He had learned that those actions can enable one to help control and manage this health problem on a daily "meal by meal" and "snack by snack" basis.  It is also very important to understand that the same diet management considerations can be very helpful for both hypoglycemia and diabetes.

     Lon understands now (in year 2020) that the difficult to achieve objective in 1975 was to help manage (minimize) the normal daily fluctuations of glucose in the blood system.  (The blood glucose level can vary a lot during the day due to food and beverage consumption changing the glucose level in the blood system.)

     Unfortunately, the two books that Lon had reviewed did not explain that situation adequately.  The book authors apparently did not understand enough about how to help achieve those vital diet objectives.

     Consequently, Lon did not understand enough about how to achieve those diet objectives back in year 1975 - and for more than 30 years thereafter. 

     Lon currently has the special food and nutrition knowledge that is essential to understand how to do that, but back in year 1975 (46+ years ago), he did not have that special food and nutrition knowledge

     Lon knows how to explain these very important glucose parameters today, but the two books that Lon found somewhat helpful did not explain those very important glucose parameters clearly enough for Lon to understand what specific food selection actions he should take daily in developing the content of his improved meals - for best glucose management results.

     Consequently, Lon was not able to manage his hypoglycemia condition effectively on a daily basis at any time during year 1975 (and for about 30 years after 1975).  

     In order to truly understand these complex diet circumstances adequately, the book authors needs to be hypoglycemicIt is very difficult to actually understand these complex circumstances by being an "academic instructor" who has no personal physical experiences and emotional experiences with hypoglycemic conditions.

     Lon was able to help himself somewhat, but he did not know enough about different kinds of foods to understand clearly what he should eat, or what he should not eat, and how much food to eat of each selected food at each of his meals or at each of his food snacks

     Many years later, Lon finally learned how important it was to understand the way that some carbohydrate foods convert into glucose easily.

    Hypoglycemia is sort of like the opposite of type II diabetesIn type II diabetes, the glucose level in the blood system tends to go too high (higher than is normal after a meal), and the glucose level then comes back down to the fasting level too slowly. 

     In addition, it is common to have a fasting level of glucose that is elevated well above a normal fasting level.

     With hypoglycemia, the fasting glucose level is generally at a normal fasting level, and after a meal it may also go too high, but not excessively high as is typical with diabetes.

     However, in hypoglycemia, the glucose level gradually comes down to the fasting level, but it continues going down, causing the glucose level to go too low (goes down well below the initial fasting level).

     When that occurs, the glucose level in the blood system may be too low for the brain to get enough glucose from the blood system for the brain to function properly. 

     The person may get very sleepy and have seriously deficient brain functions due to the low glucose level in the blood system.  The blood sugar level (the glucose level) is what enables the brain to function normally.  If  the glucose level (blood sugar level) goes down too low, the brain will not be able to function normally (because the brain is not getting enough glucose from the blood system to function normally).

     Those brain affects can be very serious and can quickly cause some tragic situations to occur if one gets intensely sleepy while driving a vehicle, or flying a plane, or operating other types of equipment or machinery that can be dangerous when one is very sleepy or actually goes to sleep intensely. 

    That low blood sugar condition is what caused the intense sleepy conditions that Lon eventually experienced frequently.  In later years, those conditions frequently occurred once or twice per day - for many days in a month. 

     After many years of continued self-education, Lon finally understood that his pancreas had been producing too much insulin (a hormone) that moved too much glucose out of his blood system, and that situation caused him to have a "low blood sugar condition."  (Causing his sleepy-time problems to occur.)

     Lon's brain apparently did not have enough glucose to function normally at times, and that caused one of his intense sleepy conditions to occur, but it also caused other brain deficiencies that produced some serious temporary emotional problems (groggy brain functions, very poor memory and poor brain recall functions, serious frustration and irritation, lack of patience with other peoples, and some serious depression conditions). 

    About 11 years passed before Lon understood why serious variations in the glucose level in his blood system caused confusing and frustrating temporary emotional and mental problems after some evening meals (but not all of his evening meals). 

     Lon eventually learned that it depended upon how much glucose his body generated from each evening meal.  Unfortunately, he did not understand enough about food nutrition and carbohydrate foods to understand how to manage those daily food situations effectively.

     It is very important to understand that throughout those years, Lon got no help at all from the series of medical doctors that he consulted about his very confusing and very frustrating health problem.  They apparently did not understand the nutrition concepts that were critically involved in good glucose management practices.

    Lon eventually learned that his serious temporary mental health conditions were caused because some of his evening meals contained too much carbohydrate type foods - foods that converted easily to glucose and caused too much glucose to be produced in the blood system.

     Those situations frequently increased the glucose level in Lon's blood system too much because some of his evening meals contained too much sweet foods, desserts, and sweet drinks (sweetened coffee or tea).

    Those too much glucose situations activated his pancreas to produce a lot of insulin to help reduce the too high glucose level in the blood system. 

     His pancreas apparently overreacted by producing and releasing too much insulin and that caused the glucose level in his blood system to gradually go down too much (causing a low blood sugar condition to gradually occur after the meal). 

     More than 30 very frustrating and irritating years passed before Lon learned how to manage his glucose levels properly (he also learned how to take some special nutrition supplements properly to get better control of those glucose variations). 

     Those vital nutrition supplements were critically important in helping Lon get much better control of his glucose level - helping stabilize the glucose level and avoiding too much glucose and then too little glucose.

Carbohydrate Foods

     It took many years for Lon Willoughby to eventually learn that carbohydrate foods and sugar (sweetened coffee, sweetened tea, and dessert foods) were causing him to produce too much glucose in the blood system from some meals, and that resulted in glucose variations that were difficult to manage properly. 

     He did not understand how much his blood glucose level could increase by eating common carbohydrate foods like beets, beans and peas, whole wheat bread, carrots, cereal (unsweetened), corn (also grits), fruits, pasta, Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes, turnip roots, whole grain brown rice, etc

     Many years passed before Lon realized that he ate too much sugar (sweetened foods), even though his consumption level would be considered normal and reasonable (cake, cookies, crackers, donuts, pancakes with syrup, pie, toast with jam or jelly, etc.), and also sweetened coffee or sweet tea. 

     For many years, Lon did not understand that he should have avoided all of those sweet foods and all sweet drinks.  His over-active pancreas could not cope with the increased level of glucose in the blood system without producing too much insulin. 

     Those reactive situations caused his blood glucose level (blood sugar level) to go down too low - causing sleepy-time situations that also caused some very serious mental and emotional problems (as described previously). 

     Lon understands those situations now in year 2020, but for many years, he did not understand what was happening in his body to cause those debilitating sleepy-time situations - with very serious mental and emotional effects.

     It is very important for American adults (and teenagers and younger children) to understand that the brain is fueled primarily by the glucose level in the blood (the blood sugar level), and the blood glucose level needs to be carefully managed to remain in a normal range - not too much glucose (that can cause too little glucose due to the resultant affect of insulin produced by the pancreas - reducing the glucose level in the blood system). 

     The brain and some body functions do not work properly when the glucose level in the blood system is too high or when it is too low

     A moderate glucose level is where we want to be after each meal has been metabolized.    

     Minimizing foods that convert easily into glucose (simple carbohydrates) and avoiding dessert type food is a big help in managing the glucose level in the blood system at meal times and snack times. 

   Avoiding sweet beverages at meals and snacks is also a big help in managing and stabilizing the glucose level in the blood system.

Glycemic Index Factors

     It is critically important to understand that many carbohydrate type foods can convert easily into glucose in the blood system and to also understand that the amount of that glucose effect depends upon the glycemic index factor for each carbohydrate food that is consumed. 

     Lon will present more information about the glycemic index factors later in this department. 

     All adults and teenagers need to have a practical understanding of these glycemic index factors.  They also need to understand that sweet foods (desserts) and sweet drinks can cause large increases in the level of glucose circulating in the body's blood system.

    Adults, teenagers, and some younger children need to be taught these simplified glucose management concepts.  This education is much more important than most people realize!!! 

     People have automobile accidents and many other types of accidents due to glucose instability conditions.  Consequently, this is critically important blood sugar education for everyone, including teenagers and younger children.

Glucose Management Problems

     It is very important to also understand that the USA probably has 120+ million people that already have serious glucose management health problems (probably more than 70% of all adults in the USA and millions of teenagers and younger children). 

     Most of those people likely have not been taught these critically important glucose management health concepts.

     Lon had acquired a lot of technical education and training in complex electronic systems by year 1975 (when he began reviewing the book "Low Blood Sugar and You"), but in 15 years of school education, he had not been taught anything at all about the way carbohydrate foods, sweet foods and desserts, and sweetened beverages affect the glucose level in the blood system. 

     His high school science classes (biology, chemistry and physics) and his college health class and science courses (biology, chemistry, and physics) taught him nothing about the critically important issue of needing to responsibly help manage the glucose level in his blood system on a daily basis. 

     Healthcare information has progressed by leaps and bounds since Lon started his college education in the fall season of year 1954, but most USA citizens have still not been educated about the critical importance of each individual understanding how to help manage the glucose level produced in their blood system each day - during each meal and during each snack. 

     Many sweetened drinks contain 10 to 14 teaspoons of sugar that can be very harmful to individuals consuming those beverages.  Candy and candy bars can also cause way too much glucose in the blood system.

     With Internet access, it is possible for many American adults to learn about some of the potential harmful effects of consumption of too much carbohydrate foods, sweet foods, and sweet drinks that convert easily into glucose and raise the glucose level in the blood system too much.

     However, most American adults have not been taught the very important glucose level management concepts that are presented in this very important department.

     Lon has tried to introduce these critically important natural healthcare concepts in ways that can get "qualified visitors" focused attention. 

     Hopefully this vital natural healthcare education will help "qualified visitors" understand the great importance of responsibly managing the blood system's glucose level (blood sugar level) on a daily basis - "meal by meal" and "snack by snack." 

     This is critically important education when one is going to drive a vehicle after a meal - and especially for those drivers who have a tendency to have diabetic or hypoglycemic episodes. 

     Vehicle drivers should carefully avoid eating a big meal before driving a vehicle on a highway.  This is critically important!!!  Big meals can convert into an excessive amount of glucose in the blood, and that situation can cause serious effects for the brain and its ability to function properly. 

    Drivers should also minimize eating carbohydrate type foods that convert easily into glucose, and they should also avoid eating fruit, or a sweet dessert with that meal. 

     Drivers should also avoid drinking any kind of sweet beverage with a meal before driving a vehicle (drink only plain water with those meals and drink no more than eight ounces of water with a meal - not cold water with ice cubes). 

     Drivers should avoid eating pancakes with syrup before driving a vehicle.  That meal can cause way too much glucose to be produced in the blood.  That is not a good meal at any time because it can produce an excessive amount of glucose in the blood system. 

     A small amount of pancakes (carbohydrate) with a small amount of syrup may be acceptable for some people, but most people will probably consume too much syrup

     The pancakes without any syrup can cause an excessive amount of glucose for many people due to it being a "simple carbohydrate food" that can convert into a lot of glucose in the blood system.

     All of these precautions are critically important because they can help drivers responsibly stay alert while driving a vehicle or operating other machinery - for several hours after eating a meal. 

     It is also very important to understand that the first time that a sleepy-time situation occurs while driving a vehicle can cause a tragic vehicle accident.  Do not play very dangerous games with these potentially very dangerous conditions

Vehicle Accidents in the USA

     Lon Willoughby understands that thousands of vehicle accidents are likely caused each year in the USA by people who have not been educated about these critically important food concepts

     Drivers may get sleepy - up to three to four hours after eating a high glucose producing meal (they may have also consumed a sweet drink and maybe a sweet dessert of some type). 

     Thousands of people likely die each year, or are injured seriously, because a driver was not educated about these critically important health concepts about glucose levels in the blood system.

     Do you understand that all American adult and teenage drivers need to understand these glucose production and management considerations?  All drivers need this exceptionally important glucose education before they drive a vehicle after a meal. 

     Thousands of drivers are likely having serious automobile accidents throughout the USA each year because they had not been educated about these vital glucose management concepts.

     The USA has about 40,000+ auto accident deaths per year, and many of those accidents may be caused by glucose metabolism problems, as reported herein.

     The vital education presented in this website can help "qualified visitors" understand how to avoid those very dangerous driving situations.

Topic 39

Fasting Level of Glucose

(Very Important Information)

     The "fasting level" of glucose in the blood system is the amount of glucose in the blood system in the morning when you wake up and have not had any food or sweetened liquids for at least eight hours.

     That "fasting level" of glucose is the "normal level" of glucose in your blood system.  The glucose level in the blood system is what powers the human brain and enables the brain to function normally.

     When you eat the first meal of the day (breakfast - "break the fast"), the carbohydrate type foods eaten will convert into some level of glucose during the food digestion process.

     That normal food digestion process will accomplish several important actions and one of them is to gradually increase the amount of glucose in your blood system as the carbohydrate type foods that have been eaten are being metabolized by saliva enzymatic actions in the mouth and the upper portion of the stomach.

     NOTE:  Humans have a limited amount of time for those enzymatic actions to function in the upper portion of the stomach before the food moves downward into the bottom portion of the stomach.

     These are normal reactions to eating food.  It is very important to understand that each adult needs to learn how to help manage their blood glucose level increase during meals so the glucose level does not increase too much with each meal (or with each snack) - triggering a pancreatic release of insulin that may cause some serious problems.

     Those are exceptionally important health concepts as explained below.

     If the blood glucose level increases too much after a meal, this can activate the pancreas to release insulin (a hormone) into the blood system as a normal attempt to reduce the excessive amount of glucose in the blood system. 

     The insulin helps metabolize the glucose and moves some of it out of the blood, thereby reducing the excess glucose level in the blood in an effort to cause the blood glucose level to diminish (go downward) toward the "fasting level" of glucose.

     The excess glucose that is removed from the blood system is stored in the liver and other tissues as glycogen (a stored energy source for use later when the body needs more energy).

     Over two to three hours (normally), the glucose level in the blood system will gradually decrease back down to the "fasting level" and should level off close to the "fasting level of glucose" - you are now back to "normal" with your glucose level in the blood system. 

     The blood glucose level will likely stay near that level until you eat a snack, or your next meal, when this vital food digestion process begins again. 

     This action will again increase the glucose level in the blood system, depending upon the amount of carbohydrate type food that is eaten and the amount of sugar that is consumed (in food or drink).

     That is approximately how the glucose is supposed to work generally, but there can be  variations in those functions from one person to the next person due to several variables, including complex genetic variations for each person.

     The food eaten at a meal (or a snack) and the sweetened beverages that are also consumed can affect the glucose level in the blood system a lot. 

     Some people may eat too much carbohydrate type food during a meal, and that can cause the glucose level in the blood to increase too much. 

     As you know, many people may also eat sweet foods (jelly on toast, cookies, sweet desserts of various kinds, syrup on pancakes, etc.), and they may also drink sweetened beverages (sweetened coffee, sweet tea, sweet lemonade, a carbonated drink - typically contains 10 to 14 teaspoons of sugar).

     You can see that there can be a lot of variations in the amount of glucose produced in the blood system with each meal due to food choices and beverage choices (sweetened drinks). 

     Most Americans have not been educated adequately about these very important glucose considerations; consequently, almost all American adults need the vital education that Lon presents in this Home Department about these very important glucose level management food issues

     Responsible parents need to teach their children these basis food digestion concepts as early as feasible for each child for several reasons, but to avoid becoming diabetic or hypoglycemic is two major reasons

     Remember that diabetes is a major cause of blindness for adults in the USA, and diabetes is also a major cause of foot and leg amputations in the USA (to help control the spread of killer gangrene - that occurs for a lot of diabetics). 

     Diabetes also causes a lot of very serious painful health problems and diabetes can also substantially shortens one's life span

     Diabetes is a very serious health problem, and it should be avoided like trying to avoid a plague.

Lon's Education About Glucose Levels

     Lon understands these glucose subjects well now, but prior to reading the "Low Blood Sugar and You" book in 1975, he had no understanding at all about those very important healthcare issues

     He had to try to cope with his reoccurring hypoglycemic conditions for 11 years without having any practical technical understanding of hypoglycemia

     Lon experienced serious difficulties with his mysterious health problem (hypoglycemia) many times before he very fortunately discovered and purchased the second health book (Low Blood Sugar and You).

     Prior to reviewing that very important book, he was baffled, confused, and frustrated about what was happening in his body after he ate his evening meal and then got intensely sleepy later (sometimes within about 30 minutes but usually about 1 hour to 2 and 1/2 hours later).

     Lon had carefully read the very important book  "Low Blood Sugar and You", and after reviewing the results of his five-hour glucose tolerance test, he finally had a practical helpful understanding of what had been happening to his blood glucose level changes (blood sugar level changes) when he ate his evening meals.

     He finally understood what had been happening to his blood glucose level, but he still did not understand why those actions were taking place.

     He eventually learned that some of his evening meals were a higher glucose producing meal than other evening meals, but he did not understand those technical food considerations at that time. 

    Lon did not have enough food knowledge about different kinds of carbohydrate foods to understand how he should help control and manage the foods in his evening meals adequately. 

     Fortunately, he normally ate a brown bag lunch so he normally ate a light lunch that did not cause those serious problems with glucose level changes.

     At that time in year 1975, Lon had not learned  that many carbohydrate foods convert very easily into glucose (blood sugar) and those conversions rates vary from one carbohydrate food to the next carbohydrate food because different carbohydrate foods have different glycemic index values

     Lon eventually learned (many years later) that some carbohydrate foods convert into more glucose per ounce of food than other types of carbohydrate foods (they have a higher glycemic index value than some other carbohydrate foods). 

     However, for many years, Lon did not understand anything about glycemic index because the research that developed the initial glycemic index concepts was not conducted until about 1980 in Canada. 

     Unfortunately for Lon, many years went by before his ongoing healthcare research studies discovered a report about that critically important Canadian research project for diabetics.

     After those Canadian research discoveries were published, several helpful paperback books have been written about the glycemic index factors that those Canadian medical doctor researchers developed to help diabetics in Canada learn how to manage their daily meal food contents much better than ever before.

     As shown herein later, Lon still had a lot to learn in 1975 in his efforts to daily get his hypoglycemia health condition under much better control. 

     Remember that the Internet was not available to Lon at that time; it did not get started until year 1989Additional years then passed before the Internet presented important information about the mysterious health condition called hypoglycemia.

Topic 40

Health Class at Mars Hill College

     In his freshman year at Mars Hill College (1954, pre-engineering curriculum), Lon took an elective course in health education.  He was taught that sugar was an energy producing substance.  Nothing was taught about any harmful effects associated with the consumption of too much sugar. 

     Lon was on the college track team and he needed a lot of energy so he began increasing his daily consumption of sugar and sweet foods and sweet drinks (sweet tea or sweetened coffee). 

     He had grown up in a home where his father liked sweets at every meal, so they had some type of dessert at most meals such as cookies, cake, pie, or simply homemade white "enriched" flour biscuits with some homemade jam or jelly.

     With that home conditioning for consuming sweet foods routinely, plus the special education that he acquired at Mars Hill College about sugar being an energy producing substance, Lon began consuming additional sweet foods and sweet drinks routinely. 

     He liked the taste of sweet foods and drinks (had probably become addicted to them), and he also wanted to have a high level of energy daily.

     Lon's self-education actions about natural healthcare and wellness concepts over a period of 30+ years finally enabled him to understand that his consumption of carbohydrate foods (that convert  easily to glucose in the blood system), and his routine consumption of sweet foods (desserts) and sweetened beverages were likely the cause of him developing hypoglycemia

     That very confusing and very frustrating health condition began to show up in year 1964 when Lon was at age 28. That was almost ten years after his education at Mars Hill College (fall of 1954 to the end of May 1955). 

     Unfortunately, Lon did not learn anything about hypoglycemia until the summer of 1972.

     Lon now understands that his consumption of carbohydrate foods (easily convert to glucose in the blood system), sweet desserts, sweetened tea or sweetened coffee were collectively causing an excessive amount of glucose to be produced in his blood system. 

     That chronic condition (reoccurring daily) apparently damaged his pancreas gradually over a period of about ten years by causing it to have to cope with excessive levels of glucose daily. 

     Lon's pancreas apparently became too aggressive in producing and releasing the insulin hormone that can help control a reoccurring excessive level of glucose in the blood system. 

     As reported herein, that metabolic malfunction condition affected Lon's life greatly in very harmful ways.  It eventually caused serious difficulties and problems for his very good career with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

Topic 41

Lon's "sleepy times" Problems

     For many years, while those intense "sleepy times" were occurring for Lon Willoughby, he had no idea what was causing those problems to occur. 

     That intense sleep problem can be very dangerous if one is driving a vehicle at the time that the intense sleepy time occurs.  This sleepy time situation can occur very quickly - within one  minute from the time that it becomes barely noticeable to a driver. 

     By the time the person realizes that they are getting sleepy, they can quickly go to sleep soundly without taking actions to slow their vehicle and get off the highway.  This can become a very dangerous situation very quickly. 

Medical Doctors Did Not Understand

     The series of conventional medical doctors that Lon consulted during the 1970's (while working in Panama City, Florida) did not understand what was causing his sleepy-time symptoms

     They did not ask him any questions about his diet, and he had no idea that his diet was the cause of the health problem that was wrecking his life (by wrecking his marriage and family relationships, and was now causing serious damage for his very good career with the Federal Aviation Administration).

      That level of ignorance about glucose actions in the human body is intolerable for medical school students or nursing school students, and it is clearly intolerable for all medical doctors in America

     Unfortunately, Lon's many years of difficulty in getting any practical responsible help from a series of medical doctors shows that this lack of medical knowledge about basic glucose functions in the human blood system is a common situation in America.  

     Apparently, most medical doctors and most medical nurses probably have little practical and useful understanding about these exceptionally  important glucose management concepts.

     Consider this: many millions of American residents are affected by these glucose related health problems, probably more than 120+ million adult citizens. 

     The USA has about 333 million citizens (men, women, teenagers, and all younger children).   Unfortunately, many adults living in the United States of America apparently have some serious glucose-related health problems. 

     Consider that we have the diabetics and pre-diabetics and the hypoglycemics and the millions of people that have excessive fat and weight problems.   Those people very likely have serious glucose level management problems.

     Do the medical systems throughout America have a professional duty and responsibility to learn how to help those American residents cope more successively with glucose management problems?

     Lon Willoughby believes strongly that they do, and his personal experiences with several medical doctors over a ten-year period of time found that medical doctors were extremely unreliable in providing responsible medical services regarding these exceptionally important and common glucose management problems.

     Lon believes that all college freshmen/women should be taught about glucose metabolism in their first semester of college. That vital health concept should have been taught to all ninth grade public school students (or in earlier grades). 

     This website can enable thousands of "qualified visitor" parents to learn about this critically important natural healthcare concept

     Parents can then teach their children at early ages about the very harmful and dangerous effects that can be caused by the consumption of sugar and foods and beverages that convert easily into glucose. 

     Children need to learn as early as possible about foods and beverages that can cause the blood glucose level to go too high too quickly

     This problem is worse now for millions of American residentss than at any time in America's past, and it gets worse weekly as the weeks go by.  Why is that true?

     American adults, teenagers, and younger children have not been educated adequately about the serious health dangers caused by consuming simple carbohydrate foods and sweetened beverages that can cause too much glucose to be released into the blood system.

     Lon Willoughby understands that those situations can also adversely affect student's academic learning ability and their memory ability and their memory recall abilities when these "too much glucose conditions" are occurring. 

  The U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates that the USA has about 78 million pre-diabetics - that is a critically important projection to consider seriously.  Pre-diabetics are people who will likely become diabetic at some point in their future. 

     In that event, about 50% of American adults may become diabetics in the future - if American adult residents do not get educated about this tragic situation, as Lon Willoughby is presenting herein. 

     You now understand why competent responsible "qualified visitors" can be helped a lot by the vital education in this very important department.

     This introductory Advanced Natural Health Concepts education website presents very important "free to review" education about these vital glucose-related healthcare concerns for selected "qualified visitors." (Selected natural-born American adult citizens who are Christian-oriented, and responsibly patriotic-minded about America, and also live in selected ZIP Code areas of upstate South Carolina). 

     Glucose metabolism is a much more serious dietary consideration than most American residents understand.  That is one of the reasons that Lon presents these incredibly important and valuable natural healthcare concepts in this introductory health-related educational report

     Lon Willoughby has many years of personal experience in learning about how harmful excessive glucose production health conditions can be.  He also realizes that it is very difficult for American adult citizens to get access to this kind of very important helpful education.     

Topic 42

How Harmful Can Sugar Be?  

     We should also consider the fat gain and weight gain problems in the USA for millions of Americans because those health problems can also be related to excessive glucose production management problems.

     As explained herein, American adults need to be taught the vital health concepts involved with glucose production during the digestion of carbohydrate type foods, sweet desserts, and also sweetened beverages.

     It is very important for American adults to learn how to help control and manage the level of glucose that is being produced in the blood system throughout the day - every day of their life.

     Lon has learned that 70% to 80% of American adults likely have health problems related to these very important glucose metabolism concepts.  

     Consequently, this is exceptionally important advanced level natural healthcare education that selected "qualified visitors" need to learn about as soon as possible (ASAP).      

     Selected "qualified visitor" parents who have a teenage driver and/or have older adult children - living in selected ZIP Code areas of the upstate of South Carolina - should encourage them to review this critically important educational website.

     That is one of the reasons that Lon included this very important education in this report.  He also presents more education about this vital healthcare subject at our main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts educational website(Part Two of this very important "free to review" educational report for selected "qualified visitors")

     Lon realizes that all American adults need to learn about the serious harmful effects of consuming too much carbohydrate food and sweet food products (candy, desserts, sweet drinks, etc.), and causing too much glucose to be developed in the blood system

     Teenagers and many younger children need to be taught by their parents about these critically important glucose concepts - as soon in life as appropriate.

     It is very important to understand that many millions of American residents already have very serious health problems caused by poorly managed glucose production with their meals and with their snacks and beverages. 

     Unfortunately, those situations apparently apply to most American citizens (adults, teenagers, and many younger children, as shown below). 

     The USA has about 29 million known diabetics - that is almost five times the number of people living in the state of South Carolina (adults, teenagers, and younger children). 

     As reported previously herein, the U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates that we have about 78 million pre-diabetics in the USA (people who are likely to become diabetic).

      Lon estimates that there are millions of people in the  USA who likely have hypoglycemic problems (perhaps 20 million people).  Combine those people with 29 million diabetics and 78 million pre-diabetics and you can see that the USA likely has more than 120 million people who need this very important and very valuable natural healthcare concepts education about excessive glucose production as soon as possible (ASAP).

     When we also consider the millions of people in the USA that have fat gain and weight gain problems (adults, teenagers, and younger children) that likely have excessive glucose production with their food consumption (inadequate glucose management at meal times and snack times with food and beverage choices), we begin to see the massive size of these poorly managed blood glucose production conditions in the USA

     Those glucose production problems may affect 70 to 80 percent of adults in the USA.  As you can easily see, this natural healthcare education is critically important for most American adults and many teenagers, and also many younger children

     Do you now understand why millions of American adult citizens need to have access to this critically important natural healthcare education as soon as possible (ASAP)?

     Lon and Janie Willoughby would like to make this vital "free to review" education available to many millions of American adults throughout the United States of America, but the natural healthcare and wellness concepts marketplace is much too dangerous for our small company to take those educational actions (for the very serious potential litigation reasons that are explained at this website).

Restricted Promotional Areas

     Unfortunately, due to the potential danger of "competitors" causing harassment, obstructive, or repressive litigation against our small natural healthcare concepts education company (as explained herein). 

     Lon also explains the outrageous level of potential deceit, fraud, and corruption in the judicial systems in American courts in the Litigation Info Department of this website. 

     Our company (ABC of Health) must therefore limit and restrict our promotion of these vital educational concepts to selected "qualified citizens" in upstate South Carolina.

     Lon explains some of those very dangerous marketplace conditions in this Home Department, and he presents additional information about these very dangerous marketplace conditions in the Home Extension Department

Minimize Sugar Consumption

     Lon Willoughby now understands that sugar and sweets should be minimized in a sensibly managed diet.  Sweets should not be a routine part of most meals, the way it was at Lon's home when he was growing up. 

     That is a very bad habit to establish.  Minimize the sweets!!!  That is the very smart way for a health-conscious person to eat, as explained below.

Willoughby Family - Glucose Problems

     Lon's father's older brother became a diabetic and Lon's father became a hypoglycemic.  Those glucose management conditions caused very serious health problems for each of them for the rest of their lives.  They had no opportunity to review the vital glucose education concepts that are presented in this Home Department.

     At the times that those conditions were severely damaging their life daily, Lon Willoughby, Jr. did not have the extensive level of natural healthcare concepts knowledge that he has today. 

     Lon did not understand the dangerous excessive glucose production problems that can be caused by consumption of too much carbohydrate type foods (breads, corn based food products, pasta, Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes, rice, etc., and many dessert type food products). 

     Dangerous excessive glucose production problems can also be caused by consumption of sweetened beverages of various types

     Lon was not able to help his diabetic uncle at all, due to his distant location (hundreds of miles distance away),  and that diabetic health problem occurred many years before the Internet was developed

     Fortunately, Lon was able to help his father to some extent during years 1982 - 1986 about limiting his consumption of dessert type food products (during the later years of his father's lifetime - from April 1982 to his death on November 22, 1986).

Sugar - A Good Tasting Poison

     Think of sugar as a good tasting poison that can gradually cause great harm to the human body.  It is also very important to understand that sugar is actually more addictive than cocaine; it is very easy to become a sugar-holic (loves sweets)

     Lon learned that the USA probably has more than 120 million adults who have serious health problems that are caused by frequent excessive glucose levels in their blood system. 

     This is typically caused by what they eat and what they drink (such as various sweetened beverages). 

Additional Helpful Information For You

     This website is viewed best with Arial font - Medium Size (10)You may be able to select parameters on your browser by using View (set text size) and Tools (Internet Options - select Font and then select the Font Size) 

     Our Contact ABC of Health Department provides a convenient Email Form that makes it easy to send a quick email communications to ABC of HealthPlease title your Subject line as suggested therein.

+ + + + + 

     If you appreciate the very important and valuable copyrighted and proprietary natural healthcare and wellness concepts education services that are published "free to review" at this website, it will be helpful to us if you will take a few minutes to send us an email that tells us how our "free to review" healthcare and wellness concepts education services have been helpful to you

     Lon wants to know how you feel about the very important healthcare and wellness concepts education that is introduced at this website.  He really does like to hear from "qualified visitors." 

    IMPORTANT E-MAIL INFO:  If you want to retain a copy of your email, just use your usual method of sending emails and send your email to:


   You will then retain a copy of your email in your email Sent Folder; you can also send yourself a carbon copy (Cc) of your email.

     If you prefer more convenience, you can visit our Contact ABC of Health Department and use our convenient Email Form provided to send your email, but you will not retain a personal copy of that email.  

     Your email to us can simply express how you feel about our dedicated efforts to help selected "qualified visitors" get introduced to some very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts.

     Our introductory education can help them become more responsible about taking better care of their   precious natural health. They may benefit from those vital healthcare actions for the rest of their life.

    If you have been a customer or client in our  unique Health and Wellness Store or our Natural Healthcare Concepts Educational Business, it will be helpful to us if you take a few minutes to express your feelings about the way ABC of Health has served your natural healthcare concerns and interests

    NOTE:  If you want to retain a copy of your email, please use the alternate email procedure that was explained above (use your personal email system)

    Your responsible constructive comments about us can be very helpful to first-time "qualified visitors" who are trying to evaluate our credibility and trust-worthiness as a competent and responsible natural healthcare and wellness concepts education company.

Additional E-Mail Information

     When we respond to your email, our response may go into your "Junk email file or Spam email file" until you direct your email system to recognize our email as a good email and then begin presenting our emails in your email inbox.

     It is very important to check your "email Junk File and your email Spam File" each time you check your email to help you avoid losing some good emails that may be important to you.

     We check our email Junk File and Spam File daily, and we frequently have some good emails that got sent to one of those files instead of being sent to our email Inbox 

     We understand that emails that get stored in our email Junk File or our email Spam File will be deleted automatically after ten days of storage (if we have not taken actions to move any good emails into our email Inbox before the 10-day period expires for each individual email)

     When we find important emails in our email Junk File or Spam File, as we frequently do, we simple take action to move them into our email inbox.  

     We do that easily by selecting the three dot icon (or three line icon) at the top right of the display screen and then select the "move" function in the listing of actions that appear vertically.   We routinely move those good emails to our email Inbox.

Overview Summary of Our

Natural Healthcare Services

     IMPORTANT NOTE:  The introductory paragraphs below provide a summary of the very important and valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services that ABC of Health offers to selected "qualifiable visitors.

     This same summary is presented in some other departments because key words are contained herein that help Internet Search Engines work better with this complex website.

     After you have reviewed this helpful summarized information one time, you can simply scroll down past this overview summary when you review other departments that contain this  summarized information.

     Natural Health Education Services: Two of our education websites contain special natural healthcare and wellness  concepts that are "free to review" for selected "qualified visitors" as explained previously in this Home Department

     Those "qualified visitors" can also help other apparently "qualified visitors" learn about this special Introductory Educational Website

     This website can help other apparently "qualifiable  visitors" understand why it is very important to improve their lifestyles (enjoy a more enjoyable life and likely have less medical expenses and a longer and healthier life) 

     However, in order to begin using some of our copyrighted natural healthcare and wellness concepts, selected "qualified visitors" must agree to comply responsibly with the Conditions stated in our Copyright Information Department and the Conditions stated in our Terms of Use Department - as published at our main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Website (www dot ABCofHealth dot com/)

     ABC of Health also offers Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Consultation Services with Lon Willoughby by telephone for A4J club members (they live in the upstate area of South Carolina - within an approximate 60-mile radius of downtown Greenville) 

     We have a very reasonable fee structure for these Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Consultation Services.

     Lon can conduct convenient consultations by telephone that may be very helpful to A4J club member individuals, or married couples, or families (with teenage children living at home with their parents).

     Lon suggests that all consultations be conducted with a landline type telephone connection if possible - to avoid cell phone type radiation into the very sensitive head area for an extended period of time.  That radiation can be damaging to sensitive brain, ear, and eye tissue.

     If there are teenagers in a family, and a landline telephone with speakerphone capability is available for use during a telephone consultation session - it may be important to include teenagers in the family telephone consultation session

    Lon Willoughby can structure the telephone consultation session to also be beneficial to teenagers, in addition to the consultation information that is provided for direct benefit to the parents (This situation depends upon the personal sensitivity of the healthcare information that will likely be involved in the consultation session).

     Our telephone consultation sessions can quickly inform A4J club members about how Lon Willoughby can help with some very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts.

     Telephone consultation services offer the advantages of being a fast and convenient way for A4J club members to learn about some specific alternative health type natural healthcare and wellness concepts that can be helpful for specific healthcare concerns and issues

     These very convenient consultation opportunities can enable A4J club members to quickly obtain very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts information at very reasonable cost.

    The copyrighted Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts that we teach in our six-lessons A4J Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Services will educate our A4J club members about some very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts.

    Lon knows how to teach these special healthcare and wellness concepts in a manner that is easy for A4J club members to understand and easy to learn. 

     Our natural healthcare and wellness concepts will also be easy to use in achieving very important improvements in the personal lifestyle of A4J club members.

    These remarkable natural healthcare and wellness concepts improvements can benefit A4J club members in very important ways   

    Lon knows how to teach these special natural healthcare and wellness concepts in a manner that is easy for A4J club members to understand and easy to learn and use.  

    Our special copyrighted education can enable A4J club members to live more enjoyable lives that will likely have more productivity and more achievements and more success than they would have likely had with their previous diet and lifestyle.

     Our natural healthcare and wellness concepts will also be easy to use in achieving very important improvements in the personal lifestyle of A4J club members.

    These remarkable natural healthcare and wellness concepts improvements can benefit A4J club members in very important and very valuable ways.    

     These very important and valuable six-lessons A4J Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Home-study Educational Services are available only from our company (ABC of Health) because we own numerous copyrighted natural healthcare and wellness concepts that are presented in the natural healthcare and wellness concepts that we teach our A4J club members.

     We are the only company authorized to teach our natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational  services because we must carefully control the security-status evaluation of each applicant's qualifications for joining our exclusive A4J Private Education Club. 

     Our main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts  educational website also educates our A4J club members about some very important natural healthcare  and wellness concepts that are involved in a variety of healthcare subjects such as:

healthcare consultations, healthcare classes, healthcare concepts education programs, herbs, enzymes, minerals, nutraceuticals, probiotics, proteins, vitamins (food derived and manufactured), etc         

    Lon can also present important education about:

air filters, air purifiers, water filters, bathing water filters, bathtub filters, shower filters, water purifiers, water alkalizers, water ionizers, CHI styled exercisers, quality-built rebounder exercisers, and far-infrared (FIR) portable saunas.    

    The natural healthcare products and services listed above illustrate the broad range of important healthcare issues that our resident natural healthcare consultant and nutrition consultant and healthy lifestyle consultant is knowledgeable about. (Lon Willoughby)        

     Lon has acquired special advanced level natural healthcare and wellness concepts education and  experiences with many important health-promoting products and alternative health and "complementary health" type natural healthcare and wellness concepts and services.      

     Natural healthcare actions = healthcare actions

that do not use any pharmaceutical type drugs.

+  +  +  +  +


      You have already reviewed a lot of very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts, and there are more very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts to review at this website. 

      Lon recommends that most selected "qualified visitors" should probably stop their review of this Home Department at the three Green Horizontal Lines down below and come back to this website in a day or two to continue the review of this incredibly important website.   

     If you choose to rest at this point, you should continue your review by starting with the Home Extension Department on your return visit to this website.  

     The next Topic would be Topic 43 if it was presented in this Home Department, but it will be presented as Topic 1 in the Home Extension Department     

     However, if you choose to go further with your review of this website today, that is your option.

     You can select the Home Extension Department link to continue your review of this website.  See department links presented down below or at the top of this Home Department.

 Helpful Review Info

      Lon and Janie developed this very special Introductory Advanced Natural Health Concepts education website to introduce selected "qualified visitors" to some very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts before those visitors review our main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts educational website

     Lon wanted selected "qualifiable visitors" to this introductory education website to have an easy to understand "overview" of what ABC of Health is doing to help educate selected "qualified visitors" about vital Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts that can be critically important and very valuable for these special and very fortunate natural-born American adult citizens.

     At the appropriate time during this Introductory Education Website's presentations, Lon will provide a convenient hyperlink (link) to transfer selected "qualified visitors" to our main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Website

     That website presents very important education that responsible selected "qualified visitors" can likely benefit from substantially    

     ABC of Health has been active in this Natural Healthcare Concepts Education Business for more than 30 years, and this is the most important Natural Healthcare Concepts Education Services Project that we have ever developed.  It is truly an exceptionally  important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational service

     Our main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts educational website also presents very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts education that is "free to review" for selected "qualified visitors" (selected  natural-born American adult citizens who are Christian-oriented, and patriotic-minded toward America, and who live in selected ZIP Code areas in upstate South Carolina).

     Selected "qualified visitors" who wisely take time to also review our main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts educational website will get introduced to additional very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts with no cost for this vital education.  Several education departments present these educational services using our "free to review" educational format (for selected "qualified visitors").  

     That "free to review" education can be worth thousands of dollars for selected "qualified visitors" because it presents very important and very valuable vital education services that can be life-improving

     That vital education may also be life-saving education for some of those "qualified visitors."     

     WOW!!!  What a terrific bargain in natural healthcare and wellness concepts education!!!  This introductory Advanced Natural Health Concepts educational website and our main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts educational website present special copyrighted natural healthcare and wellness concepts education that is for review by selected "qualified visitors" using our "free to review" education format

     Lon and Janie Willoughby have made it very easy for selected "qualified visitors" to share this special introductory Advanced Natural Health Concepts educational website address with people that they personally know and care about who are apparently "qualifiable visitors."

     You now have a very good opportunity to help some other apparently "qualifiable visitors" that you know get introduced to this exceptionally important introductory Advanced Natural Health Concepts educational website

     You can help enable other selected apparently "qualifiable visitors" have a fair chance to learn why they should responsibly strive to improve their lifestyle and develop a much better life for themself - and maybe some of their immediate family members. 

     Will you take a little time to encourage some of your personally known local contacts who are apparently "qualifiable visitors" to visit this introductory Advanced Natural Health Concepts educational website

     Your referral actions to this website address can enable those contacts to see if they can qualify to review these exceptionally important and valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts as "free to review" education.

     As shown herein, this will also help achieve some really important and valuable benefits for America as a nation, with selected natural-born American adult citizens who live in selected upstate ZIP Code areas of South Carolina. 

     Remember that these educational services are available only to natural-born American adult citizen who are Christian-oriented and patriotic-minded about America and who also live in a selected ZIP Code area with a primary permanent home or residence address ZIP Code  of 296 - - or 293 - -.

    Thank you for your responsible patriotic support of our vital natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services,

Lonnie Willoughby, founder and president of our parent company, ABC's of Health, Inc., and the founder and director of Americans 4 Justice-SC.


      You have completed a review of the very important and very valuable "free to review" introductory natural healthcare and wellness concepts education in this Home Department. 

      This very important introductory Advanced Natural Health Concepts education continues at this website in our Home Extension Department.  This additional education department presents more natural healthcare and wellness concepts that are very important

      Remember that Americans are dying prematurely at the rate of tens of thousands per week as a result of not being educated about the incredibly important healthcare and wellness concepts that are introduced in this website.

    Selected "qualified visitors" should responsibly review our vital healthcare and wellness concepts educational presentations.

     Before you leave this Home Department, scroll downward to review additional information that may be helpful to you.  You will also learn about the very helpful Index Register that is located at the end of this Home Department.

+ + + + +

Additional Vital Healthcare Concepts

are located in the

Home Extension Department

     Lon has additional very important and very valuable natural healthcare concepts education to share with you in the Home Extension Department at this website on your next visit. 

     However, if you want to continue reviewing before stopping your review for today, select the link below to transfer instantly to our Home Extension Department

     NOTE:  If you are using a smart phone or a tablet to review this website, you may need to select the proper TAB at the top of your viewing screen to complete this department transfer. 

     Watch the TAB change taking place as the transfer is occurring and select that active TAB - if the transfer does not actually occur.   

Home Extension Department Link

| Home Extension | Government Info | Litigation Info |
|Security Info | Contact ABC of Health | Copyright Info | Terms of Use
| Marketing Info 

Copyright (c) 2018 - 2024

ABC's of Health, Inc.

All rights reserved.

Introduction to the

Index Register

     Lon has developed an Index Registry that lists many  subjects that are presented in this Home Department.  This Index Registry will make it very easy to search for and find various indexed subjects for a convenient review of any education subject that is listed in this Index Register

     The Index Registry is the last subject shown below in this Home Department.  Scroll down and check it out.  See how easy it is to search for and find any subject that is listed in the Index Registry.

     The indexed subjects appear in the Index Registry in the order of their appearance in this Home Department

     Indexed subjects that are listed at the beginning of the Index Registry appear near the beginning of this Home Department (near the beginning of this website). 

     Some indexed subjects may appear in this website in many locations, such as the term "qualified visitors. This very important subject appears in hundreds of  locations in this website, but its first appearance is where the term "qualified visitor" is defined in some detail at the beginning of this Home Department.   

     The Index Register subjects listing below is only for this Home Department; other departments at this website may contain their own Index Register that will be located at the end of each separate department. 

Index Registry Information

for this
Home Department

(The Index Registry is located down below) 

     The Index Registry can help you search for the subjects that are listed in the Index Registry.  Helpful instructions are presented herein prior to the beginning of the Index Registry.

     Before you leave this Home Department, it is important for you to learn about the Index Registry that Lon developed for this Home Department

     You can scroll down to the bottom of this department to get a quick look at this important Index Registry

     It can give you an overview of various subjects that are published in this Home Department.  You can come back to this Index Registry later to conveniently review various subjects presented in this Home Department's education.

Helpful Directions

Index Registry

for this

Home Department

      If you are reviewing this website with a computer display, using a physical keyboard, you can use the Ctrl F (Find Function) to quickly find any subject that is listed in the Index Registry below. (using the two Control Functions that will be explained down below).
      If you are using a Smart Phone or a Tablet to review this website, you can use your Find Function to quickly find any subject that is listed in the Index Registry below, but the two Control Functions cannot be used with a digital onscreen keyboard.  You will need to enter the index subject words to search for the portion of this Home Department that contains the listed index subject words.

     In most situations, you will need to enter only three or four words in an index subject for the Find System to locate the subject that you are looking for.  

     The Find System converts all letters to lower case letters so you will not need to enter capitalized letters.  Lon has used some capitalized letter to make it easier to understand some subjectsIndex subjects that are category sub-titles are also capitalized for your easy understanding about these sub-title situations. 

     You will need to enter each letter, number, or space exactly correctly because the "Find System" does not tolerate any errors in spelling or punctuation. 

     Colors used for an index subject do not matter in an Index Subject search action.  Lon used some colors in the index subjects to make it easier for you to visually separate different index subjects in the listing of subjects.

Control Functions
for Computer Users

     The two control functions shown below can be used with a computer that has a physical keyboard.

     Ctrl C will copy a highlighted word or sentence.
     Ctrl V will apply a copied text to the Find Function Space that you want it moved into. 

     You can use the Ctrl C and Ctrl V functions conveniently by copying an item from the Index Registry listing and moving that copied Index subject to the Find Function window space when using the Find Function with a computer that has a physical keyboard (not a touch-screen type computer).  

     Use the Ctrl V function to move the copied index subject text to the Find Function window spaceThe Find Function will immediately search for and find the index subject text wherever it is located in this Home Department

     If that indexed text is found in two or more locations, the Find Function will indicate how many places it found the index subject text.  You can then select the arrow keys <  > to check the places where the index subject text was found - continue this process until you find the specific information that you are looking for.  

     Selected "qualified visitors" using a smart phone or a tablet to review this website will need to enter the index subject information into the Find Function window (one character at a time, letter, number, or space) to search for and find that indexed subject.


Home Department 
(selecting this item can take you to the top of
this department for introductory information)

qualified visitors

Where do "qualified visitors" live?

fortunate "qualified visitors"

serious problems and they are BIG MISTAKES

(Thinking that learning about natural healthcare concepts
can be done in an hour or two.)

natural healthcare assets

Why do people need ABC of Health?

major cause of bankruptcies

a matter of "life or death"

develop a better America in their area

less than 0.03 of all American citizens

other health practitioners can also help

very important character attributes

America has a lot of enemies (see Topic 9)

Nikki Haley
Stand For America

Americans 4 Justice Club

Communications with ABC of Health

email suggestions for "qualified visitors"

restricted access information
limited permission is granted

Reminder Notice

Why does ABC of Health diligently promote
Natural Healthcare Concepts Educational Services? 

(This lengthy item title will help you understand what this subject is about.  You will only need to enter about three or four sequential words to find this lengthy indexed subject.)

listed some very important books below

drugs actually caused thousands of patients to die

highly additive opioid type pain relief drugs

digital preview of books for sale
amazon dot com

Death by Medicine

Fight for Your Health (book title)

Codex Alimentarius

Fluoride, the classic example of fraud

serious health problems can be caused
(by drinking water containing fluoride)

books about fluoride

education on the internet about the toxicity
 (of fluoride)

www dot FluorideAlert dot org

reverse osmosis water purifier

additional books are listed below
 (about problems in America's medical systems)

more vital info about the medical profession

risky and dangerous education work

a private education club

Americans 4 Justice

our A4J club

what health education is introduced herein?

a brief overview of our educational services

Tragic Situations Notice

thousands die prematurely each week

Storybook Fashion Report

two main reasons
(for this autobiographical report)

American Judicial Systems

formative life experiences

confidence in Lon Willoughby

his sincere teamwork purpose with wife Janie

be patient with the author herein

the most important health-oriented
educational report

Part One of this autobiographical report

Part Two of this vital natural
healthcare-related report

about which nutrition supplement
products they should take daily

services that Lon and Janie developed
for ABC of Health to market (sell)

Americans 4 justice club member's dues

he and wife Janie invested more than 1.7 million

Historical Information

human life has improved
tremendously since year 1862

French chemist Louis Pasteur developed major

Colored Text Information

activate colored text viewing

use the keyboard Ctrl F find function

find on page function

three word link command
view full site

computers for use by library members

(give the website address shown below to library employee,
and they will quickly find the website)

Overview of this Home Department

 acquired public speaking skills
and teaching abilities

critical thinking skills

RADAR systems education in the U.S. Air Force

employed by the Federal Aviation Administration
 (June 1960)

Performance Development and Evaluation Officer (September 1977)

Lon's Education in Natural Healthcare Concepts

natural healthcare retail store work
(January 4, 1999 to April 24, 2014)

life saving information for some "qualified visitors."

Lon's Website Development Work

In February 2000, Lon moved our health store
on Laurens Road in Greenville to a location on Wade Hampton Blvd.

Six years later
(Lon moved health store again - to a
nearby location on Wade Hampton Blvd.)

Mauldin health store facility was closed
(April 24, 2014)

have time available to begin
developing an entirely new website

the average high school graduate
reads at about the eighth-grade level

Advantages of conducting
education on the Internet

qualified visitors

natural-born American citizens
who are Christian-oriented

Lon calls these special citizens "qualified visitors"

why it was absolutely necessary for us to develop our
 Americans 4 Justice private education club

Two Very Important Questions

Lon caught a very bad case of the flu virus
(from a visiting business associate while Lon
was unloading furniture on U-haul truck)

Coronavirus information
(face masks and social distancing)

Lon and The Medical Profession

Some of their work is done in heroic ways

during the current coronavirus pandemic

More Information About Lon's Life

improve their potential for healthy longevity
(Lon's healthcare consultations with clients)

Quick Overview of Vital Healthcare Issues

Copyrighting Natural Healthcare Concepts

purchased more than a thousand
natural healthcare type books
(for ABC of Health store library)



Oklahoma has developed statutory law standards

South Carolina is one of the most restricted
(states in the USA)

Premature Deaths in the USA
South Carolina is one of the most restricted
(states in the USA)

reviewing this death rates data can help

more than 40,000 premature deaths occur weekly

Do most American Adults Know Enough About
Vital Natural Healthcare Concepts?

Visit any large hospital
(parking lot info)

there are 24 modern industrialized countries that have
healthier people than people in the USA

Two Very Important Questions
(How are people going to learn that they need
good natural healthcare concepts education?)

(How are they going to get access to that
natural healthcare concepts education?)

Which books do American adults need to read first

Transfer to another website
(our main healthcare concepts education website)

Our main natural healthcare and wellness concepts (educational website)

Improving Premature Death Rates
(Lon knows how to do this)

financially and politically powerful forces operating 
within the USA that take in billions of dollars

have ruthlessly deprived millions of American citizens
from having very important access to

"robber baron mentality" healthcare competitors

Lon's personal experiences with medical doctors
(three health conditions)

Computers and the Internet

Lon bought his first computer system in year 1984

After the apartment complex was sold in January 1985,
Lon Jr. moved to Putnam County Florida

San Mateo Florida area

Litigation in Florida

Purchasing a Health Store
(December 1989)

Lon is enjoying good health at age 85+

Lon's Early Life On The Farm

Electric Services
Serious Sanitation Problems

Tiny Microbes Are Discovered
(year 1676)

Many children died before they were five years old

Bacteria were "Rediscovered"
(year 1862)

French chemist Louis Pasteur
(in France)

tiny microbes are able to duplicate themselves

heating process became known as pasteurization

Microbial Infections

Education Actions by Louis Pasteur

Hospital Maternity Ward Death Rates

midwife assisted birthing situations

The Civil War in America
(began on April 12, 1861)

President Abraham Lincoln's Family in Year 1862
(youngest son died)

Antibiotics, as we know them today
(had not been developed until 50+ years later)

thousands of American Civil War injured veterans
(suffered with dangerous microbial infections)

Modern Day Americans
(fast forward 150+ years after the Civil War)

Public Restroom Research
(men and women public restrooms)

restroom faucet control handles

Improved Faucet Design

Washing Hands - Practices

Social Handshake Practices

Hand Washing Hygiene in Year 2022

millions in the USA still get sick

(hundreds of thousands of those people will likely die
from those tragic dangerous microbial infections)

Modern-day Parent's Responsibilities

Nitrile Exam Gloves

Washing Hands - Reminders

Get the children involved

Faucet Design Features

Hand and Bathing Soaps

Helpful Bacteria Information

Water Faucets and Water Filters

Refrigerator without an Ice Maker

Why do Lon and Janie avoid iced drinks?

Temperature affects the way
digestive enzymes work in the stomach

buy high quality purified drinking water
(reverse osmosis or distilled water)

put that mixture in his handy food blender
(food in food blender - better chewing actions)

Take small bites and chew food very well

not authorized to teach our special copyrighted
(corporate trade secrets)
natural healthcare and wellness concepts

they can do that legally by simply referring
apparently "qualified visitors" to this
(introductory educational website)

Lon's Health Situation
(he developed a healthy diet and lifestyle)

pacemaker surgically installed at age 85.5

Severe Stress Factors
(20+ years of litigation in Florida)

20+ years of extreme emotional stress
 (extended Florida litigation actions)

very interesting details in the Litigation Info (Dept.)

Back to the Willoughby Farm
(wood burning stoves to cook with)

most farm families used wood burning stoves
(before getting electric service)

using bottled propane gas to fuel their
much better bottled gas fired kitchen stove

Food Safety Considerations
ice box appliance

getting Electricity to the Farm Home
(Willoughby's get electric service to their home)

the new electric water pump
electric refrigerator
install bathroom plumbing fixtures
take a shower bath conveniently

Telephone and T.V. Service
(for the Willoughby family)

fiberglass insulation
 (helped keep the cold weather out and
keep the warm temperature inside better)

U.S. Government financial assistance programs
Rural Electric Authority (REA)
part of the New Deal

Flash Back In Time
(think back and remember that early Americans)

they did not have electric power services
(or hot and cold water at kitchen sink
or indoor bathrooms with a toilet)

Heating Homes In The Winter 
(a major responsibility)

Lon's Education and Training

Lon attended 12 years of public schooling
in the Tabor City school system

Graduation From High School
(June 1954)

Mars Hill College
(September 1954 to June 1955)

Farm Duties and Responsibilities
(for Lon's parents and Lon Jr.)

College Expenses for Lon Jr.

Lon finally chose to join the U.S. Air Force
(September 1955)

U.S. Air Force Basic Training
(Lackland AFB, San Antonio, Texas)

"flight leader" for that flight of basic trainees
(Lon was selected as the "flight leader")

weekly competition
(30 flights in training squadron)

won every award that was available
(Lon's U.S. Air Force basic training flight)

transferred directly to the Instructor Training School
(Airman Willoughby transfers to Instructor School)

become an instructor for Air Force basic trainee

Instructor Training School
(excellent education - public speaking skills
and classroom education skills)

After eight weeks of special education and
training was graduated near the top of the class

Instructor Work
(for Airman Lon Willoughby)

for the next 18 months
(Lon worked as an Instructor)

marry his high school girlfriend (Margaret)
(travel back to Tabor City - summer of 1956)

One of the subjects that Lon taught to each new class of basic trainees was about Brain-washing

Lon's Brain-washing Education

(was very helpful to Lon Willoughby many years later
as he considered how medical doctors and medical nurses get seriously "brain-washed" when they go through their complex medical education)

Brain-washing about America's Judicial Systems

(Those very important litigation experiences enable him to be qualified to educate "qualified visitors" about the surprising and disgusting and frustrating level of deceit, fraud, and self-serving judicial corruption that is apparently common practice in many American courts (State Courts and Federal Courts).

those brain-washed beliefs
(are frequently terribly wrong)

He has more than 18,000 hours of litigation (experiences in
American Courts at various levels
 of litigation in State Courts and Federal Courts)

Long Term Value of Lon's Brain-washing Education

At age 85+, Lon knows how to help "qualified visitors" (become more knowledgeable and smarter about some very important subjects that can help them a lot)

Change of Military Career Fields
(summer of year 1957)

RADAR education and training

Keesler Air Force Base, Biloxi, Mississippi

33 weeks of electronics education and training

choose a successor Squadron Student Leader
(White Rope evaluated volunteer candidates)

The White Rope
(selected Airman First Class Lonnie Willoughby
 to be the successor Squadron Student Leader)